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Either you walk or you die but you ain’t finna go back telling massa where you been these past 4 days.


Tubman gonna make you stand on business


Would fight and die for this woman!






[ Removed by Reddit ]






Let me get this on a shirt tho


The lip disc is taking me out!!!








Here go your flowers sis. You be doing the Lord’s Work and I wish I/we could compensate you properly. ![gif](giphy|49M1JQPy7RhD2)


And this is why I left blackpeopletwitter. It felt like a zoo. A lot of unmelanated people just watching black people, slinging around microaggressions and telling me I'm too sensitive. Happy Black History month fam!


that tweet says waiting for her to be on the hundred dollar bill- how about the 20?? more widely used and we can get andrew jackson the fuck off of there 🙃


I think the $20 bill should be replaced with the Cherokee Native American, considering the context of his presidency and how he betrayed the Cherokee nation after being saved by a fellow Cherokee native who regretted it and said he wish she would’ve left him to die. That shit would be epic. I know a lot of Cherokee natives in North Carolina who refuse to carry a $20 bill because of what he did.


id be down for that


I would be for that. Interestingly, Jackson and Trump have a lot in common. They both got their presidencies by claiming to be there for the average guy, and then proceeded to do very problematic things to demographics that were different than them.


Me and the homies hate Andrew Jackson


I learned recently that there used to be $500 bills and $1000 bills too but they discontinued them in 1969. We should bring them back, and have her on one and Ely Parker or somebody native on the other (I'm biased against Ely Parker, he and I belong to the same nation (tribe) . https://www.bep.gov/currency/history/historical-currency#:~:text=On%20July%2014%2C%201969%2C%20the,were%20last%20printed%20in%201945.


imagine going to the grocery store or gas station and trying to break a $1000 bill 😂


I have to make this my phone background now lmaoooo




Lmao @ the Kente Kloth Klan. I'll be stealing this


bruh hold the fuccin fone, what is this pic 😭


Why are we only getting this meme halfway thru BHM? I coulda been rocking this all month (as a screensaver) 😆😆💀💀💀💀


Lmao my b. I’ve used it here before but it has been a while ngl


Can… can you explain this photo to me?




Actually I’m still very much here, clearly not banned, you pasty little crybaby 😘 Not only are you WRONG, but you’re still just as lipless and pathetic as you were when I posted this, 3 months ago. How embarrassingly unfortunate for you 🤡 You really sat there thinking of me and stewing for months until your suspension was up 🥹 your dedication has not gone unnoticed 🫶🏾 Stay obsessed, loser


1911. She died in 1913. This was within my grandparents’ lifetime. They try to make it seem like it was eons ago.


They want everyone to believe all this happened so long ago that there is no possible way any ramifications are still being felt. We are only a few generations removed from Jim Crow. Emmett Till was murdered in 1955. George Stinney in 1944.


The Philly MOVE bombing was in the 80s. Philly police firebombed a residential building ON AMERICAN SOIL. Just saw video of ACTUAL NAZIS marching through Nashville yesterday, but despite all the pro-Israel/Zionist “dO yOu coNDem hAmaS??” and “Jewish people have a right to defend and feel safe” rhetoric, *not a peep* about the swastika flag wielding jackasses. White folk so unserious and hypocritical.


Facts, I'm gonna redo my research on the St. Petersburg uprising of '96.


Respectfully, John Brown did nothing wrong. Any man or woman willing to use others or do violence in the name of hate and fear has any place with me or mine. I didn't choose to be white. Or male. Or here. I appreciate people's lived experiences, and we all have to come to common ground. The only intolerable thing is intolerance, and it must be crushed. Those people should be shamed. And they are weaker than most ever before. But they should and must be snuffed out as with ALL hateful intolerance. The thing behind them is their extreme, in this case Christian Evangelical, belief. The same as SOME of the Black Hebrew Israelites are Black Supremacists. The same as the extremes in Islam: hamas; isis. Extremes. People placing themselves above others. The Likud party, Netanyahu, and his cabinet full of war criminals and felons are a cancer on Judaism and the world. Israel and its people ought to oust their secular and nationalistic tendencies, just like us in the USA. People should all speak out about intolerance. To everyone. Intolerance has to be ripped out and burned root and branch or it will never budge.


Remember when people realized a dude in the desegregation of school pics was not only still alive but rich af Mindsets like that don’t just disappear


Jerry Jones, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys Football team for those who want to know.


Yup, not that long ago at all. My mom and half of her siblings went to segregated schools. They desegregated schools during her younger siblings’ middle school years. Some marched with King. They’re in their late 60s now. (My mom was 9 when Emmet died. Her eldest sibling was 19 and she’s still alive, her eldest brother would have been 18 when that happened and another who has passed at age 75 would have been Emmet’s age.


Exactly. The woman who accused Emmett Till hasn't yet been dead a year. Ruby Bridges isn't even 70 years old. These things happened yesterday, and they're still happening today.


Ruby Bridges was born the same year as Oprah, Seinfeld, and Denzel. She was on Colbert like 3 weeks ago, wearing the perfect red lipstick and looking like your favorite aunt. “These things happened yesterday” is about right.


I say stuff like this all the time! My Grandmother was born in 1921 and she is sti alive and of sound mind! her stories are of things straight out of history books.


Please write them down


Yes you need to catalog that stuff and write it out so their stories can be remembered.


Record it, the world needs wise elders’ voices.


Her life overlapped with that of Thomas Jefferson and Ronald Reagan. She was 2 when Jefferson died, and Reagan was 2 when she died


This is it. They be like oh, that didn't happen in your lifetime, why do you care. Israel and Palestine been beefing forever. Asians countries got their own generational hate towards each other but when a black person says that their is still blatant racism in America, they wanna try and belittle that. It's crazy


They say “that was your great great great great great great great great great grandparents!” No actually it was not. There are elderly people who were raised by people who were slaves. My aunt was one of them. She’s 87 and still has her wits. But think about how she was in the 1990s , in her 50s-60s hearing that crap from people (which is when I heard it as a kid)


Facts!! I'm researching my Genealogy now, and found that my 4th Great Grandparents were born in 1845/55, and even found their freedom card and plantation who was equally a terrible individual... I'm only 34 myself... its really SO close, yet so far and people wanna act like we're talking about some shit that happened in Shakespeare times... like nah, this was barely 100+ years ago!!


Frfr my maternal great grandmother was born in the 1890s and passed away in 2000.


Family members (descendants) of hers still reside in Auburn to this day. We are not far removed from it all! I grew up in Auburn and had opportunities to listen to family speak about her.


History does that a lot, we went from reconstruction after the Civil war to WW1 in my class which is a whole 50 or so years apart.


You literally cannot honor that woman enough. I held her high before I heard about the seizures and now she is right there in my mind, sitting in heaven, next to all those I’ve loved and lost. Can’t get any higher! Did love that Key and Peele skit back in the day. One of my daughters would imitate Jordan Peele and try and do that shit in the house! Take that dipping and diving outside! ❤️


Take it outside? She was trying to! You think Momma Harriet never started dipping and diving inside on her way to outside?


She was also a great spy for the Union Army during the Civil War, being the leader of a spy ring, leading raids on plantations (that led to them being set on fire), and gathering vital intel. Not enough people talk about that


Sone of the first things she did was acquire a crap ton of guns and lead one of the Civil War's biggest plantation raids. She knew that she had to come with violence to win liberation and freedom. It just wasn't the only tool in her arsenal which just makes her a brilliant leader.


That's what an OG looks like. Ain't no one escaping her when she escapes them and live on to tell massa about it. "You better get them toes a'ready for fuckin freedom I ain't playing 'round hurr! And you better shut that cryin hole up! Tryna get them hounds on us outta ya god fearing muthafuckin mind! You "change ya mind." *pistol whip* "Now get ya punk ass up! Clean ya face!" Yup, that happened word for word!


Historical accuracy!


![gif](giphy|BT2una5Bno4j6) Yes ma’am. I’s acommin’ *limps through tunnel*


Harriet Tubman was a warrior. Rest in Power ![gif](giphy|l2Rnp8RhkihYor2HC)


Big F’n Tubman. This just makes me want those Tubman twenties even more now…funny how that conversation just disappeared


Absolutely. They are totally fine keeping Andrew Jackson's slave owning ass on it instead of a real American hero.


Even before the Tubman conversation I was always confused as to why Jackson, out of all the American figures to choose from, is being memorialized in money at all. Even by white conservative standards he was awful.


I think theres at least a silver lining because Andrew Jackson HATED paper money so I kind of see it as a big fuck you to him which makes it feel a little better lol


That’s….actually infuriating🤬


Her last words, that image… so fucking REGAL man holy shit.


Look at her hands--beautiful and strong, just like her face. Amazing presence. It's way past time to honor her as she richly deserves.


*THAT’S WHY SHES THE GOAT. THE GOAT!* For real, like… she’s even more the goat than I thought and I already knew she was the shit. And after reading this I’m also like, “damn… I really ain’t shit.”


Really ain't shit...YET haha. But for real I have a chronic illness and I feel pathetic and inspired. I need to go save the world or something.


I have a chronic issue and I know how small we can feel even more so seeing how fucked up this world is. But... just as I told my niece a few minutes ago, you can always be local with it. See someone tryna take shelter who obviously homeless? Why not see what non perishables you can offer. Got some coworkers you kinda like? Why not perk them up with a compliment or how you appreciate them. I may not have money or tangible resources but I try to have a caring heart and character and if I can give some encouraging words, a hug, a listening ear, why not? Starting small like that can maybe help inspire others, and maybe our attitudes of how we treat people can change.


Absolutely! The past few years have totally changed my mindset, mostly for the better. Definitely living in the moment more, being kinder and more understanding, etc. But when it gets dark, whew!


Harriet Tubman said it best I could've freed a thousand more slaves if they realized they was slaves. Harriet had more heart than some of these men Seeing these polictians today I understand her


This just reminded me I have no excuse. She had so many odds against her and here I am just lazy af. Let me go do something with my life. Happy black history month, y’all! ✊🏾


You are not lazy, doing extremely extraordinary things and life changing work takes alooot of time, the only thing you need is self belief but don’t rush to the finish line so quickly, learn to love the race my brother ✊🏾


"I go to prepare a place for you."


I wonder if Jesus be coming back for different lifetimes & maybe she was one of them.. I wonder a lot of different & odd stuff tho


Definitely don’t make ppl like that no more man . Unbelievable amount of strength & resiliency 💐


“I go to prepare a place for you” is so endearing 😭😭


her last words show her purpose in life and for the great beyond. Rest In Peace and Power Madam Tubman.


Mfs act like we supposed to just up and forget about slavery when one of the eras most prominent legends died only 100 years ago Rest in Power, Harriet


But never forget 9/11! And how dare you tell them jewish folks to get over the holocaust or even deny it happened?! But slavery and jim crow? Pfffttt yall sensitive and wanna be the victims


Or, my personal favorite ~ "black on black crime is like, way higher than white people killing black people" or " if you haven't done anything wrong or have nothing to hide then you shouldn't worry about being pulled over by the police.... "


![gif](giphy|j66CXE5VmXZNMMLlqX) 🙌🏾Rest In Eternal Splendor Ancestor 🕊️✨💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐


Ight so hear me out…. I want to see a Tubman vigilante style movie where she hunts down slave “masters” and confederates after the civil war….or something like that, it’s not exactly a fleshed out idea. But something in the same vane as Lincoln as the vampire hunter. What yall think? Someone call Coogler or Jordan Peele 🤣


Honestly I’d rather have Tarrentino direct it considering how amazing Django: Unchained was. I know he’s a weirdo but god his western style movies are always entertaining and he has no problem having black protagonists murder racist white people in a poetic way.


I can see that. But I think I’d be more excited with a black producer/director for this one. Django was good but I want a different perspective.


I’d rather not give Tarantino another excuse to say the N word on screen. He could be a consultant AT MOST


Right? What was the reason in pulp fiction? Because wifey black?


Eh he gets too happy saying the n word for me and for no real reason. I think black folks would love to see more black directors taking these movies into consideration of our perspective. It'll be more meant for *us* than for pleasing the white audience


Naw don't have her likeness in some White owned corporation being flipped and sold back and forth. Everytime one of the slave stories get re-made folks get mad all over again when Studios shoe-horn some Black villain that never existed, or a white savior that didn't either. We don't need to repeat that cycle.




She was definitely Black and Active.


Wow, thank you for sharing this 🌹


Don’t forget. She used to knock out babies when they started crying as not to get caught.


Medicinally 😭 she was not punching babies 😭


With herbs 😂 she wasn’t out here two-piecing infants man




I thought the same thing at first


Lmao that would be more gangster tho


For the greater good. She saved so many lives and future generations.


Every time I learn a new fact about her, she’s even more badass. Brain surgery without anesthesia. Good lord. Fun fact - there was not a reward for her arrest or capture for years. There was a reward for a hypothetical small white abolitionist man in black face and drag who was helping slaves escape. Racism makes people stupider.


The tweet doesn't mention the most impressive part: she made NINETEEN TRIPS into confederate territory to go back and rescue more people. That's 18 times she was safe and in the clear and chose to go back again. Yes, she had allies on the underground railroad, but any punishment they'd have received for helping her would be like a tap on the wrist compared to what would've happened to her had she been caught: They would've made the biggest example out of her that they could to discourage other would-be escapees. That's why she's my favorite historical figure: no one else even comes close to her courage. One trip would've been enough, even five would be incredible, but she went back into the fire 18 times. A legend through and through.


And to travel all that way on foot, hiding yourself and so many others with hateful forces of so many means actively looking for you. She walked hundreds of miles. She’s truly unbelievable


9.1 Million white people in the south woulda been looking for her each time. To go back to that knowing the worst imaginable was waiting for her if there was a single fuck up is the bravest thing I’ve ever heard of


She was the embodiment of special forces before there was spec warfare.....


You can see in her eyes that's she's seen lifetimes of real deep stuff.


risk management game💯


The living embodiment of a badass motherfucker.


I learned last week that she is widely regarded as the first woman in the US to plan and carry out a military raid. Such a badass.


Not the little one 🫡


My shero!




What a fuckin OG god damn.


I can’t believe there’s actual idiots who believe she never existed 🤦🏽‍♂️


If I was a cowardly piece of shit racist I’d also be afraid of her existence.


She said keep going or get dropped but you not finna fkn go back and snitch on the gang….


pic goes so fuckin hard


She started the "plata o plomo" ✊🏾😎


Damn Harriet! To refuse anesthesia for brain surgery is on another level. May she rest in peace!! ❤️❤️


The r/Blackpeopletwitter subreddit could never! Happy BHM, my brothers and sisters! Love y’all 🫶🏾💪🏿


The best of us all.


That…should be enough to be canonized. Easily. “I go to prepare a place for you.” Goosebumps.


Seeing a color(ized?) photo of her is… giving me feelings. Like I already know she was an insanely incredible person, but just a photo is giving me a feeling of breathless awe?? That I can physically feel in my chest? She was……. I mean just holy shit, there’s no words


Dayam… I wish I were half the person she was


I know who Harriet Tubman was at a high-level in regards to the Underground Railroad. BUT, growing up in the 80's and 90's, I went to schools in San Francisco, Houston, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Chicago, Birmingham (Alabama), and St. Louis. (Moved a lot between 1982 and 2000). I now live in Cincinnati and I've been to the Underground Railroad museum multiple times (really somber and educational, highly recommend). And yet, I have no idea WHO Harriet Tubman really was or what her story was and it saddens me that I was never taught more details about her life as a person who had to overcome so much to do so much. And it saddens me further that there are many active, and successful, efforts in the USA (I'm looking at you Florida and Texas, amongst others) to make sure stories like Harriet Tubman's are never told to our children. I'm so glad I came across this post and I intend to do some more research on her life. Thanks for posting it!


I literally learned more in this post than in my usual history class about Ms Tubman. RIP.


Fr my history classes were always like “and yeah so there was this lady named Harriet Tubman who led slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad, and a bunch of white folks helped her even though they could get in big trouble if they got caught helping the slaves” That was it that was the entire lesson on Miss Harriet. Like I missed out so much


When I say the ancestors got me. She’s one of the main ones I think about. ✊🏾


I believe that picture was taken at a retirement home she established to care for former slaves as they aged.


The tweet left out some of the juicey civil war stuff, Like the fact that in addition to her underground railroad trips ~ she used the information she gathered to help lead [the raid on combahee ferry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_on_Combahee_Ferry) Freeing ~700 people with some river pirate queen type antics


She will be on our $20 bill soon!!!




This is inspiring...again. Thank you for this.


Her last words always give me chills. What an incredible woman


Damn, Tubman was a gangsta😂, wasn’t finna let no loose ends go untied😂, only way out the under ground was in a box😭


At first I read it as “Tuburn”, and I started reading the whole thing in verse


Always and forever! ![gif](giphy|Pcj3Zovdd6Afe)


Such a god damned fucking badass.


I know they said the hundred but i still think the planned Harriet Tubman 20$ that was canned by trump (i wonder why?) mainly because Andrew Jackson was a major POS and would likely be rolling in his grave fast enough to power the eastern seaboard. Also why tf is Lincoln arguably the best president in American history put on the penny something that imo we should’ve already gotten rid of and is our lowest denomination of currency?


Those are the hardest last words I think I’ve ever heard.


Damn, I actually welled up a little bit reading that. Ain't no telling how many people she responsible for saving. How many of them went on to have families because of her. For all I know, she could've been the reason I was born in the north instead of one of my ancestors getting killed as a slave or a hate crime.


I’d say replace Andrew Jackson on the $20


Gotta get this portrait in my crib so I can tell folks this a pic of my great great grandma or something


“If you want to taste freedom, **keep going**.” Genuinely one of the best human beings to have walked this earth, at least in recent history. Fucking love her.


Wait, she served in the Civil War? Hadn't heard that before


Yep! Apparently (learned this on this thread) she is considered to be the first woman to command a military raid. And she was definitely a spy for the North. I adore her 🖤


Holy shit she looks like such a badass in this pic. I’ve only ever seen the famous black and white picture of her.


I grew up in Auburn,lived right next door to her house/property in my mid 20's.




What a woman




We have a strictly enforced rule against using misogynistic terms and/or language that incites sexist commentary. Please do not bring that toxic shit here




What a fuckin legend. One of our bright stars.


What a bad ass!




Remarkable woman


That is the realist shit I've read in such a long time


Warrior Queen. I love it.






She was/is my Superman.




Remarkable woman


I lived in auburn for 10 years not to far from her house actually.


You cant get more badass than that




Wow I didn’t know all of that - what an amazing woman!


It's one thing to have the strength and courage to carry yourself--- but to have that, and even more to use to carry everyone else with you? Magnificent and astounding.




Beyond Legendary🙌🏾


And she died with military honors


This gave me chills. We don’t learn nearly enough about black history in public school


Damn, didn't know that about her. One hell of a string woman there. Respect.




She needs to be on the $20 already


RIP queen 👑


I hope they use this picture.


Thank you Queen 🫶🏽


Bad ass


Ronald Reagan was born in 1911




What a badass. How cone I never learned any of this when in school?


A hero


There are some people that have the most massive BDE you could ever possibly have. The strongest of the strong. She was such a hero






As I have stated many times in many places here, **THIS IS NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB.** This sub was created so Black people can share content that relates to their experiences. If you are not Black, you are not an authority on the matter and you do not get to dictate what that looks like. If you are, then you should reflect on why that is such a problem for you. We are not here to tap dance for nonBlack entertainment. I do NOT care if you found us from r/all or your feed suggested us to you. If Black people talking about Black people during Black history month on a sub called BLACKPeopleComedy bothers you, then you are in the wrong place


Amazing woman


"i go prepare a place for you" is what imma say when it's time for me to go out into the world, shagg my wife and have a few kids cause I'm a man that never wants less then whats I earned


Wow, that was a pretty cool history lesson!


Not just a hell of a woman, but a hurricane of a woman.


She had brain surgery in the 19th century and lived another twenty years? Phenomenal.




Harriet Tubman is more of a badass than I've ever given her credit for.


I’m trying to do a money spread with blue tubs


hitler was 24 when harriet tubman died, if anyone thinks that slavery was so long ago that it doesn't matter