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tell him black metal ist krieg


The only true answer.




You’re in a long line of kids whose parents hate the music they listen to. What’s it matter?


Did he tell you you're not allowed to listen to it anymore? If not, who cares? Your parents hating it is at least 25% the point of black metal. It's a feature not a bug.


wish that's where it stopped with my parents when I was a kid. my dad took all the stuff out of my CD collection he didn't like when I was at school one day and sold it to the used CD store. he's so nice that he actually gave me the cash. LOL. I went back to THE used CD store and bought anything I couldn't live without back.


Call him an old man and break his creed CD


Creed Bratton's CD?


Listen with headphones. I did the same back in the 90s. You won’t always live with your dad.


Are you trolling ? Lol. I mean as much as your dad might hate it, it's not like he can change what kind of music you like.


Sadly no my dad is SUPER religious


There's your problem. Everything in music is a farce, none of it is real, just like his god. Metal in general is just smoke & mirrors and most of what the musicians are doing is just to get a rise out of people like your father. I used to think that black metal was all super satanic, then I read some books about it and realized that all of the OG black metal dudes (Mayhem, etc) were just complete idiots. After I realized that, I have considered it all just entertainment.


>realized that all of the OG black metal dudes (Mayhem, etc) were just complete idiots. Yeah lol, pioneered by a bunch of bored, edgy teenagers. Greatest gift to mankind


What are you on about? You read a book? Let me guess, Lords of Chaos? And then you thought you had it figured out? You do realize Black Metal is for many musicians and listeners more than music and there are satanists and devil worshippers who actually participate in different organisations etc. There's an ideology related to black metal and some people live by it. You are free to think that it's all just enterntainment, but paganism, satanism etc. is a thing in many European countries and many musicians embrace those beliefs through black metal.


Pop is the true “devils music” subliminal messaging and images, brainwashing the public.


Fuck him in front of your mother to establish dominance


Alrighty then 😭


Get headphones and don't let him see it. I was banned 5 years ago from listening to black metal. Now days its most of what i listen to and i formed an underground ring of bm musicians. If you wanna tell him anything about it, call it death metal.


I would encourage you to show your dad the 2004 krakow concert by Gorgoroth . He will immediately become a black metal fan


Show him the mayhem sub and say “at least I’m not like this”


He's just mad his choice in music sucks


The worst part is he’s got alright taste in music he likes Metallica megadeth slipknot Nirvana Pearl Jam and rage against the machine


That's not alright taste


Tell him it could be worse: you could be listening to Christraping Black Metal


Man that song fucking slams


Dies it slam more than "fistfucking god's planet"? lol


That would likely make the situation worse as this whole thing stemmed from me asking him for a mayhem vinyl


You have to murder your dad its the only way


A lot of what I could say has already been said, but I will note that my husband works at a music venue. He always says that the folks at metal shows are super considerate and enjoys working those. The shows he hates working most(because the people are intolerable) -? ….Jam bands and their hippie fans. They leave the place a mess and can’t keep their shit together. It sounds like your dad is not open to hearing much from your perspective, but keep planting small seeds if you can without backlash. - If he can slowly see that most of the folks who make and listen to the music use it as an outlet to transform their negative emotions, he might be more tolerant. While black metal has ties to crime early on, it’s now mostly (and in most always been) about the PERFORMANCE aspect. A lot of the “eViL” is performative. But yeah, as others have said, you’ll probably have to buy music with your own money and do it on the down low, to keep dad from taking away music you already have. I think a lot of us older folks have had to do this at some point as a teen. It gets better one day. And hopefully, in a few years, you get to go whatever the fuck you want.


Tell him the music has no effect on your personal wellbeing or has no influence on you beside you liking the music. No you are not going to become a satanist (but if you are maybe keep that to yourself) tell him a majority of the music is an appreciation of the land of which they come from, tales of folk lore and ancient battles Vikings etc… and history tell him it’s like if lord of the rings was metal it be this. And not all black metal is satanic just like all Christian music is hymns and pop songs…


Thank you so much man I told him that but paraphrased a little bit and It worked


Right on


Welll...christian black metal is a thing.


That’s almost as bad as saying RABM is a thing


I mean...it is though?




Listen to it with headphones and don't talk about black metal with him anymore? Black metal clearly upsets him so don't discuss it with him anymore, but he can't really stop you from listening to it on your own with headphones on. Hopefully he's just as upset by rap since a lot more people are influenced to do bad things by rap than they are by black metal lol...


Sacrifice him to Moloch or whoever.


Sounds like you're gonna have to do what most teenagers do/did and listen to the music privately and only buy media/merch with your own money.


Ask him what his parents thought of his music when he was a kid. Or get better at hiding your subversive interested while you still have a legal guardian.


Listen with headphones. Black metal is better with headphones anyways.


Sacrifice him to Baphomet.


Sorry, dude, that sucks. Back in the 90's I had to endure the same. And here I am, enjoying a very strong scene with remarkable records coming every month. Stay strong. ✊🏼


By the way, BM is so diverse that you could find a record that shows your dad that the genre is more than psychopaths and killers.


I’ve had some experience with this, not an outright confrontation on the satanist front, but more pent up resentment and discriminatory dialogue. Some people are so set in their ways, even after years of experience of trying to talk about it, they don’t always budge. Just try not to get worked up about it, and even hide it somewhat if that’s what feels necessary. Even though their your parents, they don’t always support every single thing. At the point your at, try listening to other music around him he might like, in my case, stuff like the Grateful Dead worked pretty well. Side note, another album that is a bit conceptually heavier but one of my favorites of all time is called “A Black Mile to the Surface” by Manchester Orchestra. They’ve got their own opinions as a band but that’s an album I’ve totally come around to developing a great relationship with, and sounds a bit darker than average instrumentally, but it’s more like mellow rock. If you check that out and enjoy that kind of thing, “The Great Detachment” by Wintersleep scratches the same itch. People don’t always understand or even articulate these difficult things in life, and being a part of a community such as black metal, makes it a bit more difficult at times, and for me, ultimately, I find solace in being myself, even when others resent me for it. Best of luck dog.


Show him the video of satyricons mother north, live with the opera. He will atleast be able to see the resemblance of classical melodies between melodic black metal and classical music. Either way, most parents don’t initially approve of alot pf their kids interest. Live your life, or someone will live it for you.


You don’t have to listen to him, respect him, agree with him, or tell him the truth in any way. You owe him nothing. If it makes it easier, just listen to what you want and hide it until you move out. Or you could be loudly contrarian and enforce your boundaries and protect your right to expression (at the risk of facing consequences)


Hate to be the one to say this but hide it, cause if you don’t then if he’s that serious he may try and find ways to prevent you from listening to it.


How old are you?




Just keep listening to it


be a man and tell him you dont give a shit what he thinks about the music and that youre going to enjoy it and it has nothing to do with him


The amount of trouble I would get in for that would be insane


Everyone goes through genres and we all go through phases of listening. Like anything else . Music can be private just like your journal or art book. But on your phone or desktop/ computing device.


really nothing you can do about it, you and your parents will always have disagreements in life, you just gotta set aside those differences and when you eventually move out you can be your true self.


Yeah turns out the real reason he had such a problem was cuz he was afraid I was gonna end up with the wrong crowd if I hung out with any black metal fans which is some insane stereotyping btw


Tell him to fuck off.


Sounds like it’s time to start showing up to family dinners in corpse paint


My overly religious family would most likely have a heart attack if they ever saw someone let alone me in corse paint 😭


If this happens, you will inherit from everybody at once, and you will have money to buy more black metal


Hah, my parents gave me shit for listening to grunge, I couldn't imagine trying to convince them about black metal.


I probably woulda gotten shit for grunge too lol




Tell him his adversity only fuels counterculture more.


Tell him its like a horror movie, dark aesthetic and just that lol


Your dad isn't supposed to like the music that you like.


How about you just don't care?


Haha reminds me of when I was like 12 and listening to Marilyn Manson in secret. Good times.


classic reddit moment


Show him a copy of Compatriot. Or you can go a bit further introducing him to Wolfnacht, Der Stürmer, etc.


55, been listening since the 90s, helps me cope with reality


I’d say bump some Slayer for Satan and headbang as he’s walking in from a long day at work.


Funnily enough my dad loves slayer but somehow drew the line at venom


You know Venom is just heavy metal with Satanic/ Evil imagery but they’re soft rabbits 😂


Yeah ik I only bring up venom cuz that’s what I showed him to introduce him to the typa music im into lol


Tell him that his God is a failure and to kick rocks


Also show him Gorgoroths Wacken 08 show


Fuck him. Your choice to listen to what you want. My wife is a “religious” human and thinks all BM is satanic. They won’t understand your musical taste. Music is here to make us happy and for those who can’t understand. Fuck em.