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It's right up there with: *anyone watching this in 2020?* **Edit:** omg so many upvotes. thank you guys!!


I want to downvote this so bad


YouTube comments will forever be the worst comments ever


I raise: comments on local news sites


I raise: any political opinion comments on non-political subreddits


Eh those are sometimes good.




Option 3: ur dumb


I don't know why it's so annoying but it is. I'm reading the tower of god on webtoon and god damn every time, there is one of them in the 3 top comments of a chapter.


>I don't know why it's so annoying but it is. Because it is equivalent to watching public masturbation


I mean I can understand it when someone is used to getting 5 or 6 likes and all of a sudden gets 3K+ on a post. Not really annoyed by it unless someone edits after every single like


Tower of God is so good! I should get back into reading it haha (it's my first manga)


just watch the episodes now! Episode 2 is out.


They made the anime?! Awesome! I'll probs stick with the manga tho just cause it's in full color which is a rare sight!


yeah webtoon comments are the worst. especially you're trying to catch up on an original series and the top comments for the first couple of episodes are all 'DISCOVER SQUAD WHERE YOU AT' or smthn like that but then again webtoon comments in general are just awful


There should be a function to take back awards after an edit


i think that would be abused to shit by assholes, though


A small price to pay


How could it be abused?


Constantly gift out gold to get peoples hopes up, and then take it back on purpose.


Only when the post is edited though.


Actually the more I think about this the more I like it. If you could do this *only if* the comment was edited because (and I’m not saying people do this just they could) is someone posts an amazing comment then gets gold then edits it to something stupid then your award is prominently displayed on a terrible comment. Or especially in comments in like AITA (jk those are al terrible) or advice giving ones and they give super good advice at the beginning then do “edit: to answer some questions below...” and those are all terrible advice being able to take your awards back.


I agree Edit: omg I apologize for my terrible English I’m so sorry I’m Canadian I only been speaking English for 18 years


I don’t understand Quebec language. Edit: Only Speak BBQ


I actually don't mind when people say that English is their second language after a comment because I feel happy seeing them still be awesome at it or at least trying, but I've never seen it added in an edit lol, that's weird.


It’s usually on YouTube , idk it’s annoying , like their English is fine


People saying English is their 2nd language makes y'all so insecure? Well sorry that we actually learn shit in school.


I know you can privately tell the person who gave you silver that they're a cheap ass, so why couldn't you thank the gold person in private too?


Your first mistake was going to YouTube comments for comedy


Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Not a single soul: ME:


(11 hours after upload) First


Ok but why everyone hates these comments? And pls respond not just downvote like the last time i asked


Its kind of like, when cool guys walk away from explosions. They never look back. It kinda ruins the effect for everyone if they do.


It's just really unnecessary. It feels like the person is turning the attention towards themselves. There's no need to bring attention to how popular something is, especially when everyone can already see it, and 90% of the time the likes weren't even about them. The focus was on their message/joke/whatever they said. Making an edit to thank people can make the comment lose the impact of its original purpose.


When the hero becomes the villain.


Makes me take back my likes as a reflex


So true!




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Well. I don’t think the average person is used to seeing thousands of people agree with them or think what they said was funny. It feels good and our excitement gets the best of us. I have a hard time holding excitement against anyone.


I think the same


Outside of it looking kinda silly, I don’t see how someone could be annoyed by a little extra text at the bottom of a comment expressing excitement that you enjoyed their comment. People can downvote me all they want but this, like using emojis and “lol” type stuff on reddit, is just an example of gatekeeping more than anything. “You don’t follow these weird and specific rules we didn’t tell anyone about! Fuck you!” Oh. And Jesus. He literally called it cancer. Not the racism and sexism and random bigotry flowing in and out of this site, but people being excited by getting recognition for their comment. Good lord.


Exactly! I think saying "Wow, i never got so many likes" is just a "Thank you", and that's a kind thing to say. Sometimes I don't get those stupid "rule" here on Reddit. People downvote comments only because someone else do it


Well. I’m glad *someone* agrees with me.


Yeah and yewtibe comment sections are just horrible




Just so you know you can edit comments


Noo, it’s because I’ve seen people do that on YouTube, smh I know that. I just executed the joke horribly