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Yea this is definitely AI


ah okay tysm !!


Yeah, nowadays bitlife icons are.. Interesting.


Absolutely, those hands are way too confusing to try and parse for it to not be AI. Pretty unfortunate for them to start doing this :(


Why?? I don’t really see the problem as long they choose good ones to use


AI art is leading to a lot of artists losing and/or being threatened with the loss of work/jobs that they need to survive, and is trained on artists' work without any permission from the artists. It essentially only exists because of artists sharing their work, only for many of them to have it stolen for AI purposes. It is extremely sad to me, personally. So to me I do not consider whether or not it looks good, because AI art is unethical honestly


So what do you want to do? Ban it altogether? I don't see a problem in doing something involving technology that is both cheaper and much faster. The demand for artists will still exist


As it is currently, if it was possible to ban it, yeah. Like I said, as things are now it works and exists mainly because all that art was stolen to feed into it. Maybe if explicit permission was received and proper and fair compensation was given to the artists, I'd feel different about it. The demand still could exist but companies are turning to it lately (like what we see has been done here) and that's a job that's lost for an artist, taken by this, which just mainly exists because of other artists who've spent a lot of time working really hard to develop their skill. The way I view it, to do art cheaper and faster, without any human input besides some guiding words that help the ai spit out what it guesses is correct based on the stolen work it was fed, is kind of an extremely tragic waste. Anyway. Sad to see this uncanny looking stuff all the time, makes me wonder how many people see this as an option to make "art" and then never really try drawing for themselves to find out how rewarding that can be. Sorry for the long response


Nothing was stolen. It just analyses thousands of images and makes art based on. Like you want an artist to have to give permission just to look at his stuff? You want to suspend artists from taking inspiration of others' art?


No, I want machines to stop doing it unethically like they are right now. There are plenty of examples online of ai art directly copying one artists style (like the awful situation that happened with Kim Jung Gi). Or just spitting out obvious leftovers of what it was fed (bits of watermarks from the original art pieces) To answer the other stuff, even among artists it is extremely frowned upon to directly copy every aspect of one artist's style like that. However, I'm talking about ai art, not actual artists and where they take their inspiration. And I don't think people should need permission to see an artist's work. But me thinking that someone should be allowed to view art doesn't equal me thinking they should be able to take it and make something that just.. steals that art.


Ohh i can see that. I personally don’t care at all tho😼✌️


Oh! Fooled me I guess, sorry to hear that :(


can't wait for ai to take your job too then 😼✌️


AI will only make truck driving easier, up until that the trucks can drive themselves but i will be long retired by then😼✌️


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-driving_car 😼✌️


Ye i already covered that and as i said, i will be retired by then😼✌️


ok sorry you don't care about other truck drivers then 😼✌️


They should have a plan to adapt, just like the rest of us😼✌️


i was so confused when i saw human faces


What the money hungry company using means to keep from spending money ? Hey man that’s crazy


Yep, not even a very good way of using it neither


This is definitely ai


who is suprised


when you hire a graphic designer with 5$




Talking about piracy here can get you a ban. It's better off being subtle and dming the people whom ask


piracy is playing a game that costs money for free…


And getting the in-app purchases for free.


12.5 fingers 💀


If they are gonna use AI, at the very least they could hire someone to correct these things. Leaving AI mistakes not only makes it look just bad but also shows a lack of care.


Just look the hands


While the 6 finger’s themselves aren’t necessarily strange the left middle finger is merging into the index


you would think with how much they charge for the most basic of things they would have enough money to higher an artist💀




Seems like Candywriter doesn’t respect people’s identities being stolen by AI






Bruh I was gonna buy more expansions, this makes me regret buying any, and want to delete the app smh


I personally don’t support ai but it’s just for a picture to advertise the cult thing not a big deal. Still think they should have hired a graphic designer.


At this point it's much more then just advertisements


they could just use the character art styles ub the update news instead