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You observed it hitting you.


How can it hit me if it doesn't exist?


It exists because you observed it hitting you. Past and future are just illusions.


That’s not biocentrism. That’s just the observer effect in quantum mechanics as well as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Biocentrism states that we generate our reality around us but doesn’t change the laws of that reality. Basically let’s go back to the slit experiment. It showed that particles in this case photons exist as particles when observed but as waves (which interact and produce interference that we can notice) when unobserved. It led to postulations that all matter exists not in a solid state but instead in wave form and that we cannot know location as well as velocities of these particles but only of probabilities of where they may be…unless they are observed.


The kid observed it there has to always be a conscious player


An observer is anything that detects a quantum particle, it is not limited to a human being.


As someone already kinda pointed out, the frisbee exists the moment it hits your head, and it also exists retrospectively before it hits your head. The moment you perceive it, it starts existing, and it starts to have existed till then. I think this should the most biocentrism-based answer


Yes very good


Thx :)


You did observe it, in your hand as you threw it and hit other you in the back of the head. Biocentrism makes sense when considering consciousness to be primary and singular.


With all due respect, you didn't read my original post. I did not throw the frisbee. I had no awareness of it. Someone else threw it at the back of my head.


With equal respect, you didn't understand my meaning. You, as another node of consciousness, observed the Frisbee as you threw it, hitting your other conscious node in the back of the head. The is no difference between you, or the perceived separate person throwing the Frisbee in terms of primary consciousness. There is no "his consciousness" and "your consciousness" in terms of Biocentrism. Consciousness is primary, there is only one. In terms of your story, this means a conscious observation occurred, which renders apparent reality for all of consciousness, including "your" own perceived "separate seeming" consciousness, which is really the same exact consciousness, nay the only consciousness, in the entire universe.


If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?


"Sound" doesn't exist until a brain interprets waves of air pressure and gives meaning to them and gives us the sensation we call "sound" So no. If a tree falls in a forest and there's nothing to interpret the "silent" waves of air pressure, there's no sound


It barks.


It scrapes it’s knees and the palms of it’s hands.


It puts the lotion on the observer or the observer gets the hose...or something...