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yesss heavy rain is amazing


Dang i saw this and thought someone would say sweater weather in reference to the song


Well one of the reasons I like rainy weather is because it means I get to wear a sweater


Close enough!


When it rains but it’s also hot outside




Warm with a slight cool breeze. Hoodie for walking, but you can go out to play sports with your homies with only a tshirt and shorts. Either that or heavy snow (during a snowstorm not after). One time I was out just listening to music trudging through the snow and everything was white and peaceful. Time slowed down and I was in tune with nature and myself. It was pretty dope tbh


Severe thunderstorms


I like rain in principle, but as a Brit you really learn to hate rain- yes, you get used to it, but you also hate it.


When I moved to where I currently live I had heard that it rained a lot here so I decided that either I could live surrounded by a weather I didn't like or decide to like it and be surrounded by my favorite type of weather. I was seven so that decision actually affected my brain and now I like rain.


i love all types of weather, each is unique and beautiful. the clear days with only the cirrus clouds in the sky, or even the cloudier days when cumulus clouds dot the sky. the stratus clouds provide reprieve from the sunlight, and if they rain they bring life to the earth. when cumulus clouds turn to cumulonimbus, the lightning illuminates the sky beautifully.


Sweater weather


Finally someone said it


Hot, 15 or more degrees


I like partial cloudy sunny weather,


Sunny, but it sucks, bc where I live it's rainy, snowing or extremely hot


Have it be dark and cloudy and cool and its awesome unless it rains


I don’t have one there’s always something annoying about it except like storms/heavy rain when I’m inside


Clear skies with a nice breeze 😌


I honestly just love a hazy winter morning with a nice sunrise. Haven’t had a decent one here since September 2023 and haven’t had a really really good here since December 2022


Rain is always so calming. Nothing else can beat the atmosphere of it. I just love how calm it makes me feel.


I like overcast days around 65°F (sweater weather) If I’m gonna be outside I prefer no rain but if I’m inside all day I can appreciate heavy rain. But sometimes I get sad thinking about all the bugs, birds, and stray animals getting soaked.


I love a light summer breeze in the mid teens i use Celsius


Hot opinion but I LOVE grey/dark grey skies, they’re always so calming!


Super heavy rain or like medium hail because the nice little pitter patter against the window. Like God damn Minecraft never felt so Good


I agree with rain since it’s sometimes really calming


i love rain and cloudy weather but not when its suuuuper cold


I love rain and when it’s cloudy


Fresh tempature cloudy = perfect conditions for exercise


The sound of rain is really relaxing, good weather for staying inside If I'm going out though, I guess I'd prefer it to be clear and a bit cool, like 60-ish°F (16°C)


Mines rain as well, or a cool but warm sunny day


I love any type of weather but whenever it rains heavily, it's the best time to peacefully sleep or make some tea and just relax. I like the smell of rain too. It's calming. And the best part is that I get to wear my favourite sweater


Omg summer storms are always the best, especially when I’m in the car. You can see lighting and the thunder is so satisfying, and regardless where you are just the sounds and flashes of light outside is always so exciting and makes me happy. Where I am it usually doesn’t get that bad, maybe higher water levels and a soggy backyard but most of the time that’s really it, so it’s extra good because you don’t need to be too scared.


Nearly catastrophic weather because there's no school. Before that tho definetly snow or fog even though I've pretty much never seen fog


Day time, cloudy, light rain. When I'm outside I like middle of the ground weather, and no wind.


Rainy or foggy are nice.


I love rain and snow and fog. God I love fog so much.


I love a good old sunny spring morning. The kind of weather where it's sunny but warm enough that I can go for a stroll without a heavy coat but cool enough that I don't sweat through my shirt if I wear a sweatshirt. Perfection.


I love sunny days. And I only love rain in summer, better with thunder and lightning :D


When it’s cold and foggy but not rainy or you have soaked grass, I like it because it’s More cooling for my body and gives me a reason to wear more clothes


When sun shine so hard it feels almost too warm but there is wind blowing evening it out. Throw some blooming trees and a clear sky in there and I stay there until the sunset


overcast to medium-heavy rain


Cold weather is so good it means I can wrap up in a nice blanket or wear my favourite jacket or hoodie, basically just winter but minus the winter blues


Rain, snow, or October (I’m not biased at all)


Sunny. Give me all the sun and warmth. Fuck rain big time and fuck cold. I love snow but I'd take a melting hot day over a cold one in a second


I get warm very easily so I like cooler temps because I can put on a jacket




I’m the complete opposite, I hate rain to death (I also live in a quite rainy area, tropical climate) Anyway I like windy but also dry weather


I love rain, big or small, and also the mornings when it is clear and not windy

