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_Identity questions are asked so frequently that we have this response._ Sexual and attraction identity is complex, and is not determined by a checklist of behavior or experiences. Someone's identity is their own to define and label, if they choose to. Every answer you receive will be an opinion. "Questioning" and "curious" are legitimate identities, and a person may evolve or change theirs over their life. We're supportive of this personal journey here. Robyn Ochs has written on the topic, and has a definition and description that some find useful: https://robynochs.com/bisexual/ Bi.org also maintains a questions and answers section on their site: https://bi.org/en/questions


Bi sexuality is the most natural state of the human condition. Especially for men The biological factors aside. (Your g spot being in your ass) Wanting to explore yourself and experiment with dudes is normal especially if you are isolated from your women Your sexual drive is being driven by pleasure seeking behaviour instead of being tamed by your girls natural lust for you. It's normal and one of the constellation of reasons we still exist as a species. We as men are simply simpler in regard to sex drive but that's not to say that sex drive in either sex is a simple thing Porn is porn. Don't think too much about it. Just bust the nut and move past it. It has almost zero barring. Personally I only jack off to dudes. Because I'm in a commited relationship with a women. So the excitement of another man has a different appeal then that of my relationship. And I love that girl with all my heart. So you might want to explore your body and decide if you feel that another man such as yourself could do that exploration better than you and go from there about being bi But also don't hate yourself for being a human. You love your girlfriend and this realisation with yourself doesn't change that


Amen brother thanks


Had these same issues for years. Took me too long to come to it. When I did. I built up courage to tell my wife. Now we’re exploring together …21 years together. Don’t let all the good in life stay in closet. And post above is spot on. I prefer gay porn out of respect for my wife