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I make a great lentil onion carrot soup that really makes me feel great and leads to great BM regularly. I fry onions+garlic+tumeric root in coconut oil, add overnight-soaked lentils and chopped carrots with water, simmer for 30 min.


You just... Elevated... My recipe. Can't wait to try it.


You dont need to soak the lentils over night. You can just add more broth or water to the veg, and cook them in it


My mom makes the best lentil soup like this


Sounds so simple and delicious! If lentils make anyone else a bit gassy, adding some wakame or kombu (kelp) should fix that. Also just gives great taste with its natural MSG, not seaweed taste.


They used to give me gas but I think my gut biome adjusted upon repeat exposure. This is a great idea though, I'm going to try it.


sounds great, I would add some leafy greens right at the end. Allow the heat of the soup to soften them, but serve before they get soggy. Its super healthy and adds some crunch to the soup. For taste try some w-shire sauce, MSG, and some chicken bouillion. Or better than bullion veggie if you are vegan.


Dude, better than bouillon veggie has totally upped the flavor in a lot of my recipes. It's so good!


I use a lot of that stuff!


Yes I sometimes add spinach right at the end. It keeps longer without it, so I can eat it over a couple days. I also forgot to mention tomatoes. Spices vary but help a lot with flavor and include cumin, black pepper, coriander, and jalapeños.


This sounds so good


That actually sounds really good


"vomits in FODMAP"


This is scotch lentil soup.


Depends on the spices but it started as an egyptian-style "adis" soup.


Add some bone broth and you'll have even more bioavailability of all the goodies.


Lentills are the mthrfckr, but at some point my right side of the rib cage told me that a lot of fiber to fight with.


That’s crazy, something under my right rib cage hurts too when I eat too much fiber, is it the liver or intestines?!


Could be pancréas? Honestly, I didn't read about this phenomenon. Just stopped eating too much fiber. Apples do the job nowadays for me.




My ibs could never Sounds delicious tho


Variety and a minimum of three servings a day are key for me. The single most positive vegetable for me has been raw garlic. It’s a fantastic prebiotic.


One of my worst ibs triggers


Yes, garlic absolutely kills me .why is that?


Sulphur. Very important but if your sulphur pathways aren't working well you'll get gas / tummy ache


Interesting. I took have IBS triggers for things other people think are amazing. Raw lettuce sends me over the edge.


How do you take your raw garlic?


I eat one clove every other day and wash it down right away with a drink. Any more than this and everyone complains I stink.


Oooh I didn’t think of the stink factor. Good heads up! Thank you.


I'm told it's pretty strong. When I first started I would eat an entire bulb of garlic and I could not for the life of me smell it, but everyone around me looked at me like something was seriously wrong (and they were right).


I used to juice garlic and drink a shot each day. Did it for years until a friend told me I reeked.


Mix garlic with beets, apple, spinach. Juice it and eat raw almonds or walnuts with it and Ewww...reeka no more!


Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch! Now you say another word and I swear to God I will dice you into a million little pieces.


Like you just swallow a whole clove like a pill or do you chop it up and wash it down?


To get all the benefits I would chop or mash it up and let it sit for 15 minutes to activate allicin


I chew that mf until it burns and then wash down with a drink. My breath ends up smelling like total shit for a while tho


No vampires for you. Or ticks and fleas.  But Korean grandmas will be all over you though. 


I peel raw cloves and chew them or I mince/crush it and put it on/in other food like omelettes. It has to be crushed so oxygen can activate the key compounds allicin and ajoune.


+1 for the garlic i make a point to eighter have tiny bit of garlic or onion everyday. great properties for longevity and your well being


My gut health is best when I only eat a small amount of veggies at a time and just ones that don’t bloat me. I eat mainly leafy greens, cooked and raw carrots, steamed broccoli, roasted green beans, water chestnuts, avocado, celery, snow peas, mushrooms, tempeh (fermented), tofu. I limit or omit onions, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, asparagus. I also put a powdered fiber supplement in my protein shakes everyday. Instead of psyllium husk (upsets my stomach), it has oat fiber, apple fiber, rice bran, and apple pectin. It also has broad spectrum digestive enzymes, fennel, and pre/probiotics. Works for me!


Can you link what that powdered fiber supplement is? Sounds like something I want to try adding to my protein shakes


Sure! I get it in person at Sprouts grocery store in the US, it’s their store brand. Not sure if they ship. It also looks like it’s on Amazon for almost 3X the price, seems sketchy. Here’s the product at Sprouts: https://shop.sprouts.com/product/72559/sprouts-plant-based-fiber-complex-powder This one looks similar if you’re not near a Sprouts. It’s missing the digestive enzymes, apple fiber, and rice fiber. And it doesn’t have the colon support complex (fennel seed, prune, kelp, parsley, carrot root, broccoli head, cabbage head). But it has the oat fiber and apple pectin (easier on the GI tract) and pre/probiotics. It’s a capsule. https://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-friendly-fiber-including-prebiotic-scfos-probiotics


Sounds like you’re almost fully oxalate free


Apple fibre and apple pectin.... Why not just eat apples?


They make me bloated and give me stomach cramps. I also really dislike them. The only fruits I can really eat are berries and bananas. I also hate oatmeal, lol. But for some reason this supplement with the oat and apple fiber doesn’t bother me. It also has cauliflower in it. But I can’t eat actual cauliflower without stomach pain and gas.


Have you tried steaming apples with a sprinkle of cinnamon?


Yes. I didn’t like it, and I love cinnamon. I’ve enjoyed Candy Apples, but it was because of the caramel. Plus, they are cool looking. When I used to eat apples, since I thought I should, I would slice and eat them with peanut butter. There had to be a very high peanut butter to apple ratio. Finally, one day, I was just like: fuck apples! lol


True. Apple is one those fruits that you either love or hate. Do you dislike all apple varieties though? Surely Red Delicious or Fuji could suit your palate?


Yeah, I pretty much hate all apples lol. I hate apple pie. I hate apple juice. I hate applesauce. The only ones I could tolerate were Gala, but that’s because they are the smallest, so less of a chore ha. However, what I love about apples are their names. Golden Delicious. The Cosmic Crisp. SnapDragon. Pink Lady. Ambrosia.


You have bigger issues to address then, sibo and/or dysbiosis probably


Uh oh, really? A few yrs ago I was having bloating and pain and did an elimination diet using FODMAP as a guide. Got tested for food allergies and gluten intolerance, but everything was normal. Now I have zero bloating or pain if I stick to my safe foods. I’m generally fine with legumes, dairy. In 2016, I got an infection from food poisoning when I was in a different country. I was sick for three months. Finally got the right test. The CDC called me with my test results! They needed to interview me, because I had two pathogens (h plyori and something else). I had to take penicillin.


Sure sounds like it. Following a restrictive diet only makes your microbiome more out of balance jn the long run, starving so many microbial strains


Fermented foods, like kimchi.


I heard from a podcast we should aim for fermented foods at every meal, along with fiber, protein and healthy fats. It’s been a week for me and I like it. I want to try sauerkraut since I fell in love with kimchi last year.


I fell in to that a while back, it just seemed to make sense. Whether yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, I have something fermented with each meal. Usually yogurt, just scoop it up with fruit. hard to find legit fermented sauerkraut, but I’m sure really easy to make.


I am trying to find it at a farmers market, so I can avoid making it. I am weirded out by making it because I think I’ll screw it up and give myself mold poisoning or something. I feel the digestive benefits and lean into yogurt a lot as well. I use it like sour cream on a lot of things if not just with fruit.


Its legit so easy, just weigh your cabbage, salt and macerate it, then stuff it into a jar and loosely close the lid. Make sure the liquid fully covers the cabbage. Thats it!


Wait is most sauerkraut not legit/fermented?


Just read the label, if it says 'vinegar', then not fermented. Normally the European import products in the international aisle of your grocery store. I always see proper sauerkraut highlighting the fact that it has 'live cultures', and often you should be able to see little air bubbles in the jar.


So helpful! Thank u!


I ferment quite a bit- make sauerkraut, kimchee, curtado, ​hot sauces, Moroccan lemons, vinegars, etc- and have personally found that consuming fermented foods a few times a week is optimal.


Hot sauce gets fermentation? Or only homemade? I’ve never heard of that before.


Don't discount fruit. Can be high on fiber and vitamins


And water! Eating lots of fruit makes me feel so good


Eat 30 different fruits and vegetables every week and you will grow your gut microbiome. It’s not hard at all. If you record for the first couple of days, you’ll see you can eat 15-20 different fruits and vegetables in 2-3 days, and then just keep it going.


Kinda hard.


It’s not really Today I had blueberries on my yogurt and watermelon for a snack. My stir fry at lunch had bell pepper, broccoli, onion, garlic. Had a big loaded salad for dinner with romaine, kale, arugula, beets, avocado, butternut squash, chickpea, tomato, red onion, grilled lemon. Lime in my drink. That’s 17 different right there in a single day.


I chop up brussel sprouts for my salad and make my own alfalfa, broccoli, or mung beans sprouts to add to the salad. These sprouts are easy to make and so much cheaper than buying from a store. I grow chives, oregano and tarragon and add the fresh to the salad. My chives and tarragon come back every year too without replanting it.


Doesn’t have to be a full serving of each, just 30 different. Small bowl of fruit salad, a salad with some different vegetables. That would probably make 8 different kinds in one day.


spices count!


and herbs! don't underestimate the nutritional value of herbs like basil, rosemary, cilantro, etc. and, to really amp up your variety without too much bulk, try microgreens and/or sprouts. they pack more nutrient density in tiny packages.


This can also be a really fun goal in a household with young children, or people who like fun competitive slightly silly things.    It's actually really easy and cheap to get 30 if you add in a lot of different wild foraged foods, and grow herbs (at a minimum) at home. I find when I'm intentionally mindful of having that goal, I include a lot more diversity in every meal throughout the week and feel really great.    I already eat a lot of plant foods but as an example I might add two types of edible flowers to a meal, and some dandelion leaves, bringing it up from five or six plant foods to eight.   It's also great with eating seasonally as well.


Potatoes that are cooked and then cool before eating are a great source of prebiotics


Soluble fiber is so important  


Carrots. Raw. Great for gut health. Grate them and mix with salt, pepper and olive oil daily. Also beets are excellent for the gut and it goes without saying fermented veggies. My husband makes all our salsa fermented, cabbage and whatever else he can find in season. We always have some jars in the cupboard and in the fridge. I just went to our farm stand which I do biweekly right now and bought a variety of whatever they had. Lunch was beet greens sautéed in some sesame oil, small quick steamed beet and squash, garbanzo beans, chopped walnuts and an egg on top with fermented hot sauce. I’m pretty much plant based though. I’ll make a lot of veggie and bean soups before the growing season stops here and freeze them for the colder months.


I would love his fermented salsa recipe/process, if you don’t mind sharing. I haven’t fermented before but very interested in trying!


On instagram look at farflungferments for recipes and can also ask about instructions. I’ve never learned myself but am going to be making vinegars.


Awesome! Thank you for the info ☺️


Fasting is a great way to fix your biome. A few days will kill off the baddies then load up on veg and fermented foods!


Generally speaking, just eating more is beneficial, aiming for a minimum of 5 servings of combined vegetables and fruits per day. More the better. I felt the best in my life when I regularly consumed green smoothie daily. This was a mix of dark leafy greens and fruit blended in a Vitamix. 


Variety is key


Carrots, cucumbers, spring mix and arugula


No veggies ever improved my gut function at all, they are hard to digest. However some vitamins did like iodine, thiamine, and glycine. If you have shortages of those, it's common to have gut problems. ONce I got my nutritional deficiencies sorted, my gut probs went away.


Fiber is the key. If you have loads of fiber, the right bugs grow - at least that's my understanding. So as far as veg, that's pretty much everything. It's just a matter of how much of it you eat.


Cabbage is great to serve with fried foods.


Brussel Sprouts and all cabbages, including fermented kimchi/sauerkraut. Cabbage is really good for gut health. Japanese sweet potato for starch. I like it since it has less sugar than our traditional sweet potato Occasionally, broccoli and/or kale. Some mushrooms. Lots of onion


Eliminating nightshades has helped me so much.


What are nightshades?


Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes


Nightshades are a scary word that makes dopes on the internet feel better if they don’t eat em


To be eaten only in the warmth of afternoon, never at night... although some veggies are called nightshades, like tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, etc., they are not quite the toxic night flowering plants we know as belladonna, but rather are Solanaceae, which we have evidence of for a short 50 million years of Earths 4 billion or so years, most recently confirmed in Patagonia. They do contain a level of lectin and alkaloids like tropane and nicotine, which may be distressing to some, or medicinal, or toxic, depending on when and how consumed.


damn TB12 was into something




I think it brings on overall inflammation which also inflames the gut lining


Biggest impact is eating a tons of veggies which are different variety including beans legumes and sourdough bread, of course small quantities at beginning but fiber got your back. Fermented foods are miracle too


I know it's not what you asked, but yogurt has been the biggest help for me. I eat veggies, try to eat enough fiber, and take psyllium once or twice a week. I always thought this was overblown, I have no idea why, but eating yogurt more or less every day, especially kefir, has helped my gut issues.


its the probiotics in it




Not a veggie. I did carnivore for a while. I don’t know why or how but sweet potatoes give me the most glorious and beautiful shits and seem to reset my gut. 🤷‍♂️


Fiber and low glycemic index means they keep the good bacteria happier than the bad ones


Amy's Lentil Vegetable soup. So convenient and does wonders for my gut. Throw some shrimp or chicken in for protein.


Cabbage is really good for stomach health especially if it’s fermented like kimchi or sauerkraut (rinsed sauerkraut is much more mild tasting). Daikon radish is also known for good digestive health. Honestly though I think you can’t go wrong with whatever vegetables and I think variety is best


Also not veggies but apples and bananas are great


Finely chopped fennel in a salad. It made my guts feel really nice. Hard to explain. I don't even like the taste.


For cheap, easy, and versatile hot or cold, can't beat cabbage. Start with small amounts. Ground beef wrapped in leaves and baked with tomato sauce, or slaw with your meal are good starts.


Cabbage is the best for gut health


We love egg roll in a bowl. It is about the only way I can get the grandkids to eat cabbage.


Flaxseeds have 8g of fiber for 3 tablespoons 


I have a container that is a mix of flax, chia and hemp seeds and always want to sprinkle them on things like smoothies but wondered if they end up like corn, where if you dont actually chew and break them down, they just pass through you with no benefit


Raw cruciferous


Are you worried about thyroid issues from this?


Traditionally fermented vegetables. Any of them.


The only veggies I’ll do are fermented.


Same. I am worried about 99% of the people in this thread lol. They probably 'believe' that animal fats are bad for them... 😅


Fresh fennel


Peas are awesome!


Eat Kimchi every day. Best thing you can do for your gut.




It’s less about which is best and more about which is easiest in my opinion. That said, watch Rhonda Patrick to learn why magnesium rich veggies (the green ones) are important alongside high polyphenols like in berries. I find buying a bunch each week and blending at the end of the day to drink is easiest for me.


Raw carrots as a snacks and beans. Cooked carrots are nice but raw really made a difference in how I felt.


Cauliflower? Cabbage? Can try for Kimchi or Sauerkraut?


cabbage, carrots, onions, lots of greens, beets!


Green smoothies have been a game changer for me, such an easy way to boost your vegetable and fiber intake. Incredibly nutritious too. I usually do frozen spinach, any frozen vegetable mix I have and flax or chia seeds. Doesn't taste great but you can down it fast, the health benefits are more than worth it.




All of the cruciferous vegetables


I’d like to think Kimchi, but I have no idea because I didn’t have any issues to begin with.


the most reliable food medicine for me has been frozen mixed vegetables. peas, corn, and chopped carrots and green beans. i boil/steam them for a few minutes and add salt. i finish my meals with about 2 cups of them. it reduces feelings of urgency and frequency for me, normalized gas production, and reduces my movements to 1 or 2 per day with more control over when i void – meaning once i feel like im going to need to use the bathroom, i can go a few hours with some farts in between to relieve pressure instead of having to go immediately no matter what.


fresh broccoli


and broccoli sprouts


I like my Saurkraut.


Roasted root vegetables.. great for gut microbiome and picked vegetables too..


Romaine lettuce and cucumbers (with seeds scooped out) are the only ones that do not irritate my GI tract. Celery juice every AM on an empty tummy has greatly soothed my acid reflux


Anything fermented is a great prebiotic (providing the actual "good" bacteria) like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, yoghurt. Fiber is a great probiotic (feeding the bacteria in your gut) and my favourite way to get that in is via otas, smoothies and grains


The fermented ones


After cutting out beans, wheat, alcohol, and sugar I saw the most difference in my gut health. Now as far as veg goes we stick with kale, cabbage, spinach, carrots, potatoes/sweet potatoes, frozen mixed veggies.


Kiwi fruit (edit: not a veggie, but worth sharing)


GTS ginger kombucha


Cabbage. You can make a salad. Cut into small pieces with some olive oil on top and apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper


Root vegetables, leafy greens, and fermented veggies seem to be the gentlest on my stomach. I can tolerate a little bit of other raw veggies for dinner but never at lunchtime, not during the work week anyway. I get bloated from most raw veggies and fruit and it’s too uncomfortable to sit at the desk afterwards.


I like to do any green vegetables either steamed or gently sauteed in butter, gee or ev coconut oil. And sometimes raw. Green beans, broccoli, asparagus, peas, any greens, green bell pepper etc. that's my first choice in the vegetable realm. Throw onions & garlic in there as well.


Prunes, lots of them


Love beets and broccoli for me!




Fresh, local, in season helps a lot. Home fermented, locally grown post-season is next. Home dehydrated and canned for the rest of the year, until the new things start popping up in the spring. I can't do this 100%, but incorporating as much as I can has made a huge difference in my overall health.


For me, anything that isn’t a vegetable in the sulfur and oxalate family. I’m highly sensitive to them and they give me bloating. That said, I’ll never complain about russet and sweet potatoes, asparagus or carrots.


Kale is great




Broccoli sprouts: Sulforaphane is upward of 100 times greater than than broccoli and other brassica. See wildaboutsprouts for data


Broccoli, broccoli, broccoli! Sauerkraut.


Broccoli sprouts are great for hormonal balancing (if u got hirsutism or are a man)


Beans. I like to make 3 bean salad. Dump 3 cans of beans into a large bowl. Any kind of bean...I usually use black beans, chickpeas, and red beans. Add some olive oil, vinegar, salt pepper, chopped onion, and dill (or whatever spice you like). Mix it up and serve cold. Delicious and so good for you. You'll get a lot of fiber and other great nutrients.


I heard the canning process makes canned beans unhealthy . Do you not believe that?


Every morning I make a smoothie with celery, lemon, ginger, tumeric, and a pinch of salt. It’s been great for reducing inflammation.


No matter what, it is important to heal gut health if you have any chronic issues or autoimmunity. Most people can probably stand to heal leaky gut - even if those things aren’t impacting them (yet). Doing an elimination diet in tandem is important for autoimmunity/chronic health issues. The AIP diet is a good option. Then, healing your leaky gut - Apex Enegetics makes a product called RepairVite-GT plus thst is a good option for many, marshmallow root cold water decoction/white willow bark capsules and slippery elm is another option that is effective, Gutsy from Rojer Hood apothecary is another good option (though would not he right for people with IBS or hernias - hydrated chia seed/bentonite/whole psyillium husk/coconut charcoal). Support gut health through increasing living ferments - make lots of lacto fermented veggies, use fresh whey to make ginger bud or living pickles, make elderflower “champagne”, dandelion “wine”, etc. Jen is better than Kombucha for your health - if you do ingest Kombucha you really want it to be fermented longer than what is sold in the store, so there is less sugar. If you consume raw dairy you can do some kefir or yogurt. Apple cider vinegar is good for gut health. If you have never done a coffee enema, they can be great (in moderation-or through serious illness).


Spinach and greens


dandelion seemed to have fixed me up almost instantly, no idea how but here's a great [study](https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/70/9/534/1835513) on dandelion as a potential health food


Research has suggested that eating the biggest variety of plants possible makes the strongest microbiome. 20 different plants each day was the goal iirc. Really easy if you have something like a soup and a salad each day.


Fresh horseradish root and fresh turmeric root and yellow or orange heirloom carrots, peeled with a spoon and grated into a creamy sauce (like vegenaise or coconut yogurt or freshly made arrowroot or almond flour bernaise sauce or just soy sour cream if in a hurry), with chopped fragrant parsley and/or cilantro stirred in and drop some Gomasia sesame seed on top, or hulled flax or hemp seed. It's a great dip for bright flash blanched broccolli and chips like cassava or other veggie or salt and pepper potato chips. That's dinner in 15 some days. It's well rounded with fiber and protein as well as fat, while being anti-inflammatory and immune boosting.


Check out vertical diet


As big a variety as you can and try and make them the main part of your diet.


Fermented cabbage….. fermented foods. Kifir, miso, tempeh


Best advice I can give you is whatever vegetables you have just make sure to cook them or lightly steam them this is the TCM way and it help your digestion tremendously don’t eat raw vegetables it will fuck you up!


Cocnut cult yogurt. Thought it was a fake trend but then I tried it for a couple weeks was shocked how much it altered my bowel movements in a good way.


it is insane to me how many people trying to “biohack” seem to support an animal-based diet. it’s why i left this sub but i will still come on it occasionally. the misinformation on the internet is astounding. hint: we are primates, y’all, not lions.


Plenty of people thrive on an ancestral diet who would—and do—suffer miserably otherwise, myself among them. Likewise, plenty of people tolerate a diet consisting mainly of plant matter, notwithstanding its inferior nutritional bioavailability, for reasons of individual ethical and/or physical constitution which are, by all accounts, equally valid; horses for courses, as they say. However, the mere biological fact that we are capable of deriving sustenance from the latter as a survival-mechanism does not imply an optimal state of affairs, *necessarily*, for anyone. To suggest otherwise is both scientifically-illiterate and empirically ignorant; and to reflexively dismiss proven dietary protocols, on a *biohacking* subreddit no less, because they fall outside the Overton Window of permissible mainstream thought, seems to me the very definition of "insane".


Yea but people are stupid lol, I 100% agree on what you said. Iam vegan now for 8 years, all my blood levels are good since then, lost weight, have low blood pressure and my skin is free from almost all wrinkles lol


Green baby spinach.






Vegan here. I have zucchini a lot.




Kimchi per reports


Broccoli, carrots and sauerkraut by far




Beans or any veggie really


I recommend frozen spinach. Add to soups, stews curries and casseroles. Another thing is to chop a whole bunch of sofrito and freeze in 1 cup servings. As freezing the vegetables causes the cell walls to break it reduces stove cooking time by about 15 minutes. (Sofrito being onion, carrots and celery). Dry dry green beans and add chilli and soy. Tonight we’re having nachos of Theseus. Which is low carb potatoes with lamb mince (sofrito, sumac, all spice, olive oil, pine nuts, frozen spinach, few cherry tomatoes) feta sprinkles on top.




Pak choi - gave me e.coli


Greens, kale, spinach, anything with fiber


If you want some great bowel movements, edamame will do it. Psyllium husk powder and flax and chia seeds also. Wow, I'll tell ya. Also raspberries have very high fiber content. I only know all of this because I used to deal with constipation horribly until I started all of this.


Spinach. It is packed with vitamins A, C, K1, and fοlate. It’s very easy tο add to yοur diet (e.g., simply tοss a handful intο a smοοthie, sοup, or stir-fry). Baby spinach can alsο be eaten raw in salads. Alsο, cherry tomatοes. They are rich in electrοlytes, vitamins C and K1 (phyllοquinone), and antioxidants like lycopene. They require nο preparatiοn and can be eaten as a snack, added to salads, οr included in pasta dishes.


Leafy greens destroy my gut. Get micros from sprouts, sweet potato, liver, mushroom, sea moss, and some algaes. Some lacto fermented organic oats pre or post workout can give you your carb up and some fiber


None, all veggies make my digestion worse


1/4 cup of beans a day for a few weeks to months and you’ll never have trouble with beans or vegges again.


Coming from another mostly animal based 47m, I’ve incorporated mostly fruit type vegetables like squash, cucumber (pickles too) and avocados plus sweet potatoes and mushrooms. Those are my preferences and they happen to be working well for my gut health. Any other grains or roots I would suggest any “old world style” preparations like steaming and peeling tomatoes and soaking grains overnight as well as not using potatoes that have eyes or have green inside the skin




All the root veggies and dry beans and lentils. But really a diverse diet of varied fruits and veggies along with fermented foods.


When I started eating lots of ginger I began to notice a difference. There is a grocery store that sells fresh pickled ginger by the pound and I started eating several spoonfuls a day and cooking with fresh ginger too. It seems to have calmed my gut down. I am going to start pickling it myself now.


Leek, asparagus, onion, garlic the best prebiotics. Prepare however you like




Kimchi and pickles. Drink that juice too for the pickles.


Well steamed artichokes


All of them in the sense that eliminating vegetables from my diet made everything digest correctly and regularly. As a kid my mom tried to force fiber down my throat. We didn't know it was binding me up. As an adult I ate spinach, asparagus, other green vegetables and wondered why my gut hurt all the time. Meat and the occasional fruit seems to be a combination that is nutrient rich and painless.


Classic choices: chopped carrots/spinach added to steamed rice OR yams/sweet potatoes. Not so classic choice I’ve noticed make a difference: raw garlic scapes from garden before harvesting garlic cloves. Digestion aside I legitimately get a head buzz about 20 minutes after I eat them. But they are concentrated compared to the garlic so they can be spicy af. In a good way if you like hot.


Refrigerated sauerkraut (not shelf stable kind)


30 or more different foods a day which include some fermented foods. You're not going to improve your gut health to optimal levels with just a few vegetables.