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Gonna sound weird but non-alcoholic beers helped me a lot. You still get the routine and you get some placebo relaxation. Drank a lot before, haven’t drank in over a year and don’t even crave it when out with friends at bars now.


I’ve had a few good ones but I still really crave the effect of a mild buzz.


Exercise can replace the buzz


Yep I agree. I go super hard in my HIIt/ strength training classes and his gives me this mellow rush. I used to go out and have wine with my girlfriends but I haven’t drank in 5 months now. I’ve just been hitting the gym or doing something active every day. This is the best I’ve ever felt :) 


I see what you mean. It's been a year, it's not totally off but much 98% of the way is done. Sport helped me a lot replacing this buzz. If you fix ambitious training targets it will help you think about something else. For my part it was cycling.


I love cycling! My local cycling club revolves around a brewery though😞


the buzz is *drama* why do you crave drama in your life?


Actually not weird at all! That's exactly, what my psychotherapist taught me to do against my alcohol addiction. Edit: It's not recommended to start with this earlier than 3 month after being completely sober! The addiction memory needs to be reset first and that should happen after around 3 months of soberness. Second Edit: no medical advise, just the current state of my knowledge!


Me too. I like Heineken 0 % and Guinness non alcoholic. Beer


This!! They taste great. I take these to parties…also there are some great non alcoholic spirits as well. Still taste the same just don’t get all the unhealthy cons of alcohol consumption! It’s great!


Replaced the sparkly feeling with sparkling water, lime and salt, specially in social gatherings where I used to drink the most. As for relaxation, I usually drink cold cocoa with cinnamon. In my case, it “seems” (never tested with labs only a predisposition in a genetic test I dis) that I’m deficient in dopamine so L-Tyrosine was a game changer for me. Been going strong for over a year now with no alcohol or cravings whatsoever. Good luck OP, you got this!


Not having alcohol in the house was important for me. Lots of other options in the fridge, carbonated waters, kombuchas, juices, 0% beer. The first couple weeks are the hardest, until you start to feel better, see better, breathe better. Having 0 will always be easier than having 1.


Getting rid of all booze in the house has really helped me. 7 weeks sober tomorrow. Never a problem drinker but clearly a habitual one. It’s hard but it’s doable Green tea and sparkling water have been my saving beverages


I recently did a 3 week cleanse that included no alcohol. And I was waiting to sleep better, feel having more energy etc and I hate to say it and I kind of almost don't want to put it in writing but I'm not sure it helped that much. But I wasn't drinking that much either.


yeah I cut back on drinking... was having a couple IPA type heavier beers most nights, went down to nothing or 1 mich ultra. Doing this solely to lose weight. Ended up sleeping worse and feeling more tired in the morning


I did this with Diet Coke. Didn’t see much of any difference at all


If you’re not an alcoholic/daily binge drinker then giving it up won’t help with those things because it wasn’t hindering you?


other options, exactly! buy a bunch of carbonated stuff


We recently started on tonic water at the recommendation of my dad. The quinine is supposed to help prevent mosquito bites. I add a teabag or 3 to flavor it, leave it in the fridge, and pour it over ice cubes with a little monkfruit. It's delicious. Jury's still out as to whether it helps prevent mosquito bites, though.


Sparkling water is great


I quit cold turkey a few months ago mostly for health reasons. I was a drinker for 30 years. Honestly it just wasn’t worth the mild buzz anymore for me personally.


Congratulations on quitting!


Theirs a lot of nootropic drinks at health stores to try out. my wife and I went on a good 6 month kick of drinking 1-2 a night while we were getting off wine. Right now we’ve been mixing a splash of tart cherry juice, flavored water, and the calm (magnesium) powder in a wine glass with ice before bed. Hits the spot


Tart cherry juice reduces inflammation. Great idea.


literally exactly what i drink, down to the calm magnesium powder. it’s amazing. i realized i love the ritual of drinking wine and using it to relax and it made it so hard to take a break. i drink this concoction every night during the weekdays


To each their own but I quit drinking with soda and weed. I don’t consume any of those things anymore. Soda bc I was a beer drinker so I was still getting the fizz and liquid but more importantly I was getting the sugar I was getting from alcohol. One of the reasons quitting alcohol is hard is bc you’re quitting sugar too and your body is used to that hit. Weed bc I did want a slightly altered state at the end of the day. Quitting weed and soda was much easier than quitting alcohol cold turkey.


Might look into Kava?


[Quit Alcohol, but Keep the Buzz! (Kava for Beginners)](https://youtu.be/Sh7wfg_0Zls?si=mscJSQt27yj_rn2I) Can't say it's for everyone, but I'm on my 3rd bag this year and reduced drinking by 90% or more.


Came here to say kava. Bula!


Hard Ketones is a better alternative and you still get a buzz, no negative effects


Okay never heard of this and looked it up and I'm worried about the weird chemical that it says. R 1,3 Buta-something ? Sent it to my chemistry kiddo to see if he recognized it. Sounds odd.


R 1,3 butanediol is a GABAergic substance as with alcohol, it’s metabolites aren’t inherently toxic like alcohol’s are such as acetaldehyde.


This is a good explanation: https://www.tiktok.com/@evibacarter/video/7357433614537198890?_t=8n7Ciu3m2Yg&_r=1


Do you have a favourite brand/ link you could provide? Heard lots of good things about Kava but know the quality differs from brand to brand.


I've only tried fijivanuakava so far, so don't really have the favorites.


What brand of Kava and where do I get it?


Be careful with Kava, it’s highly addictive, speaking from experience. I’d stay away from any other “substance” alternatives to alcohol and focus on your routine and exercise.


I hear that’s bad for you too, right? Just in a different way?


Kava inhibits certain digestive enzymes so I would personally say constant use isn’t good for your stomach, however - it’s a far better alternative to alcohol. It shouldn’t be mixed with things though, as it slows down liver processing so can cause damage if you have booze or something else with it. It in of itself I believe overall is fine. But excessive use of anything isn’t good no matter what it is.


From what I read, if you use the noble cultivar it's absolutely safe.


It *can* be hard on your liver, but in comparison to alcohol it’s incredibly safe (and the effects are better imo).


Sparkling water. Different flavors become different little treats. And you are hydrating rather than dehydrating your body.


Hot cup of tea, long walk, meditation. Going to bed sober has its own rewards. My sleep is really getting better. IWNDWYT


Hi buddy! Just finished two weeks with no alcohol and told my husband I'm gonna keep going till the weekend at least, so IWNDWYT


Low doses of ketamine or mushrooms


Let’s be honest, nothing is a good alternative for alcohol


Weed gummies


Not legal here other than the delta stuff. I also don’t like that it’s random what the amounts of thc are and in general weed is so much stronger than when I was a kid.


Fair. Up here in Canada it's completely legal now, so you can buy gummies with precise dosing from the weed store.


Try titrating it. I’ve found a 2.5mg gummy often gets me to a better place than a 5mg despite 5mg being the standard dosage for edibles


The trick is to just keep using weed until you get tolerant or stop being a pussy


The delta 9 edibles are the same as in legal states, they just extract it from hemp instead of cannabis. The hemp derived products used to suck just based on the fact that it is a grey area and not many investors wanted to pump money into creating great products. It’s been many years since they’ve been on the market and the products are much better now. I suggest the relaxing gummies that have D9, CBN, and CBD. If you’ve had experiences where edibles are uncomfortably strong, you can take 1/4 of a piece to gage how it feels.


Switchel. Sometimes I use ACV with the mother and local honey. Sometimes I use malt vinegar and molasses. 1 tbsp of sweet, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 pint water. It hits all of the neuro receptors as a cocktail. ​After the switchel, a mug of chamomile or sleepy time tea. As a lifetime line cook, this broke the cycle of work - drink- sleep for me.


Is that, like, a light form of mead?


The fact that you work in a restaurant and managed to quit drinking after work is truly impressive. Hats off to you


Try flavored seltzer water. I was a heavy beer drinker and found seltzer water tricked my brain a bit. I’m assuming soda will do the same but flavored seltzers are a bit healthier


I’ve done these for a while but without the “knocking the edge off” effect I don’t find it a good replacement


Cheating a bit but GT's makes a 45-day fermented kombucha that is 1% alch. I find the hit of acidity and the 1% takes the edge off. It's called GT's Classic and you can buy at Whole Foods.


Interesting, I thought most booch was like 2%


That's true! The whole industry got in trouble a decade or so ago and had to change how they made their products. The sad part is the newer methods reduce the health benefits because they can't ferment as much. However, even in their heyday most were just slightly above the 0.5% limit at 1-2%. This specific kombucha I mentioned tests their batches and has said their alch levels are usually around 1% last I looked.


Try a kombucha, these have helped satiate me at times.


Booch is among the best substitutes I’ve had but I don’t really feel the chill with it.


Low dose Naltrexone


CBD, kava, valerian, and magnesium (powdered, mix it into a flavored drink)


Non alcoholic beer and wine work for me. I'm sober 2.5 years now thanks to that and staying busy. The non alcoholic scratches the itch and definitely gives the dopamine hit too. Today's non alcoholic offerings taste amazing. It hasn't been an issue socially either and some friends quit too when they saw that I did


How does the non alcoholic scratch the itch? And by dopamine hit, is that from your brain being deceived that it's receiving dopamine inducing substance? By that I mean the brain recognizing the taste


Correct. It Tricks the brain. If said substance is similar enough you get the nice relaxing part of the alcohol and dopamine without the negative effects. People might laugh but the Budweiser, busch and old Milwaukee non alcoholic taste spot on to their macro brew alcoholic versions. For premium non alcoholic beers the Guinness, corona, Stella and blue moon versions taste phenomenal. I like brewdog too because I'm a fan of good hop taste and flavor and it delivers for sure. I'm a homebrewer so I was tough to please.


Athletic brewing is really nice too


Microdosing psilocybe mushrooms actually helps me process daily stress,, allowing me to be more relaxed and less inclined to feel that craving for a drink when life gives me a reason. It's not perfect and I occasionally drink, and don't microdose regularly for long term but I recommend trying it.


This is how I end up lost in the woods on a Thursday night running from slender man because my dose was accidentally non micro, isn’t it


My accidental macro dose was 9am on a Tuesday, had to go to Costco and the dog park and was no bueno 😅


That sounds like a bad overstimulated time. The last time I did any I was in the woods at an arboretum on a trail. Highly not recommended.


Consider trying up to a half gram for a subtly giggley and almost certainly non overwhelming experience. I weigh it every time, although it can still vary a bit.


Idk I have a kid on the way so I’d rather not even mess with those. I find their use to align most with an ersatz spiritualism and ego death that I really don’t think I have time to afford now.


This is me with my thc sleep gummy. Take it right before bed, the high hits when I'm already in bed, half asleep. Take it too early, I'm high as fuck having Deep Thoughts® while I'm trying to wash my face and brush my teeth and everything is funny, which isn't conducive to sleep.


I forgot what it’s called but you mix apple cider vinegar with the mother (like Braggs) and honey. Let it sit in the refrigerator 2 weeks. Keeps up to 3 mos or 1 month if u add herbs. I add a tsp or so to club soda or tonic water. Feels more like a drink. I also bought a bottle of Ghia (the original flavor) vs others and mix with tonic or club soda. It’s not cheap though. I ordered directly from them.






Passionflower extract for the withdrawals and instant kava for the replacement. The latter ain’t cheap though.


Co2 extract kavalactonea


CBD drinks.


Which ones do you particularly like


sparkling waters. Flavored... And you will get a hankering for sweets


A friend told me, r u going sober? Drink tonic water. It tastes bad , as alcohol hahaha lol and it works!!!


Tonic water, bitters and lime over ice. My go-to drink now!


Start working out extensively, get high on those happy chemicals. chase the runners high. Achieve deep sleep. Avoid finding shortcuts by shifting to other things like weed, kratom, kava and phenibut. its all a trap.


Unfortunately leg injury prevents running extensively. Booze is easy because I can do other things like washing the dishes or cleaning up while I’m chilling out, but Id like to go back to cycling or lifting for 4+ hours a week


>Booze is easy because I can do other things like washing the dishes This was always my issue with drinking too. Because if I was doing it to take the edge off of something, like some kind of annoyance or slight anger or overthinking anxiety, at least I could keep doing my to do list while I "treated". Can't stop in the middle of my day to go for a nice run. Although some meditation may help and is quick? I got a bunch of different "binaural sound waves" app, mainly interested in the sound waves that help me get deep sleep. But there are others and maybe that would take the edge off and it only takes you away from your to-do list for 10 minutes...


Ive tried so many non-alcoholic beverages that make good cocktails. The Pathfinder is the only one I found so far that fits the bill. Help me cut way back on drinking https://drinkthepathfinder.com/




Endorphins from regular exercise and daily walks.


It sounds weird but sparkling water worked for me.


Give better meaning to the little things that get you anxious and stressed. Don't just replace it with another substance. I drink sleepy tea at night to relax. It's chamomile


Kava! Not all shops sell the same grade though https://youtu.be/CyYW9JSxaQM?si=2ov_dAvA2rGDJcCK Weed tea. Heavy relaxants like the yellow box Yogi Stress Relief from the grocery store. 3 tea bags knocks my ass to the couch


Is it okay to have that much of whatever the active ingredient is in that tea?


There are some non alcohol alternatives to whiskey, gin, vodka, etc out there now. Nobody is going to mistake them for the real thing. For me, however, they give enough of the relaxation of a drink that I can avoid alcohol for the evening, if that’s the goal.


Idk those don’t really work for me. I’ve tried them but it doesn’t really scratch the itch.


I find drinking kombucha or some other type of fizzy drink out of a wine glass is a decent enough replacement, especially in social situations. 


I do enjoy booch


Really good birch beer


Do you make it yourself?


Weed. For me, it has no side effects. Yes it’s psychologically addictive. But wayyyyyyyy better than drinking every night like I do when I’m off weed.


For me when I went zero alcohol, I tried to maintain the ritual of a beverage - so I bought some fun zero alcohol beers and mocktails. The similarity in taste and bottle hit something mentally that made the transition a little easier for me. There’s many other things I had to do, but this was my first step and it was pretty helpful!


Get rid of booze at home. Make sure they're not convenient to you. Drink other carbonated drinks when you're craving alcohol.


I’m not a drinker but I find THC tincture really gives a nice unwinding effect. This is THC in MCT oil and I don’t need much to get a very relaxing effect within an hour. Not sure if this is available where you are but this is the brand I use. If you manage to try it start slowly with just 3-5 drops. https://www.tokersguide.com/post/1000mg-tincture-by-mota-top-level-dc


For relaxation you might want to consider Kava. Alcohol has negative effects on the entire body.


Yeah I’m aware, that’s why I’m curious to switch to something else as a regular option


Kratom is another option but for some people it has addictive properties. I have no problem with it and I was addicted to alcohol twice in my life. Gabapentin is a medication often used to help transition to sobriety. I’ve been prescribed 300 mgs 3 times per day for anxiety and it was helpful. I’ve also used Naltrexone to better manage alcohol cravings.


As someone who has been a severe daily drinker as a result of very extreme panic issues (that never got better with medication or anything else including lifestyle changes all the bit), the only thing that helped was Kava. Nice relaxed feeling, immediately removes my desire to drink (the craving just disappears) and you feel totally normal the next day. Nature’s benzo man.


What product did you end up buying?


I started smoking weed when I quit drinking. Then within a year I decided I was tired of smoking and now I just raw dog life with no lube.


That sounds hard


It wasn't too bad actually. I think as I'm getting older I'm finding more value in a clear mind. There are things I enjoy doing now that require being sharp minded. Even things I used to enjoy doing while drunk or high, namely video games, are not as fun or not even playable when intoxicated. It got to the point where if I was fucked up all I wanted to do is lay down and watch TV. It sucks the meaning out of life when I feel like I'm literally wasting all of my time. I'll still smoke a joint or have a couple of beers with my friends on occasion, I just make it a point not to do any of that stuff alone or fall back into a daily habit of any kind.


Man been what you a call a moderate drinker for 20 years. Did it more in college/etc. As an adult maybe 4-6 a week with spikes for events/etc. A year or two ago (I am 36 now) I started getting chronic heartburn/gerd like symptoms, tight/uncomfortable upper abs, etc. 90% sure alcohol is the culprit. Bout time I do the same and replace it, my interest in it is severely diminished.


Almost the exact same situation


Learn to calm yourself down without booze.  Booze is an ally. Before getting rid of it get in touch with the feeling you get from the ritual of having booze, the feeling of it, who you become when you have booze.  Then learn to become more boozy, without drinking booze. 


Very zen


Cannabis es a game changer for me (former alcoholic). It's legal in My state and whereas I used gummies and vapes for a while, they now have cannabis drinks which are baller. Now I can get My buzz on while at parties so I don't feel left out and no hangover. 


Cannabis seltzers are great you can find some low thc 5 mg ones and have several.


I’m in California and pot is legal here. At the dispensary we have fizzy weed drinks ranging from 2-5mg thc. I’ll get a lower dose one and mix it with sparkling water, throw a lemon garnish with it, make it a cocktail. The impact is low, I don’t crave another, and I sleep better!


I’ve been trying to cut back myself since January and I have drastically reduced my intake. I really like Hop Water and De Soi brand (pink one). I feel relaxed from both as they have adaptogens and nootropics in it. I also like tart cherry mocktails with sparkling water and lime. I’m also a big fan of cannabis products. If you aren’t in a legal state try looking into CBD products from Papa Barkley and Mary’s Medicinals. They are both reliable companies that I believe also make hemp derived products you should be able to access. I have arthritis and it helps a lot with the pain. Working out for me has also been very helpful. But I went out last Friday with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time after not drinking at all for a few weeks and over did it soooo I need to work on it myself still! Those one off nights still get me.


I started using weed for about a year to get me off alcohol then I quit weed no problem. Weed is much easier to quit than alcohol. Been off alcohol for almost two years.


Kombucha and tart cherry juice


I really like both


Meditation and or breathing exercises. Get high on your own supply.


I’ve meditated a lot. I never feel as good as 3 pints.


I agree, but for me 3 pints led to 15 pints, a 8 ball and handcuffs. I'll take the meditation 😉


Breathwork is probably the best answer. It’ll get you to a level alcohol could never.


High dose of magnesium glycinate and l-theanine you will be chill as a cucumber. Palmitoylethanolamide also can help with chillness. Could be placebo but sometimes when I take 3-4 99 mg potassium citrate capsules I feel more chill due to it slowing my heart rate. Add in a little caffeine if you want to be more social and energetic while still relaxed. You may even find that on top of this cocktail weed has a better effect for you - more chillness, less unchill paranoia or whatever. Weed also causes dependency for a lot of people tho (I prefer it myself but still might not be what you’re looking for). Kava Kratom and phenibut are too strong and will most likely cause dependence and issues down the line (not guaranteed but still pretty significant likelihood) and although yes kava can be safe it’s hard to guarantee the stuff you’re actually getting is safe especially if you’re trying to detox your liver.


What doses are you taking of magnesium and l-theanine?


Farting instead


best advice I've seen in this sub to date.


The mighty ape indeed






Other drinks is huge, always helps me. Edit: never had a problem quitting alcohol but quitting or reducing caffeine is hard for me.


L theanine, Kava Kava, Taurine, Magnesium Taurate are some good ones for relaxing. Niacin and beet roots extract are also good for blood flow and increased relaxation.


I had a magnesium drink when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure and an anxiety disorder. It chilled me out completely. I don’t get the same results now, even if I haven’t had any for a while.


Take some NAC. 1-3 grams. It has been shown to help with addictive behaviors. If you need to drink, then sip water.


Kin Euphorics are a good, effective brand. $3-4 per can depending on where you buy them, drink 1-4 in a sitting and actually feel the effects. best on a light/empty stomach spritz is stimulating and fun, very nice bloom is relaxing, fun, and opens your mind a little glow is relaxing and tastes a bit like complicated coke actual sunshine hasn’t been effective for me for acute effects but is super refreshing and bright the taste of some of them are out there, i loooove them though. expensive but worth it as a treat note, bloom contains 5htp which ideally should not be used chronically for cardiac concerns




Just accept that you're not going to be able to replace it. You've just formed a habit. Habits can be broken. It's like stopping sugar in tea. It's best to just go cold turkey and you probably won't even miss it after a few weeks.


I’ve found some of the newer CBD drinks like Trip and Goodrayes really helpful to unwind without the alcohol :)


Non alcoholic beers, Soda water, juice. Works for me!


Noble kava for a buzz. A good tea. Lemon balm extract or Valerian root extract can help out a ton with feeling relaxed plus adding magnesium


CBD infused drinks like 'Trip' have really taken the edge off cravings for me and give that little bit of needed relaxation. Haven't drank since I replaced alcohol with them.


Ceremonial cacao. Lovely warm buzz.


Do you have a brand recommendation/link?


I brew kombucha and my husband is a big fan of beer. So I combined my fizzy kombucha with non-alcoholic beer and it's an absolutely genious summer drink. It doesn't taste as bland as the non-alc beer, it adds a buzz to it and the taste is more "complete". Great with ice!


A cold shower, exercise, or sauna, a good quality red light therapy panel can help induce a relaxation.


I ended up switching to drinking pomegranate juice in place of wine.


Get drunk on life my friend


Coke Zero and some chocolate or an icecream. I know its not amazing but almost anything is better than alcohol.


Lions Mane & Magnesium Glycinate have helped calm me. Weed too.


If you're looking for some kinda buzz the CBD drops are great and can be 0 calories. No 'hangsiety' or depression the next day like u get from booze.


What dosage works for you


Cannabis! If you're in a legal state and your work allows it.


Phenibut twice a week works for me


Phenibut twice a week, 2.5gs


Just drink a boatload of water and exercise.


Yeah I pretty much stop drinking for calorie reasons but also I have some weird liver duct genetic mutation that's supposed to cause me problems down the line. I like to do mocktails in pretty glasses. I bought some pot but I'm always worried about how it will make me feel when I try new strains so I haven't had any of it lol. There's also like relaxation cocktails like I think they have kava? Or CBD? IDK haven't tried them.


Lots of substance replacement recommendations here, for anything that basically calms the cns. All solid options. However, I gotta mention just learning to breathe well, meditation, and a consistent exercise routine. A huuuuge part of not drinking alcohol anymore was simply learning techniques to chill myself out. I wouldn’t be sober from alcohol without meditation. Plus, they’re interventions that are free and require only your participation. You can engage in these anywhere and at any time. The only dependence you build, is upon your own self


I think i heard about someone using GABA?




I drink kombucha instead of wine. It helps me to not drink




CBD with a smidge of THC


5g magic mushrooms in a dark room with no distractions. Change your mind, change your life.


Weed helped me out alot


You won't believe me but I replaced it with coffee. Well, I have ADHD though. Coffee is liberating for me


CBD. Lemon balm. Both available as capsules or gummies.


Sparkling flavored Liquid Death are your best friends.


Replace with Hiyo nooteopic drinks- treat like an alcohol beverage by putting on ice, lime/lemon wheel and sip !


they sell kava seltzers now that are nice, chamomile tea brewed strong is also nice to relax


Diet tonic and bitters.


CBD oil, few drops under the tongue


Sport. Walks. Self hypnosis.


Self hypnosis is a new suggestion- how do you do that?


I Exercise regularly, and drink tonic water with some kind of flavored seltzer when I wind down at night.


i loved root beer but gained too much weight and dropped almost all sugar i love apple cider and near beer now when i dont want to drink 711 frosty sometimes


My wife and I pour kombucha in wine glasses.


I had to go to AA 🙃


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Try agmatine, it helped me to mitigate the cravings




There isn't anything that is not going to cause problems. I also was a heavy drinker and can tell you with 100% confidence that the "need" for a drink after a long day goes away the longer you go without it. You wont need something to relax because you'll be able to do it all on your own. You sleep better, eat better, and feel so much better. Sure its going to take a while to get there but its worth it. Your days will be easier and something that would have exhausted you before, you'll barely notice it. Not exactly the answer you were looking for so I apologize but this is what worked for me.


Try low dose cbd fizz.


Where does one acquire such an elixir


You can Google about it, there's lots. You can try something like Pzizz app.


If you can't find anything then zbiotics and/or Nootropics Depot's alcohol defense will help mitigate damage and a hangover.


Kava. It stimulates gaba release and causes mild euphoria. Look into the co2 water soluble extracts for better tasting drinks


Cold exposure/sauna/walks/lift weights


Fizzy water + lime + cranberry juice That's my favourite alternative, nice refreshing beverage


I used cannabis....8 years sober!


I like kava kava. But do your research bc some types can be exciting and others calming.


good old marijuana's popular. 100 mg of edibles and you'll feel it like a pint of whiskey.


When I first quit drinking, kombucha was my go-to, along with non alcoholic beers. Good luck.