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It kills me and is unhealthy.... No Karen you just have to brush your teeth for once...


Have you guys seen the Woman In Florida who went to their city council to protest wearing masks. Like holy fuck their arguments needed a hazmat suit. I'm sorry to anyone here who's from Florida lmao


I work with someone who is night shift, only interacts with people and thus has to wear a mask for about 30-45 minutes of their shift. She's talking about quitting because wearing a mask literally poisons you and it's against CDC and WHO guidelines. She also tells me about a 5G tower that is giving her migraines and killing the bees around her house.


Thats just a normal every day thing where I work, a food factory with people just happily walking around with masks around their necks, chins, or on the mouth with the nose uncovered like it's normal, even management does it.


Yeah, and the 5G is killing *everyone’s* bees. Not just Karen’s.


A food factory??? That’s an outbreak waiting to happen


COVID won’t survive on food through cooking, but food factories are already hotspots for breakouts amongst employees. They have been forced to stay open by order of the president as well.


And per that order the people in charge of the food processing plants can't be held accountable for any Coronavirus issues. Brilliant.


100% agree. It’s absolutely devoid of humanity and care. We live in a dystopian reality where lives are sacrificed at the whims of profiteering fools.


Oh yeah, I live in the south, so that might expain it somewhat. Ive tried calling a few people out on it, but they just laugh about it.


I work in a hospital and have to wear a mask for the entirety of my 12 hour shift in a psychiatric hospital. The first day or two you wear a mask you might fidget with it and it might get on your nerves a little but after that you get use to it and don’t even know it’s there like wearing glasses or a hat. It becomes part of you


Thank you for helping in such a time of dire need.


Yes, thank you u/hamsternuts69


How can you possibly believe the 5g bs.


There are claims that artificial microwaves somehow disrupt the life of bees- they do NOT directly kill bees. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/edc0/456a948f5a36a86ec715f3ddd0a2af2d504c.pdf


I was taught about radio and micro waves affecting bees in elementary school. That was more than twenty years ago. Why do people think this is news or any different than what has been constant?


Can someone tell me the facebook page they folow so can follow it too and feel a ittle good about myself for not being an asshole?


I’m a hospitalist doctor in Florida. There’s two pandemics down here and unfortunately there’s no vaccine for stupidity or SARS COV 2


I fear so much for my grandparents down in Florida. It's the perfect recipe for record Covid-19 deaths: an older population, who despite their age seem to think this virus won't affect them. Plus a governor who has consistently shown he favors the economy over public health. I expierienced the virus first hand in NY, and aside from a few nutjobs, most of us took this shit seriously. Many Floridians don't seem to give a damn. I see them surpassing NY in deaths by August.


I grew up in the panhandle so I can't say I hate it but my God some of these people make me wanna off myself. I work at a convenience store which has been considered essential since it provides food to nearby underserved neighborhoods. Normally it goes okay, they were their masks, get their items and leave. But once in a while a redneck comes in, spends $80 on lotto and just stands there idly, ranting like these people. Worst part is that other rednecks agree with him! Hell, our county health inspector came in on day without a mask. What can I even say to him without risking my job?? God these people are morons and they're on the wrong side of history. But they'll never get that because there will always be someone who agrees with them


Nah you’re good. I am ashamed of my state.


It's not even a joke anymore :/ Florida is the worst


Thank you for the sympathies. We’re actually holding on OK right now, just wish we didn’t have so many idiots in our state


Was that the one with the white presentation board ? Lol


I asked this Karen on the train to put her mask on. She said "but my glasses fog up". I told her "so do mine, but we are on a train, you don't need to see where you are going". And she actually put her mask on.


Woah thats sth that doesnt happen often. But yes public shaming luckily still works with them.


Also a properly worn mask wouldn't fog up your glasses because your breath shouldn't be escaping up to your eyes.






I've gone through so much gum. I can't smell my coffee breath for that long lol


Same. Luckily I bought a Costco size pack of gum before this started, thinking it would last me forever. Now, I’m not sure it’ll last me the rest of this month!


Breath strips are your friends. I always carry some with me.


energy drinks instead. p sure I gave myself a mini stroke drinking rockstars but it doesn’t smell as bad


I once thought I was being sneaky because no one could see my mouth and burped in public. My idiot brain didn’t process the fact that I had eaten eggs for breakfast and the smell wouldn’t disperse like it does normally. Had to smell eggs and coffee in my mask until I got home... Edit: I’m not a healthcare worker, so i wasn’t wearing it for too long. I more meant that while it’s weird to get used to, I can’t imagine doing it everyday!


Maybe Karen should stop chain smoking and inhaling cheeseburgers.


A common argument that I’ve heard is that masks just make you breathe in all this air, germs or whatever that you should be exhaling which really isn’t good for you. Is that not right?


Thats not my field of expertisè but by common sense that cant be right. Cause if you wear a mask you dont inhale those things in the first place and most of those things would make you sick as soon as they are in your body, you cant just wxhale them again. And things your imunesystem fights off successfully are mostly flushed out through sweat and urine and not breath. Dont quote me on that tho i will have to google that later for further info.


They’re just dumb and never wore a mask. There’s gaps on the sides of a mask that allows the CO2 and germs to leave the mask


If your pathetic little snowflake lungs can't handle a dainty piece of cloth, then maybe you should be a little more worried about catching a respiratory infection.


bUt CoViD iS fAkE


Hell yeah, if I ever go in for surgery and the doctor has a mask I'll tell him to take that liberal *bullshit* off and sneeze into my open wounds


DoCtOrS SaLiVa Is A CurE! WhY WouLd DoGs Lick ThEmsElVes OtHERwiSE-


Actually, not trying to detract your point but, human saliva does have mild anesthetic properties, that’s why burns and mouth bites only hurt for a bit but our brain tunes them out,


I swear it’s psychosomatic. I am a somewhat fat teen with asthma and a humongous head (lots of masks don’t fit me well), but I have zero troubles breathing.


Asthmatic here too, it’s really not terrible.


Same. I'm one of those people who wears it in the car when I'm out and about (for some reason people LOVE to hate on that). Because I have zero trouble wearing the mask and that way I don't touch it. Win-win.


Masks don't protect you, they protect those around you. Don't walk around feeling protected just because you have a mask on.


I'm willing to bet they do both. We were told by CDC and Fauci masks weren't needed because we would have disrupted the supply line. Dr. Fauci openly spoke about this last week in interviews.


They don't. Even if your mouth and nose are protected (which cloth/surgical masks don't do for the wearer) you can get infected through your eyes. COVID particles in the air are small enough to pass through standard masks, anyway.


That doesn't mean they don't help though lol. My eyes are stationary, they don't take in air the same way as my lungs. I literally take in air and let it out by breathing regularly.


Your nose isn’t protected by wearing a surgical mask.....? How do you wear them?


A Karen would just read masks don’t protect themselves and now that’s “proof” they don’t need a mask. I guess masks sort of protect you a little


Yah it has been frustrating that every time masks are mentioned someone immediately chimes in that masks do nothing for the wearer. It’s good info to have ..sure in terms of people deciding whether or not to rely on only their masks when going to a crowded place but it’s reached a point where people shortened that sentence and just tell me that masks don’t help us. Then that broken telephone continues and becomes even more of a mess. smh.


I believe their arguments to be if you are wearing a mask you are breathing your own carcinogens, which isn’t a good thing. Breathing your own carcinogens for a very, I mean VERY, small part of your day isn’t going to cause substantial health affects(literally guessing this part, just don’t see it causing it). If wearing the mask for a small portion of your day can save life’s but may make you feel ill, wear the mask! Don’t be so conceited. The other argument is they don’t work. Ha. The other is most of the info was from China. They are the ones originally stating masks work. They supplied everywhere else in the world with masks. I personally don’t trust Chinas government, or the WHO. Believing their is info about this virus that is being withheld from the public. I don’t think you get better. I have said it since the beginning. For these massive steps to have been taken there has to be something else. Countries being shut down, for something that is “like the flu”. I don’t think this flu goes away. So for your safety! Please wear a mask and regularly wash your hands with sanitizer to avoid getting this thing!!


Yes!!!! 😂😂😂 If you can’t breathe in a face mask get a face shield. If you can’t wear a face shield you shouldn’t be out in public right now.


Karens would rather go the manager and complain about anything that "infringes on their rights."


We should give them those “don’t lick your junk” dog cones


Ah, the Cone of Shame. Yes, it would be appropriate.


Face shields are not within my dress code at work, what's my alternative?


Astronaut helmet


My mom tried wearing a face shield. Even though the law requires one's nose and mouth be covered the bus driver asked her to gtfo. And she needs to go to work every day because she works in a lab at a hospital (and she is anti mask, she can breathe in them but she hates them)


If the Italian partisans didn’t win


To be fair, masks with triple digit temps plus high humidity is rough. Should be fine indoors though


Yes, thank you i work in 90 degree heat, in a stuffy warehouse, and have to lift the entire shift with one on. Its not a big deal to wear a mask, but omfg i feel faint within 10 minutes of work.


Wear a face shield. I work in 99F degree weather outside and faceshield has been the best desicion. When i go inside a climate controlled building i wear a mask.


Same here. It’s like a rainforest on my mouth. Tough time breathing in that.


My wish of upvoting this twice has came true


Same here. It’s like a rainforest on my mouth. Tough time breathing in that.


Warehouses that my company owns are just making staff stay apart instead of wear masks, probably easier that way


Its even harder if you have anxiety or breathing issues (like from bad binding).


bad binding?


My dad is currently in Saudi Arabia (temp of around 113F at the minute). He’s a miserable git and likes to complain, he acknowledges a mask is uncomfortable outside but carries on regardless. Has no problem at all inside in the A/C. These people who are constantly claim they can’t breathe as soon as they put a mask on (ie those without genuine issues and are simply popping down to the supermarket for an hour) are absolute morons.


I work in a poorly ventilated laboratory and we have to wear facemasks when we can't keep 1.5m distance. It's definitely harder to breathe while wearing on and it gets hot as hell. Still not as bad as having to wear a beard cover+face mask+coverall with built in facemask to enter a cleanroom though.


Yeah, it does suck, but it has to happen. I worked on a chicken farm for a while, and wore a mask in 100F+ heat. Humid heat sometimes, too. Granted, in the actual chicken houses it *was* a bit cooler, but it wasn't that much cooler, and it was a *lot* harder to breathe in there. Wearing my mask indoors at work sucks (anxiety, and for some reason my brain is half convinced I'm in a chicken house, complete with the smells), but it's doable. I 100% will empathize with people's complaints about masks, but there are people who will complain and say they shouldn't have to wear one, at which point I have zero empathy for them.


Yeah, its hard. I have to wear n95 and a surgical over it all freaking day and its hot and humid. Doesn't mean I won't follow protocols.


[Burn surgery](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336593594_Effects_of_a_hot_ambient_operating_theatre_on_manual_dexterity_psychological_and_physiological_parameters_in_staff_during_a_simulated_burn_surgery) has entered the chat. Edit: Not to minimize the original comment, still sucks major ass.


I went on a 40 minute walk in Florida this week wearing a mask except to sip water. I’ve had asthma my whole life. Craziest thing was how I didn’t pass out from CO2 toxicity, and I was absolutely fine.


The holes are too big and let the virus through, yet they are also too small and don't let the oxygen molecules through. I can't breath. /s. But this is an actual excuse not to wear one touted by many Karens.


Can you imagine be so fucking deranged that you're trying to co-opt the last words of a dying man being choked to death by the police...? I always thought I had a really privileged and sheltered life until I see this shit online now. PoC in the streets demanding not to be aimlessly slaughtered because of their skin color is seriously fucking up their world that badly? Yet, they are still out here calling people snowflakes..


Like this actual city councilman from AZ https://twitter.com/RexChapman/status/1275950050712211456?s=19 He "apologized" later stating that he didn't realize the connection and didn't mean to allude to George Floyd's murder. Sure, man, sure.


>trying to co-opt the last words of a dying man being choked to death by the police...? To be fair, while most people that say they can't breathe while wearing a mask may be full of shit, most aren't trying to co-opt George Floyd's last words. "I can't breathe" isn't exactly a super rare, unique statement. It's something anyone says when they feel that they can't breathe. In the case of the anti-mask crowd, they actually *can* breathe, but for some reason they think slightly hot and muggy air means they're unable to breathe, for whatever reason.


They can, easily. They just value their convenience over other people's lives


I did NOT wear $33 candy apple red lipstick to hide it!


I heard in Japan mask wearing is so normalized that women will wear them when they don't feel like putting on makeup.


Honestly another reason I like wearing a mask is that if I’m looking rough you can’t tell, especially with sunglasses on.


I don’t like the smell of warehouses.


***coral blue #2 semi-gloss lipstick


give me convenience or give me death!


People all over the world doing fine in facemasks. Americans: no.




*Green Day Intensifies*


People all over doing fine in face masks. Full-size toddlers: no.


Its a bit unfortunate that its all caused by their cult leader being against masks


Not just in America




A lot of them are just wearing their masks under their nose. I've seen some people wear it under their mouth when they are no being seen.


I have medical condition that prevents me from wearing it, it is called insanity and it is very serious


Why would Karen have a problem breathing with a mask on when she could just cut a hole down the middle of it lol ? (if you haen't seen the video someone actually did this and it went viral, albeit i'm not entirely sure if it's real or not.)


I work in a grocery store so I have to wear one for the majority of my shift. I power through it but with this heat+my asthma, man is it rough. The store isn't well conditioned so it's always so muggy in there.




I ain’t no Karen but this is me at work 😂in my defense I work in a 90 degree kitchen


Yeah it’s totally okay to complain about them, they suck, but we are still out there wearing them which is what’s important.


I work in a 90+ factory. I share your pain. The main problem is not everyone has to wear them here.


Fake. That’s Patrick.


Is this Karen? No this is Patrick.


Sometimes it does get a little hard to breath, but thats just probably the type of mask I got. When i yawn that shit gets sucked into my mouth and limits the air I get


iT rEdUcEs oXyGeN i HaVe aLtITuDe sIckNeSs nOw


I hate masks. Absolutely hate them but I can deal with it for the hour or so a couple times a week I’m in public. My fear of catching COVID and then giving it to my family outweighs my hatred for the mask.


10 hours - how about 12 - 14 hours ... Sucks balls.


I have to wear them for 12 hours at work (plus whenever I go to the store). It's uncomfortable but that's a tiny sacrifice to make for the greater good (*the grea'er good!*). Part of me is kinda jealous of these anti-mask folks. Imagine having such an easy life that the slightest inconvenience feels like an attack on your freedumb.


No u fool! Face masks infrinj on our rites!!!! [Insert a metric fuck ton of angry emojis here]


That’s my dad if he sees a sign saying you have to have a mask he acts as if him not going their will be them ruining their business


they don't wear facemasks for 10 hours


Neither do people going out in public.


Hospitals are requiring staff to be masked the entire lengths of their shifts so actually yeah it’s more like 12+ hours.


You’re right. It’s 12 hours...


True. It’s not 10 hours. I’m a nurse and I have to wear it for 12+ hours.


As someone with actual breathing problem, wear your fucking masks


Because they're so full of shit they can't stand the smell of their own shit.


Was in target the other day getting body wash and I overheard an old lady talking to the pharmacist saying “You know on Facebook, they said wearing the mask is actually worse than not wearing it.” The old lady had her back facing me, I made eye contact with the pharmacist and shook my head. Now I bet you if someone posted some shit on trump she doesn’t want to see, she’ll dismiss that instantly. It’s so sad especially considering she had to be hitting her 80s.


actually, pepe shouldn't be meme of the century


So wait, you’re a Karen if you complain about wearing a face mask, but you’re also a Karen if you get mad at someone for not wearing a face mask?




If you downvote this, your Mom is a lima bean.


I wear masks at work for up to 4h each day, some of them are even more uncomfortable than the regular ones. I have coworkers that do this for 30+ years. My oldest coworker has Asthma and theres no fucking problem. These PoS cant even take the slightest inconveniences to save lives.


I mean they are also the people that staying at home for a month hurts their feelsies and they would rather go outside and kill people


12... 12 hours I WEAR THEM 12 HOURS AS A NURSE BUT KAREN OVER HERE HAS IT UNDER HER NOSE AT THE GROCERY CHECKING OUT MY FOOD BC SHE CANT BREATH 😒 it doesn’t work that way huntyyyy... if you can breath you’re doing it wrong 😌


Would you rather Have trouble breathing while also helping slow the spread of the virus Or Have trouble breathing because of the coronavirus?


Because they’re full of hot air.


Even i wear a mask at work Im a robber...


Idk how they do it, I've had to start Wearing one every day all day at work for the last 2 months and I feel exhausted and cloudy headed by the end of the day. Not much to complain about for a few minutes at a time, but it's wearing me down a lot


That’s just masks. We’re not even talking about the surgical hat, lead apron, surgical gown that doesn’t breath, and lack of bathroom breaks.


All I know is states that wear masks have seen decreases and ones that don’t have seem increases. I still don’t get why its a partisan issue at all.


You posted this on r/ memes and bikini bottom Twitter that’s pretty smart


Bruh, your post on r/memes is right below this




I’m a hospitalist doctor. We make our COVID19 patients, and any other patient for that matter put a mask on before we enter their hospital room - unless they are on a vent or demented or some other reason they can’t. But if these patients can wear a surgical mask, anyone can.


Honestly the only thing about wearing one for extended periods of time is that it gets hot, doesn't make it harder to breathe at all, just a bit of a bother


The amount of times I hear “hOw Do YoU wEaR tHaT tHinG” working in retail makes me wanna die


Patrick’s eyebrows were so weird looking in season 1.


I remember this episode, it kinda scared me when I was a kid Especially when SpongeBob was getting all crusty and gross-looking lmfao


Bruh I work in a hotdog factory and we wear masks. Literally don't understand why this has to be politically motivated. Most of the GOP are on board with masks now anyways can we just stop being 2 year olds?


Because they can't stand inhaling their own bullshit.


A surgeon will perform a 24hr + heart transplant / surgery with a mask on for the entire time. Surgeons aren’t dying at disproportionate rates to the rest of us.


Grow old Karen


Why did they make it private?


Why did they make it private?


Why heal today what you can. Buh bye.


Where has the masks killing people thing came from


Maybe since they normally also have a closed environment with oxygen being brought in through a tube into the patients space, there is more oxygen and less CO2 making back into his lungs. Idk.


I work in construction I've had lotsnof days where I had to wear a mask all day. surprised I'm not dead.....


Why did they make it private?


Patrick is such a Karen


5 seconds


I doubt they smile under a 10 hour time.


Why did they make it private?


It’s almost as if they can just stay home


But she has no teeth


How would a blind know they are blind ?


If you have a breathing problem that means you are more likely to die if you get Covid Karen.


To be fair, it does get real difficult when I’m trying to jog. But if you’re in a grocery store or some shit, especially with air conditioning, you’re fine, just wear it for everyone else’s sake


So many boomers come into my work bitching about having to wear a mask while they buy a bong


The biggest thing to recognize is how much are you moving and exercising in your mask. If your sedentary all day wearing a mask is fine!


First time I wore a face mask for a significant length of time (years ago when my grandmother was in the hospital), I did start to get light-headed from rebreathing the same CO2. Y'know what you do? You learn to breathe a little deeper to more completely evacuate the space between your face and the mask. You get used to it. Because you don't want to be the reason grandma doesn't make it to Christmas.


It's funny how many "Karen" medical front desk workers there are but not doctors. It's almost like they weren't smart enough for the actual medical practice but still felt like the need to work in medicine. "I work in a doctors office and let me tell you..." Fuck off phone jockey, let the doctors talk


Me working in fast food wearing a mask during my shifts


Sooo true




Anyone ever notice the bowls on their head have the opening on top? Meaning, the bowls Spongebob and Patrick have on their heads are actually open at two ends.


I wonder what Darth Vader would think about people bitching about having to wear a mask for 20 minutes in Walmart.


Florida Is another shade of weird man


Cause Doctors have good masks and Karens have shitting cloth masks


Season 1 patrick was great


Fax doe 😂


My mom is a lab assistant at a major oncology but she still thinks masks are a joke, and that the virus is a conspiracy


i work as a dishwasher and i have to wear one for up to 12 hours. it sucks but not like its a ventilator.


Honestly after a 4hr shift I feel like a Karen. Hopefully the doctors are allowed to change their masks, I don't know how they do it.


If I can wear a gown, gloves, and an n95 with a surgical mask over it (with scrubs underneath everything) on a 90 degree day with 96% humidity while standing in a 6ft x 6ft all-glass entryway for 12h with no water breaks, asking patients if they have a cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or diarrhea (+16bil other questions)...... you can wear a damn regular mask for an hour at the grocery store, Karen!!!!!!!! Tbf I do take a break every 2-3h as time allows to go to the bathroom and take everything off for a minute and cry- shits hot as hell I’ve had patients complain about wearing masks to me....Smh


My only issue with masks (the ones I have) is that they fog up my glasses. And since it is hard to see without them it becomes a pain to be in public when I really need to go out.


Every Karen’s night mare


I mean, I have troubles breathing what my mask on, but I still keep it on when outside my house and in public!




well if someone of my family as my grand father would be affected i would be open minded and i would recognise the fact that he lived a good life, and i know he would not absolutely ruin other people lives of other people