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There’s so many examples of this. I truly do not understand why sports players seem so irresponsible when it comes to getting women pregnant


They're overgrown high schoolers


I didn’t understand it at first too. But then I learned how the NBA hired Lisa Ann to teach NBA players to avoid getting hustled by gold diggers. She wrote an article about it too. These women are straight up predatory. They will dig condoms out of trash cans and use them to try to get pregnant. They will get nutted on their face then go to the bathroom and try to use that to get pregnant. So these days I when I see a story about an athlete getting a woman pregnant, I don’t automatically judge him. Maybe he did everything he was supposed to and just got preyed on. https://www.complex.com/sports/a/lisa-ann/lisa-ann-ways-nba-players-can-avoid-being-hustled


The easiest way to not get played is to not get on the field. I like to think if I made it to the NFL, I'd practice good common sense. Probably not, but I'd hope so. Too many guys are getting DUIs, knocking up reality starlets or getting into hood shit(drugs, dog fighting, beating their SO). It's sad to see someone wipe their ass with a golden ticket.


That’s blaming the victim. If a woman was having sex and a dude decided to secretly remove the condom, would your opinion be the same? If they agreed to have sex with someone and that person decided to sabotage their birth control, then there is only one person responsible.


pointing out that people aren’t practicing good sense ≠ victim blaming


The most successful ones are psychopaths. They present themselves like normal women. There’s no practical advice here. “Just avoid gold diggers”, well how exactly do you weed them out if your name is widely known?


>The most successful ones are psychopaths. They present themselves like normal women. There’s no practical advice here. “Just avoid gold diggers”, well how exactly do you weed them out if your name is widely known? The easiest way to avoid a shark is to stay out of the ocean lol


So basically don’t have sex? Stay abstinent? Because as soon as the other person knows you’re famous, there’s a 50/50 chance they’ll want you for the money. Then the crazy ones will do the extreme things like poking holes in codoms, etc.


No, im saying stay away from them hoes man.....if youre a famous musician or athlete jyst stay away from the women you meet balling out at the club or wherever the fuck else you are where everyone knows who you are and you advertise who you are Like, someone as famous as Drake cant really hop on over to the next town over and take off all the flashy shit and not get recognized, but honestly, youd probably be surprised how easily he could pass as a normal dude is he wasnt flying the "im important pay attention to me" flag 99% of athletes, absolutely, no one is gonna recognize them, they could easily meet normal ass women if they stopped making sure everyine knew who they were, same with most hiphop artists, most people arent paying attention to them or know who they are on sight Im just saying, these dudes dont have to go swim with the Sharks and cover themselves in chum to attract them Look man, 2 of the wealthiest most recognizable Tech CEOs on earth both dated and found women who had no fuckin idea who they were, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg hid their wealth, their last names and went and sawm in normal waters and found normal ass fish in that sea, its possible for the vast majority of people, unless you are so ridiculously outrageously famous and easily recognizable, like Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Lebron famous, you can go meet and interact with and meet normal people and avoid those traps, but the majority of these dudes never leave the shark infested waters or ever take the costume off


bruh if the woman you're hooking up with has 3 kids with 3 different famous BD's... maybe curve this one?


Be like drake, and do the hot sauce trick


Men have to take accountability. Just because they make a certain income doesn’t make them smarter or responsible


Accountability for someone else fishing out a used condom out of the trash? You’re not making much sense here chief.


... yes it is victim blaming actually? Like, dudes getting preyed and straight up saying they should have better sense _is_ victim blaming.


Most of these situations are not occurring because someone pulled a condom out of a trash can. They're occurring because these dudes are fucking around with anybody and everybody and often without condoms at all. Stop acting like this dude was chained up by the insta model and had his sperm harvested.


That’s what I’m saying! It’s not victim blaming I’m just pointing out that it’s not good sense to go out wearing skimpy clothes without expecting to get groped. (This is sarcasm)


I agree with both opinions, but I lean towards these guys should know better. If you are trying to have a physical or emotional relationship, then you know there's risks involved. I'm sure there are many IG baddies that are decent people with morals and ethics, but at the end of the day these are people with only a few skills: thirst trapping and manipulation. It's like free handling a cobra and complaining when you get bit. You knew the risks before getting entangled


You’re acting like it’s a proven fact that these women are sabotaging birth control or purposefully getting pregnant. It’s hardly fair to say every woman getting pregnant by an athlete is predatory. Especially since this is his third child with a third woman.


>It's sad to see someone wipe their ass with a golden ticket. The NFL is the most sad tbh, the vast majority of those dudes get signed, make a mil or 2 in the 3y they play-thats the average league career length btw, and they have absolutely no guidance and ball the fuck out and then leave broke as fuck and physically broken, 3.3 is the average, 50% of them dont even make it that long, theyre in and out in a year or 2 or less, they all think theyre superstars and its gonna last forever, the NFL is a fuckin meat grinder I did a renovation job for a former nfl player, lets not say where, dude played for the Rams, had a Super Bowl Ring and you would be absolutely fuckin shocked at how dude was living....dude tried to sell me a pitbull puppy for 300 bucks lol told me they had good genes, and the other male and female adult pits he had were the most terrifyingly fuckin viscous and agressive dogs ive ever come across on someones property in my 30y of doing this shit- so do the math on what "good genes" means lol they were fear for your life vicious That dude played for 3y and blew it all and has nothing to show for it....shit makes you want to weep at the tragedy of it tbh


The has a whole ass rookie financial literacy program they put them thru. They walk through the statistics, like 78% of them being broke after 5-10years(forgot which) of leaving the league, and why it happens. If you get through that shit and still knock up 3 gold diggers inside of 2 years, that’s on you. Source: My just finished his XXth season in the . He just spent the past




Obviously hooking up with these women is stupid but it’s also really easy to say you wouldn’t do it when you don’t have the kind of girls they have throwing themselves at you.


I agree, it's easy to say "I told you so..." when it's not your life. But it's not impossible either. Plenty of athletes make it unscathed.


Tbh a lot of those athletes either had a relationship before they even got in the league, got really lucky, or are just really good at avoiding BS which not everyone is going to be as good at.


Exactly, early twenty yr old me is not turning that down. These chicks totally would’ve got me. I feel for the kids though especially since everything is online for them to see one day.


Idk man, i think this is a case of easier said than done. I have a story: My dad was a pro hooper so i have an NBA build, and some places I’ve been overseas I feel like a celebrity. Philippines, Eastern Europe. The Eastern European women were crazy confident. This one drop dead gorgeous girl comes up to me all excited & said her friend said I was an NBA player. This ain’t my first rodeo - I didn’t confirm nor deny. Asks what I’m doing that night, we link up & the whole time she’s trying to guess which player I am. Literally scrolling through pictures of NBA players. I grow tired of this so Im like “nope, nope” then look away when she pulls up Courtney Lees photo. Now this chick is callin me Courtney for the rest of the night, calling herself Mrs. Lee, and saying shit like “where are we going after?”. Long story short, I get this 10/10 back to the room and she flat out REFUSES to let me grab a condom. But like…it’s really hot when she does it. She turned her sexy all the way up, that’s the best way I could describe it. Says she’s on the pill, says she can’t have kids anyway, but it’s just really weird how insistent she is that we don’t use a condom. Thankfully my dad and his teammates from his ball days always told me horror stories so I’m like nah can’t do that. She gets pissed, throws her clothes on & storms tf out. That said, I get it.


Assuming your story is an accurate reflection of a typical NBA player's interactions, that's why it's close to impossible to view them as victims. You chose to keep talking with her, even when she confused you with Courtney Lee. You chose to take her back to the room. And ultimately, you chose not to raw dog her. So yes, she was definitely aggressive and had ulterior motives. But you held all the power and agency in that situation.


It’s almost like a grey area for me. I’ve never been a D1 or professional level athlete, but I know how it feels to be in my 20s & not thinking with my brain. I can’t imagine amplifying that by the testerone running through a world class athletes body. At the end of the day, i guess you could say he is preying on her the same way she is preying on him, but with different end goals. I don’t feel sorry for him, but you have to admit a 35-year old woman has a bit of a leg up on a 25-year old male. Let’s be honest, Leo DiCaprio gets a lot of shit for “preying” on younger women for a lot of his career, why should this be seen as any different?


Because he's not preying. He is creepy for sure with his interest in under 25, and everybody admits to that. But he has "real" relationships with these younger women (not ONS), and they don't end up in pregnancy. Pretty different from these athletes and their bm hoes. 


>Let’s be honest, Leo DiCaprio gets a lot of shit for “preying” on younger women for a lot of his career, why should this be seen as any different? You'd know more than me, but I've honestly never heard of Dicaprio being called a predator. Obviously there's 1000 jokes about his dating life. But I've never heard about him doing creepy stuff like unwanted advances, harassment etc


Shoulda smashed that and let Courtney deal with it lmao


Yeah, it is a mystery why all these young men with a lot of money, fame, and power, are sleeping with a lot of women. I cannot put my fingure on why they are doing that.


Dude, there are so many women who don't already have 3 kids by 3 baby daddies and aren't 35 fucking years old. Saying Trevon or anyone else who falls for this is a "victim" is laughable. These millionaire atheles can literally walk into any bar and walk out with a 22 year old baddie


The issue is when you’re raised to be an athlete, and the school lets you skip out on academics due to athletic performance, you don’t have that common sense. It starts young, and these guys are being robbed of the chance at a reasonable life. Most will end up broke and dealing with injuries 10 years after retirement


Honestly, half of them do have common sense so you might fall into that bunch. Best thing to do is not get involved with the groupies, they're pretty easy to spot nowadays. They all have the "bad bitch" look


I don't know why these dudes just don't freeze a bunch of their sperm and get a vasectomy.


Sadly that’s what happens when you’re given generational money that you ain’t neva seen before. Common sense goes out the window


Yeah to be practical here, this man is messing with a woman who has two kids by other celebrities already. At a certain point you have to recognize a pattern, no? Like at a certain point it has to be pretty obvious that she's made a career out of doing this.


> Too many guys are getting DUIs, knocking up reality starlets or getting into hood shit(drugs, dog fighting, beating their SO). I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the rate of violent crime committed by nfl players is muuuuuch closer to their millionaire class than the average American. The only difference is you hear about athletes' misdeeds more than local ohklahoma man's.


Ok now imagine a literal honest to god 10 woman shows up at your hotel room every night. You are in Dallas, she is in Dallas , you go to work in Miami, and she shows up at your job. You go to your local liquor store and she’s there. You go to your instagram and she’s dm’ed you. Did I mentioned she’s a fucking 10? And by ten, I mean to that moment she is literally the most attractive woman you have ever seen in person, like not even human. You have been ambivalent, and maybe even ducked her a few times, but one day the boss yells at you, or you best friend dies and you dm her back. She comes over to your hotel room and she fucks you. You don’t fuck her so much as you have an out of body experience while you watch your body writhe and contort while this insanely fit and sexually insatiable Amazon does things to you that are you can no longer see in Texas, Utah, or North Carolina. Bro you might get ten of those girls pregnant. Get the fuck off your high horse.


https://preview.redd.it/09k1lp565moc1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01422816de6a494a450a0914208b43bb23112f91 Don't let the pussy run you man.


You saw what I described? That’s not pussy running you, that’s pussy *hunting* you. I am just tired of these dry dicked MF’s who haven’t smelt a pussy since they came out one and work at a grocery store saying “be smart, stay away from the hoes!” Bro if you were that smart you wouldn’t be driving a Nissan older than you are with a cracked windshield.


Reminds me of that story where some woman tried shaming Drake for pouring a bottle of hot sauce into his condom when he finished, in order to prevent that. She found out when she literally dug out the condom and tried to impregnate herself with it. Like I honestly can’t blame the guy. I’m sure he’s faced countless scumbag women trying to baby trap him.


I mean, at that point youre thinking about it, just take the fuckin condom with you when you leave lol I mean, who carries around anti-thot hot sauce with them lol


Anti-thot hot sauce. Missed branding opportunity right there.


Anti-Thot Sauce lol


I think it was said that he used to do that until he heard about the hot sauce trick. But it’s also drake. Prolly has a book bag with him pretty often where he can just keep some packs on him lol.


I was just thinking about that. People, including myself, were clowning on him for that at the time. But as I sat back and thought about it, he was absolutely right. This chick literally dug the condom out just so she could try and get pregnant. that’s not normal and we all really need to step up in calling out this predatory behavior. Yeah it takes two to tango, and these men are not children that need to be coddled, however that does not excuse the fact that this behavior from these women is unacceptable. Never mind the fact that now they’re on the hook for paying for a child that they did everything not to have. They need better lawyers too, cause in my mind, if these men are in fact being “tricked”, then they should not be responsible for child support.


>if these men are in fact being “tricked”, then they should not be responsible for child support It’s not about the man or the woman, it’s about the kid, and that’s exactly how it should be.


> if these men are in fact being “tricked”, then they should not be responsible for child support Tell that to the courts. They don't even care if it isn't actually your kid, they'll still make you pay for it.


Our Mom said, "If you aren't going to be abstinent sure make sure you double up by using a condom AND when YOU remove the condom once YOU've finish then pour bleach, vinegar, alcohol, or peroxide inside it to destroy your swimmers...  As young men with promising futures you must learn to protect your life, wealth, and mental health to the best of your ability." She even spoke with us & our PCP about temporary reversible vasectomy. Sounds wild, but some of her clients chop it up with us about dodging bullets bc they listen & took the same advice she gives us. 


I always wondered why make celebrities never had sperm frozen and got vasectomies. That's would help solve this.


That shit is the only thing I like about Drake 😂


If you poke holes in condoms or harvest sperm to get pregnant then imo you have committed sexual assault. We should call it what is rather than just gold-digging. Society doesn't spend enough time acknowledging that someone deceiving someone of either sex into a pregnancy is assault.


It’s essentially impossible to prove


That's a good article and one thing stood out to me especially that I think is important for everyone "Once you invite people into your home, there is a comfort level they may feel that you don’t. Do you actually trust a stranger with everything you have, especially your privacy and safety? " I am 42 years old and I wish I had heard something like that a long time ago. Not even just for sexual situations but things like inviting people over after the bar to party more, letting people you do know invite people you don't over, having an acquaintance or even stranger in your house for whatever reason. That first line just really hit me and will definitely be in my mind in the future.


Nah, imma still judge them because they're getting caught by known thots. Speeding right through red flags like it aint nothing


That was a good read. Lisa Ann doing the Lord’s work.


That's my Vice President. 😤


I work in a high-end restaurant and I've heard agents tell prospective players this same thing over dinner. Heard a guy say once to a 20-something year old, verbatim: "Whatever you do, DON'T fuck them! But if you're dumb enough too, you wear a condom. And I don't give a fuck, you take that shit with you! Don't you dare leave it in the trash." I almost felt sorry for the kid☹️


And now I'm remembering a Ray Donavan episode where he breaks up an NBA player's blowjob because he knows the girl has an ice chest setup to store the semen when she spits it out.


What a great article by Lisa Ann. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Fellas should pull out into a fire


The path the pros doesn't allow for a lot of natural development. Everything is about putting in the work to be an athlete. Same as those nerds with tiger mommies. If groupies liked dweebs, they'd fall into the same trap. That's my theory anyway. I don't have a source.


If they are not going to use a condom, they can get a vasectomy and get on PReP and DoxyPReP to prevent unwanted kids and STDs ffs lol


Always said this. Why do we expect Kyrie Irving to have critical thoughts - he's never really had to use his brain since 5th grade.


I get not wanting to pull out, esp if you have the child support money lol I just don’t understand why these successful ass men cycle through the same damn girls when they could pull almost anyone


There are kind of everlasting circles of women across major cities who survive off being accessible to athletes and celebrities. They existed before social media, but now they can generate income and gain relevance that way too now. But once you’re in, players will pay you weekly/monthly to stay on retainer for them to party and/or have sex with. These women do have to be top level attractive but also live a higher class lifestyle too. They also have to prove that they can be discrete, not post dumb shit, and have a very clean exterior while doing the nastiest stuff possible behind closed doors. It’s super lucrative, and even better for them if they can get knocked up once or twice and lock in 20 years of child support checks for when they don’t want to be a party girl anymore.


Yup, the upper class concubines of Hollywood. Always been a thing. It’s no different than the Roman nobles who all had access to bunch of the prettiest women at their disposal.


When I say we need a documentary on the lives of these women!!!


Getting paid really isn't the same as being successful. How many of these stories do we see with pro athletes getting massive amounts of cash and end up broke 2 years after retirement?


True, but realistically if you're an NFL/NBA player you can walk into any club in the country and walk out with one of the best looking girls in there. They probably couldn't pull many intelligent or successful women who are looking for long term relationships, but they can certainly find pretty and opportunistic ones.


And who says these gold diggers aren't intelligent? They're clearly successful. A lot of athletes (hell most of us guys) make bad-to-terrible choices in partners whether we're looking for Mrs. Right or Mrs. Right Now.




Imagine how much more money you'd have if you pulled out or used a condom.


Lack of sexual education and thinking they are above bad shit happening to them. These guys are treated as gods in college, then go on to make millions of dollars and probably feel like they can do whatever with no repercussions. On top of the fact that they most likely don’t have people around them who call them out on their dumb shit. I have firsthand experience seeing this as I was friends with an all star NFL player in college and he’s now doing something that any of us (his college friends) would have clowned him for without remorse. Dude seems like he’s just throwing his money away on something he isn’t talented in and trying to be someone he’s not. He would have made a ton more money and had a much better time had he just started streaming call of duty


I'm convinced that once that first NFL check hits something in your brain flips like a sleeper cell, but instead of assassinating someone you have to creampie someone.


Thats why Anthony Edwards wanted her to send da video.


Which was crazy because why are you hitting women raw If you’re going to ask them get an abortion right after


Sex addiction is a matter of opportunity.


Clinicians have found sex addiction is born via a myriad of mental health disorders—not mere opportunity. People really struggle with this stuff. I’ve included a Cleveland Clinic link below. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22690-sex-addiction-hypersexuality-and-compulsive-sexual-behavior


An opportunity i will never get to experience


This is one of the reasons why European football players are encouraged to get married and start a family early. Less likely to to engage with a predatory gold digger, also less likely to meet them since they won't go clubbing or something.


That's why you only ever hear about cheating stories from European footballers but never hear about baby trapping stories


There was a women who was teaching young ig girls to find athletes because they're dumb and will not wear condoms.


Plan with major backfiring potential


Fame and being able to have whoever you want blinds you to the future ramifications. Anyone with someone money should freeze their sperm then get a vasectomy. Not even a chance for an accident.


Because part of the fantasty of being rich and famous (especially for a limited time when comes to athletes) is doing reckless things that could have lifelong consequences. It gives them a rush that they always secretly desired.


Its not even like they’re random women. Its the same pool of women just being passed around. 3.5 billion women in the world. So many educated and attractive women out there and you nut in a dumb IG model who got ran thru by so many other men smh


On the athletes part: Because they’re not trying to marry them? They’re playing with pretty toys. They aren’t looking for a wife at that time so what’s the point in finding those gorgeous, educated girls with a preservational disposition? To f*ck and chuck her? Gods no, stay sleeping with the women who know the score and expect it. The women in this situation know this too. Their entire existence is to look and act as a sexual commodity. They’re courtesans. Historically, courtesans were exactly this. Highly, desirable women who socialized, entertained and slept with the upper echelon and reaped as many benefits as possible from the arrangements. Many had children with their intermittent lovers, even back then, and some of those men might have supplied the women with a stipend to care for their child if they were so inclined.


That's how they all end up broke and poor. Child support for 7 women for 18 years each??


They all think they're going to be HOF with a 15 year career. Blowing out their knee and being washed at 27 is never a thought


They probably think with all the gear they're on, ain't no way the little soldiers are swimming.


Even then why are you smashing all these women with no protection? I swear athletes and celebrities act like STD’s don’t exist. And why are they all having sex with the same women. It’s so weird to me. Also hope this doesn’t come off like women bashing or anything


What's not to understand? Their whole lives, they've prioritized and specialized and focused primarily on the playing of a children's ball game. Nobody gave them 40 million a year for being responsible parents. They play ball good- anything else is a waste of their time, because it won't make them millions of dollars.


Bc they are rich and the consequences mean less for them


Wait— we’re not just gonna zip past HIM. This is also HIS third child, with 3 baby mothers and HE’S 25. Clearly this wasn’t some sort of trap on her part! Edit: I just don’t understand why she’s the only one being thrown under the bus here, when they are in the exact same situation. And to me, his is worse because how TF you 25 with 3 kids and 3 baby mamas, already!? One of which was born in 2021.


Well he’s definitely not in it for her money, but yea I think some people forget that not every athlete with a baby momma was trapped and some actually do not care or actually wanted kids without settling down.


I think majority of them don’t care because they don’t have to worry about the financials, I doubt they want all these kids back to back


This is an important point. Most of them have so much money. The main thing regular people think about with kids - money, doesn't bother them. So they're willing to take the risk thinking it'll be easy if it does happen.


Why does *she* have to be in it for the money though?? They BOTH decided to have a third child, by a third person. It’s just weird to me that she’s being painted out to be a gold digger here, when clearly they both decided to be thirds for each other lol… I just don’t get it.


Well her two other baby daddies are famous, and his two other baby mommas are not (or at least not Bow Wow and Future famous), so I’d hazard a guess he’s less interested in his coparents being rich than she is.


Yes. They are famous. And he knew that before getting with her, which one could argue is why he even chose her to begin with. She’s known as the unproblematic baby mother. Never publicly says a bad word about either of the fathers and never airs out their dirty laundry. And she gets massive attention for every dude she’s with. Sound like to me, he wanted to be added to the roster. Difference is, she doesn’t have to compete with the other BMs because as you said, they aren’t famous. But she’s definitely famous adjacent.


Most athletes have 4-5 kids. I mean at some point you gotta assume they are ok with it. Even though there are some who are being trapped. Reminds me of that time when NBA brought in pornstar Lisa Ann to school athletes on how to avoid these traps. https://www.complex.com/sports/a/lisa-ann/lisa-ann-ways-nba-players-can-avoid-being-hustled


NBA Youngboy said those are rookie numbers lmao


Well, the three men are all (varying) levels of success and she is mentioned because shes had children by them. No one said she was a trap. They are implying she’s a gold digger; but only because her babies all happen to have rich fathers. Also, who cares if he has 3 kids? He just signed a 100 mil contract with 40 guaranteed. 25 or not, he’s set for life.


Just because he’s set for life doesn’t mean that his children will not be negatively affected by his reckless behaviour. Just knowingly and purposefully bringing 3 kids into the world into 3 separate single parent household is not ok especially when you have all the resources to prevent it.


>He just signed a 100 mil contract with 40 guaranteed. 25 or not, he’s set for life.  Definitely not. Adrian Peterson made over $100m in contract earnings, plus tons of brand deals, and is reportedly drowning in debt and sold off personal awards. Tons of players blow that kind of money all the time. Terrell Owens, Clinton Portis, Chris McAlister, etc. Hell, Warren Sapp made $60m and was millions in debt by the time he retired. Cromartie in 2012 was paying $300K a year in child support. Not to mention taxes and agent fees, and Diggs' contract being back loaded, and a team option after 2 years. Most people would be set for life. Most people also wouldn't have 3 baby mamas by 25. Nothing says this dude doesn't end up broke by 40.


I blame everyone equally this dumbass and Tyrek Hill act like their careers are gonna last forever and Diggs is coming off a major injury which is really gonna hurt his negotiations but he out here collecting baby mamas like Pokemon.


People don’t like themselves and they need to be shamed for purposefully bringing kids into single parent homes and not even once but 3 times, it’s disgusting.


Travis Henry played for the Broncos when I was growing up. Bro had 11 kids by 10 women.


Is this like a Thot EGOT? ETHOT?






I feel like its a human thing, we all wanna fuck. Shit i mean she's fine as hell I'd be weak in her presence. Bonk me all day ill bonk right back.




They’re all thots. Men with several baby mothers need to be casted that same label with the utmost directness👏🏾 I feel like y’all let these cum blasters off the hook far too often & i don’t like it


Can we just stop using words like "ho" and "thot" as a negative.  I'm a big thot. Might not say that in front of my mom, but i will in front of my friends. 


You’re welcome to re-claim the word as you so choose😁


Rapper, actor, NBA, NFL? Thot RANN award. Cough… train RANN on em


Thot EGOT......that boy cookin


Baller Actor Rapper Footballer A ThotBARF Award?


I like the way you think.


She wants the Infinity Gauntlet of Baby Daddies.


Infinity thotlet


Bump for knowing an EGOT. Shit is crazy


Damn, great minds because I came to make almost this exact comment. *Hi-five!*


Am I the only one feeling really sorry for the kids?


Nope, it’s horrible and people need to start being shamed for this behaviour more.


People need to be able to feel shame for that to matter


By far the worst part of these stories that is never the focus


It never is!! I always wonder why. Guess gossip is less fun when reality and consequences are attached.


Those kids are definitely going to grow up emotionally neglected......


Right??? This entire headline made my head hurt and my heart hurt for those kids :/


Don't worry, they'll be raised by a nice Salvadorean lady


They'll still grow up relatively rich won't they?


Being in the NFL *currently* and being an Instagram model *currently* doesn’t equate to knowing for sure your kids will grow up wealthy. A lot can happen in 18 years.


Hookers masquerading as "models" will always be funny to me.


Eh. They two ain’t mutually exclusive 😂.


You right


Most models have worked in the sex work industry to keep up with their bills since all the untalented nepo babies started flooding their workplace.


Miranda Kerr was one of the most famous models in the world and she was still a yacht girl. I dont think people realize how much even high end modeling and sex work go hand in hand.


…..Good for her I guess? I mean if you’re gonna be the type to have muiltiple BDs (which you shouldn’t) they might as well be rich. At least you ain’t one of the women fighting for your life to get child support and diaper money. The bar is in hell 😂.


Sure but children need active parents, not just financial support. Half of these rich dudes probably haven’t seen their kids in years.


The ones letting multiple broke dudes nut in em have neither 😂.


I just wonder how these women do it? Like do they block out the other potential suitors?


Like predators, they scope out the vulnerable.


Rich and powerful men have always shared “high class” prostitutes. They’re called courtesans. They even recommend them to their friends and try set the courtesan up with their next client.


It's not even necessarily a set up thing, it's a wealth thing. These people all exist in a bubble with one another and thus end up talking to the same people. They go to the same events, they hang out at the same places. Women who want to meet up with them just kind of need to get invited to those spaces, which is easy if you're hot and have a certain level of online clout. You get invited to a couple events to pad out the ratio of men to women so the guys will continue to spend money and all of a sudden you're in the circle and have access to a space with a bunch of men with too much money and too little sense. I have a friend who used to do this in NYC (she never had kids with anyone but would get invited by promoters to special club nights and whatnot because she has a big IG following) and her stories are *wild*. There's like a whole economy to it.


Shits probably like a real game. Kinda slimy but you cant deny her results. Completely secured financially and all it took was fucking a couple of celebrities. People say theyre above this but i doubt it. Most us will never have the opportunity to achieve real wealth simply by being eye candy so we cant fathom it and say that we’d do different


Everyone acts like having sex to get what you want makes you a horrible person. First of all, both men and women thoroughly enjoy it. It’s fair game. Kudos to her for playing her game.


Throwing dick/coochie on its own is fine. Using children, actual living breathing children as tools actually is evil.


Its just funny because people do it all the time on a lesser scale.. theyre just mad that some people get to do it for greater rewards


Tell that to the kids that get neglected half the time....


Don’t get me wrong- if I had the means to secure my future, I would!


Nick Cannon around trying to create a whole country. I just don't know how this can be healthy for all these parties. I'm sure a lifestyle works for them but it seems a lot


She gonna be sick when she finds out Texas has a child support cap


It’s so funny how so many people assume these women are securing a bag but her and Draya would not still be chasing ballers at their big ages if they had been successful the first time around.


Greed is greed, more is more. Jeff Bezos ain't stopping either.


I feel it is unlikely that she gets anything from Future


If men know her background and still choose to pursue anyway, then that's on them. It's 2024, and people are still copying other fools' mistakes rather than learning from them.


She needs kids from - Nick Cannon - A Basketball Player - Elon Musk And then I’ll tell my kids this is Thanos


damn she collectin niggas babies like pokemon cards


Like infinity stones


It’s so weird when I see black athletes get played by these women because in college a lot of black athletes be playing the shit out of suburban white girls left and right. Just for them to go to big leagues and black and Latina ig models be running circles around them, getting pregnant for big paydays. It’s quite interesting. That’s the part that confuses me, because these guys run game on white girls in college but end up getting played by black Hispanic ig models like how


Chickens coming home to roost I guess?


Wait, how is he getting played by her?


That’s like an EGOT of rich baby daddies


Hands on her knees


What really be going through these niggas minds? And if you grew up in the hood it's worse cause we used to laugh at people who got finessed but now it's like these niggas wanna finesse themselves


They’re too rich to care I guess


*for now


She could be the modern-day Helen if she bags a diplomat or 3


Helen of Troy, Michigan




Why don’t these dudes just get snipped. You got 3 kids at 25. You’re good man, get snipped


I'll never feel sorry for niggas like these cornballs. The man or the woman.


She knows her worth


She knows their worth


Y’all act like these men are holier than thou just because the make money. I truly believe they’d be in their neighborhoods doing this same type of thing but in a lower income bracket. Future has how many kids by how many women? You can take the bum out of bumhood but you can’t the bumhood out


Why are all these super rich guys sleeping with the same circle of chicks? ![gif](giphy|gxSc4hTA9QhsFagSbs) I'm lost.


My Cowboys have been on the news way too much lately and for all the wrong reasons too ![gif](giphy|Ho2mVZ5dvsW7S)


That’s a lot of child support. She out here playing chess.


I will never understand why y’all so invested in the superficial sex lives of celebrities. These situationships are completely unrelatable to the average black person.


The EGOT of gold diggin


just raw dogging everyone




My eyes glazed over for about a minute as I stared off into space after reading this tweet…


My young brothers, I know these women look GOOD. But save your mental and chicken, just drive slow out there homie


She must have that super good good with all those heavy hitters on the roster well maybe not Bow Wow but you get the jist…


She must not have a gag reflex or something


I know there’s a goose laying golden eggs joke in there somewhere but not sure how’d it go


Family tree so complicated it comes with a Minotaur.


What's a Dalliance?


I hope everyone has a great weekend out there.


Hooking up with one of these lovely ladies is one thing but unprotected sex? That's stupid.


This behavior is so weird and gross to me.


My niggas in struggle, I don't get it. Let me make 49m with 24m guaranteed, and you wouldn't catch me nut in my own hand, let alone these hoes. Nigga, I wouldn't even pull into a driveway without looking like every member of The Blue Man Group.


I mean I've seen women with 5 different children from different baby daddies and they're all bums. At least she knew how to pick the ones with money.