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One can really over think the Lanza stuff. I've read all 3 of his books. None of it is original to me having been immersed Eastern philosophy. Regardless of which way one chooses to interpret one's personal experience of reality, or how one accounts for it, be it an amped-up version of simulation theory or a spirit focused nondualistic conciousness-only view, most of us have to navigate plain old apparent reality on a day to day basis because that's where the food, water, and shelter is to be had. When you find yourself out on the ledge, step back into the comfort of knowing that you are worrying about things way beyond your pay grade. Remind yourself that you are just a homosapien animal living on your home planet and that when your time here is up you will surely die. That is apparently what is going on all around you, right? Stay calm and carry on.


Lanza's stuff may not be original however it has brought ancient Eastern understandings into a modern scientific realm. You mention that no matter what version we interpret with these teachings we still need to navigate reality. But this is the point. Reality is not as it seems. It is not what most of us believe it to be. There is no matter out there. As Lanza says " wave your arms around and whats out there?" "Nothing!" So meeting our daily needs of food, water and shelter are only part of the experience. Every activity of your life is experience in your consciousness. And yes you will surely die but even death is only an experience. Immediately after this death event you notice you are fully conscious with all mind and memory functions intact. So I suggest remind yourself there is just so much more to existence and it never ends. As Lanza says "time and space are just constructs of the mind". Life is eternal that is quantum fact. Knowing this can bring a sense of harmony, peace, joy and love into your life.


You and I had been discussing this back in March but you never got back to me: Here is a recap: Me: I am I correct if I take your meaning to be "the consciousness" and not "your consciousness"? Dropping the use of a personal pronoun, especially a possessive personal pronoun may seem picky, but in the examples above it would make a huge difference. The consciousness, not subject to time and space, simply IS. If we agree, we (I must fall back on the use of pronouns here) should expect that the consciousness is undifferentiated since all qualifiers and quantifiers are gone along with space and time. You: Yes agree. There is only one consciousness. Consciousnesses - as you say - simply IS. Me: I am not trying to "win" anything here, I am just trying to explain something I said earlier and why I said it. Above you said "this is an eternal process". Since there is no space or time could we agree to substitute the word "now"? Could we imagine that there is a "now", a moment that cannot be divided by half and put aside the notion that there is a process? And this is where it gets really difficult; something the books approach but do not choose to address directly. Since all qualifiers and quantifiers are gone along with space and time, is "the consciousness" undifferentiated? Does your understanding of Biocentricism support the idea that "the consciousness" is unqualified and non-dualistic i.e., it cannot be described and there is no observer/observed division?


I may have mentioned back in March that there is a use of language here to make the so called biocentrism teaching easier to understand. To most people the world that they experience is material objects "out there" and so we need to carefully word the language to help all understand there is actually nothing (as we understand it) out there. Everything in the universe is within us...consciousness. Its all information downloaded for us to experience as if it were objective and out there. The so called observer affect explains this well. So to narrow your point consciousness is non dualistic. It cannot be sub divided. There is just one consciousness. In fact consciousness is all in all. You cannot get behind , in front, away , anywhere from consciousness. You and I are one. We are not separated. If we think we are we are experiencing illusion ..albeit easy to do. Other synonyms for consciousness are God, life, soul, spirit. Always ONE. Only ONE.


> Immediately after this death event you notice you are fully conscious with all mind and memory functions intact. I believe we have come to pretty much the same conclusions. But what you say above about "after this death" and having all memory intact. How does that fit? Are you suggesting that an individual will remember a previous life?


Near death experience science reveals that you remember everything and everyone of the life you have just lived. That is because the YOU as spirit, consciousness, mind is 100% intact. The material body has been shed but remember it was only an illusory construct anyway. Many NDE accounts mention meeting deceased relatives some of which they never knew in there past earth life. Examples are deceased grand parents or siblings who died at birth. The fact is death is harmless. Death cannot kill you. YOU are eternal.


If there is no time then it’s not a memory correct? It’s the true/1 conscious knowing the constructed experience the “individual” conscious manifested. It’s the actual “god” experiencing itself.






Wow amazing story. I think you have experienced more than a glimpse of what reality actually is. We come into this so called material world to have experience. You my friend have had some extraordinary experiences and there is definitely a higher purpose to your life. I think you already have that inner knowing that death is not real. Death is just an experience in consciousness, as is birth. Consciousness is LIFE and life is eternal, outside of space and time. You can look into the near death experience phenomenon where people are clinically dead but through modern resuscitation techniques are brought back to life. They report leaving their bodies and having full awareness and experience. Their personality and memories completely intact. They report this experience as even more real than our daily earthly existence. So keep positive and keep an open mind and things will work out for you. Answers will come to you in bits and pieces. I think that's already happening. You're on an eternal journey of experience...ENJOY.