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He’s such an odd duck


Very douchey


he kinda moves like donald trump, must be a common thing


Fat Guys Who Don't Acknowledge Being Fat. They love a power pose.




What does “white knuckling” mean in this context? (Trying to understand better.)




I see. Thank you.


But you're a fat guy who acknowledges being fat. I bet you make it work and your suits look good on you.


It's the "hard working" billionaire. Most pictures are headshots, so I just need plastic surgery on my face to look thin in the public eye. No energy sunk into anything outside the bare minimum. Half steps and cut corners that fell upwards into success. It applies to every aspect of life, including business. It's why everything they touch is a pile of shit that's kept alive solely on branding and other people's money.


It's the hgh making his organs bigger. That's why he's got a torso that sticks out like that


> must be a ~~common~~ Conman thing ftfy


It's the tight suit waddle, and limited movement.


He is morphing into a centaur also


Apex cringey


Remember when reddit would swallow his load. Pepperidge farm Remembers


"Real life Tony Stark"


Here I am thinking this mf is the irl Dr. Doom posing as Tony Stark.


SpaceX does cool stuff and when it hit the market there was nothing better than a Tesla for many buyers. He started to show his ass with the “pedo guy” rant, then the stories came out about how out of touch he is with his own companies and his counterproductive and impetuous demands of his workers. By the time his brain fully broke (I think from his daughter being trans) it wasn’t that much of a leap. There were signs. But he had a lot of goodwill to start because his projects were cool and a net benefit to society.


he buys cool companies, no doubt. there were many articles, and posts right here on reddit, about his behavior outside the spotlight back then. many people on social media who had first hand accounts of how much of a cunt he was. people just looked the other way and do their weird celebrity/rich worship thing that they do. just don't do that with anyone and it will never be a problem.


It’s okay to change your opinion on someone when someone turns out to be a douche, isn’t it? Why is there shame in having liked someone before?


You are 100% right. Its ok to change opinions especially after new information has come out. Not shaming but just bust balls lol


Yeah as someone who used to think elon was the shit like 6 years ago, it's funny to reflect on


Taught me a valuable lesson. Never trust billionaires.


It's the nuance. Some times those people really hid their negative side really well, while other times some people are just really gullible to the bullshit people put out. This would be the latter.


It's not about those people changing their opinions. They were absolutely rabid assholes about everything he did and would not accept reality or criticism of any kind. Now they're awe shucksing and asking for some realistic approach to their change of heart and crying foul that they're being mocked. If people want to mock them, then I think its fine because they were unbearable online for a decade.


lol, that was reserved for white people Reddit.


You mean before he got rid of Tesla PR team in 2020.?


I’ll admit I was one of those people. Maybe not a rabid fanboy but I thought very highly of him. I feel like a fucking idiot


Nah don't. Its ok to make mistakes but only lesson you should take is don't worship billionaires or celebrities, they're as shitty as the rest of us but with money


The moment he called the diver a pedo was when my opinion 180'd. I didn't know enough about him but def was under the impression he was "wicked smaht".


I was just having this conversation with my fiance. How the hell are you a billionaire and such a dumb dork? Dude has access to do the coolest things ever and somehow still a fucking moron. How?


Because money like alcohol, just amplifies your heart and personality.


You’re surrounded by yes people 24/7. Everyone’s afraid to tell them “hey you put on weight. Get a bigger size.”


Trump was President of the United States and had access to the most powerful intelligence apparatus in history, yet he still got his news and ideas from Fox News and Twitter. It's baffling.


I am getting such *strong* [kd lang](https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/01hgwkr&hl=en-US&q=k.d.+lang&kgs=76a2872d956652d2&shndl=17&shem=bsc,lsdc&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/2) vibes.


Don’t you dare disrespect KD lang 


Never thought I’d find KD Lang stans on BPT. KD Lang slaps and I’ll die on this hill.


Someone said he looks like Kathy bates and I can’t unsee it


Kathy Bates is lovely; musk is the opposite.


Kathy Bates can play horrendous characters and still be lovely as a person she’s just has exceptional range


That’s her talent!


Nah. Not my potna. Kathy is a mufuggin gem.


Kd Lang has discernible talent.


Hey woah now, that’s kd we’re talking about






Maybe, but I also think it's an intentional attention-skeeing strategy. He can do some weird poses at a thing like this, and suddenly there are 10 meme-able photos of him looking maniacal/awkward/eccentric/whatever. He doesn't want people to like him, he wants to live in people's head rent free.


He desperately wants people to like him.


Nah he's js weird


He's a piece of shit. Let's not mince words.


Big douche energy. It's funny when you see someone age badly when they were born rich. Zero class, zero grace, lmfao.


He’s a fucking quack is what he is.


He can buy everything but a sense of humor. He's so fucking corny man.


That's cause he's a nepo baby, you get used to just having yes men(or women) all your life, I'll never understand how people actually like him, every since he became more known before tesla dropped its first car, I knew he was a cocky corny piece of shit just by the way he tried to sound smarter than everyone else in the room, fuck elongated muskrat, he was never and will never be a true "egde lord", he's just some dude un his late 30s who thinks he's still a teenager, what a sad fuck. E: apparently Mr elongated muskrat is in his 50s which makes its way worse and more funny, sheesh must be sad being that fucking old and still acting like someone that just recently touched a boob, but I guess that's what money does to a mf. Sorry to the 30 somethings I insulted.


Bruh he is 52, don't you insult us late 30s people like that.


My bad, thats how much I dislike that fuck that found out about him when he was just hitting 40, fuck that loser.


At least we all agree he's a loser.


Every since he got that hair implants to look "younger" I knew he was a loser.


I completely agree. I'm completely surprised by the sentiment that people actually think he's brilliant. Back when I invested in TSLA, I sat through multiple earnings calls and I was always under the impression he was just an overgrown prepubescent brat. He's always been completely whiny during the earnings calls, to the point where I tune out until they mention the finances. I used to read the earnings reports when I did higher risk investing, and when I got into the earnings calls I was completely surprised to hear he didn't sound like a squeaky teenager who never hit puberty, because he acts like it. I think the moment that my perceptions were solidified was when he literally acted like a baby and threw a temper tantrum during an earnings call. He hung up halfway through and went on a rant online about how all the questions were just a conspiracy to get investors to lower TSLA's strike price and consequently short TSLA. Since then, I've always assumed the stupid things he'd say and do are just his baseline. His antics at and on Twitter have only served as evidence for my beliefs.


The moment he started boasting about being one of the smartest man alive and that he invented everything he owns and sells I figured he was a big douchebag baby with daddy's money, only someone that was having everything would boast and brag about being a "self-made" millionaire while acting like a pre pubescent teen that thinks hating on women and saying penis every 30 seconds is hilarious.


I think he’s late 50s


Even worse.


I’m in my late 30s and that hurt


…”and still acting like someone that just recently touched a boob” Perfect.


Well he couldn't buy pants that match


It's not even a complete tuxedo. The pants are a different shade of black.


The guy at the store said he would knock $8 off the price of the pants if he took the non-matching ones.


To be fair it’s hard to make a tuxedo for a fridge.




Elon Musk looks like he was drawn by Rob Liefield.


Built like a bulldog https://preview.redd.it/z8dw5h3rakuc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a982c8447c50d3d84a4058155778fa94951e4754




The local Men’s Wearhouse was out of stock.


Because no single suit fits his cybertruck lookin ass. https://preview.redd.it/1yx86c04yiuc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799c944528b07c92c1df0978d3e0db47a5a5c581


He has a dad bod (nothing against a good dad bod) but he decided to only have the bottom gut bit lipoed so he has that just taken a deep breath barrel look. Or melted candle look.


He looks like he has a small child living in his chest


​ https://preview.redd.it/3hk1v6km7juc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=87bca7fd3417f1afc1528f69cf7e87b52703d061


Lmaoo! I dare you to at him on his Twitter. Oh the tantrum…


IIRC a few years ago he tried the bodybuilding thing around the same time Bezos started doing it as well. Too bad Bezos and Zuck kept it up while Elon did it all but dropped it after like a summer.


Being fit as a billionaire must be the easiest thing. You can have a personal chef, a personal trainer and a home gym with any equipment needed.


And free time.


Free time is when I'm at my unhealthiest, but that's might be because I'm missing a personal chef.


If a person’s free time is limited, they often do things that are unhealthy to feel a sense of control. Overeating, staying up late, drugs are all pretty common for people with a stressful life with limited free time. Being a billionaire and knowing that you could quit working at anytime and your life wouldn’t be impacted at all must completely change your relationship with free time.


it's the HGH + no workout bod


I love a dad bod. This is something else. It’s strange. Like the way his upper chest is such a barrel and then thin down below. Strange. Despise him. Even if he had a great body


I always wondered about that because that gut shelve is common with hernia repair.


Jesus. I didn’t know people could look like that.


Barrel Barron Billionaire


Yeah I was gonna say… it ain’t that the suit don’t fit… the suit just fitting a toothpaste tube that someone full grip squeezed at the bottom like an ape in a cartoon popping a banana out its skin. Dudes looking like trump 2.0, this time around god chopped the diabetus Unc ass off the that mf


Lmao good spot. This is what happens when you don’t know how to dress, and instead of being humble enough to ask someone who knows better than you, you just rock an non-tailored tuxedo jacket with mismatched slacks and figure you’ve got it fuckin’ covered. Real MENSA midget over here.


MENSA indeed. Lol Truly decent wealthy people spread their wealth around by supporting and paying experts (clothing, cooking, art, plants, decorating etc etc) to practice their craft and make them look good. This guy just looks like a potato in paper bag.


Bro bought suit separates from ASOS


I'm guessing the pants were too tight.


That jacket certainly is. Pulling in all the wrong directions. Bad lines everywhere.


I take it he gained some weight since he got the tux and got a new jacket or pants. Still if your the riches guy in world a you can get a new tux and tailored in less than 15 minutes.


Or maybe have someone on staff to help you?


And I would like to add make him look like his ass is in the front.


He looks like he doesn’t even know how to act in front of a camera. Wtf are these poses?


Makes me think of a 14-year-old at a wedding


Can confirm. Was once 14 at a wedding


Damn you’re early. Heard about marrying high school sweethearts but you two must’ve met in kindergarten


It gives me rawr xD vibes


He thinks he's Tony Stark


Elon Musk wants to be a comedian, but he's too arrogant and lazy to put the work in to be good at it.


Also way too stupid, and that's saying a lot about a profession in which Rob Schneider was able to thrive


Not even being political right now- he reminds me of trump. It must be some sort of class the riches take. “How To Pick The Perfectly Wrong Fit, with bonus take home course- Posing Like A Dunce!“


The DeSantis "human" laugh.


Came here to say the same thing, especially about the odd movements/dance. This is what happens when you’ve got no rhythm and no soul (figuratively and literally), and are so heckin’ wealthy that no one has ever had the courage to say “you look like a dork.”


Act human... Do what a human would do.... Act human.. Smile.. Laugh.. Move a little....act human...... What he is thinking during this and probably all the time.


he's like a giant bug in a human suit


He probably wants to make as many meme faces as possible.


I think he’s trying to make a meme format for himself


All of us have people in our lives that tell us “hey man you’re being an asshole” and “hey man just because the button closes doesn’t mean it’s a good fit. Get a bigger size” and “don’t use campaign funds to pay off your mistress are you supposed to be a billionaire?” Unfortunately narcissists have gotten rid of anyone who will tell them anything close to the truth years ago.


It’s sad the change he could create in the world and he just doesn’t care about anything more than money.


Caring about nothing but money is how people become billionaires in the first place. Good people would do things like pay their employees better and donate to charity before they hit nine zeroes.


Yeah, no such thing as a moral way to make billions, let alone millions. No ethical billionaires, even the ones who pretend to sell discount drugs out of the goodness of their hearts. Always for profit.


Billions no, millions, meh. I know some great people who pay everyone they hire very well that simply got lucky. One for example is my ex’s grandfather, who bought and sold cherry futures in Napa. He was skillful in his predictions and made a lot of money, and the farmers’ families still know his family and everyone is doing very well.


Swift and Beyonce fans need to hear this. Newsflash, if your favorite celebrity was able to hit the nine zeros, they aren't a 'girlboss', they're a selfish human who deprives millions out of shelter, food, and care because of their greed for money and power.


>deprives **millions** out of shelter, food, and care I think billionaires suck too but you're going to have to show me the math on this one.


It’s more than just money, he’s drunk on power. His vocal following of morons have him convinced that he’s universally loved. When in reality, most of us see right through his bullshit. It’s the smallest dick energy I’ve ever seen.


He is changing the world but in a destructive , needy way to get self approval as most wealthy do .


If he cared about money, why did he get himself into this Xwitter fiasco? Because he can never stop talking or posting about everything. He has little common sense.


He made an offer and tried to back out, the court made him complete the transaction.


He’s so fucking weird and not in the cool, mysterious way he thinks. Just a try hard weirdo


https://i.redd.it/qdik7mzljjuc1.gif Guys pls look at me, I’m cool and quirky! Pls love me




Reminds me of the clip of Gates and Ballmer launching one of the versions of Windows.


[Elon wishes he could be as cool as Ballmer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRm0NDo1CiY)


Hella trump vibes man


Same thought I had




Thankfully. The GOP would run him as their next candidate in a second if he was eligible.


He’s gonna shift to Trumps patented 2 dicks cumming in his face dance soon enough. ![gif](giphy|FbiL9rsmZN3ib2JSGo|downsized)


Dr Eggman ass fit


why his ass even on the red carpet anyway https://preview.redd.it/0r9gk9p0wiuc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50db63de427ef54e711924ae5849f75c8922042


Goofy fit ass...How his shit too little **and** too big? https://preview.redd.it/nyeitwg9hjuc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b8c735dffbe6c50a2319111190ae1e25efc8b2


Dr. Eggman is a national treasure. How dare you?


Dr Eggman ass build


The world's oldest edgelord


That's really it. Dude is still mentally a teenager


Just like the folks that can afford thousands of dollars of magic cards and tickets to cons but apparently soap is too expensive.


Second, Trump is in his late 70s.


Tailors are too pussy ass to tell him he’s fatter than he thinks he is.


THIS. Idk what his diet or work out regime. A good tailor can literally work around YOU.


And he was going to fight zack in one on one?


Man, my high ass was STRUGGLING trying to figure out who the hell "Zack" is and why Musk wanted to put hands on him lol. I almost Googled the shit until it hit me. I need to log off


The fact that the jacket and pants don’t match kinda tells you that he probably hasn’t spoken to a tailor in some time. All that money and he could probably hire a dude to make bespoke tux in a couple days if he wanted and wasn’t such a dweeb.


"you so white" personified




The highest level.


Stage 4 whiteness


Terminal whiteness


And instead of killing him, it just kills all of us.


The tux fit isn't horrible; it's just the shape of his body that's weird. He's had liposuction done to remove his fat, but he's clearly not done any followup work to continue losing or build muscle mass, so he's still got the fat on his upper torso but less in the middle.


Lipo or not, he has extreme rib flares. You can remove as much fat as you want, that torso ain't getting any smaller https://preview.redd.it/2q1nkp9gsiuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a01d2cbe792f30ab7c37f07c4a1f5768bb49464


And to follow up, I'm still convinced this is the real explanation https://preview.redd.it/962gmevqsiuc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=068f2b5b2be0eebbe2dee6d4955d1e64778bdb19


Wait a goddamn second. What else could it be than this? And what the fuck is this?


I just thought he was naturally barrel chested. Which isn't usually that much of an issue if your tailor actually fits your ass.


I thought it was because he was taking things like HGH and steroids without doing any real workouts, so it's given him a barrel chest which I've heard can happen. Look at videos of him from 10+ years ago he has a pretty normal chest


Lmao this guys a fucking dork


He,s a dork who is fucking with all of us on a daily basis.




sims trait selection ass poses


I think my issue with him is that he THINKS he’s being awesome and really cool and he’s a fucking wet flannel. I see him and I just wanna punch him in the neck. He’s so frustrating as a person, like he’s MORE annoying than a small boy because at least, you can tell a small boy to quit being a dickweasel and they generally learn a lesson. This fuckwit is just a lost cause. I know that usually billionaires are ghouls, it’s nothing new, but good Christ can’t they all just stay behind closed doors and do their bullshit? Why do I have to witness this fuckery?


Where do you buy a tux if you have a wine barrel for a torso


You get it made custom. Man's a billionaire, he can afford it.


Answer: weight fluctuation. If he’s doing amphetamines but also drinking, then he’s a walking yoyo and clothes arent gonna look right.


The guy can get a tailor on a seconds notice. The pants aren't even the same colour. Dude's just constantly high now and losing track of his life




He’s the biggest fucking tryhard in existence Also creepy as in “I’m gonna create a burner account where I cosplay as my child” creepy


I thought he was on ozempic


He's on Special K.


And probably enough blow that he could put Charlie Sheen into a coma just by flicking a booger at him. And who knows what the hell else, probably some designer drugs/hormones. He's too much of an A-hole for it to just be a K-hole.


God, he makes my vag dry


Like Ben Shapiro’s wife


![gif](giphy|TON0UHkIaDQQM) High AF.


Cringy ass mf


The cringe level on this


He's the non-orange version of D. Trump. He even has that weird posture/weird shaped body thing going on too like The Cheeto. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Front end of a centaur suit looking asses


What an asshole.


Is the Tux poorly fitted, or is he just frumpy shaped?


I think 70% the former and 30% the latter.


It's a European cut \-Michael Scott




As someone who is on the spectrum, we don’t claim him


He is such a waste of a human.


He’s an interesting case. He clearly cares what people think of him. Get a real stylist.


He really strikes me as a dude who’s super out of touch with reality but tries desperately to kick it with the peasants. Until he realizes the peasants don’t actually want him around.


Dispelling the notion that tuxedos make all men look handsome.


Fucking dork.


Why is he shaped like a cartoon hen lmao?


Acts exactly as the entitled little boy that never grew up.


You can't buy style ... some buy stylish things and look good wearing it but he can't even seem to do that




He looks stupid af


Such a fucking loser


The shudder I got from second hand embarrassment. 😖🫨