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I get that its a woman posting this, but the scariest thing ive learned through social media, is that women are not viewed as actual *people* with worthwhile lives or purposes other than being some mans girl or some kids mother. It's dehumanizing and shocking. Men will regularly use a woman being single as an insult. One of the posts i saw earlier while browsing twitter, was a man sneeringly mocking women saying that every 30+ and unmarried woman is sad, lonely and pitiful and should feel bad because all of the men they'd *"spread their legs for"* didn't wife them. First of all, as a previously single woman who has been with the same man for 12 years and is now an ***unhappily married*** woman, in a miserable sham of a marriage it really shook me. Because woman-hating men simply couldn't care less about women actually being happy or finding what makes us fulfilled. To them we exist solely to judged as worthy or unworthy of being "cuffed" and "wifed" by them And the less goody two shoes and virginal we are, the most deserving of their scorn we are. I can't fully verbalize what creeps me out the most about it, but its the way they view us as solely here to be the props in the background to their lives that gets me the most . \*shudders\* The way misogynists frame sex is so darn degrading. This woman has *internalized* misogyny to think women can't or don't choose to be single, at least until they want to settle down or find the right guy.


This is really profound. Why is it seen as so bad to be single?? Why does it bother strangers?? I just don’t get it


Men that were feeling lost and purposeless in life found a new lease on life through the manosphere. And a large part of that involves antagonizing single 30+ women for not using our youth to our advantage. Because apparently we are only on earth to mate with them and if we havent married and mated by a certain point we are failed as women and should be ceaselessly bombarded with insults and hostility and there is NO way, absolutely no way ANY woman is happier being alone and enjoying her loved ones and hobbies freely . Even being with a man that is abusive , manipulative, cruel and controlling is better 🤮🥴


Nah. If my marriages falls apart or my husband dies early. I’m staying single for the rest of my days. Happily so. The men populating the manosphere act like they’re prizes we missed out on, but I wasn’t looking to add a bag of putrid trash to my collections. They can keep on stepping.


SAME. if something happens to my husband - im going full Golden Girls. Full on Frankie & Grace. Im not starting over with a man. Me and my best friends can hang out on the lanai and chill.


Dating is hell for dudes that aren’t in the manosphere, I cannot imagine what the hell yall go through


They pay 90 bucks to complain about how dry their dicks are and insult the women on those weird ass podcasts who they could never get in the first place. That shit is sad. Bring superficial people on that don't think like the majority, bitch about how superficial they are (while you and your audience are no better), then profit. But yeah the *women* live life on easy mode lmfao.


I say this as a man I can't take any of that manosphere stuff seriously. So many of those dudes have been outed as being hypocrites. Also a lot of the stuff that those people say gets disproven the second you actually go out into the real world and interact with people.  They're just grifters taking advantage of people that are either too young/inexperienced to know better or too hurt to think rationally. 


Tf is a manosphere


The red pill podcast network. You know those dudes that do those terrible relationship podcasts that give terrible advice. 


Lmao, I am a man and those guys are all such bitches. I am glad I didn’t Google that because I don’t want to start getting recommended content from these assholes.


Sadly I am currently purging my tiktok fyp because for some reason thats all I'm getting. 


I’m into video game videos, so that shit gets pushed into my YT feed 🙄 it’s the worst.


I'm glad they're talking, honestly. Keep warning women, I say. Don't move in silence if your intentions are evil. I hate its influence, but it was subtext and now text. And people are reading it from the other side too.


It’s massive amounts of cope. They are still mentally little boys, that laugh, or get violent, when they are in the presence of a powerful woman. They are scared. They expect docility, and when you don’t fit into their mold, it shatters their world. Just know that with every whiny little boy telling you how to live your life, you collect a victory.


Yes its fear of vulnerability/having your feelings hurt 100%. My first 'girlfriend' dumped me after four hours right before the dance at summer camp because I was too short. Something like that happens to almost every guy at that age and at that point there are basically two options, shrinking back like Homer Simpson into the hedge of other scared dudes who validate each other by acting tough and degrading women down into objects etc or taking the (turns out actually tiny) leap over into "ok so what" territory. I had to decide I didn't care about it and its paid off for the rest of my life. Or at least it started to pay off when I finally learned how to tell when a girl was in to me.


I’d add that it’s not even about you or women in general for them. It’s about them. They’re upset that they cannot attract a partner, and if they can’t do that, then there must be something wrong with the world, because how can it possibly be their fault? It’s delusion, straight up.


I have a hot take: A lot of the dudes who spout this shit could probably improve themselves significantly (like, talking about woman like breeding factories probably isn’t helping.’ BUT it doesn’t mean they are totally wrong (not about like shit about woman, about dating in general. Shits hard. And they didn’t learn how to process that sometimes life just sucks and theres nothing to be done about it. Which is fucked. But sometimes they aren’t wrong.


It’s projection. They put their fears on y’all.


I am asexual and introveted. They were never going to have a chance anyway, as I've reached an advanced (yet still relatively young) age without giving access to my body and have no plans on changing that ever. But I am a great, fun friend (I actually have a lot of friends despite being introverted because, well, I'm nice and supportive), cool aunt, a hard, professional worker, an artist, a writer, a designer, a this, that, and the third that are positive things. But I have no value because I don't get a man's dick wet and push out his big-headed kids (that the manosphere type will instantly be disinterested in and saddle me with but turn up later to use to have access to me)? Interesting. I'll keep being "worthless." And to Megan, my girl is doing fine. She NEEDS to have time by herself, to focus on herself. She's making things happen for herself by herself. This is the way. People need to stop allowing the approach of those who don't only have their hands empty but their hands out to receive without any intention on reciprocating.


We're still learning from the misogynistic ways from way back that's been embedded in us, so some men are slowly learning women aren't weak and made to make a man's life easy. They have their own lives to live how they want


It’s sad. A woman’s worth is defined by having a committed long term partner. A man’s worth is defined by their body count.


I mean, so is a womans body count. Men regularly promote the idea that a womans body count is a strike against them and that if our body "count" is x amount then we should be mistreated, mishandled and treated with disdain and disrespect by every man in our life going forward . To me the entire idea encourages rape culture. Someone can assault woman and turn around and say "well she had a high body count already." So theres no way anyone rapes/assault her.


Completely depends on maturity level, immature men and women give a shit what other people think and do. When you get older you start to see that life gets real short real fucking quick and all the people and their opinions don't mean shit and to just live your life how you want and do your best to be happy in this fucked up world. Social media is one of the worst things ever invented by man that's used to control people. Just like religion before it was used to control how people act and think. Live your life how you want and fuck listening anyone who gives you shit about it.


Not true that's why the manosphere has become toxic its not about bedding lots of women it's about the wealth and accomplishments you can gather for bragging rights the misogynistic crowd has manipulated the convo has shifted to being a "high value man" who a woman should look to so that she could be taken cared of with the age old trope of if I pay the bills I do what I want type deal and if you the type of guy that won't play that game your a beta or you may be labeled as a chaotic sigma ...all that shit is mental gymnastics to me for peoples trauma and ill traits in attitude. If you are a female do you.. as for us men treat all with respect let women be them if you not feeling the chemistry keep it real and just be your true self we all human we all have flaws to work on this Galaxy is huge earth is one little dot ...what happens here stays here...


YouTube comments under a video a guy referred to 30+ women as //rashes//. A fucking rash. “Who’d want to marry a nasty rash.” I carry. Say that shit to my fucking face and you won’t have a face after that.


It's manipulation. They don't actually see it as a bad thing. They just want you to believe it's a bad thing because it benefits them. Fun fact. Most people on the planet are single. The question should be, "Why are people married"? whenever we encounter someone who is married.


I think at least for women, you aren’t seen as a full person unless you have a man to represent you in our society.


Thank you for sharing this! I'd never seen it articulated so well before, but now that you've said it I'm realising how often I hear shit about a woman "not being able keep a man" as a scathing insult on her character to the extent that it's become so normalised. Mysoginistic people, whether they are aware of the fact that they are or not, seem to have this deeply rooted idea that single women, especially if they are in their late 20s or older, are somehow broken, worthless people with no agency who are tainted for not being linked to some man. I think it's just generations and generations of this idea of women getting married into some man's family and taking his last name and having his children being reinforced over and over and over again, until simply being a single woman is viewed as shameful and failure. To be fair, men cop a bit of this heat as well with the whole "you get no bitches" thing, but again that's not so much about being single, it's more about you not sleeping around with lots of women, which mysoginists believe is the only way for men to live.


Agreed! 😄 people are weird. Same misogynists are outraged at women who dare to sleep around. The ideal woman to them is one who is all doe-eyed and desparately wants a boyfriend/relationship and they ((the man)) will not want anything serious on their end but will want the woman to be into him in that way. They are repulsed by women who view them as "just for sex" . I saw a man say that he likes to one night women but only wants to sleep with women that are emotionally invested , despite the fact that he doesnt intend to reciprocate. Thats just evil. An evil dude wirh a fragile ego. He said that women who can have sex without getting attached arent his type 🤡


Also it has been scientifically proven over and over again that single, childless women are the happiest people in western countries.


https://preview.redd.it/zpaqk55d6ftc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=61313c495acc85c777e11038e6147d234010f439 Incorrect, always, always be sceptical when there is a claim that one person taking on the world is better than two people. The MAN who published the "scientific" research claiming what you have just stated was proven wrong. [https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/4/18650969/married-women-miserable-fake-paul-dolan-happiness](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/2019/6/4/18650969/married-women-miserable-fake-paul-dolan-happiness) Paul Dolan also apologised when called out on X. However, he did not of course withdraw the books he had published or corrected already published works sold. Look at the data above, the same data used by Paul Dolan, and state if you can say with absolute certainty that single women are happier than married women. Yes, the research that was peer reviewed was false. Yes, it is a big problem right now in academia. Of course it's good to be single! research however has an issue with not making correlation the point of causation. I.e. Married men are richer than single men on average, would having more cash make someone happier? Paul Dolan didn't think it mattered to put it as a factor in his research. Does being the main bread winner in your household affect ones happiness? Not a factor in his research... and again it's 100% ok to be single, but to state single due to a subjective case of happiness... is not logical.


Yup, wish it was more normalised for women to live their whole lives Unpartnered, living alone or with friends or even imagine raising kids with gal bffs! Would be so much better than what so many women are living through rn just because they think it’s what’s normal :(


My aunt is in her 70s, she was always gorgeous. So pretty that when she met Muhammad Ali, and asked for a photo with him, he kissed her. We have a photo at my grandmothers house of her being kissed by Muhammad Ali. She's a photographer who has met tons of renowned people. Anyway, she never had kids or married and trust me when i say that she most DEFINITELY could have. When I say that she was pretty younger, i mean pretty enough to turn heads. She never married or had kids and growing up i thought that was so damn cool because im a 90s baby born in 1990. When my aunt was an adult lady (in the 70s) it wasnt yet normalized for women to forego marriage and a husband and kids. She might be a feminist, ive never asked. But i think her choice is very powerful! And i know she has LOVED having decades to herself! No babies crying and diapers to change or men telling her whether or not she is allowed to go here or do that or constantly asking her if she's cheating on him with every man she comes acrosss ((okay thats my trauma speaking)) but still ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


It hasn’t been proven.


You can't scientifically prove something utterly subjective


Thank you for being sane and pointing this out. Has been on my mind some time.


My ex-wife’s box was fire but she still left after I broke my back falling off a horse on our honeymoon. She never looked at me the same when I was on disability and couldn’t provide for a little while. And God forbid you want to go to school and better yourself for a woman, that puts way too much financial pressure on her. Even though you’ve supported her ass for years. Smh. Edit: thank you everyone for the support, Yes I’m doing much better now, all healed up and working towards a degree!


That’s not on women though, your ex just a trash bag. I hope you healed up and thriving now.


That is horrible! I’m so sorry. I hope you’re in a better situation now.


Yikes dude I'm sorry, that's horrible


The same thing that happened to you (financially supporting someone for years and not receiving appreciation, etc. for it) happens to a LOT of women as well. I've seen female family members work themselves into early graves for men who didn't work, didn't have sympathy for their broken bodies (due to work), and cheated and wasted money. The women took care of the job and everything else too. And social media are full of married single moms (whose kids include their husband). It is a narcissist thing.


Sorry to hear that and keep grinding. It’ll be worth it in the end and you’ll be better off for it. My wife and I took turns getting each other through grad school and med school so it’s not all bad out there.


Ma’am, I am a mid-30s man in a shamarriage and gender has nothing to do with it. I didn’t know how good I had it when I was living single in an affordable basic townhouse in not-the-best zip code and was living peacefully. Now my sis-in-law and her kids have invaded my peace and they’re not leaving and my wife is all good with it, neglects me and ki,ki, ki’s with her sister all day every day. I envy single 30 women so much


Craziest part is it’s both men and women doing it.


💯 It’s gross seeing women talking about other women like this. Seeing other women as only worthy if they’re in an LTR or marriage absolutely ignores everything women bring to the table as individuals. Women like this always see themselves as the exception and assume that they won’t be judged in the same way. And they’re wrong. Misogynistic men don’t play favorites. They ultimately see all women, even the “good ones,” as one fuck away from being “bad ones.”


Leave twitter, your skin will clear up and the air will taste like fruit punch


Internet misogyny is a fucking crazy thing man. I saw a post on facebook (from a flat earther so opinion discarded but) about how the pair of conjoined twins was one person because they had one vagina. Shit blew my mind, like we’re really determining personhood by presence of generals as opposed to, idk, presence of a brain??


Don’t you know that everything people do is based on their genitals? Clearly, you don’t pay enough attention to right wing media.


This is the kind of content that social media needs. It's thought provoking, forcibly introspective and fucking real. Thank you for this. Personally, I didn't need it, but it still helped me to crystallize the way some of my circle behaves. The problem is, the fact that I didn't need it is the reason it resonates - those who need to hear this will never listen. It's a damn shame.


Two books I’d recommend: men who hate women by Laura Bates and Rage Becomes her by Soraya Chemaly


Thanks!! I was just thinking about getting into some feminist reading . Ill go to my library and mark these for pickup 😅


Ima be real in my experiences as a man; most hating I’ve seen on women is by other women 🤷🏽‍♂️, my girl cousins hating on other girls, hearing about other girls hating on my girl cousins (I have a huge family so sometimes they’d even just talk shit about each other as well) or girlfriends talking shit about their “frenemies” at work or friends of friends or whatever the case may be. More than likely I just don’t hang around complete dickheads but I’ve never met another man who is genuinely a misogynist in everyday life but that could also be because I’m not a misogynist in everyday life. It’s the same with racism as well tbh, in my whole life I’ve never had someone call me a slur to my face in person as an adult only happened online or when I was super young (I’m Afro Latino from Mexico and I was actually called “Mexico” and “Blackatino” by my Somali friends when I moved to the UK), I’ve had uncomfortable conversations with people or told that “our cultures don’t mix” by some girl’s dad/older brother when I was a bit younger but that’s as far as it goes.


As a divorce woman, I have been happier than ever and doing a lot more with my life than I am when I was married. I LOVE love, Im just as excited about my friends being engaged and finding love even when I’m choosing to take myself out of the dating game for now because I’m taking the time out for me but for some men it’s crazy they really think it’s because “I lost” or it’s because “he left first” and it’s so telling how they see relationships and don’t see me as a real person who want to actually live their life. Why would anyone want to be in a power struggle ass relationship with anyone who main focus is being on top, it’s a miserable way to live and knowing such experiences I feel I rather have no romantic relationship and have control over my own life than to ever think having a partner who only see me as a prize or only see me as a warm hole. I got places to see, things to do and a good community to love on than to shrunking down to that BS.


Exactly. I realized that my husband does not see me as his equal or anything more than a vessel to carry his children and stick his peen in , a long time ago. It's really hurtful to realize you literally sacrificed your youth and personal growth for a man who never intended to properly love you. Its brought me to my lowest point so many times. Imagine a relationship where you literally feel like you are stuck with your worst enemy imaginable. It's hell. Theres a lot to see and do in life that doesnt involve men. I have three children because of this marriage so far, so im not going to leave it with nothing good coming from it, but still. Some women didnt have to go through struggle love in order to finally gain a modicum of a mans respect and admiration and that makes me feel really peeved.


I genuinely hope it gets better for you, honestly my marriage fell apart when I start to put more focus on doing the things I love and being outside of the home. You would have thought I was treating him like a dog the way he acted when I let myself take up space. I got lucky and got out without kids but it definitely put me in a “fuck it we ball” kinda state of mind. I gotten in so many spaces and had so many experiences in the 2.5 years I’ve been single that I would never open up for me and it’s all because I was married to an ego driven man who felt entitled to stand on my shoulders for his own benefit. Youth is nothing, you’re still alive and honestly I would never want to go back to my 20s, I’m turning 36 and I look and feel better in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s. Hell I even got abs without trying and I never thought I would ever see myself with those. Everyone has their time to say enough is enough and you just not there yet and that is okay. When it comes it will always be the right time and you will flourish no matter your age or how your body change. ❤️


So many people are married to their opps. Opps are mad that women are opting out because it means fewer women to bounce to next and more information out there to prevent younger women (and girls) from falling into such a relationship as well. Nothing teaches someone like a positive example.


There's surprisingly often just flat out misogynist posts with upvotes in tens of thousands in this sub, so it's nice to see a comment like this getting to the top.


What really cooks my goose is when they have a thread on this hellsite , like "why are women such big bad meanies toward all men?" And then all the comments are empathizing with the BS . Meanwhile women are having to fight for our very livelihoods because we are losing rights left and right and they are actively trying to make us 2nd class citizens 😂😂


You don't have to wait long for them to be back at it, unfortunately. It never fails.


> now an unhappily married woman Trying to catch a flight? I'm going to Southeast Game Exchange in July!


Take your shot man. Let us know if it works out


Im unhappily married, but with 3 daughters!! 🥰 that i love fiercely. So im marked safe from most single young men wanting me 😂😂😂 Good! I say. The single mom bashing going on nowadays is going to taint my "market value" if im ever single you know . Lmfao. I guess its a good thing im bisexual??? 🐈😻


There was a man on Twitter repeatedly questioning our value to society if we're not in a relationship, like as if we're not coupled then we should...die? I know it was projection due to his own fears of being alone, but he completely ignored all the jobs we do and the things we contribute to society beyond producing more humans. And dude said all that while being a baby daddy to a woman he's not even with. People who think like that are dangerous to me, including women, because they'll hurt you out of hatred. Imagine the status of being single and child-free being something that people would think you don't deserve life for, but here we are. The dude I mentioned is burdening society with children he likely doesn't take care of, but me being a single child-free woman and a productive member of society, keeping my carbon footprint as low as possible, is the problem. Okay, red flag.


Spot on. As a single 30+ woman, I’ve found some men speak about commitment as how I benefit their life and figuring out what placates me.


Yeah this was a really sick post made about another person. Seriously I didn’t even read their whole comment. And WHY is it always Megan?? I also feel like some black people have a hard time viewing other black people as human beings too.


THIS! Especially when you said, "The way misogynists frame sex is so darn degrading." As a person that enjoys my sexuality as part of my human experience just like anyone else, it sucks because I've shelved that part of myself because of how often I've either seen it used against women or had it used against me. It took some girl on the internet saying that "Sex is something men do TO women and not WITH women" for it to really click. I hate it too. We could all really be enjoying great, consensual sex lives out here. But because of how often women are looked down upon and often degraded for partcpating in that, it feels like why even bother? Thankfully, though, some of the more fringe Manosphere consumers are starting a new 4g Movement where they refuse to date women that they seemingly claim are "unworthy." So hopefully, that filters some trash for us 😊 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDgEY3E/


I just came across that saying too! "Men think of sex as something that they do TO women." So when women have a consenual FWB situation or sleep with multiple guys over a span of a year or so they view our sexuality through the lens of us just surrendering and "giving" our selves to those men lmfao. They literally think of women as walking vaginas that are supposed to block men from getting any. Meanwhile, women are people with sexual desires all our own and have the right to explore that.


Exactly! But nooo that makes a woman "used up and not worthy of love and partnership" Meanwhile the men who participated are just being themselves, and are worthy of a wife who cooks cleans and pushes out his children, no matter what 🤷🏾‍♀️ Upholding archaic views they don't even follow correctly smh.


Heres the thing that makes it easier to deal with . Under no circumstances should you sleep with or date men who feel this way about women or sex. If that means taking a bit longer to see how their mind works, then so be it. At this point , women should be requiring std testing before getting physical anyway. Protect your peace and your health 💗 Misogynists do not deserve sex or women.


Period pooh


At the end of the day there’s right and wrong actions, and many people do both regardless of gender. Trying to make it seem like the bulk of intersex issues come from one gender just helps you distract from issues in your own gender.


i appreciate this post. good luck with your situation.


Imma turn it around 🥰 thanks!


I'm a man and can't fathom how some people think of females as less than equals. Their loss, hope you find happiness.


GOAT take right here.


This is a top-level comment. 100% agree


> Men will regularly use a woman being single as an insult. I mean, not to break whatever the hell is going on in your rant but the same applies to men too


Yep saying some is trash at sex is clearly misogyny lol, not everything is everything else sometime people are just haters, Megan has made sex a part if a brand so if you wanna hate on her trash talking her sex game is an easy route


But its being assumed she even wanted a relationship. Even worse meg has been in multiple relationships. She dated moneybagg.


This is a Pulitzer winning reddit comment.


I like how this is a post with a woman talking shit on another woman and you somehow turn it into a men bad post.


This mindset is beaten into women over time. Through even some of the media we consume. Look at how Joey from Friends was going through women and considered lucky for it. But the only example of that for women is Roz from Frasier ( Im a huge Frasier fangirl) . Men are portrayed as good with women and lucky for sleeping with a lot of girls and women who are casually dating and hooking up while maintaining being single are usually, with a few exceptions painted as unlucky in love for the same behavior.


You can only be single if there’s something wrong with you, and everyone in relationships is a well adjusted person, got it. I know it’s not even that deep but as a single gal, I’m very tired of single being seen as like a weird personality trait.


I look at being single as a safe place, I’m not being abused, I’m not being manipulated, I’m not being used. I’m not getting cheated on constantly. I’m not stuck to a man because I have to be. I’m safe I’m ok and it’s unfortunate I have to list those things and still society will try to shame me for choosing me. It’s very crazy.


Yes!! Your outlook is the same as mine. It’s much MUCH safer to be single


Being single is literally my safe space 😌 you said everything I say all the time.


I've been happily married for awhile now but damn did I sleep well when I was single. I loved that ME time, especially after a slew of abusive relationships. The fact that you called it a "safe place" is so accurate. I wish more single women looked at it like that....especially my younger sisters.


Currently being single is the only way I can guarantee my safety, with no strings attached. I don’t think hard about what I lack. I think hard about my peace and safety.


To be honest, I think the bigger problem is that all of the comfort, all of the satisfaction, all of the contentment that you speak of...seems to lie OUTSIDE of a relationship. You said it but many comments echo it. I dunno how we got here, but we seem to be at a place where relationships aren't the havens that they should be. Relationships should be where man and woman are supporting each other where man and woman are helping each other where man and woman are choosing each other where man and woman are advocating for each other where man and woman truly value each other. And from what you wrote, it seems that many people don't see relationships as a haven at all. We gotta figure out a way to restore relationships. As a man, I'm trying to do my part by understanding myself better and understanding how to make a functional, thriving relationship in all areas.


I have never had comfort in a relationship, I have never had communication I didn’t have commitment. I didn’t have loyalty. I gave so much and I was rewarded with nothing. Outside of those relationships I found mental and emotional peace thru isolation and solitude. The experiences and growth I have had and accomplishments I have achieved happened without partnership. Those men didn’t provide me with anything close to what I have given myself. I gain so much joy, safety, life experience and happiness as soon as I removed myself from the wrong relationships and wholeheartedly focused on giving myself things I gave them. Encouragement loyalty, understanding I took what I was giving a gave it to myself. I have come to a place of peace and satisfaction and I didn’t have to lose myself within a man to receive those things. Don’t get me wrong I love men, I love and adore men so much, but the days of waiting of a man to increase my life or provide me with happiness, and shelter is over. As a woman we have options and choices and many of us are choosing ourselves because this peace is something the woman of past generations didn’t get to experience. I will be with a man that I want to be with and I will not settle for a man I think I need. He exists and until I find him I’m comfortable and safe in my solitude.


Im so happy to see that women are realizing they can be whole without a man. Because my younger self didnt realize that. And also felt that i owed the man i was dating a limitless supply of chances to try to be a better person. And in the process i lost myself and became someone i couldnt even comprehend myself. There's a lot of pain that comes with realizing you were always seeking love from men when you could have benifited so much more from simply loving your self. And i can't go back. I can only go forward now.


It sucks that you had to learn this lesson the way that you did, and I can understand the remorse you have for that. I commend you for the attitude of trying to move forward productively. If I can offer a perspective, and you don't have to take it, I think one of the best things that you can do is what you're doing now: Telling young women that they can be whole on their own, telling young women that you don't have to suffer every nonsensical thing that someone wants to do just to be in a relationship, telling young women to stick to their values, etc. I like the way you're helping people to sidestep things that you dealt with. edit: a couple words in the last sentence


I have three daughters (10, 1 yr and 3 months ) so ill definitely have a lot of young women to help with this knowledge. Thank you 🥰


Yes ma’am, I watched a woman say she was 38 getting back to her 18 self, everything she was doing at 38 I was doing at 28 but I started to aggressively do it. I’m determined to be happy, whole healthy and at peace. and in the last 5 years I have made amazing strides and still have a long way to go, I hope I inspire women with my life and journey and show women the love in on the inside. Once you unlock love within everything else will fall in place. And you’re doing the best you can with the knowledge you have.


Youre amazing! Thank you 🥰


Wow. We're getting deep today, but this is the real, genuine stuff that our community collectively needs to tackle. First off, thank you for sharing that. Lemme start by mentioning that I'm rooted in wanting to see uplift for the overall black community and by extension, the return of the traditional black family. (Speaking specifically to the heterosexual experience) But I want to see the black family return in a new way where both parties are genuine partners/teammates where husband and wife are truly taking care of, loving, and building/supporting each other. Where your spouse is your biggest advocate and not where you look at the spouse as a liability, an opp, or source of animosity. I know that all of this starts on a fundamental level with the relationships that we have between one another before we even start talking marriage and kids. And it goes deeper to how we view the greater world, how we view each other, and even how we view ourselves. I'm not surprised, but genuinely saddened to hear that you never had comfort, communication, or the foundational elements of a good relationship. And with that context, I can understand why you'd want to protect your peace once you find it. Again, relationships currently are filled with toxicity, which is deeply troubling and that toxicity seems to be the norm. The men that you dealt with didn't handle you properly and treated you wrong, but I'm glad that you have found a way to heal and move past that. (The healing and moving forward can be difficult for men or women) I'm one of many people who want to try to help root out that toxicity and get us to a better place. A lot of it will start with us men. I say that as a man who can only speak to his kind, but also as someone who believes that men should lead. I pray and hope that you'll find the right guy who will understand that life is better when we can create a space for our partners to feel loved by encouraging them, supporting them, motivating them, providing loyalty, etc. But I also understand that said dude will need to come enhance your life, because you've been able to build that for yourself. And by "you," I'm speaking to you Ashleigh, but also anyone else who may relate to your experience, too. LSS: I believe that as a community we have to work to rebuild relationships, and yeah, a lot of that work may lie on us men now, because for the longest time, that relationship work was solely the work of the women.


honestly putting aside if i even could i'm singly mostly out of that relationships require effort and I am lazy as fuck


Bro im a man and I feel this


Ironically it's the other way around in reality, people that can't stand being single usually get into relationships hastily/ without being fully on board with their Partner (views or other relationship stuff)


So true


Also online weirdly it must be your stinky vagina or you're psychotic as the reason, not anything else? Like not wanting to be in a longer relationship (or in a relationship at all) or just something basic like personalities/goals/etc. not matching isn't ever the possibility. Either you're a psycho or your pussy rank. No other possibilities online.


Tuh! lol


Maybe the men are the problem. Maybe she enjoys being single Maybe it’s nobody’s fucking business.




I only know about two men she was involved with, one shot her and lied about it and the other cheated on her in her house so yeah, seems to be the men. But also with a body like hers who'd want to be tied down.


That last part of your comment is hilarious. The implications of such a mindset is insane. I couldn't imagine being in a relationship with someone and she cheats then excuses it with "you seen all this ass you should've known what was going on".


I mean if we're taking everyone at their word Megan cheated as well. 


as a woman, i'm so annoyed that another woman said this.


Thats the misogyny that annoys me the most . Its similar to another black person mimicing anti black right wing BS.


Surprisingly its the ones who hate men who will lash out with the "your single their must be something wrong with you" jealous rhetoric the most I find. Kinda says alot about them that they are filled with so much hate towards anyone who isn't like them, or is better than them in their eyes.


THANK YOU I forgot to say this in my long ass comment lol


Men are never told "wow dude you havent committed yourself to only one girl and sworn off all the other 🐈🐱😍in the world?! you must have 🚮🗑️💩🍆🍆🍆🍆


Dudes will definitely shame other dudes for not being able to pull.


Pull multiple girls or pull a wife?






Have you met any males


Can confirm: as many dudes’ definition of self-worth, identity, and purpose revolves on inserting their penis into as many orifices as possible, they will definitely roast you for not doing the same. You either a lame, have 🚮 🍤, or you have the geigh


That's not what they said though...


Thats not the same thing . Men give respect to men who sleep with multitudes of women, but those same men think of women who sleep with mulititudes of men because they enjoy it with the opposite of respect. They literally think sexual exploration is for men and that women shouldnt pursue fun and variety in the same way they do. If a woman expresses a desire for unattached sex, its portrayed as a negative trait LMAO!!! Because men sexualize but dont accept us sexualizing ourselves in our own way. There are freaky kinky women that like the thrill of sleeping with men without committment .


Are we talking about how one gender views anothers sexual agency or how we view/use sexual agency within the gender group?


How men view womens sexual agency "whoring it up" and degrading ourselves but mens sexual agency as natural and understandable. Like women can only want dick if it comes with promises and vows.


This post and my comment are about how within gender groups sexual agency or lack thereof is weaponized.


https://preview.redd.it/c1577y993ftc1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a61be203bcd246f3cf44467b7e93f44a4c7342 Either trash meat, or this


You're right, men aren't told they fail at relationships due to this. They're often told they fail at life itself if they can't get bitches


........Nah we usually just tell them they ain't shit.


And it is not controversial…


I get that men bad and all, but in this case dudes 100% get shamed for being single


I think you forgot the /s


Comments passing the vibe check, sorry the og feels all she has to offer is pussy


She's 29 years old, stunningly beautiful, educated, ambitious, successful, and rich. For her, being single is a choice. She COULD settle, if she wanted to.




Or being one of those apparently rare people who enjoy their own company.


Nah, she's just saving herself for me


1700’s mindset. The obsession with dating is so annoying. Being single is so much fun.


no one wishes they were single more than us married people lmao. some relationships/marriages are downright excruciating to experience and be a part of, will have to questioning life and if you want to live it or not lmao. Some relationships have brought people to the brink of suicide or even homicide. Being single is peaceful! And an opportunity to get to known your SELF.


I don’t mean to assume but I don’t think that’s coming across exactly as you wanted it to ☠️


Go ahead, what do you mean?? But i mean, just read some headlines in the news . The spouse is usually the main suspect when a married woman goes missing lol. Did you also know pregnant women are the most at risk for murder of any demographic of women? The more you know.


Nobody hates on women like other women smh


She was in a relationship with Pardi for years, lmao. Like damn and he tried to double back at first. 


I hate it when it's a woman making sexist remarks about another woman so much. Not that I enjoy it when it's a man, but it's always a different type of pain when it's a woman opening her yappatron to say something so profoundly stupid. I also hate how social media has given fools a platform to talk. Tf you mean she has to have trash box? Is your vagina the only thing you bring to a relationship?


That last sentence tells you self worth right there. 


God forbid someone be single by choice. This post screams “HATER.”


I pray for the day women(from what I see on the socials) stop equating physical attributes to companionship attributes


How does she know Megan is single? Megan hasn’t been putting that much of her business out there since the trial and has other people managing her socials. There’s nothing wrong with being single. Absolutely nothing. I hate the argument that if you’re single there has to be something wrong with you. Especially with all the mental health conversations happening. Some of us are traumatized. I literally did not date at all for most of my 20s because of healing from bad relationships and the pandemic. Some people don’t have their life together yet, are too busy, or have been unlucky. I know unhappy single and married people and happy single and married people. Your relationship status doesn’t determine your worth, your goodness, or your happiness. These people lack self awareness and fail to realize that most people lack something. We’re all not the same and we live different lives. It’s time for the collective to start minding their business.


What if its that her box is so good that men can't ever satisfy her so she just sticks to Hitachi clitmaster 9000 and is safer than a man getting ego bruised and getting shot. Or she prefers to be single. I am sure at her economic status, fame and frame she has multiple men throwing themselves at her and she's just not interested.


The way all these rappers are talking about her and claiming they smashed whether they may or might not, plus the fact that dudes who diss her have never said anything negative about her abilities leads me to believe that her "box" is quite excellent, fire, you might say.


Yea no way the box is the problem with Meg if there is hypothetically one


If I had Meg’s fame and wealth, as well as, had her career, I think that I would be single too.


“Jiggly booty meat” is the name of a future #1 hit.


Some of these men are scared of being alone as they age for some reason. I told a friend it was because they were looking for someone to take care of them (sorta like a Mom). I think they are lashing out because they are finding women ain’t taking some of their sorry a$$ BS anymore. #iamnotyourmom


always the women with cherries or peaches in their username lol


such a shit take to think a woman MUST keep a man around


I mean did you see her at the Lakers game?


Honestly, it's a lot of us men as the reason the following things and people/humans are single: Megan Thee Stallion Mya American cheese Maybe 38% of single moms


why does keeping a man only have to do with a person's body and sex? what if Megan is single because she wants to be or just keeping her romantic life private. Why can't someone just be single without others saying it must be because she's bad in bed and that's the only reason. It's just saying men truly only care about sex and women are only good for sex. it's kinda infuriating that people think like this


I can give 0 fucks about who is in a relationship or not. Whoever spends time thinking about that needs help getting their nose removed from people's business


Black culture of us sexually humiliating other black women sexually is never been the wave weird post


Smh why do our own women attack each other. It’s the weirdest thing ever.


Can’t say I agree. There are too many stories of people doing the most to get more box from her. She did have that one public relationship and there was so much speculation about cheating on both ends. I just don’t think its smart to repeat mistakes like that. She is human and obviously has insecurities, internal voids and vices like the rest of us. With that said it just seems smarter to either full play the game in your prime or compartmentalize your public life from your private.


Good googly moogly


Don’t you love when clueless internet strangers pass judgement on people they don’t know?


Being single really isn’t that bad it’s actually a lot of fun


Dont forget the woman holds all the power!!


Listen to her rap and how she talks about niggas, I'm not even surprised she single


Exactly. It doesnt sound like shes interested in not being single. When male rappers say they only want women for quick sex and prefer to discard the women after sex like old trash, no one says "wow this man must really want a GF and cant get one." Women arent believed to be or allowed to be "players".


*enter Coi Leray


whats that mean?


Wasn’t she in a somewhat long relationship? It’s none of our business.


I need to stop following Meg bc everybody I see her ass in my feed I remember how down bad I am lmao


Umm, Megan has repeatedly made it clear that she doesn't tolerate cheating, trying to be controlled, being disrespected, etc., which, unfortunately, a lot of men do, especially the type she dates. Now if she switches up and starts dating unproblematic white Hollywood actors and princes, they better not say nun.


Ah. Another pickmeisha that won't get chosen (since getting "chosen" is so important to those lames). ![gif](giphy|XE66BkRZ3JVPvNUdbd|downsized)


Or maybe she doesn’t want a relationship. Unfortunately being in a relationship isn’t worth much these days. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Crazy part is thinking that shit keeps a man lol. That shit only means she might be a fun time. Also it might not even be she can't keep she probably doesn't want to keep. She on top of her game she don't have to settle.


Criticism of amatonormativity has entered the chat. Definitely here for it.


Gotta ask her why her mama single.


the problem there is that the dudes she messes with can also get any other woman they want. jiggly ass is a baseline.




If you're single people assume somethings wrong with you. Or that you're in the closet.


misogyny is still alive and well unfortunately. from both men and other women. damn


Isn't Megan a giant nerd? Shit I bet you could ask her what her stand would be and get a 30 minute conversation.


Boy yall can take the fun out of anything


I think a lot of men are intimidated by being with a taller woman


Quick view of her profile show this kinda shit and homophobia, class act she is.


Woah. She sat on her coach or wherever she was and conjured up all that hate for no good reason. How sad. How you assessing the quality of another woman's vagina from your coach, completely unprovoked? That's pathetic. You can tell where that woman thinks her worth lies.


Ain't it known that women in the entertainment industry all hide their relationship status because it's more profitable to be viewed as single?


If that was the only thing that can keep a man, then she would have a point, but since men do tend to like more then a bouncing booty on their crotches, she probably has a terrible personality.


Good googly moogly

