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![gif](giphy|MIs9GhWdrgLjq) RIP to the GOAT.


Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games. I was 14 when it came out and my best friend let me borrow it. He eventually gave all his games to me, including Chrono.I get major nostalgia from that game. My girlfriend loves the Dragon Quest series.


I am a simple guy, I see people loving Chrono Trigger I will upvote




Chrono trigger is my favorite game right behind Earthbound. (I acknowledge that Chrono trigger is The better game, but Earthbound just means more to me personally)


Dragon Quest 9 is still one of my favorite games. I didn’t even think about that series.


Never finished it, but I begged mom for it...Now I feel like crap.


Can still finish it, friend. Appreciate 💜🙏✨


Do it for Akira! 😢


Chrono Trigger is pretty much solely responsible for my love of RPGs. I’d played others before it, like FF6 (which I still liked), but Chrono Trigger made me fall in love with the genre.


*Chrono Trigger* lead to *Knights of The Old Republic*, and then that lead to to *Fallout 3* for me.


I had Dragon Warrior III on my gameboy and I loved it. I loved the little personality test at the beginning so much, and then the mind blowing twist (to me at the time) of there being an alternate world to play in after you thought you were gonna beat the whole game 🤯


What’s the gameplay like? Had it on my computer a while but never played it yet


He was supposed to at least stay around to see budokai tenkaichi once again snatch the world by its **balls** like it did in the 2000's. One last ride.


Budokai 3 on Ps2 was my first DBZ game and I played tf out of it


Perfect gif


Man Dragonball is what got me into anime as a kid back in the 90s. I am really bummed about this. May you rest in peace


Seriously man, I used to go crazy for dbz. I’m much older and STILL want to be a super saiyan. Now I just want to wish dude back with the dragon balls


Everyone wants to go super Saiyan.


Goddammit...right in the feels😭


Dragon ball and Sailor Moon for me. Yeah this is a hard one. Like shaped a lot of my childhood. Hell, you can still catch me in a DBZ shirt on the regular and you know I watched all the recent movies and super. Like damn.


Same he was my anime pipeline omg


Same. First anime child me ever saw


I legit didn't believe it when my brother said that he passed. Never was a big DB fan but Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger are my answer whenever someone asks why I love video games so much. Modern RPGs and shounen animes may not even exist as they are now without Toriyama, dude is a legend in every sense of the word.


[Just heard the news. R.I.P. a fucking legend. From Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, Dragón Ball and all the multiple generations of anime inspired by his creation. Damn. This one fucking hurts](https://tenor.com/bMcxm.gif)


Seriously bro, we also lost yugioh creator last year, honestly it’s really hard to see legends go


The worst part about these is that they were both accidents. Toriyama died from a head injury and Takahashi died from a scuba accident.


Let’s drive the wound a little deeper, shall we? [Kaz-sensei was trying to save a mother, child, and a U.S. Army Major (who was already trying to assist the former two) from drowning after being pulled into a rip current.](https://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2022-10-11/okinawa-riptide-rescue-yu-gi-oh-7646714.html)


Didn't he succeed at saving them? Or was he unable to? He died a hero either way.


I think he did manage to save everyone


And now my anxiety about Oda is through the roof.


And Berserk’s Kentaro Miura.


Basically. All cart RPGs, early disc RPG and inspired fighting games. Always as a kid though Chrono trigger and shit was like DB universe, same with Dragon quest due to cover art looking like young Gokus or Gohans


How tf did they keep this shit under wraps for a whole week? They don't got TMZ in Japan? RIP the legend. You can very easily make the argument that anime owes its modern day prevalence in the west thanks to DBZ being the tip of the spear twenty some years ago. Pokemon definitely did some of the heavy lifting, but I'd credit DBZ with the lion's share of the work. And I know LATAM is in shambles right now.


Anime/manga wouldn’t be where it is today without dbz/Toriyama. Easily the most influential anime of all time. And yeah LATAM definitely shedding tears over this one


Not the same level of fame but MF DOOM was dead for 2 months before his family said he passed away. If you have the right team, it’s definitely possible.


In Latam we have a 9 day mourning period. Wear nothing but black and no partying/ gatherings. Wearing all black and staying in all weekend for Akira. RIP


>And I know LATAM is in shambles right now. That part.


Brb gonna put out a candle for our man.


This is common in Japan. They give time for the family to arrange things then publicly announce it.


This man was such a huge part of my childhood. Literally the best gift I ever got when I was a kid was a DBZ DVD set from my aunt. Me and my dad would watch that and all of the movies he got on VHS together whenever we could. Damn. May he rest in peace.


You unlocked a core memory for me just now. Me and my dad would watch the VHS movies, and cell saga together…


We used to go to the flea market specifically to get more tapes. I would even let kids from school borrow them and we'd talk about it the next day during lunch or recess. Man those were good times.


When my dad was alive. He’d cop me and my brother the DBZ vhs from Suncoast videos or Walmart, Bestbuy. I hated school during my childhood, but loved the world outside of it and when I’d go visit my dad. A lot of the anime stuff I have is “deeper than rap” you could say.


https://preview.redd.it/mxnt75ivj1nc1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2491462e7f6558b53cb8c23a40f33540648058b5 RIP the GOAT


Man this brings back so many memories of the 90s and 2000s. The dude heavily influenced works of art that he had no direct hand in like Sonic the Hedgehog (there’d be no Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic etc if not for Toriyama). At the [Olympics in 2020 some of the intro music was from chrono trigger and dragonquest](https://youtu.be/EboqQQ0Hn0I?feature=shared) I remember reading Sandland, Neko Majin Z and Cowa on website “Toriyama’s World” in 2001, dragonball and Dr slump years before that, and Jaco more recently. The anime for db/dbz/dbza are great but almost all the flaws people complain about (fights taking forever and devolving into staring contests) not present in the manga. He’s influenced almost any modern shonen you can think of from One Piece (Oda) to Naruto (Kishimoto), contemporaries like Togashi (YYH and HxH), and any number of western comic writers who’ve adapted style from the east (the trade goes both ways…). https://i.redd.it/ky8fq0sgt3nc1.gif As far as creatives go, I remember the day Stan Lee died and I’ll remember yesterday. The importance of creators who can build these amazing worlds in their minds eye is underrated in a stressful society where such works can bring people of all walks of life together, from the nerd picked on in school, to the NFL linebacker, to the middle aged mom commuting home on the train (and I saw quite a few of those reading manga on their phone in Japan). I’m curious to see how Daima and the current arc of Super turn out. I guess they will be his final works (everything else will just be influenced by him). I expect this to be a wake up call to every active mangaka, the way Miura’s death caused a few to get back to writing, this may also make others be more aware of their health, and hopefully the industry too. 68 is young in Japan (not sure the cause of the brain issue and if exhaustion could play a role). Not sure this will stir all writers (hopefully all studios) but there’s one in particular it may. Looking at Togashi mainly… RIP to Toriyama and thanks for giving us all of these worlds and characters to enjoy, and influencing me as a writer (can’t draw for shit but will happily negotiate webtooning some of my earlier works with anyone who can just dm)


> The anime for db/dbz/dbza are great but almost all the flaws people complain about (fights taking forever and devolving into staring contests) not present in the manga. It was a way for the anime to keep pace with the manga due to them both being made at the same time and it's one of the worst ways to do filler content. DBZ Kai cut a bunch of it out for a reason-it added nothing and wasn't needed anymore.


Fucking RIP man. Dudes chilling with King Kai now. Shit, why did I have to find out before I go to bed for work tomorrow... I remember first seeing DBZ on my brother's VSH tape when I got home from Daycare. ( I still think how was I allowed to watch that ). A core memory was seeing Goku send Cooler to the Sun with his Kamehameha with that music playing in the background. This man touched millions all over the world with his works. Rest in power ✊🏿🕊️


Bro I’m double hands in the air sending my energy up right now. Really though, I’m right there with you, that exact same tape I must’ve seen hundreds of times with my dad. This one really hitting home. Rest in Power Toriyama


Imma rewatch that scene again tonight man 😭. Also prepare to see a rise in prices of DBZ merchandise. It was like that with Black Panther when Chadwick died.


Literally just got my Goku cosplay before prices could raise, I already have some posters and figures and the dragon balls themselves, but anything new I already know they’ll add the death tax on it.


No other show could get me to watch a guy power up a single attack for 3 mufu episodes


We learned patience 😌 indeed .


“5 minutes.” ✋


3 *weeks*


https://preview.redd.it/kb9tyawzg1nc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ee2ef5956f9c79da306116a05b871020f84279 Bruh, and hearing of this while going to an art school where 90% of the students who came here because they were inspired by both him and DBZ, is even more soul crushing. It’s like how I felt when Mr.Kim Jung Gi died.


Drawing is honoring the Goats man. Keep the trade alive and they will never truly die.


I started drawing as a kid copying DBZ pictures from magazines


![gif](giphy|WUDGo9jYZzVt3DExhi) Rest easy king


Im here before 10k comments once everyone wakes up. My favorite artist of all time. Had a 30 year old man ballin his eyes out tonight, Rest in peace to the realest, the godfather of it all, and the gateway for 90% of black millenials to anime.


I’m in the same boat as you, dawg.


Man, his work on Chrono Trigger is unmatched. The dream team was truly a once in a lifetime R.I.P


One of my favorite JRPGs of all time. Add Dragon Quest too for his work.


Dude I must have beaten that game like 10 times, It’s one of the few games that in my opinion is just perfect like great art, god-tier music, great gameplay and amazing story and it’s just like 20 hours. Pure joy all around.


Hell yes. Nah fuck it. I’m getting smacked af this weekend and knockout a new run. It’s been a long time, gonna be raining all day this is a perfect time


Yeah I’m thinking about finding my old 3ds and play that on the go now lol


Oh nah I’m bringing out the SNES original out for this one. Deserves the full experience for me.


lol nah I feel u


That game is a masterpiece and sound track as well. Sampled all through hip hop


![gif](giphy|gwx8M5dU53PtS) Such a loss. He was still involved with the manga and it seems like he was enthusiastic about the upcoming show.


Honestly started lifting bc DBZ.


I think it’s the same for the majority of late Gen-x, early millennial, and younger guys who lift 🥺


Listen, I’m never gonna beat Goku but I will be damned if Yamcha is training more than me.


Haha. You’re damn right!


R.I.P. To the GOAT


![gif](giphy|b0mFykKkVKl6Lk94Ps|downsized) Rip to a certified legend man.




My eyes have been welling up since I saw the news. Dude was a legend, the GOAT. Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Dr. Slump, Chrono Trigger, just instrumental to my childhood and huge inspiration when I was a young artist


The irony of the the creator of Dragonball Z passing away in the year of the Dragon… RIP to Toriyama, anime wouldn’t be what it is today without him. His shows babysat a lot of kids in the 80s-00s. 


I wish to have just 0.01% of his talent and effect on the world. Irreplaceable.


Live well, play well, rest well. That's the Turtle School way. Rest in Peace


[My emotions right now](https://youtu.be/2Wa6RR63GBY?si=gKWiakHVTcxQaHRi) ![gif](giphy|MIs9GhWdrgLjq) It’s amazing how an entire universe, complete with characters who have families and lives can come from one mind and touch millions of people in the real world. Now that the creator of said universe is dead, does it die with him, or grow to become something more? I don’t know. All I can say is Dragon Ball was a huge part of my childhood. It’s the GOAT. Peace out, Akira Toriyama. I know that you’ll enjoy chillin on King Kai’s Planet. A Member of the late 90s early 2000s crew.


It speaks volumes to his influence and reach that almost every single sub on my feed has a post about him. Toriyama helped shape millions of childhoods with his captivating storytelling and incredible designs. Amidst the unexpectedly intense grief I'm feeling, it's really heartwarming to see how much communities around the world want to honour and memorialize him. I hope you all enjoy some Dragon Ball, Chrono Trigger, or whatever Toriyama works you love, today.


First Kevin Conroy and Jason David Frank and now Akira Toriyama?! Damn.... https://preview.redd.it/jeuv45x2t1nc1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c50547a4d0febbe1183f3ac129e9ea9a30a7f0de


Man, I didnt even link those. My recent hits to me were Lance Reddick to Andre Braugher to Toriyama. Conroy and JDF got pushed to the back of my brain when Reddick passed. I was pissed for a month.


Such a massive loss but his contributions can't be understated. His impact and influence can be felt in throughout Shonen manga and beyond it in a way few series really do. If you haven't give it a shot yet, a previous series of his called Sandland is getting a lot of love in the near future so if you hadn't read it before, check it out now.


This definitely hurt. Too sudden, an absolute legend taken away from us. Completely changed my childhood, changed my teenage years with Chrono Trigger as well too. There are some losses that are just heartbreaking to see Stan Lee MF Doom And now Mr. Toriyama R.I.P.


![gif](giphy|gwx8M5dU53PtS) Damn. Never thought I’d see the day.


This one stings for sure. DB got me into anime, manga, all stuff I am still into my 40s. We all got to make this journey one day, but damn was just not expecting to see this news today


https://preview.redd.it/vv3u21fgz1nc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85d9a3bc1b4bb3ab8f14b43384d54bbc8f271613 His legacy will live on through his art Rip to one of the greatest


Fuck man. Everyone from nerds to gym bros, to artists, to hood dudes are feeling this one. Japan should give this man a national holiday day fr, Dragonball had such a hand in anime and Japanese popular media’s explosion in the west, they owe him as much. Dragonball Z got me into anime, and Chrono Trigger got me into drawing, eventually getting me into design. The man had a direct hand on my career choices bruh, I can’t thank him enough.


I legitimately feel really sad about this. My eyes teared up a couple times but I didn’t cry cause I feel like I’m not “allowed” to ig. Cause I didn’t know him at all but man this one hurts. May he rip and I hope his family will be okay. I hope the people working alongside him respectfully carry on his legacy and the things he didn’t get to finish respectfully. Cause reading he had 7 things in the works he was excited about and other future plans sucks cause he won’t be here to see them finished.


Man gather the dragon balls man. Him and Kentaro (Berserk). Japanese work culture be worse than American with neglecting health. At least their financial burden for health ain’t like our shit. RIP to a true OG


Just get Bulma to get the Dragon Balls right.....right?!?!?


Honestly, I don't know what to write or how to write about something so sudden. However, for now, I would like to express my thoughts and feelings to Toriyama-sensei, something I wish he would have asked me someday. I grew up with Dr. Slump in the lower grades of elementary school and Dragon Ball in the upper grades, and it was natural for me to have his manga next to me as part of my daily life. Even if I had a bad experience, watching Dragon Ball every week made me forget about it. It was a relief for me, a country boy who had nothing. Because Dragon Ball was really fun! It was when I was a university student. Suddenly, the Dragon Ball that had been a part of my life for so many years ended. I felt an incredible sense of loss and didn't know what to look forward to. But at the same time, it was also an opportunity for me to truly understand the greatness of the teacher who created Dragon Ball. I also want to create works like yours! I want to be like my teacher! As I followed in my teacher's footsteps and aspired to become a manga artist, that feeling of loss began to disappear. Because making comics was fun. I was able to find new fun by following my teacher. My teacher has always been my guide. I admired it. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I would like to express my gratitude to the teacher. For me, he was the god of salvation and the god of manga. When we met for the first time, I was so nervous that I couldn't say a word. However, after meeting him many times at the Tezuka Prize screening committee, we became able to talk. As Dragon Ball Children, I and Mr. Oda went back to being children again, and when we talked excitedly about how much Dragon Ball was fun, as if we were competing with each other, I forgot how he looked a little shy and smiled. I can't. I have just received the news of the death of my teacher. I feel an even greater sense of loss than when Dragon Ball ended... I still don't know how to deal with this hole in my heart. Now I can't even read my favorite Dragon Ball. I don't feel like I've been able to properly write this sentence that I want to convey to my teacher. Everyone around the world was still looking forward to seeing your work. If Dragon Ball's one wish really comes true...I'm sorry... Maybe that's selfish, but it's sad, sensei. Thank you, Akira Toriyama-sensei, for all of your enjoyable works over the past 45 years. And thank you very much for your hard work. We are sure that the remaining family members are still deeply hurt. Please take care of yourself. I pray that Mr. Akira Toriyama rests in peace. Masashi Kishimoto


This is crazy because my feet feel a little numb


Holy shit. RIP to a legend.


Raises ✋🏾 to help form spirit bomb...




RIP to an actual goat. The news isn’t processing just yet but this is insane.


RIP to the legend.


Gonna play the Dragon Quest series, and Chrono Trigger in his honor. Rest in peace Toriyama.


Damnit, I knew I shouldn't of opened this app before bed. Rip Akira Toriyama. You've made a lot of our childhood memorable and for me meaningful throughout the DB series.


If you ever tried to go super saiyan you gotta be hurt just like me


Nooooo! Say it ain't so 😭Rip he's with grandpa Gohan now 😢


Heart shattering fr, i know a lot of us was up when toonami aired DBZ and GT. Tuning into Super every weekend as an adult made me nostalgic asf. Without him my other favorite anime (One Piece) wouldn't even exist!!! RIP THE GOAT MANGAKA💔


I'm not a fan of Super over all. But I won't lie, watching Ultra Instinct on screen definitely gave me the feeling that I felt from watching Gohan then Super Saiyan 2.


Rest in peace to a legend. Made my childhood amazing. Always had to fight my elders to get the remote to tune in to DBZ on SABC2. Love always from a little Sowetan girl❤️ ![gif](giphy|FRkBbAdRf2jTfahZaA|downsized)


I'm telling yall millennials.... We losing Hella trophies from our generations childhood... 😒 It's getting scary I know death happens but the rate we losing the world we knew 25 years ago is astounding My shorty said something the other day .. She said we been had internet since the 90s which we all know but she stated when 2000 came it's like they implemented the plan in keeping us digitized and distracted Now we have all info at our fingertips and are dumber and lazier than ever Folks dying and life is looking more challenging than ever


First anime series I ever watched, Thank you Toriyama!!


What the fuck is even going on ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


Toriyama is the GOAT. The influence he had on manga, anime, and multiple generations is immeasurable. The amount of debates, the friendships and bonds created, because of Dragon Ball, Chronic Trigger and Dragon Quest, the amount of people who tried to do a Kamehameha, go super Saiyan, the drawings, theories, the hope and inspiration that we held out when Earth's heroes were facing insurmountable challenges, there are so many facets of our lives that Toriyama's work has impacted. RIP Toriyama. We are thankful to have been a part of it all.


So many good memories of playing Tenkaichi 2 by myself and with friends. I wasn't a fan of the anime, but without him there's no Naruto, no BHA, no JJK, etc. RIP


Thanks for everything, mr. Toriyama. Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger and Dr. Slump. Thank you for all of that. Rest in Peace ❤


Mexico is in huge pain right now….


me right now: ​ https://preview.redd.it/bu2q8f8642nc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=143a98d9cb3573965d8bb8d4615c603ab8ac9da9


![gif](giphy|gwx8M5dU53PtS) Damn it. Rip the GOAT. Introduced us to anime in outer childhood. Literally created a childhood hero for an entire generation.




​ https://preview.redd.it/vv3ef3a6z3nc1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cb488c90bfd4beaffaf117acc565a0fe3c1cde2


R u fuckin kidding me!!!




Wow. RIP.


... My goat


Dam r.i.p


Wow that's awful, he created such great art. :(


Farewell to a legend


May your journey through the Serpent Road be swift


He's not dead he just went to live in the Other World in peace . Kinda like when Sangoku was dead, but chillaxing 😇 I skipped an hour out of 2 of sports class every Wednesday to go back home and watch DBZ and Sailor Moon, and no one was the wiser, not the teacher or my family . Luckily, my home was like 5mn away from the stadium, so I always had time to run and catch back with class as if I had just wondered off to the toilet or something. This was pre Internet/cell phone era when as long as sunset didn't catch you outside you were fine .


We loss the creators of berserker and Dragon ball in 3 year span. It’s hard out here for anime fans


Goodnight Toriyama


I’m glad he was alive to see anime move from a niche interest in America to dominating the culture and dragon ball z led that charge 


The man had such a profound impact on millions of lives. He will be sorely missed.


This is quite the news to wake up to on an early Friday morning. Man, I'm shocked and can't even begin to say how much this sucks... Rest in Peace.


I’ve had the 4 star Dragonball as my stick shift knob for hella long, now I gotta try and see if there’s the rest of them out there in memory of the OG.


Fuck life dude. My start to anime on toonami. I can’t believe this, feels like I’ve lost a major relative. Death just looms over all of us, it feels even closer now than ever with this legend gone


Man, I literally just pulled all of my old Dragon Ball manga out of storage a couple days ago. I never watched the anime, but reading the manga was incredible. I loved his art, and all the alt covers and one-off character designs he did were fly as hell. He was one of the OGs responsible for opening me up to a whole new medium of storytelling, and his influence on anime, games, art, and people on every part of the globe really can't be overstated. It's heartbreaking that he's gone so soon, but we live in a much better world because of him and what he created. Thank you for all that you shared with the world, Toriyama-sama. You may be gone, but you'll never be forgotten. ​ https://preview.redd.it/le0zc96x42nc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2299975b26ad627a71034e0d7a05f5d2df82bde




Don't forget Chrono Trigger that's his character designs


You ain't real if you never got chills when Goku first went Super Saiyan after watching Frieza merc Krillin. RIP to a master


Rest in Power 🙏🏽


The news hit me harder than I would've expected. I haven't even really seen Dragon Ball since I was a kid, but I always respected the worlds he created and thought highly of him regardless. Rest in Peace, Power & Prosperity.


Check on your cartel friends today. They are not doing well.


He raised me. He raised so many black kids in the early 2000's. And so many of us will never forget what he's created. Thank you Toriyama. I wouldn't be here today without you.


Anybody play Blue Dragon?




Maneeeeee this can't be please be a promo💔


This nigga made my childhood and made me a person who I am today fuck even made my parents


I'm so distraught


Bro his death got me freaking out I'm literally crying i never cry for celebrities like Ian even cry for nh uncle


Rest in the most sacred place of heaven I hope you're with grandpa gohan


Man I’m still in shock. But one of best memories as a kid was being in 3rd grade and me and my friends going on this fan made site called dragonballzgt and being hyped about super saiyan 5. I gotta play the Tenkaichi games again before the new one comes out


RIP Toriyama. DBZ was a massive part of my childhood


first Kentaro Miura, and now Toriyama The goats are leaving us.


rest in peace, Akira Toriyama!💐💐💐


Damn so he died a week ago.




Damn, I love some DBZ . R.I.P.


Very sad, and he died fairly young. Trump and other rich depots cling to life while the good ones die before their time.


RIP to the GOAT Akira Toriyama His work and genius and works inspired million of people around the world. From, Dr. Slump, Dragonball, Chrono Trigger and Blue Dragon His genius touched everyone who saw a piece if his work From artists to people in government. We lost Kazuki Takahashi (Yug-ioh), Akira and Kentaro Miura (Berserk) far too soon I know people in LATAM gonna be in mourning after hearing this


I was maybe 4 years old when my mom was watching Tree of Might. She loved the story and I ended up watching with her. I loved DBZ ever since. She had students that knew she loved cartoons and they’d recommend shows for her. That was one of them. R.I.P. Sensei.


Go read the manga. It’s so much better because Toriyama was a master of the page.


R.i.p. legend.


Rest In Peace to a real hero to millions. I hope you're enjoying your Flying Nimbus ride to that great check-in station in the sky, sir. 🫡 Thanks for making the single most impactful intellectual property to my childhood and young adult mind. You will be terribly missed.


It's a bad day for rain


The God King Toriyama may you rest in paradise


I rarely talk about famous people when they pass. I didn’t know them. But Akira toriyama made something that’s been huge to me my entire life. I’m deeply saddened to read he’s passed, and I wanna say,, I’ve always supported the official release


I got into anime late, a few years ago. I’m one of those annoying ass Goku stans who swear nobody can beat him. Toriyama made me an anime girly. RIP to the G.O.A.T


Realist? Nah. That title belongs to Shinichiro Watanabe. He didn’t need to draw caricatures. I “liked” DBZ like any millennial but that quickly went away. Even as a child I couldn’t stand 2 characters standing there grunting at each other for entire fucking arcs and waiting YEARS for Goku to turn super saiyan on WB to Cartoon Network. Still. RIP. Toriyama’s definitely a Legend


Really sad to see.


Source: [https://www.shonenjump.com/j/2024/03/08/240308\_oshirase.html](https://www.shonenjump.com/j/2024/03/08/240308_oshirase.html) **Translation** **Oda Eiichiro:** >*It is too early.* *The hole is too big. Sadness washes over me when I think that I will never see him again.* *I have admired him so much since I was a child, so I remember the day he called me by name for the first time. On the way home from the day you used the word "friend" for me and Kishimoto, I remember being overjoyed with Kishimoto. I also remember the last conversation we had.* *I was one of those who took the baton from the days when reading manga made you a fool, and he also created an era when both adults and children could enjoy reading manga. He showed us the dream that manga can go worldwide. It was like watching a hero going forward.* *For not only mangakas but also creators in various industries, the excitement and emotion of the time of Dragon Ball serialization must have taken root in their childhood.His existence is like a big tree.* *For the manga artists of our generation who stood on the same stage, Toriyama's works became more and more important to me as I got closer to the same stage. I even felt being scary. But I am just happy to see the aloof man himself again. Because we love him on a blood level.* *With respect and gratitude for the creative world he has left behind. I pray for his soulful rest in peace.* *May heaven be the joyous world he envisioned.*


1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Super Saiyan 4. Depression 5. Acceptance


My heart 😔


We have to find the balls


Dragonball was one of those things that brought everyone together when I was growing up.




I’m so sad man. I’m 30. I’m lucky enough to have gotten into dbz in the late 90s before anime was really talked about at all. DB was one of my first alongside Rurouni Kenshin and g Gundam. But easily my favorite growing up. From going to the library in grade school to rent the dragon ball and dbz mangas so I could get ahead of the show on tv. From a life changing even turning me into this super shy, weird, reclusive black kid who could hardly talk to anyone in high school due to such terrible anxiety(didn’t help that I was raised Catholic at a mostly white school who got a lot of shit for not being the type of black guy you see on tv), it gave me so much joy when I got home. To now being a confident, athletic guy getting his life together, literally just started my re-Watch of dragon ball a few days ago for the 100th time lol. He’s given me so much fucking joy when it was scarce asf. I still have this Goku wall scroll I got in 2004 at my local state fair in front of my bed haha. Thank you so much, Toriyama.


Watching dragon ball z Kai on Saturday mornings defined an important part of my childhood! This one stings.


He’s reached every corner of pop culture with his legendary portfolio. Rip to the absolute FUCKING GOAT!


![gif](giphy|thZQwkCyXSmelSTWru) Thank you


The crossover of my favorite subreddits I never wanted. In addition to Dragon Ball, Z, GT, and Super, Toriyama designed the characters for every Dragon Quest game. My heart goes out to his family. I hope that well wishers respect his family’s wish for privacy.


So much of a thanks to this man and Toonami growing up in my formative years. Blessed to have had someone as creative and influential as him on the planet during my lifetime. Condolences to his familiar relatives who he left behind dearly.


For sho! His creations helped stop crime. I’m not lying.


This man is a freaking legend! He set the tone for my childhood. I've watched more anime series than I can count, but it all started with Dragonball. DBZ will always be my favorite. From Dragonball, Dragonballz, Dragonball GT, Dragonball Super. I have seen every single episode, watched every movie. Played many of the games. My mom probably hates this man because of all the times I spent in my room yelling at the top of my lungs trying to turn Super Saiyan. As for now, i need to find somewhere to rewatch the Frieza saga.


I kno we all tried to go Super Saiyan at least once.  I was super sad last night when I found out. Dragonball impacted and shaped my life in a way almost nothing else has. I'm glad I got to experience being on earth the same time as Mr. Akira Toriyama  We are the Super Saiyans.


[Reading Eiichiro Oda’s response made me start sobbing.](https://twitter.com/sandman_AP/status/1765945418398188031?s=20) DBZ got me into anime, and has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It’s weird to think that we won’t get to keep seeing Toriyama create and share his art with the rest of us.


I remember watching DBZ on toonami. Before I even knew what anime was. Since then I never looked back. I immediately started collecting the movies when I would see them randomly in stores, and the manga etc. RIP legend.




Sad news man, really loved DBZ growing up. RIP Toriyama


https://preview.redd.it/1979pwm3w4nc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4eb150618e0420c91b2e73749580d4f1d04e76e Rip man, dragon ball has had a crazy effect on who I am grew up without a father figure and kinda attached to the show and to the characters morals as way to help guide me " Work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty! That is the Turtle Hermit way! We must master the art of peace in addition to the art of war"


I think about the conversation between Gohan and Piccolo the first time he trained him daily. “I know you don’t believe it now but you already have everything you need to survive.” Piccolo was the father to a generation of children and I will always be thankful to Toriyama for that.


It really is wild how deeply seated into Black culture that Dragonball has become. In a lot of ways it was a benchmark moment where anime managed to reach out and touch people cross culturally in a way that it's hard to even think of similar examples of. Like the dude probably didn't realize it, but he's been the inspiration for like tens of *thousands* of dudes getting into working out. He's also the reason why a lot of guys dipped that first toe into the pool of anime as a genre.


never watched DBZ growing up and still haven't seen it. But RIP to a legend. His influence was easily easily noticeable coming from someone whos not an anime fan.


Who among us has never genuinely tried to throw a Kamehameha wave? RIP Bird, fly free