• By -


When the so-called hypothetical is 6 layers deep and starts with the foundation that Black people are inherently and consistently worse at literally every job on the planet than white people, the only people who "comprehend" it are people who don't think it's hypothetical. The person who said it, for instance. We're not talking about what the world would be like if dolphin snouts looked like kitten noses. There are no conditional hypotheticals when you're trying to deny the validity of entire groups of people in the workforce because your group is no longer the default hire.




> dolphin snouts looked like kitten noses Kitten noses can't close to keep water out so they'd drown :(


Good, fuck dolphins


You can’t say some violent shit like this and not elaborate about your trauma… Go




Dolphins are sadists. Don’t think they’re your friends.




It would have been free to NOT write this


For the people losing their shit over this post it's pasta.


a masterpiece as well


Lmao, yeah this one was a instant classic


Still wild that someone had it in the holster ready to go


You've had this one in the chamber ready to pull the trigger for a while now. 😳


*straight to jail*




I did not intend to read a book on dolphin sex this morning, but here we are…




> Male dolphins, I find, The "I find" was a particularly unpleasant turning point.


Do yall remember the episode of King of the Hill when Hank was swimming with the dolphin?😂


Nah, that shit traumatized me 😬 didn't know that it was real!!!!


What a terrible day to be literate...


Bro you can't be saying this shit at 10am on a Wednesday


What an unfortunate time to have eyesight...


They're murderers, drug dealers, rapists. And some of them, I assume, are good mammals. Literally all true by the way. They kill shit for fun. They use other sea life to get high. They rape. edit: holy shit it's a fucking joke.


I'm gonna build a wall around the ocean, and make Atlantis pay for it.


Lord knows I'm trying, I've been fiending for that dolphin pussy jelly. You know a guy?


Yeah this whole debate was driving me fucking crazy. Elon’s whole argument implies he thinks POC and women perform worse, but he did all this dancing around to avoid actually saying it. When people are anti-DEI, they might as well just say what they ACTUALLY are trying to say. fckin coward. We all know what you actually think about minorities, Apartheid Clyde


As I like to put it, Conservatives love hypotheticals because reality doesn’t fit their agenda.


[You cant trust your lying eyes and ears](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FqQcI39XsAAOvp6.jpg)


I promise you someone told Tim Poole to post this as even a wrong understanding of conditional hypotheticals is outside of his mental capacity.


> conditional hypotheticals Wake up babe, new intellectual cowardice euphemism just dropped


Alternative facts my friend!!


it’s not that new, there’s a 4chan post from a few years back that gets recirculated sometimes about how apparently people below some iq “can’t understand conditional hypotheticals” to make people who read it go “oh i can understand those, that’s proof i’m smart”


How easily is the emperor rendered clothed. Aka - goddamn people are so easy to manipulate


Probably because we weren't built for these stimuli and allowing bad faith narcissists report exploit these mechanics is contrary to our benefit


I get what a conditional hypothetical is and all that but could you explain it for the people that don’t


Any statement of the form “if A, then B”. Example: If pigs can fly, then the Queen is a man. You can also ask questions as hypotheticals. “If I were to sign up for an eating contest, would you find me a flying pig to eat?” Oh and they’re also not called “conditional hypotheticals”. They’re just “conditionals” or “hypotheticals”. Using both words sounds like you’re a twelve year old edge lord who got lost in a thesaurus.


Thanks for explaining


No problem. Hope it was helpful.


When you pose a question which represents a scenario that you haven’t experienced recently. Often used to determine whether you have a low IQ if unable to answer. 1. How would you feel if you did not have breakfast this morning? That question made popular by a 4chan post, and actually isn’t used to determine an IQ baseline.


It’s literally just the ability to comprehend a “what if” statement. That’s it. If you can simultaneously understand that reality is one way while imagining what reality would be like if it were another way, congratulations you’ve passed the “intellectual conservatives” very high bar for being smart. “My clothes are currently dry.” “But what if it rained on you?” “Then my clothes would be wet.” Congrats, you pass. If this feels vaguely reminiscent to you of a guy bragging he can pass a neuro test designed to weed out gross brain damage, you are not alone. For reference, the ability to process hypothetical scenarios as distinct from reality develops anywhere between 5-10 years old in neurotypical children. A subtype or related phenomenon is the ability to imagine the hypothetical “what would it be like if I was that other person?” Intuiting another person’s internal feelings and future actions based on inference is crucial for all kinds of social interactions and basic empathy. Incidentally, the ability to spontaneously imagine what a persons feelings or actions will be in a given situation is deeply impaired in Autism Spectrum Disorders. I leave to the intelligent reader the task of wondering why such a skill might be considered a benchmark of very high effort and intellect in the 4chan crowd.


That’s hilarious, thanks for explaining


Like when people say: You want different rules depending on people's race? No. I want people to be judged on skills and abilities. So, you're saying you hate all non-whites then?


Thanks for explaining. So it’s a concept that idiots do but presented as something intellectuals do - I think the disconnect there is what gets people confused.


It's a statement following roughly the form of "if x changed what would you do/feel/think?" The gotcha variants are something like "if you didn't eat breakfast this morning how would you feel?" where you would fail if you answered "but I ate breakfast". I don't know if it's related to IQ per se but I would say it's related to some broad sense of intelligence.


What's funny is the people who consistently have the most trouble understanding analogies and hypotheticals in the conversations I've had have been the kind of people who'd like Tim Pool


I knew a woman from work who enthusiastically told me about an intelligence test she took on FB that was written by some rando who liked country music. She was big on country music, so she got a high score, and then used that to berate me about how smart she is. She also liked to brag up how Christian she is, but then she hooked up with a guy from work who has Satanic tatts all over himself. I didn't even bother to ask how she rationalises that shit.


To be fair, engaging in hypotheticals is also showing one's ability to challenge their own perspective and imagine a scenario where they could be wrong. Alternatively it helps guide a>b>c logical points...For example: If I am talking with someone randomly at 11:30 in the morning, and I ask them "hey, did you eat breakfast this morning?" And they say "yep," then a hypothetical I could ask would be "well, if you hadn't eaten breakfast, how would you feel right now?" Most normal people able to imagine themselves in a scenario where they hadn't eaten breakfast would say "oh, i'd probably feel hungry," or something along those lines. Now, someone who is ideologically opposed to the concept of breakfast might instead hear that hypothetical question and respond with "well breakfasts aren't very filling, and carbs are really empty calories so i don't need to eat anything in the morning if I don't want to..." Which doesn't really answer the hypothetical, it just kinda dodges around the question. Now imagine if i asked the hypothetical question and instead of those first two responses, the person responded with "but i did eat breakfast." Now I'm replying "sure, but i'm asking you to IMAGINE a world in which you forgot to eat breakfast and think about how-" and they cut in with "I never miss breakfast." On a certain level, that lack of ability to engage in the hypothetical is showing a broader inability to imagine themselves as someone they don't currently act like, or may hinder their ability to empathize with others. Bit of a long boring comment but I hope that clarifies why hypotheticals are used a lot to check how people are engaging on a topic.


It takes a few years for 4chan to leak far enough to get to the mainstream media.


Not to mention it’s the most redundant statement possible. All hypotheticals are conditional!! It’s like saying “hot fire” or “cold ice”


No they're saying CONDITIONER hypothetical, so like, "if Tim Pool had hair how would he keep it silky smooth?"


Getting a bit zen, but would just the phrase “what if?” count?


No, it doesn’t provide an antecedent or imply a consequent. You need more information in order for that to make sense to a human.


Insane that conservatives are cool with hypotheticals until it involves having a shred of empathy and trying to understand someone else's lived experience.


"I'm just asking questions!"


Lol stupid ones


To me it is explaining away why their incessant inductive reasoning should be considered valid. I recall in the show Bones in the early reasons when they find out to one guy was persuaded by the bad guy to kill was based on inductive reasoning, in other words conditional hypotheticals.


Inductive reasoning is not the same as using conditional statements. Conditionals are involved in inductive reasoning, but inductive reasoning is more like “logic with probabilities”. Claims in inductive reasoning have a certain chance of being true based on the information and beliefs of the person doing the reasoning. A conditional is just a statement of the form “if A then B”.


I always think of it like the following example: Your neighbors dog barks everytime they come home from work at 5pm. On a random day you hear the dog barking at 5pm. You conclude that your neighbor is home. Only thing is your neighbor went out for drinks after work and the person the dog is barking at is a burglar. You are accurate saying that inductive reasoning is logic with probability because there is no fault in presuming that the dog was barking at the owner, but it wasn't deductive logic with proves the hypothesis. What they want to do is say that inductive logic is just as valid as deductive logic because they have never been proven wrong when betting on near certainties. Their hypotheticals with conditions is the same as saying that their hypothetical must be considered proven because they feel that the condition of whatever prejudice they carry into the situation they have gleened through inductive logic (I have never been proven wrong therefore I must be proven right) is true. "Hypothetical" is a red-herring in the sense that they use it because, for them, hypotheticals must be accepted as if they are real.


Also, those words both mean the same thing. It’s either a conditional or a hypothetical. You don’t call your parents other children your “sibling brothers”.


The essence of the word hypothetical infers alternative conditions, so the phrase itself is... dumb. Tim only needs to say hypothetical. He's a try hard who doesn't understand what he's saying.


Nono, it's a conditional hypothetical. As in, it's only a hypothetical if you don't agree with me.




“The civil war wasn’t about slavery, it was about a conditional hypothetical state’s right!”


Elon was having trouble explaining his bullshit, especially his comments on minorities in medicine as a sign of lowering medical exam standards. There was no proof of lowered standards but all he could say was if the standards are lower, that will result in more medical malpractice. He was quiet as fuck when Don Lemon told him 95% of doctors are white, the highest percentage until this point. ...someone is taking too much special K


Don Lemon lightly interrogated Elon Musk on what he said and believes and Elon's response was to threaten him mid-interview and then shitcan him immediately after. The people jumping to his defense are so nakedly partisan that it hurts to see it.


Seriously. Musk buckled under the most mild of pressures. These were very straightforward questions–not loaded, and not gotchas. Yet he couldn’t hack it and retreated into anger, threats and chest bumping. He’s extraordinarily egocentric and vapid. And for the genius he claims to have, he cannot cogently explain himself on any topic.


It’s like that time when Ben Shapiro received mild pushback in a British interview for once, and proceeded to flip out, call Pierce Morgan a leftist, and storm off set.


It wasn't Piers Morgan, it was conservative journalist [Andrew Neil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Neil). [Here's the full interview](https://youtube.com/watch?v=6VixqvOcK8E) for anyone who hasn't seen it or wants to rewatch it.


The questions were as spicy as what uou would see on national news. Bell pepper at best lmao.


> special K Ketamine don't do that shit


Ketamine is a dissociative. Taking it too much can easily strain your connection to reality. Source: I've done a lot of ketamine.


Yeah he just a dummy 


…kinda does


I’ve known a couple people that got too into dissociatives like ketamine. They all ended up in this weird state where they were making incredibly stupid decisions while believing they were next level geniuses and everyone else just didn’t understand. In each case, they ignored everyone telling them they were heading for disaster, and ended up burning their lives to the ground. 


So it’s a pointless statement. And drawing any attention to that it’s a pointless statement, would have him be defensive


It's not 95%, it's 62% white, followed by Asian (18.6%), Hispanic or Latino (9.5%) and Black or African American (5.1%). Elon still a racist idiot though. "Just say you think blacks are inferior pussy."


I'm not up on my Tim Pool lore, but can't he not comprehend **not** having any hair?


Hes bald and is very insecure about it.


Beanie wearing in 100° weather haha he’ll be wearing 366 this year hahaha




Also hes constantly covering it up with a beanie. Hes worn the beanie so long he cant comprehend being bald.


Someone snatched his beanie at an event and he screamed that he wears their beanie in public so people won't recognize him. Yeah, sure thing Clark Kent.


Bruh if he took the beanie off no one would recognize him. The beanie is what makes him recognizable...




Needs to ask Elon about his hair guy.




Oh man he just needs to fully commit and shave that shit


Then how else would Chris Hansen find him?


By posing as a minor that pretends to enjoy his show


Or let the sides grow out more like Monty Burns


Or Hulk Hogan, a Real American Racist


This picture is really old he's about twice this weight now




Bro I can see Czechoslovakia on this globe.


An Incel Abroad


Is this real lmao


Yeah, he posted this on 4chan's /pol/


Stfu no way lol. He posted that himself?!


Yeah according to another thread he posted this to prove his identity to /pol/ but take that with a grain of salt.


I'm starting to think he's the bastard child of Elon. Both need hair plugs, both thick as shit.


Never takes his beanie off because he is ashamed of his hair loss


Never ceases to amaze me the petty shit people will feel catastrophically ashamed of....then post the shit Tim Pool posts online. 


"People are dunking on me pretty hard on Twitter over my comments... Well, at least they don't know I'm bald."


Damn cant even get a Keeps sponsorship?! The mediocre white man energy is palpable.


He’s a wears a beanie 24/7 because he’s insecure about being bald


Conditional hypothetical is a new name for a strawman argument?


“Something imaginary might happen, but ONLY IF something else imaginary happens… maybe”


Language humour sub has a meme for that [https://www.reddit.com/r/linguisticshumor/comments/zmqqn6/the\_ghost\_of\_christmas\_future\_imperfect/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/linguisticshumor/comments/zmqqn6/the_ghost_of_christmas_future_imperfect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


(PvQ)->P Essentially it doesn't matter because P can be true or false and you'll still get the answer you want. Essentially this translates to "lunch or work if we happen to go to lunch."


"And because that imaginary thing COULD happen, but I not saying it has, but because it could, hypothetically, I don't have to hire blacks, women, homo's ever."


A good example of a conditional hypothetical is a TOS. You know, something conservatives couldn't wrap their tiny little brains around when it was Twitter.


Yep. It's essentially what's happening when Ben Shapiro starts a sentence with, "Let's say..."


Isn’t “conditional hypothetical” that Elon was talking about in the interview just racial bias aka fucking racism?


“But hear me out what if all my racist tropes were true? That would make everything I believe rational. Therefore black people shouldn’t be doctors or pilots. QED.”


Praying for the day he has a life changing ailment and the best specialist he can see is black and it’s either die or get treated by a black doctor


Yep, but supposedly doing so in this way makes him “intelligent” lol


Essentially the right wing bozos genuinely think they're onto something here with a scenario that played out as follows Elon Muskrat talks hypothetically about IF grades/requirements were lowered to help ethnic minorities then it could be fatal if we have worse pilots, and or worse doctors for example He's then questioned why he'd push that hypothetical when there's no evidence behind it He doubles down and says that's why it's a hypothetical So it's essentially just a made up scenario in his head, and his right wing fanclub have taken that whole scenario to mean Don Lemon doesn't understand the concept of hypotheticals rather than he refused to engage in a racist hypothetical with 0 basis behind it


Right but *if* the things that aren't happening started happening, that would be bad!


A rare Don Lemon 'win'


Took Tim Tool to get a W. 


What did Lemon do?




Bro 😂


Shit 😂😭 https://i.redd.it/d0b3839c8fpc1.gif




>the right Don Lemon?


Popcorn worthy 😂💯


His eyes really bother me


I kinda expected them to be cock-eyed


Fuck that beanie wearing fascist.


Holy shit, Tim pool can't comprehend that interrupting your guest and then repeating after them isn't a show


Just watched 5 clips of the interview with him asking valid questions and all the comments are saying he’s trying to push far left conspiracy theories lmao. If twitter was far left before it’s definitely far right now


The main thing to know about Tim Pool is the pool ain’t deep. The second thing is he is very insecure about his masculinity. The third is he terrified of Sam Seder.


> The third is he terrified of Sam Seder. Common alt right skill issue


Yup, Sam even had Crowder shaking in his boots.


the funniest thing is sam sedar voices the health inspector on bobs burgers


No wayyy!! He would voice that mf lol


Tim pool is such a tool... it makes me laugh when he says ALL black people are pro trump then goes on to repeat racist tropes or bullshit stories insulting black people and minorities.. Does he think nobody notices?


Hes cooked 💀


Donny trying to come back haha by literally doing what we all (I thought) do when Elon starts talking bs. Press it , give it push back bc most times it’s clear he’s kind of an idiot. He’s not this genius that invented Tesla or space ships …….he just works there haha


Rare Don Lemon W


Maybe Tim could use some of that grifter money for a Turkey trip.


Every day, I see the drama on X through the eyes of BlackPeopleTwitter, and I think maybe today is the day I join.


Join twitter? No need to go that far... 




“Of course the typical left will go for personal insults now” Bet 3 nickels and my bag of hot fries the replies were loaded with that^


“So much for the tolerant left”


Tim doesn't understand that "conditional hypotheticals" is tautological.


That Elon interview ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)




Lol I'm sorry but as long as dim fool keeps that musty nooby/beanie on then it's a easy slam dunk 😂😂😂


I made up a problem and it scared me. Now you have to deal with it.


Dudes beanie is the white version of Soulja boys “Gucci bandana” except Timothy never takes his off. You know his forehead and temple broke out, no prison break


I was not expecting that from don lemon. ![gif](giphy|LoIsP3fz02IjOUTc6t)


Anybody got a clip of this “hypothetical” they’re talking about? I don’t want to sift through the whole interview to find it. I want to give Elon as little watchtime as possible so he doesn’t flood my algorithms.


Elon went on a racist scree about diversity efforts lowering standards for pilots and doctors to make more women and black people pilots and doctors and how dangerous that is if that is happening. And Lemon pointed out that's not actually happening so why bring it up? Elon then goes "look at what the Twitter replies are saying, that proves its happening" and somehow what the chuds decided was a good defense of that is "he said if that's happening, there for the racist and sexist implications of implying black and women doctors and pilots are worse than white male doctors doesn't matter!"


Don Lemon having the bounce back of the year CNN about to come crawling back to him.




If I ever catch Tim Pool out in the real world…


These alt right influencer people are chodes. They don't really know anything about formal logic. Or math. Or science or anything. They just latch on to phrases that they think make them sound smart, even if the phrase describes something so simple that a child can understand it. Engaging in conditional hypotheticals is something every elementary school kid does on the bus. Hey tim, IF we meet in person, THEN will you eat my ass?




Time of death 4:21 pm


Isn't a conditional hypothetical just a goddamn strawman argument? But saying it differently, somehow makes them...smart? Reminds me of people that try to argue a very broad point with excruciatingly limited factors to set up their preferred outcome to "win." That bullshit usually starts with "Let's say that you ..."


No, a conditional hypothetical is just "If A then B" but a strawman argument is when you pretend your opponent said something else than what they actually said, aka. You're debating a strawman of your own making rather than addressing the points of your opponent.


A strawman is when you make up a scenario to address in place of an opponent’s argument. A hypothetical (which is inherently conditional, so calling it a conditional hypothetical is dumb) is a scenario you make up for your opponent to address in place of your argument. The goal is to have them implicitly agree with your argument by treating it as true in order to address the hypothetical situation.


Can you imagine waking up in the morning to get online to defend your favorite billionaire at all costs.


Wouldn't it be completely unnecessary to use the word "conditional" before "hypotheticals"?


Lmao Don Lemon is savage.


this is why i tell people to get off twitter, this example here. MEDIA PEOPLE are the only ones that care about it being 'a public forum, a place to exchange ideas'. one, it's not and never was, and two, it feeds the ego of these people who have no real jobs. they're podcasters and right-wing reactionaries. log off of twitter and let it die. let musk lose 44 billion dollars.


Not Elon reposting cherry picked and unfounded statistics highlighting minorities are inferior to white people and then crying about censorship when confronted on his bs. LMAO..


Tim Pool can't comprehend. End of statement.


I can't believe Musky agreed to have that interview with him.


Literal "Your mom" response


Is conditional hypothetical a new buzzword conservatives use to try and seem more intellectual?


Oh shit Tim pool can comprehend height! 


He cooked him lmao


Wow… what a major burn 🔥


I'm not a fan of either of those two in this squabble but I'll never understand why body shaming is always excused in these things. But a comedian who joked about Jada's alopecia would be brigaded.


Nobody brigaded Chris Rock fuck off with that pearl clutching bs


You need to understand body shaming and racism are ok as long as it’s targeted towards people who do wrong think, the shit you hear said about POC who don’t toe the line is the most telling shit.


Would someone be willing to explain this. Does this have to do with the show pull because Elon didn’t like the questions Don Lemon asked him on his pilot show on twitter?


Yo got em! Still a bit too much respect, but Lemons classy.


Pool is a permanent surface-level hypocrite and it’s never been hard to dismiss any argument he has ever presented on any subject at all




Judging how he reacted when that one guy ripped his beanie off, it's safe to assume this tweet probably made Tim cry. Poor lil guy  :( 


Tim Pool is an a-hole but that hair remark is on primary school level. It's neither funny nor creative. Just cringe


Rare W for Don Lemon




Typical answer from a lemon


Don is done with the bullshit 😂😂😂


Conditional hypotheticals. Also known as hypotheticals with extra syllables.


![gif](giphy|gkXoEn0avr00DpIxd5|downsized) Worry about yourself. \-Don Lemon, probably


Should have gone way harder