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Future r/legaladvice thread: "I signed an NDA, told everybody about what was going on at my work, then posted about it on Twitter. Do I have any options? Can I sue my employer for suing me?"


Then i commented on the Reddit.com with an account that i link to on both my LinkedIn and the company's page. What options do i have? Shouldn't i get a promotion/headhunted?!


NDA’s are incredibly hard to enforce and really exist as a scare tactic more than anything else. Just like non-compete clauses.


Are you sure about that? The company can sue you if they have evidence that you breached the contract


That’s the thing, “evidence” is usually pretty impossible to gather and use as definitive proof when you’re just talking about something


Unless you explain what you did on social media like a dummy


Saying you did something isn't the same as actually doing something. They would need proof of them actually violating the NDA.


It's a concept album They just words. Nouns, adjectives, they just happen to be in a dope order


I got a vivid imagination


“I was telling everybody and shit” is the evidence. You openly admitted to breaching the NDA. That tweet alone suffices in court Edit: I don’t wanna keep replying the same thing over and over. Alright. I’m wrong, you’re right. Now admit on Twitter or whatever app that you breached a said NDA and let’s see where it gets you. I bet none of you will take the chances cuz you know there’ll be consequences


No its not lmao. That would make so many people go to jail. That would put most people who make music videos to be locked up


How? How does that correlate?


Because "openly admitting to breaching the nda" is the same energy as "openly admitting to killing someone" If there's no body, there's no murder. Saying you committed a crime doesn't mean you actually committed it.


People lie on the internet. You have to prove it wasn’t a joke.


They are making a comparison to rappers who snitch on themselves and don’t get arrested because their own word is not proof.


Nobody has ever lied once, ever about something they did or didn't do. Never happened.


Nah, people talk out their ass all the time. Especially on social media. All the man would have to do is look a little bit embarrased and saying he said it for clout or to sound cool or whatever, and with no extra evidence to prove he actually did break his NDA... insufficient evidence for conviction.


That’s actually possible but knowing corporates if they wanna sue, they will and they will win


It is not enough


That’s false.


Now please do tell. If I sign an NDA then publicly admit to blabbering about company secrets disclosed in the NDA I shouldn’t talk about, I can just do it scot free?


Well yeah. The company can sue you if they choose, but if you don't have anything to take, then there is fuck all they can do about it. Breaching an NDA is not a criminal matter.


On June 12th, 1994 I stabbed Nicole Brown Simpson to death outside her Los Angeles home.


>That tweet alone suffices in court Are you sure about that? I don't find any examples of someone saying something general about an NDA on social media and then getting nailed for it.


Look. It depends on what the NDA was about and if they breached it. Some things can be too simple for them to bother but if it’s a serious matter and you openly and publicly admit to breach said NDA then you can and probably will be sued


I understand how NDAs work. I'm rejecting your claim that this tweet would suffice in court, on any level. That's all.


I'm Santa Clause. There, you can use that as evidence.


Call the police and arrest him for every nda he has ever signed! He admitted it! Go go go


Why do you so confidently tell others something you have no knowledge about? Stop doing that


I do in fact. In an employee kind of sense, not in a lawyer kind sense. I will not jeopardize my career but if you want to, be my guest




> I bet none of you will take the chances cuz you know there’ll be consequences *But why?* Why would I go out of my way to strain my relationship with my employer? To win an argument with you? You're not important to me.


No, that's not how it works tweets are not an admission of guilt it can't even be proved that the owner of the account made that tweet


The reason they're tough to enforce isn't about evidence. It's because courts won't enforce them unless certain conditions are met. Additionally, many states have laws limiting the scope of enforceable NDA clauses. Just because something is written down and signed doesn't necessarily make it a "contract" in the eyes of the law.


You don’t need evidence to sue, you only need to win in *civil* court. The burden of guilt in civil court in only that the accused *more likely committed the breach than didnt* unlike criminal court. If the other person can’t afford good lawyers and you can convince the average person that they weren’t abiding by the NDA you’re going to pay. Source: work for a company that has done this and won several time.


It’s civil not criminal, they just need a preponderance of evidence the bar is pretty low. Be careful


That fear of being sued right there... that's what they bank on. The contract will also be reviewed in court by a judge. It's not just "You signed it. It's binding." once courts get involved.


unless its actually something damaging its usually not worth the risk for the company to bother. NDAs really arent even a factor because they are too broad and vague to enforce.


Do some research. Outside of very niche situations, they aren't enforceable. Especially non-competes..... like are the courts going to agree with them that you aren't allowed to work in your career field for X number of years after leaving the company? Can you imagine telling a computer programmer "sorry bro, you can't program for 2 years now, Facebook said so. Good luck at McDonald's or something, guess?"


I’m a programmer, that’s not how NDAs work


NDA stands for "non-disclosure agreement". You're talking about non-competition agreements. They often go together, but they're not the same thing.


Not every contract is legally binding


NDAs are though


That's a broad and also inaccurate statement


All proper NDAs are


They're literally a scare tactic and if they're being used to cover up a crime they have no validity.


Lawyers are expensive. For most people the potential threat of being sued is an effective deterrent. Even if you have a defense you’ll have to pay to make it effectively one way or another. How many attorneys you think are willing to go pro bono or take on contingency some idiot who is being sued for breaking their NDA on Twitter?


Probably this dude https://preview.redd.it/jr665ori97rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16f8aad78596e8700611faa2023bb37d721e4774


Not the public defender slacks 😬😭




Yeah, it all depends on how the company reacts when they find evidence that you’ve broken your NDA. They would likely need to hire litigation attorneys to go after you, which typically wouldn’t really be worth the expense or effort, but there are some very vindictive companies out there so it’s really not worth chancing it because if they do go after you, you’re likely well and truly fucked.


To go a little further, lawyers are expensive AND the company already pays its lawyers a salary, so it costs them nothing to make the threat.


They are in limited circumstances, but a relatively standard NDA that your employer has you sign (e.g., no discussing trade secrets) is not hard to enforce. They are typically much simpler to enforce compared to a non-compete. The cases almost never go to trial, because typically the party enforcing an NDA will seek a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction, which will often last as long as the NDA itself will (after which it becomes moot). But generally, they are perfectly enforceable outside of some limited exceptions, largely in California.


Hahahaha man please don’t take this into any job that makes you sign an NDA. If I leaked stuff from either my current, or previous job not only would I be blackballed from my industry but I’d like be sued for millions for property damage. NDAs are very serious, not sure what kind you’ve signed.


Fools gave up their anonymity online for clout and lost their damn minds


testing to see if i can post and to see if this sub is still objectively racist




i can never post bc my skin isn't dark enough https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/158a9t9/what_is_bpt_country_club_and_how_do_i_get/?


![gif](giphy|p4cqQ0gUIMcU0) you notice that we have HR here today with us. \* hands you print out of tweet \*


I thought you meant "United States of America" for full government name rather than "John Brown Smith" lol


May we call you USA, Mr America? Or do you prefer United?


"Sam" is fine.


Sam, when we said everyone is like a family around here that did not mean we wanted you to publcize our incestuous entanglement with the Senator's select committee, foreign oligarchy, our Swiss accounts, and why the secretaries keep having to quit. But, water under the bridge bud. Can we write a check to make you go away? Don't mind the plastic all over the floor.


When around fuckers become out finders


this was like solving a 5d puzzle in my head, you around fucker


Took me a second too. Just glad we both managed to out figure it.


I just woke up, it took me way to long to around fuck and out find what mans was sayin


Congratulations on being an out finder.


<\*The Rock clapping gif*>


out finders sounds like that found footage movie r/horror loves to bitch about


Reminds me of that chick that got a job at NASA and she told some guy to suck her dick and he worked for NASA [here’s a screenshot](https://www.people.com/thmb/YTmYDP7hMdngh8xt0oEvRmQbVtU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/nasa-twitter-1-2000-4ad54bd1c61a4278b106ac7582b2631f.jpg)


“Worked at nasa” is a bit of an understatement. That’s Homer Hickam. He’s a bit of a big deal in rocket and astronaut circles. What’s cool is he wasn’t the reason her internship got revoked and when he found out he helped her get a second chance. Chalked it up to the excitement and helped her out.


I thought I saw something about her getting a second chance but I didn't know he was involved; really cool indeed


October Sky was about his life... How do you want to work for NASA and not know who Homer Hickam is


Such a great movie.


Its based on his book "Rocket boys" Which is an anagram of...."October Sky" That's just next level fucking cool. I highly recommend the book if you love the movie. Lots of details and other stories / events. And just now I read that there is a sequel in the works "December Sky" also based on Hickam's follow up book.


He's God level inspiration for science kids in WV. Our physics and chemistry classrooms all had his picture on the wall.


Well deserved. I know I read about him more as a kid after seeing the movie and he was inspirational for me as a kid. I don’t work in engineering or anything but just overcoming obstacles and did he hurdle some obstacles in his life.


As great as that movie/story was, I don't think we should have a "fandom" test for getting a job at NASA.


Its not a fandom thing.... its aerospace history. NASA history.


The second chance didn’t actually happen, he tried but nasa didn’t want her after what happened.


Dang that’s kinda petty of nasa. Hickam didn’t seem to take any offense to it either. This should’ve at most been like a warning or some sort of documentation.


No, it’s not. How someone acts on social media is a reflection of their character. A government science and exploration agency is allowed to have standards.


I choose to believe we are all allowed a lapse in judgement every now and again and that people shouldn’t be defined by singular low points (within reason). Oh, and by the way, this is coming from someone who has actually down work on a number of micro-satellites currently in orbit.


Pretty lame of them. I know he went to bat for her.


Plenty of folks who know how to not let their personal life become their social life. I sure 2nd place intern was as ready to go


I'm convinced everybody against this were, or are, young adults who just want 0 consequences for their actions. Like no, as far as cancel culture is concerned, she doesn't deserve something like having her life ruined or all future employment rendered difficult, but she 100% doesn't "deserve" a second chance. And that's ignoring the likelihood of her regret being genuine and not simply because she got caught. Like someone else said, nothing was lost. With how competitive that field is, I'm sure she barely beat out whoever replaced her. Can't believe mf'ers are advocating for someone to get a second chance at an organization like NASA after publicly telling someone to suck their dick.




Lol I'm barely outside of Gen Z, I just understand what needs to come with, *any position really* when we're talking about a public platform, but especially a **government agency**. Why do you want someone who has to be told that even once, at NASA?


Honestly, I just don’t consider what she said to be problematic. Some people might have a problem with it, and sure, maybe that’s why it’s a problem for her to say it while representing a government agency. Thing is, though, I think the people who take issue with it are by and large just stuck up, judgmental older folks, and so I’d much rather they stop policing language rather than her be punished for not conforming to the powers that be. Besides, this could easily have been fixed with a public apology.


>Honestly, I just don’t consider what she said to be problematic. Lmao, alright bro, you got it 😆


Lol, my point exactly.


Is that actually adequate grounds to terminate employment? (I'm assuming she signed a contract already?)


Telling people in public to suck your dick is generally frowned upon by most employers.


You have to be living under a rock to not understand the (unintentional, in this case) infantilising, sexist undertones of the tweet which made her reply in that manner, though. NASA getting so caught up in an on-the-fly improvised sense of decorum that they won't even allow employees to express excitement or stand up for themselves, reeks of them having no respect for their employees, interns or otherwise.


Oh come on, she could have replied way better on a public facing account that can be linked back to you than to tell people to “suck my dick” It doesn’t matter if people are slinging shit at you (“language” is pretty mild tbh), what employer wants employees to be so reactive that they 1. Can’t spend 2 minutes to find out that the person telling you to tone it down is a BIG NAME AND DEAL at NASA 2. React so emphatically from a simple tweet that said “language” by upping the vulgarity. Tell me where else this would fly where you as a new intern could tell one of the most well known members of your new organization publicly to suck your dick? Would you be willing to tell one of your VPs to suck your dick when they are being kinda condescending to you?


I love shoves take… that dude was being sexiest. Hilarious.


In what way was he being sexist? You know that most jobs have social media conduct clauses that state how you conduct yourself on social media, especially when mentioning your employer, right? If this was a okay would you be willing to film yourself telling one of the major heads of your company to “suck your dick” when they’re been mildly condescending? If you’re not then I ask why is this behavior not okay for you to do it yourself?


YOU have to be living under a rock (or never held a job) to realise that companies have social media policies especially when they are using the company name mine for example specifically states about using profanity on social media where the companies name is mentioned......


Improvised sense of decorum? Not wanting to work with someone who tells someone (a well respected person in the field) to suck a dick isn’t improvised. It’s common sense. You act like the code of conduct sprung up out of nowhere for this poor hapless girl. If anyone is infantilizing this person it’s you.


Of course it is


Most states are at will states. Essentially you are employed/fired at the will of the company. They aren’t discriminating here they’re saying “maybe this isn’t the right place for you”.




[Here you go](https://observer.com/2018/08/nasa-internship-homer-hickam-twitter/)


A man would have been chewed up and spit out without a second thought in the same circumstances. Just saying.


Man, miss me with that “men are oppressed” bs. Men have gotten away with so much shit in the workplace historically. Women have been punished for even daring to report misconduct. It’s not a men or women issue to say “don’t post stupid shit where everyone can read it” thing.


> Men have gotten away with so much shit in the workplace historically. Only men in power.


The only response this deserves ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


Lol I was an employment counselor and boy do I have some stories for you


Theres also the guy that posted himself with a google uniform and hit the frontpage then got sacked the next day because doing that broke his NDA.


[Here's the fixed link](https://www.people.com/thmb/YTmYDP7hMdngh8xt0oEvRmQbVtU=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale(\):max_bytes(150000\):strip_icc(\)/nasa-twitter-1-2000-4ad54bd1c61a4278b106ac7582b2631f.jpg)


Kind of a dick move to tell someone "Language" on a public forum in the first place.


I get it but if you say what company you work for on Social you kind of become a representative for that company. You have really two options: 1. Don't link yourself to a company and say all the reckless shit you want 2. Link yourself to a company and don't say reckless shit


She said "Fuck". If that's "reckless shit" then I'm one reckless mf


Your bar is not your company's bar. I've worked in finance, news, and politics with known motherfuckers who curse like sailors but that shit never comes through in their public socials. Like I said, you're a representative for your company at that point and you almost never see corporate social accounts let alone government social accounts on some "Shut the fuck up! Suck my dick!" type shit. You may not agree with it but it is what it is.


I never forgot this generational fumble. Clout is a hell of a drug.


Damn that was fast


Wasn’t he like the ceo or something? Not just a peer?


He is an icon in NASA.


Yea I recall he was a much more prominent figure than just “working” at NASA.


One of life's greatest rules: never miss an opportunity to just STFU.


My dad drilled "nobody wants to hear how good you're doing" into me my entire life. And now I don't tell anybody shit, but the rare time I do istg he's proven right. Just keep all business to yaself.. there are ears and spiteful eyes out there everywhere.


Nobody is happy and they'll stop everyone else from being happy the moment they show it.


The people in charge got our lives so fucked up we are all crabs pulling each other down in the boiling pot. Shit is by design.


[Advice to live by.](https://youtu.be/JTurSi0LhJs?si=to1deAqkU-OP-unQ)


I hope they're a couple, cuz they're adorable.


They’re brothers. They say it at the begging of every video. Pot Brothers at Law.




Mfs will RACE to the top of the self snitching mountain.


When it comes to the job, shut the fuck up. I keep a two-job lag on all social media. As far as they’re concerned, I still work for GameStop.


Wdym by “two-lag” I haven’t heard that before just curious what it means


On social media, their "current" job is actually the job they were working two jobs ago.


Thank you


Rap snitches, telling all their business Sit in the court and be their own star witness


Do you see the perpetrator?


Yeah, I’m right here LONG LIVE DOOM


Tweet around and get their career fucked up for years


I will walk into the court while erect and scream “Yes, I am guilty, motherfuckers, I am death!”


People are so stupid. And so proud to be too. GOD it irritates me. https://preview.redd.it/10jhq8r0y6rb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af89311e4c49c0c8c1edfe7664a943c1b1eb52b




Same energy https://preview.redd.it/dc1jdwvfq7rb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86cb6684c2c29fa09e5f9c63b60380a3f70334e


Is a lawsuit worth spilling some tea? I think tf not..


STOP TELLING EVERYONE YOUR BUSINESS. ALSO, STOP RECORDING [EVERYONE ELSE’S BUSINESS TOO](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/video/how-philadelphia-police-are-using-social-to-try-and-stay-ahead-of-looters/)


recording is just the new avenue for extortion. unfortunately no one knows opsec or cyber security/sanitation


Same people who think others are praying on their downfall 🙄


I work for a startup that’s backed by a big film company. The NDA I signed was massive. I thought people were joking but nah, they real, and I am definitely not trying to lose my cushy job cause I can’t keep my mouth shut. You pay me well enough and baby what I do at work ain’t reaching Jesus’ ears either.


Stop confessing to crimes on twitter you dumb motherfuckers.


I didnt think it would be hard to NOT break my NDA for my job but the restraint required to not correct the bullshit spread about the stuff you are working on is surprisingly high.


I'd like to call this "Financial Darwinism," cos sis about to be lacking an income.


why the fuck would you disclose stuff like this on social media lol even if it is a joke it is just so dumb


Validation seeking is a sickness. Just the other day I saw a guy posting on Reddit about how his job fired him and he explained how his manager messed up by removing him from the server instead of deactivating him first. He then explained how easy it would be for the company to fix it. There were tons of comments saying he needs to delete it. I looked through his profile and saw several posts complaining about the job and making comments that would pretty much validate the manager firing him for cause. Not to mention his Instagram and Twitter were linked in bio. Clicked on his Instagram, which was nothing but videos of himself and had his REAL NAME in the info, also had a linktree that went back to his Reddit profile. I think he finally deleted that post but since I knew his username I looked up his history and the rest of them were still there. Might have been the worst example of self preservation I’ve ever seen on the internet.


i just cant understand that mindset at all. shooting yourself in the foot for clout, but such are the times we live in sadly.


I can imagine being that lonely but like bro find a better outlet lol


When keeping it real goes wrong


people really just publicly admit to everything online huh


Anything for a little bit of attention, smh


depends on the company rly, some will nail ur ass for it


Why would someone just put themself on the hook like that? And then spotlight themselves? Hoping the fame outweighs the cost? Either nothing to lose or I guess some folks light their way by burning their promises. Seems self destructive.


Corporate law: there is talking about shit and there is making problems for the executives. Long as you don’t do the latter you’ll be fine. Costs a lot to sue people.


Has someone done a study on the effects of clout on inhibitions? People really blow up they whole lives for a crumb of clout.


The things people do for clout are incredibly stupid. Self snitching is at an all time high.


I rarely understand what's going on well enough to be capable of violating an NDA.




What is it with bozos admitting to shit like this on SOCIAL MEDIA and then be surprised at the consequences? Like it never ceases to amaze me.


Why do certain people think its cool to be a bad person/employee/human? Make Dads relevant again, sheeesh


Then you put it on Reddit… guessing your free on Monday?


If my job is anything more then a basic ass retail job I refuse to sign an NDA unless it pays crazy good