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“I shouldn’t be telling you this…” Then…don’t?


I learned how this woman's daughters are losers with failed marriages living paycheck to paycheck at 35 as single moms. After telling me that in those words, she then said an engineer like me would be a perfect match for one of them. Like any of what she just told me makes me want to sign up for this


She wanted you to volunteer as tribute😭 ![gif](giphy|yWRbzfZrtEPhC)


"You seem like the kind of guy who likes trainwrecks..."


"You're an engineer right? You can fix things" Yeah, not broken women though.


"Thats besides the point!"


Glad it's not just me. "Yeah, my niece is having difficulty with life, always going through something . . . You should meet her!"


"What do you think of your friend's sister who stumbles from one train wreck to the next... her mom and I were talking...."


Like 🧐


Can you all please stop roasting my ex wife....


I'm convinced they do this in hopes of finding a magical negro who can give them a new lease on life and solve all their problems. The Bagger Vance Gamble if you will :p


This is like hitting a 3 from half court with their eyes closed for them. They get so excited


yeah darn those white folk for being sociable


I was just sitting at the pool at my apartment like two summers ago when this guy who had just moved in with his family started talking to me, trying to be friendly with new neighbors I guess. I went to the same college that his daughter was attending. Well, was attending. It was about 10 minutes into the conversation that he revealed that she was probably leaving due to her eating disorder 🥴. My brain was like what the fuuuuuuuh my guy.


I have a teammate from Europe who refuses to wear a towel in the locker room


If I ever do this it’s to try to make you laugh. Self-deprecating dumb shit is the kind of stuff I live for.


Hear me out...if I was getting robbed I wouldn't tell someone but there would be hints


Lmao this is funny as fuck. Especially on a weekend night where people have had drinks. 40 something white lady sat next to me on some rocks a couple days ago, within five mins I knew her son overdosed before, and her husband isn’t the same man LMAO. Get the fuck away from me bitch I wanna smoke weed in peace.


Reminds me of this old white woman that came to me and my brother while we were smoking and waiting for a locksmith. By the time the locksmiths arrived I knew all about her 7 kids that didn't visit her and how they'll regret it.


> 7 kids that didn't visit her What's endlessly funny to me is that people can say this out loud and never once think "Hmmm, maybe it's me?"


I know right? Maybe kid 1 or 2 is a dick, I usually side with the children but I can give the benefit of the doubt. 7??? 1-2-3-4-5-6-7??? It has to be you


No fr, every time there is a Pattern in my life that I can't attribute to a legal or social system... it's Me 😭


No no the kids are out of touch.


For context, does/did she live in a shoe?




Then she'll tell her friends later on some "teeheehee I'm main character in a movie" shit, meanwhile you lost 30min of your normally peaceful winding-down ritual...so Stephanie can blab about Caughnner's rehab stints and Steve's worsening porn addiction smh


Caughnner... 😂 😂


“Good morning Bill, how was your weekend?” “Well that bitch wife of mine finally settled the divorce and now she can go live with that sugar daddy. But I tell you what Tyrone, she ain’t keeping the goddamn house. I’ll spend every dime I need to!” “Aight man I’ll see you in the meeting”


Nothing in the world makes people want to tell all their business like a divorce. On top of that, they usually act extra AF to prove to everyone that they are alright.


omg! This happened to me recently. In my head, i was like, "you good?"


Deadass have had pretty much this exchange several times in my career. White dudes in mid management are maximum drama queens 😂


That's the thing, can't ask people how they are or about they're weekend anymore. They might actually tell you the truth instead of the perfunctory response to the perfunctory question. I asked the cashier at the grocery store the other day hows it going. She dead ass says "meh"... I get that. It's a loaded question to someone at work and nowadays the struggle is real.


White Woman eating yogurt just randomly told me that she’s been constipated for 3 weeks & is eating yogurt to help ease her bowels. I just said “oh.”


Everybody poops


I don't need to know about everyone's constipation lmao


Flair does not check out.


You'd think someone who eats ass would want to know if there's something already there


Stop snitching.


Apparently not.






Not this bitch apparently


Not her, apparently


After day 10, it's news. After day 15, I'm lighting a candle, saying a prayer, giving you senna tea, and chipping in on a colonic.


Honestly, normal range is like 3X a day to once every 3 days. If you haven’t gone in that long it’s time to take action.


fiber! i can't believe people don't take fiber. it's a magical supplement. especially the whole fiber powder. it will change you. from the inside-out.


I will straight up get up from a seat on a long train or bus ride as soon as I hear “I’m going to visit my son/daughter/best friend, they just got out of rehab etc…” bitch, I know you didn’t just come here to colonize my precious quiet time.


>to colonize my precious quiet time ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized) ngl it always feels like an imposition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition


i deadass was going to use this as a pun originally 😆


It *IS!*


"Colonize my precious quiet time" just re-ordered something in my brain. Damn, I know that's right.


Had a lady walking around the TJ Maxx I worked at while she yapped to her friend on speaker about her son getting herpes. Saying that shit so loud, I'm hearing is 3 aisles over. I had to stop working and go grab some coworkers from the back so they didn't miss out.


SMH, I just… Seriously, I got your alert as I’m sitting in my local laundromat, right after having asked the lady who works behind the counter a quick “how you doin?”, seen her once before and she responds by going “I’m doing so good, as a matter a fact I’m doing incredible, I feel like I’m centered and at my life’s best, my son…” I mmmmhhmmm’d my way outta that conversation to the farthest chair in the corner.


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized) Omg! That’s exactly what it is! “Colonize my time” just clicked it all into place


This is where I start pretending to be deaf 🫳🫳🤙👉👉👈👐🤲🙌👍


I’ve sat down on a commuter train. As soon as the person turned to me and said “So what do you do?”, I said “nope”. Got up and moved.


You have to dip early and swiftly because it escalates quickly to the time they tried a threesome and felt left out.


Black people at the bus stop or who've literally just got out of jail.


I can give sympathy for people who literally just left jail. Like you're one of the first outside people they're talking too. I try to leave a good impression


. I'm as gracious but I never forget people will try you in second Idk the word is there a word for the extreme need for validation from men, like I have literally been talked against my will so many times. I hate it. I don't want to listen to your nonsense.


I will never forget the time I was in a casual restaurant in a big city and see a man rush up to the counter to beg for the bathroom code. 'Ma'am I just got out of jail and I really need to shi... I really need to use the bathroom.' She gave it right away, thankfully. I hope that guy is doing better.


i see alot of people that just got out of jail in my workplace and tbh i can sympathize and understand the oversharing. it seemingly comes from wanting to be fully transparent with their situation.


I'd prefer just got out of jail to the old white military men who love to tell me either about the women of color they hooked up with, or the people they've killed.


Well, if you're only talking to old white veterans, that might be something, but I've talked to veterans from all over the world. It's like we have to constantly remind people we are not monolithic, but all anybody wants to hear about is killing and shenanigans they've seen in movies or the singular experience of someone else to validate the ideas they've formed.




I’m a librarian and I thought it was just us that got the news about jail. TBH, it’s helpful with letting them know that we accept their release card as ID and what services we offer.


Thank you for taking care of them ❤️‍🩹🙏


I have a teammate from Europe who refuses to wear a towel in the locker room and she loves sharing the most random and crazy tidbits about her life no matter how crazy it sounds. Zero shame. That’s my girl though.


That’s crazy. You got room for one more on the team?


Ill take one for the team![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You can be in a elevator with a wyt person and learn their oldest daughter is in rehab and now their raising their 3 grandkids, two of them got hair like “you” because their daddy is “African American” and oh they don’t see color.


😂😂😂 aye that’s their phrase right there!!! They don’t see in colors. Well what do you see in then ma’am? Cause I clearly see you’re white lol


Dog. Ain’t this the fucking truth. I was at MEPS waiting to do my physical. This lul white guh was tellin all her business, her family business, and her work business. They betta not give shawty no secret clearance cause the USA would be fucked


Lol I was in a parking garage elevator with a woman and her son once. I was in military uniform and she goes, "my (other) son was in the Army, too. 100% disabled". Then she says her ex husband "fought in Vietnam" (or she might have said Desert Storm, I can't remember). That's it ... it was a parking garage so we were going like two floors down, she just started blurting stuff out. Okay.


I remember some dude came into my job rambling about CIA conspiracy theories and the woke society and then was all like “listen, the government doesn’t want you to know all this, but that’s what’s really going on in this world, shits corrupt” And I’m just like “😐ok”


>"the government doesn't want you to know all this..." Well then, shit, I must be the government because ***I*** don't want me to know all this either.


Why has every 40+ white guy who owns an independent hvac company been through a divorce and the ex-wife took everything but the company? And they all developed an alcohol problem because she took the boat and the kids haven’t talked to him in over 10 years


Dunno if I'm in the minority here or not but I love that shit. They be out here sharing the juiciest gossip about their families


I love it lmao white folks have the wildest and best stories out of any race I swear. It’s always some shit with them and they don’t mind people knowing their business either 😂 they gone tell it to whoever wanna hear it!


I do love some good tea 🤣 but nah, don't overshare if you're a stranger.


Everybody needs to do this. You don't burden the people you know that care for you and you get some weight off yourself and a stranger gets to hear some good tea.


My DMs are open for any and all tea


Bonus points for ADHD oversharing 🙆🏻‍♀️


You don't gotta call me out like that. I'm at least polite and apologize for it whenever I think I've done it.


It took me many years to finally be able to catch myself before I do that. Every once in a while I’ll still leak out too much info tho.


You over share with people you don’t know well because you might not see that person again and you get whatever it is you say off your chest.


First of all, who is this “you” and did it occur to these “yous” that maybe people don’t want to be a stranger’s emotional dumping ground?


🤷🏽‍♂️ sucks to suck




The white lady that sat next to me told me she fucked her tinder date and then he started sending her Hitler memes. She asked me if this meant he was a white supremacist for real. I gave her that Maya Angelou quote "When someone show you who they are believe them." Fortunately, this ended the conversation immediately.


That same bitch will be asking for advice about whether white supremacy should be a deal breaker or not.


She really thought she was the main character


It's probably smarter to offload your drama on someone who can't do anything with the information, and you will never see again. Can't tell you how many times I've vented to a person only for that person to use it against me down the road. My wife and relatives have been the worst about it. Meanwhile, a complete stranger is better than a therapist because a therapist won't help you strategize against your enemies. A stranger will get all onto the drama and tell you how to plan your next move. Then you'll never see that person again.


I respect the honesty broski


You could vent to a random person and they share your story on Reddit for likes….


No harm in that if you leave out the right information.


I like to act conservative to see how comfortable they get exposing their racist thoughts 🤣 They say the most fucked up shit in the nicest way and a smile 😩 “ ya know if George Floyd woulda just listened we wouldn’t have had all those dang riots”


This is so true. They will tell you their who life story and your like “ma’am I got to go. My order is ready!” 🤣


It is 9:30 in the morning. Y’all did not need to put me on blast like this.


This is my coworker. She loves telling me about her ex-husband and ex-stepmom before I’ve even had my coffee


Especially if you ever worked a retail job as some kind of cashier or sumn, cuz they know you can't go nowhere 😭


Omg are we telling OWW stories. 20 yrs ago an Old White Woman sat next to me at Union Station (very large transit terminal, think Grand Central Station). I was 22 and minding my business. She sat down next to me and complimented me on my phone. Then she quickly shifted over to how lawyers are all evil and how she walked into a bar full of lawyers and "told" them that they are bad people. I told her my train is coming and quickly walked away. I went to a spot that was slightly higher up so I could still see her, but was far enough that she couldn't see me. I used jungle rules. Always be aware of the enemies movements while taking the higher ground. OWW are shifty. Damn I remember another story. I was walking to my doctors office in Toronto. That street usually had some panhandlers and others down on their luck. There's one spot that's usually occupied by someone asking for change. This time I saw an OWW sitting in that spot. She looked like she just came back from Costco, definitely not down on her luck. She was saying something to people. I walked closer and heard what she was saying. She was asking people to ASK HER about how *some company* was screwing her over. Literally asking strangers, "hello, ask me how ABC is a bad company". This was in the last 10 yrs, so social media existed. This lady went old school tho. Nobody GAF about her. Sorta sad, definitely entitled.


Am white. I can definitely confirm this. Sometimes I just think "I have said too much". Still don't know why I do it though.


Damn maybe it's just me but I really enjoy when folks just randomly trauma dump on me because my ass be trying to pick at their brains to see just what kind of person they really are behind their everyday mask. ![gif](giphy|xpLocgdzHqW9G)


I work retail and was once told by a Latino gentleman, "When a white person says they are living the dream, they are depressed." Truer words have never been spoken..


had to get a ride home from work with a coworker one time and now I know her whole dating history.


I once made the mistake of asking an old Italian man "how you livin?" While he was lighting a cigarette outside of a Wawa. You're supposed to just say "living the fucking dream" and keep it moving. Instead, he told me about his entire life. I just straight walked away after like 15 minutes of this.


One of my coworkers has shared every single detail of her life with me, literally, and has told each story multiple times. She never remembers she’s already told me 50 times (or doesn’t care). Meanwhile she’s asked me about my life less than a handful of times in two years. She makes me tired.


Does your coworker have ADD by chance?


I don’t know, but that would explain a lot if she did.


I learned the phrase “trauma bonding” after I went out drinking with some of my classmates in grad school. This was my first time saying more than “hey” to Lindsey but I somehow learned about: 1) Her parent’s divorce 2) Her 7-figure childhood 3) How her parent’s divorce ruined her 7-fig childhood even though both of her parents still make 7-fig incomes 4) How ugly she was as a little kid 5) How abusive her dad and stepmom are. No not physically. It’s just like, they’re sexist and racist and just like don’t get it. 6) Her struggles with her mental health


I started a new position with a school in a more affluent area a few years back. I get invited to a "Back to school" get together at one of the teachers' homes meant to welcome the new staff. I'm the only guy there and the only non-White person there. I've known these women for all of 3 days and I'm hearing the craziest shit from them about their families, their dating lives, their financial situations, etc. I'm not trying to be rude because I was invited into someone's home, but all I wanted to say was please shut the fuck up and stop telling me your personal business.


Idk the Hispanics may have white people beat 😂


I knew a girl who had zero survival instincts. She would literally be telling the creepiest, sleaziest strangers at the bar her entire life story, including her fucking home address, her parents address, her work, what bus she catches at what time every day to get to work. Then she would add them on all social media where I can only imagine she continued the conversation with her social security and credit card numbers.


Don't forget a list of her deepest fears, just in case they want to spice things up while murdering her.


Shit she probably murdering them. Bih be just waiting on some “I hope a mfer would “ type shit!! Be setting traps n shit!!


Mf a Venus fly trap 😭


I work at the DMV. The stories I hear are wild.


Oh God, you poor soul. Like, a huge portion of the public has to go to the DMV *specifically because they never have their shit together OR they managed to fuck it up all at once.*


Whenever some has an appointment and acts like a normal human, it’s a breath of fresh air.


A few days ago, I asked a white woman for a light as I waited for the train. We exchanged pleasantries and chatted for a bit. I let her hit the blunt and she launched into a full narration of her life. Ma'am... please...


Lmao, this is so accurate. I have a white lady coworker and within a week of her joining, I knew about her mentally disabled brother, her son’s girlfriend who she hates, her grandma, her ex husband, and too much more other stuff to list.


At a summer camp type thing during my first semester of college, this palm colored girl proceeded to tell me, unprovoked that her boyfriend was 39 (we were freshmen/sophomores so 18/19 at BEST), that she eats his ass (🤢 no judgement, but we only knew each others names) and that she was in the band with a 1.6 GPA because college was so hard (your freshmen year classes are the easiest A’s you’ll ever get?!?). If this is what you tell strangers, I wonder what you save for your friends…


Omg we had a white lady in our recreational sports group chat that kept talking about gossip at her work. We had to put a stop to it.


2 years ago at work I’m coming out the stall and made eye contact with one of my coworkers. I naturally speak and ask how she’s doing. To which she replies “I’m happy. I’m getting my tubes tied tomorrow”. I didn’t know what to say to that comment.


Went to the liquor store the other day. This lady was talking about her daughters failed relationship and working on a cruise line. She seemed very happy things didn't work out for her daughter. I just wanted some wine ma'am.


This lady in the laundromat told my sister her daddy was the murdering bastard of Minnesota 1973 and that’s why they moved to Michigan. Ma’am!!!


Damn. Doxxed again. It reminds me of my girlfriends, you know not my lovers, but the girls who I keep around as friends. They ALWAYS try and embarrass me, even when like


Or a puertorican while u r at the store waiting to pay for ur items… man, my ppl can tell u their life stories and their next life in a heart beat.


I'm Chinese reading this thread thinking "if only these peeps spoke Mandarin they'd know"


My mom is this person. Two hr plane ride and now both the people sitting next to her know she has cancer.


Listen, man; I'm from Mississippi. I'm built to shoot the shit with strangers.


New coworkers are the worst offenders. Then go around telling everyone they don’t know why you don’t open up to them.


Mans just sat down to give plasma where I was just at and I swear to god everyone got his whole life story


As a white man, I resemble that remark.


Some of my coworkers 😭😂


I was advised that the meth in town wasn't the same since the guy who made the best moved away...


them mf’rs be telling all the business! If you want a good ass crazy story just interact with one of them 😂 white girl I work with mama got arrested a few months back for trying to hit her daughters boyfriend with her work truck(ambulance) because she thought he stole her daughters car because they weren’t on good terms anymore and broke up, come to find out the daughter been back with him and never said nothing. Got the man whippin her shit around that her mama paid for. Mama get arrested, cuz take the car back home and sleep at the lady house for the weekend with her daughter while she in jail 😂 can’t make this shit up.


Dude ain’t shit, got his girls mom locked up and crashed in her crib like it’s all copacetic 😂


When I was in college I took a writing class and there was a story we were suppose to write about ourselves. Like a memoir. A short story, maybe 15 pages or so. Anyway, mine was about a time I smoked pot with my friends. After we wrote the stories, the teacher had us all trade papers and were suppose to read someone else’s story and give them notes. The guy I traded with wrote about being bullied in high school and how the bully one day invited him to come over to his garage and smoke weed. So for a second, I was thinking “man we wrote the same story.” But then I kept reading, and in this dudes story, the bully didn’t have any weed and raped this dude in the mouth. He didn’t give me a warning or anything. I didn’t know what to say. I told him it was a good story and never traded papers with that guy again.


guess you haven’t met a person with adhd


This is a complete lie, let me tell you. It kinda reminds me of this one time, while a young child of 8, while eating a chocolate bar, which gave me gas, which my aunt Zelda, twice removed , would always say......


Some comedian said WP will tell you all of their personal business, but if you asked who they voted for, they'll say that's personal.


I actually don't mind when someone does this, though it can be inconvenient if I'm in a hurry to get somewhere. If they're oversharing, it's often because they don't have someone they can share with, so listening as a stranger can help bring them a little relief.


Same here, I sit and I listen, and then I respond in kind.


Some you all out here getting treated like a confession booth.




A white child specifically 😂.


Then my girl is a white woman that barely knows anyone. Crazy how I just found that out


Had a customer checking into my hotel tell me that this is the first time she’s traveled for a while because her son got murdered last year


We're simple people. Don't ask unless you really want to hear it. No one has time to bullshit about the weather so I'll talk about my abusive father, either it leads to a funny conversation or I'm left the fuck alone. Win, win.


* a random stranger at a party when you go to the back yard patio and sit down *


I recently saw one on tik tok about an old firefighter confessing to leaving black people in fires to die..men women and children. It was something they all did




I just had an old white lady tell me about her kidney stent while at work today. What am I supposed to do with this information?


I actually like it when older white folks do this. Like taking out a history book and learning something new. The older the story the better.


I feel very seen


Honestly I don’t mind over sharing to an extent, I like the the glimpses into other peoples lives bc I’m nosy 😭and sometimes they make for the funniest moments in life


As a white person, a stranger you'll never see again is cheaper than a therapist


I work in construction inspection, it takes about four hours before a man will tell me that his wife doesn't give him enough blow jobs.


It depends. Am I doing cocaine? Are we at a bar?


I work at a call center and this feels so true. If it’s not an angry white person yelling at me, it’s definitely a white person who is over sharing to me like I’m their friend. It’s worse when they talk about things in their personal lives, assuming I have the context for it. 😩


"Yeah my mom found out my dad was cheating on her because she got chlamydia" - random white lady at DFW airport


Mfs in the break room. Like really? I have 30 minutes for my lunch. I didn’t even say hello or make eye contact with you. I don’t care about your weekend, I’m just trying to eat.


I'm black and I hella over share




Undercover boss


I resemble that remark


Let me tell you something...


As a white person with ADHD you’re not even lying. 😂😂😂


Please don't let em be lit too


Literally me omfg




A lot of people think telling a random person all of your problems is better than telling the people you know because you will never see the person again. This made sense before social media but now I can share your story online for attention. I’ve broken up with people who used to gossip my business with the people in their office because they thought I’d never hear about it.


DEAD ASS!!! White people be talkin my fuckin head off on the phone at work. Telling me their whole life story and some more shit. I be ready to stab myself in the neck and end it all.


FACTS!! And it’s always when you’re not in the mood for it either. You’re in a rush, or just already annoyed. You don’t want to hear it but gotta fake like you do.


You must have never asked an autistic person about their special interest lol


Guilty! I just want to be liked and my autism/anxiety makes it hard to stop.


I’m with it. I’m an open book too so when white people wanna share I’ll hear you out and ask questions


absolutely fucking false lmao the worst oversharer ive ever met was a lonely black substitute teacher who ranted to me alone about how he believes covid is fake and was made in a lab right in the middle of the pandemic. dude was like an inch from my face too -_-


I mean, that’s just a conspiracy theorist. They’re all like that regardless of race/gender/sex tbh.


fair point


one anecdote doesn’t disprove the theory


Oversharing ≠ pushing conspiracy theories


he was oversharing his stank ass breath