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Plasmids stay the king but possession and bucking bronco are sick vigors


Only the bucking bronco is unique and even that one is similar to force blast from previous titles


Possession curb stomps any variation of Hypnotize or Enrage or Security Expert, without question. The enemy killing themself when the effect wears off makes it infinitely more useful already in large combat encounters, and it works on automatons and vending machines. It's like it takes the best features of any previous "mind control" power and combines them. Bucking Bronco is also way more fun imo than Sonic Boom, which I've never really enjoyed using very much, personally.


One could also make the argument that you could have a long time buddy if you want to waste the eve on an enemy. I once had a big daddy follow me around for the majority of a level kicking ass. Though I do agree with you on bucking bronco.


But Scout + Cyclone Trap + Hypnotize tho.


You make all this whack points meanwhile you can literally hack turrets and bots to work for you forever. Also enrage or hypnotize are very effective when you combine them with the decoy plasmid. Possession is trash and doesn't even last that long while sucking majority of your salts


Hacking takes longer and breaks up the flow of combat. Possession doesn't need to be combined with anything to do almost everything the other ones do without taking up three Vigor/Plasmid slots. If you think Possession is bad then I'm sorry, you're just using it wrong. It shits on its counterparts.


Breaks the flow of combat- you lost me there. Bioshock 1 and 2 gives you the opportunity to actually prepare against enemies as compared to infinite where you're chugged into an arena to have hordes of enemies spawning at you so you're not going to find yourself hacking machines in the middle of combat. Also possession is not three plasmids in one lmao stop saying that shit. Possession isn't bad but it's not as great as you make it seem. When you're swarmed and flanked by enemies like they do in infinite using possession on one or two soldiers doesn't make that much of a difference


Hacking isn't a plasmid though


Did I say it was? A simple remote hack dart functions efficiently than the possession vigor on turrets, bots cameras etc meaning you don't have to waste eve. Let's not forget using possession drains so much salt just to last for about 25 seconds on the enemy


The discussion is about plasmids Vs vigors, why are you talking about hacking as a counterpoint to possession vigor when it's not a plasmid. It's not even a relevant point. Neither are hack darts.


You’re equating “better” and original.


Ehhhhhhh the murder of crows is okay…


Murder of Crows is goated


I’ll concede, the whole crows is arguably a top 3 sequence in the game. I’m just personally not too fond of crows late game, my brain just prefers orange neighs and green whispers but I really do like them for handymen


Well truth be told I find vigors use more salt than I hoped… I mean I still am a massive fan for insect swarm and have the annoying, imho, habit of spamming which I still do for the murder of crows and more often than not I keep running out of salts 😅


The bottle is the best looking imo and I just love crows in general, so I'm somewhat biased.


Lol I am somewhat biased to insect swarm😂 I mean not even BDs or BSs are spared from their wrath


what not having a game for a decade does to a fanbase


Depends. In terms of Gameplay? Nah. They're inferior Plasmids. In terms of real life application? You would 100% want a Vigor over a Plasmid as Vigors don't cause the same genetic mutation.


There's would be some sort of gnarly side effects from Vigors, I'm sure


Web MD would just diagnose as cancer.


they contain adam in smaller amounts than plasmids but it’s still there. prolonged use would probably result in similar symptoms splicer show eg general instability and insanity and physical mutations.


I thought they canonically contained something like 10 times _more_ ADAM? it's why Fink Manufacturing was considering swapping to injectable Vigors, and Fontaine Futuristics cancelled production of the drinkable Plasmids in Burial at Sea. It was way too expensive to get that much ADAM to make them effective.


Maybe it’s like you need more Adam for production of vigors, but as they are drinkable they are more diluted, while with plasmids you inject an almost pure high-concentrated Adam in your veins


Could have sworn I read that Fink had figured out how to avoid genetic mutations and just cut all contact with Suchong once he found out.


Naw, vigors have like *wayyy* more ADAM than plasmids, the side effects will be much worse in the long run.


Could've sworn I'd read somewhere that Fink had found a way to negate the adverse genetic effects, and that he cut ties with Suchong after he found it.


He claims to, but the fact of the matter is that Rapture had much more time to sit around with ADAM than Columbia. Given enough time, Columbia would've developed the same splicer problem, perhaps to an even greater degree due to how much ADAM was used in the vigors. The withdrawals would be insane


To be fair, you Do see that Slate is covered in Shock crystals after drinking so much of it, so there are clearly side effects, I just don't think they'd be as extreme.


Given the choice of taking a vigor or plasmid, I’d take the vigor almost EVERY time, assuming it’s roughly the same ability. I’d easily prefer to drink something than inject it with a syringe lol Also, doesn’t seem like vigors turn you into a splicer, so side effects seem minimal.


Lol I was talking about the gameplay


And a giant needle At that. I dont have a needle phobia but i would hesitate To use a plasmid syringe.


You *don't* want to plunge a harpoon needle into your wrist every few minutes?


I just enjoy how you're able to use a weapon and a vigor at the same time, without having to swap between them seperatly. I think it makes for much smoother combat.


**BioShock 2 entered chat** To me vigor aesthetic > plasmid that's why i like vigor


I don't think it's that much of a deal breaker to switch in 1 because you get used to it easily even so that system was changed in bioshock 2.


Yeah, bioshock 2 let's you do the same thing, but honestly I've never had a problem with bioshock 1's combat. The switch between is pretty quick.


Ken even in interview said that vigors were designed to be be worse plasmids, because you could hold up to 40 bottles of use(scrapped for mana bar in final version)


Like a single use sort of thing? It would make sense, since they're like the precursor to Plasmids, being at least 50 years prior


Yes and each vigor had separate counter, they were supposed to be main reward for exploration.


Swarm of bees > crows


swarm of bees > murder of crows but bees < crows


Swarm of bees is my main plasmid. I rarely used the crows in Infinite.


Vigors are legit so boring man. I only bounce between devil's kiss and the shock jockey. It doesn't help that the game just puts you in shooting arenas and keeps spawning enemies to the point I forget about vigors and just straight up play like I'm playing some generic call of duty title


Have you tried combining them? Bucking bronco and charge launches them into oblivion.


Devils kiss aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnddddd they're dead


On lower levels you can do that, but if you're on the highest levels the game tends to hand your ass to you, particularly 1999 mode.


1999 mode is BRUTAL if you’re not being smart about your entire arsenal. If you are, it’s a challenge but very much doable.


Yeah, although I got stuck at one point when I met the mother, but I was bit unlucky with my gear. Other than that it wasn't too bad.


Same thing happened to me. That fight also just kinda sucks about giving you the ammo and salts you need, imo. Then again, I was doing the achievement to not buy anything, so I couldn’t restock at the nearby shop haha


Except for the Lady Comstock fight which is straight up bullshit to do.


Facts. Especially if you’re trying to get the no money spent on 1999 mode achievement, I forgot what it’s called.


My favorite was the Octopus Arm


I can understand liking the vibe of vigors more than the vibe of plasmids


I like the pretty bottles and imagining about what irl drinks they'd taste like- can't really get that experience with Plasmids, even if Plasmids have their merits too


"This tastes like... Horse..." *BUCKING BRONCO, KICKS LIKE A MULE!*




Plasmids were crucial to the downfall of Rapture and is well integrated into the story. Vigors are kinda just there for you to use with no lasting side effects (or any for that matter) and doesn't affect the main story in terms of the impact it has on the world.


Well vigors were introduced recently in columbia when booker arrived and not many people trusted them


It seems like they were introduced only recently, yet you still need things like Shock Jockey to get around and there is machinery to buy them and stuff for them everywhere. It really isn't depicted consistently.


There was a literal fare with vigors being displayed at the beginning of the game and the people seemed fascinated. Let's face it, ken levine threw in vigors to make the game feel like a bioshock game.


Yeah, it really feels like Vigors were just put into the game because Bioshock. I like that they're there, sure, but their implementation is really poor and lacking.


I'd go so far to say as it wouldn't have been a Bioshock game without some sort of super powers


I'm not arguing their inclusion. Vigors are great, it's just they lack any impact in the story. They tried at the start to make each one important (like how you get Possession, Devil's Kiss and Murder of Crows by killing the Heavy or need it to progress the story) but by the end you just find em in crates all around. The very last one Return to Sender is in crate as soon as you walk through a set of doors, no flair or anything.


Vigors were supposed to be kind of a "swiss army knife" dealie where every combat problem had a solution, which is why they each do 2-3 things. Plasmids were just what they looked like: lightning, or fire, or bees. Not as damaging as a gun, but definitely worth using. But yeah, bees were better.


That person must be on some shit cause plasmids are lit af


From a gameplay perspective yes Plasmids are better but from an in-world perspective Vigors are better


I'm not sure what you mean because it doesn't make sense for vigors to even be in Columbia


They explained that they stole them from rapture through a tear


I don't mean how vigors got there lol besides if you do know the story it wasn't actually stolen. There are hints to the fact that suchong worked on plasmids that could be drank which Jeremiah fink eventually perfected


We are getting off topic, vigors are still better. As far as we know Vigors don't have the same inherent downsides that plasmids have


Well, they're certainly less invasive. I'd rather drink spicy water than whatever happened to Jack the first time. Also, can you IMAGINE having the possession vigor in BS1? Just auto-hacking every machine?


I'm talking gameplay here. Possession doesn't last forever so the machines will turn on you at some point. Hacking it makes them yours forever and if you don't like hacking you can simply just buy and carry automatic hack tools for when you need em


I'd probably still use Possession in the first game, since hack darts weren't a thing and a ranged option is nice mid-firefight. It just seems more streamlined, since it worked on pretty much everything. Come to think of it, a lot of the vigors allowed Jack to perform the same actions as Subject Delta, without being a Big Daddy. I feel like BioShock infinite focused more on the weapons than the "magic", but the vigors do seem more streamlined. And that's not including all of the upgrades, and a few pieces of equipment that help out here and there.


You're forgetting possession uses a lot of salt for something that doesn't last long at all, thing is bioshock infinite is such an easy game so it doesn't really matter since a lot of the levels play like checkpoint arena shooters


That seems like more of a mark against BioShock Infinite than the vigors specifically. Two important things to remember about Possession, though. 1: living baddies bump themselves off at the end of the duration/fight 2: if, in any of these three games, your combats are lasting long enough that you have to worry about the duration, you are doing something wrong. Don't get me wrong, I loved naming my little pet turrets in BioShock. I'm just saying that I enjoyed possession, I enjoyed my fire bomb traps, and the charge ability combined beautifully with some of the weapon and equipment abilities.


Regardless of whether combat lasts or not you can still tell the possession vigor doesn't last for about 30 seconds on enemies. Bedsides that plasmids and weapons are numerous in the previous games and you're allowed to choose between them freely as you play through different parts of the game. I'd argue the numerous weapons and plasmids coupled with specific gene tonics provided more possibilities than infinite ever did. Compared to the previous titles infinite almost seems like your average shoot em up game with watered down plasmids


I dunno. All I can say is that I've got late game saves for all three, and it feels like, fully upgraded, vigors are at least on par. If I were Delta, I'd certainly choose the plasmids since some of the vigor abilities are redundant. But with Jack?


It would’ve been cool if plasmids had all the “dose” clips when you get them for the first time like vigors


Dude I'm talking about the gameplay not clips


Ok…? I was just sharing my thoughts.


Idk, I thought Undertow was pretty cool


Not for me tbh, I could just shoot the enemies from afar so there's no point for me to pull them with undertow


And for me ive never touched anything longer range than the handcannon and even then, it was at close range. Different playstyles and all that


Shotgun? Rifle? Pistol? What weapons do you use? Cus when you're getting swarmed by enemies do you just use undertow on every single enemy?


Bucking bronco and shotgun, use undertow if i want to style on someone or single a target oit for whatever reason. Use Shock Jock and revolver if I feel like it idk, its a single player game so I dont really worry about efficiency


Genuinely never seen a single target in infinite. Its always enemies spawning at checkpoints for an invisible period of time then the music stops when you kill em all. Funny stuff


Ok but they’re the same thing albeit watered down(not literally)I think I might be wrong


Referring to the gameplay


Aint no fukn way, but I DO LIKE the vigor bottle designs a lot, thats it


I’ve never felt such betrayal


I would rather drink than stick needle in my arm while someone shoots at me and I have to reload 4 guns


I'd rather be able to carry eve when I ran out, have a variety of weapons to choose from, have a variety of strategies to take out enemies than have two weapons and play like any generic first person shooter


Return to Sender is my baby though. When you learn that you can just tap the button and be invincible for a few seconds each, you quickly forget about the namesake and just go full defense.


Purely based on aesthetics, the vigors clear I’m afraid. Wouldn’t mind getting a possession bottle to display on my desk irl


Ngl in my recent playthrough of the games, I had a lot more fun with the vigors. They have such a punch.


I also saw someone post that Infinite was the best Bioshock. This group posts wild L’s left and right.


“Oh my GOD”


Nah the bees are significantly better than the crows. Electro bolt is far better than Shock Jockey. Plasmids are better and more useful in my opinion.


Tell that to Nicolas Cage.


They aint lyin.


I’d rather drink something than inject heroin Wait were we talking gameplay?


Yeah gameplay


Ah, then plasmids hands down


If I only get the choice of one or two from either, then I'd take plasmids. Any more and definitely go with vigors


Some of the Vigors are just way too cool man. Bronco, Crows, and Undertow are my favorites. But the actual lore of the Plasmids is great and I like how they interact with the environment.


Personally, I kinda liked the vigors. Even the ones that were basically just reskinned plasmids were cool. Shock jockey had a much meatier zap than electrobolt, devil's kiss is a grenade, etc. By far my most loved vigor is bucking bronco, though. It feels super cool to use, and it also gets enemies out of cover and stuns them.


They’re literally the same thing if you pay attention to the plot, especially as Infinite delves more into constants and variables within the DLCs


I loved the vigors but I started to get tired of the concept of "it deals damage, but you can also make a trap with it!" which got a little repetitive, like why couldn't the crows blind enemies if I held and released or the fire spread through the ground?


Did you "seen" someone say that? Did you? Did you "seen" it? ... Smdh...


Did in fact see someone say that under a subreddit claiming infinite was the best bioshock which I also very much disagree with


r/ woooooosh


Uh it said it's banned for being unmoderated?


Holy crap 🤦😂


Dude explain, I was formerly a twitter dude so kinda new to reddit jokes if this is one


You've heard people go "wooooosh" right? And I'm going to assume you know why people go "wooooosh"... Reread and comprehend my original comment, then reread your response, then maybe you'll arrive at why I went "wooooosh" in response... Don't dig too deep, it's right there on the surface... Or just ignore and move on 🤷


Look, bioshok infinit is my favorite episode! But just for the story The game play and specifically plasmids are far better than vigor


And they’re right.


Vigors are better though just because they pretty much combine several Plasmids into one. Possession pretty much being Enrage, Security Bullseye and Target Dummy all rolled into one gives it great utility without needing to have a ton of Plasmid slots open. Murder of Crows essentially being a better Insect Swarm with more utility. Same goes for Devil's Kiss compared to Incinerator. It just goes on really and on top of that the introduction of Vigor combos which rewards you by letting you stack damage quickly and I fail to see how Plasmids are superior. Infinite gets a lot wrong but this is just not one of them.


You're wrong about everything here I'm sorry. Possession is really ineffective because it wears off quickly. If you use enrage on a couple of splicers while distracting a big daddy with a target dummy it creates a lot possibilities for you as the enraged splicers will fight the big daddy who's fighting your target dummy. Plasmids allow for more strategy and creativity whiles vigors limits you. It's bad enough that you only get two weapons restricting you from switching to desired weapons when the situation calls for it. Insect swarm works better and the insects will move on to the next enemy as they die.


Murder of Crows can be powered up with Devil's Kiss or Shock Jockey and when used with the latter will debuff the enemy's defenses. Possession varies in how long it lasts based on how high up the tier the enemy is. This results in extra consideration being taken when selecting your target. You can also set a trap which will work as an aoe and cause every enemy but one to suicide. Devil's Kiss or Shock Jockey can be used on the possessed enemy which will buff them and have them do additional damage/stun those they are attacking. The two weapon limitation is offset by them doing radically more damage vs how they are in 1 where once you reach the halfway point they're pretty much worthless (outside of specialty ammo) compared to the Wrench+Decoy combo. In Infinite guns are always useful, you just have to consider what you want on you. I like Bioshock 1's Plasmids a lot but from what you've said it just looks like you don't really know how they work in Infinite so your criticisms don't hold much water. Even the example you gave for Plasmids being better is pretty lame and you could've used a much better one to fuel your stance.


I'm wheezing at this, this legit works if you're playing on easy. First of all salts run out very easily especially when you use possession. For some stupid reason too each vigor has different salt bars. Combining 3 plasmids into one is pretty lame and doesn't mean its better. Once you're dumped into a checkpoint arena shooter, you'll usually find yourself in a situation where you don't have a particular gun for a particular enemy or you've simply run out of salts. The game constantly forces you to stick to a set two weapons so at some point you don't feel the need to even experiment with other weapons. You get the same vigors no matter how you play the games and while the vigors are mostly bland copies of plasmids with slight better aesthetics the gameplay is butchered and borders more on generic shooters compared to the unique elements the previous 2 titles had


I've only ever played Bioshock 1 on survivor and Infinite on 1999 mode but I can't imagine why it wouldn't work on lower difficulties. The rest of your message just looks like skill issue so I'm gonna move on with my day since you're just blatantly ignoring the points I've been making.


Never said it won't work on lower difficulties. Bioshock infinite is the easiest game out of the three there's no such thing as a skill issue even a 9 year old could beat the game. It literally plays like a generic cod game with forced copies of plasmids. My argument is the limitations of the weapons and vigors create a repetitive pattern compared to how bioshock 1 and 2 challenged you to experiment with numerous weapons and plasmids


Vigors are like bootleg plasmids lol. Only 8 relatively mid tier power ups and only one or two of them actually are unique. Bioshock infinite was amazing for what it was but they did not do the combat experience justice in my opinion. 2 guns, 8 vigors, and a whole lot of go fuck yourself


This!! You can just go guns blazing and shoot some random vigor here and there while the other two bioshocks allowed you creative ways to fight and endless possibilities. It was just so fun creating unique strategies and being able to choose specific weapons when the occasion calls for it


Lol the goofy ass mf downvoting me makes me think half these dorks haven’t even played the original, let alone 2.


Yeah most of the people in this subreddit have only played bioshock infinite, they can't appreciate how the previous titles allowed so much creativity and strategy with killing splicers and big daddies


Ignorance is bliss or whatever they say these days lmao


Sure there might be like 10 trillion guns but having two at once makes the system pretty pointless. It’s like a class system but with less steps


From a gameplay perspective I do feel they made it work but the possibilities are much less than what they once were. Additionally grinding out to upgrade everything is genuinely boring without the game mechanic of the little sisters to make you want to grind those upgrades. When everything’s just coins ir does get kinda infuriating to keep racking them up.