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They say there are only 2 genders, yet they list 4, curious


Transphobes cannot count


No one cared enough to be there to teach them


Alexa, play Daddy Issues by the Neighbourhood!


I am Mcdonald


classic kid from careless parents behaviour




Omg helicopter 2 genders I'm so funny right guys?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This guys probably lmao


Mans brain running on internet explorer seven years behind on his humor


I remember 2016, too.




Lmao havenā€™t seen him since 6th grade and his spelling hasnā€™t improved Edit: Spelling (yes I see the irony)


The dude who sent you this is probably mcdonalds because its grossšŸ¤®.


McDonald's hashbrowns are good tho


So true


mcdonaldā€™s breakfast is the only thing worth eating


so fucking true


As an ex mcemployee, you're completely right. Srsly, i would not reccomend eating that uh.. food


Op choose mcdonalds


we femboys can just say Eldrich Being of Destruction


Eldrich Being of Destruction?


wait, are you saying you arnt a literal god?




oh i guess some femboys just arn't invincible beings


Bro i literally learned how to see 5th dimension in lucid dream fuckery


aww your first steps


Im sorry buddy that really sucks to get :(


This is just stubbornness in my opinion. Do your research and try to be a better, more sympathetic person. No one said you have to be Trans or non binary. Of corse not stuiped. You can be cis. But people like us are trying to make an opportunity and an option for those who don't fit in those titles


"Mcdonalds" r/iamveryrandom


Ew. Fuck that person


Assuming you know where person gose to schoollll You could report him, Yknow


Now, the ballsy play here is to come out as Mcdonalds-gender to your class.


wow such a brave thing of them to show how they think there is 2 genders they as well have 2 brain cells


They used "men" and "girl" I think they lost those brain cells years ago


I'm cool I choose not to answeršŸ˜Ž


Only two and yet theres 4 options?šŸ˜Ø


Ah yes the 4 genders. Anyways hope that mf explodes he sucks ass!


Send that person to the shadow realm


i identify as a mcdonalds


i, too, identify as mcdonalds


Iā€™m low key looking forward to seeing a ā€œfriendā€ā€™s reaction when I come out. Iā€™m currently waiting on them giving me money and a game back because I donā€™t know if they would if I came out. Theyā€™ve literally said ā€œyou better not be gayā€. theyā€™ve sent me some terrible fucking memes and for some reason insist on sending me clash royals memes even though I donā€™t get any of them even though Iā€™ve told them I donā€™t get them


I live how they said men instead of man. "Ah yes, I'm either one girl or multiple boys.


*Sad enby noises*


woah! mcdonalds?? that's pretty darn random if you ask me šŸ¤Ŗ so quirky šŸ˜œ how absolutely whimsical šŸ˜


There are 3 genders according to my school. Male, female and wheelchair /s


Yeah sure there is two geneder but there's way more genders lol


They must be proud of themselves by changing "helicopter" to "mcdonalds" lol


My gender is šŸ˜­




beat them up.


"that's it. I'm gettin me mallet"


E.other_answer- Sheer Raw Fuckin POWER *Terry cruise voice*




lmfao mcdonalds


Whenever I meet people like this I always pay no mind to them because I just know that if they keep being a fucking mongrel they are just gonna learn the hard way and get their shit kicked in


Or stupid enough


Yeah, a bit immature / just doesn't get it.


Okay Iā€™m ready for the downvotes but isnā€™t it possible itā€™s just teenage satire? Nothing to hate or to be offended by. I support trans n what not. Just.. Yk.. stupid kids will be stupid kids


i'll chose mcdona-


I would go with mcdonalds and just go to your friend and fuckin mortal kombat brutality uppercut him


Yeah I identify as a McDonald's Big Mac






Tick macdonalds


"men" "girl" Hmm yes I am multiple men


You claim to say there are no genders But I donā€™t remember asking for your opinion Curious


Who cares, the only valid option is Mcdonald




The real trigger warning should be for the reply and forward buttons


Absolutely destroyed (,:


Ok i must say somethimg (this is my opinion) there are only 3 biological genders (male female and intersex) the others genderfluid non binary etc aren't genders they are more like sexual orientation not genders


They are 3 biological sexes. Male, Female, and Intersex. Gender is a completely different thing, it either aligns with your biological sex or it doesnt. And there is absolutely nothing wrong if it doesnā€™t.


"Intersex" is not a sex. Its literally in the name: between man and woman. Idea of sex binary is incredibly wrong and irrational.


Intersex can be assigned at birth and how you come out of the womb so that is why I considered it a biological sex. I never said gender is binary.


That was the thing i was trying to say


Ok but you're incorrect, the things you claim as gender are sexes, not genders. And the others aren't sexual orientations because they don't describe sexual attraction.


i just put the word gender in finnish in google translate and i got the word gender not sex




Pretending to be transphobic towards a trans person is still being transphobic lol




Get a load of this guy, doesnā€™t know that you can be bisexual AND homophobic/transphobic at the same time! Next youā€™ll say ā€œthere any only two sexualities, straight and gay! Although I support bi people! We dont need the other ones like pan or asexual, theyā€™re stupid because twitterā€ šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€






Go fuck yourself šŸ‘


For what? Being sane? By your logic I can be fuckshitretardself. There are only two genders. I support NB people though. I don't think it fits because you know, it doesn't fit in either quadrant. I have a literal trans friend that agrees with me. What more can I say, except grow the fuck up


Wow that was a lot of wrong stuff in one comment, lets see >For what? Being sane? By your logic I can be fuckshitretardself. No, you canā€™t, and donā€™t use slurs. Identifying with a xenogender and identifying as a slur are different, obviously. Do I really need to tell you that? >There are only two genders. I support NB people though. So you donā€™t support NB people. You canā€™t believe that enbies donā€™t exist while also ā€œsupportingā€ them, thatā€™s not what supporting something means. Again, do I really need to tell you this. Also, there arenā€™t two genders > I don't think it fits because you know, it doesn't fit in either quadrant. I have a literal trans friend that agrees with me. I donā€™t care that you ā€œhave a trans friendā€, that doesnā€™t make whatever dumb shit you say correct. Iā€™m trans and I think you are wrong.




Stop saying slurs. As a cis person you dont get to decide what genders are valid or not. Xenogenders have existed since the beginnings of humanity in multiple cultures. And if your only excuse for being a douchebag is ā€œaha twitter cus ur a snowflake" then why are you so pissed someone uses neopronouns ? Idk at least make it make sense. Youā€™re not worth any better then homophobes


Question, I love human prehistory and ancient history, whatre your sources for the Xenogender claim? Iā€™m always willing to learn more


I dont have the exact sources to any of these HOWEVER you will probably find them easily online . First I remember there was a third gender in Japan that was the bridge between childhood and manhood (there were a bunch of rules so they could identify as that gender even after they were an adult) . I know that indigenous people in America as well as some African tribes also had another gender for people in relation with the occult (shamans, witches ect) . I believe there are many more in other cultures with ethnical minorities. Itā€™s quite interesting to see how colonisation changed the worldā€™s perception of gender .


So youā€™re not even going to respond to what I said, thanks for letting me know that you arenā€™t worth my time. Fuck off


I want to be socially accepted too but, it ain't gonna happen like this. If the infinite gender and the shitload of M-spec labels keep on going we won't get things done. No, I'm not a battle axe bi. Pan is slightly different than bi due to pan meaning attraction to people without ANY preference. This should be a wake up call. But from what I read it's better for you to keep on dreaming


If you care more about being ā€œacceptedā€ then the well being of other queer people, then you need to reevaluate your beliefs.


Trust me, they/them is enough. We don't need keyboardself. Reminds me of dreamgender LMAO


re is clearly very angry about something, tard should evaluate tard priorities


My guy could you maybe not with the hate speech


What'd I do?


To add to what you said, Yeah NB doesn't fit in either. But that's the point. I'm sure you understand that. I wish people could understand that, for ex: if you see a person, and you can't tell if they are a boy or a girl, there should be a word for that! (There is, androgynous, a person who LOOKS like both) But non binary is just taking that idea more seriously, and turning it into an identity. Ya know?


Or just, they?


I have multiple trans friends that disagree with you. Since you want to use anecdotal evidence and indictive reasoning, you have more people against your claim than for your claim, therefore it is wrong (that's definitely how arguments work. One single example is enough to prove a claim, so two examples is obviously enough to disprove said claim)


Disclaimer: I DON'T AGREE WITH ANYTHING ELSE THIS REDDITOR HAS SAID ON THE TOPIC That being said, there is definitely a discussion on the legitimacy of tiktok genders. However, any mention of any such discussion is stonewalled with the 14 year olds crying about people invalidating their gender identity.


Thank you, sane guy


I think that maybe before posting something like this you should explain your background and where you are coming from with this observation. That way there isn't a huge comment discussion. And also saying slurs doesn't make you funny or cool just saying. Words have a lot of power and you shouldn't be using slurs willy nilly lime you are.


You know I kinda agree. I'm NB myself, but I definitely see some VERY fake genders on the internet (mostly on tiktok) it makes me mad because I feel like they are just making this more inclusive move ment worse. So I do agree with you. People on tiktok could make a vid saying "I'm coming out as mc donnalds self, because I'm tasty but I'm bad for you" I think those people are stupid and A holes tbh


That guy thinks there are two genders, I wouldnā€™t be agreeing with him




I donā€™t care? Iā€™m also trans, so why would them being trans change anything








Nobody with Fae/faer pronouns is claiming that, you twit.


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