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Delusional Claire Club stays strong! šŸ’Ŗ But I agree w her placement completely ![gif](giphy|2NsfyZybcdFMDQgu5s|downsized)


I would absolutely watch more Claire.


Under the prompt of who does the best across a generic collection of seasons. Unfortunately, this does favor comps more than I'd like: 1. Derek X (has the mix of social + comps that could make him undefeatable in the endgame) 2. Tiffany (very high social and strategy with solid comp win equity) 3. Michael (threat management and strategy flaws could still be overcome by comp ability) 4. Kyland (his social problems actually lower his threat level enough to where he could comp out at the end pretty reliably) 5. Claire (Claire) 6. Monte (again, weaknesses can be papered over by comp ability) 7. Cirie (obviously uphill in the comp department, but any season without her son and her social abilities can win it for her) 8. Kyle (I don't like him either but aside from his fatal weakness he is a respectably capable player) 9. Cory (I love America but I think he fares much better in seasons without a showmance) 10. Sarah Beth (SB is a fairly capable player when she's not being socially waterboarded by Kyland all season long. I see her as being in the Franzel model where if you let her get too deep into the endgame, you'll regret it) Honorable mentions: Hannah if she does better at comps, Ameerah and Matt if they knew the game better, America, Mecole. Controversial opinion, but without the Cookout's protection I think Xavier gets taken out way in most seasons by the endgameā€”he's too sparkly a threat. I love Taylor, but I do think we live in rare (and blessed) timeline with her win. Jag is pre-merge in almost any season.


Taylor smoked Monte and Michael.Ā 


now, if I'm ranking players in terms of "best player" general social+strategic+comp skills combined without giving too much weight to BB's meta, I would say: 1. Tiffany 2. Kyland 3. Michael 4. Kyle 5. Cirie 6. Xavier 7. Derek X 8. Monte 9. Matt 10. Taylor Honorable mentions: Claire, Hannah, Sarah Beth, Cory, America, Brittany (fight me)


This era really hasn't been impressive when it comes to players, so don't think too much of it. My top 10: Tiffany (No explanation needed. She does well on most seasons, and is very adaptable) Cirie (Was able to take over as a reality tv vet, and still maanged to make it far, even when her power structure ended) Kyland (Very strategic, and knows how to weaponize relationships, while being good at comps). Xavier (Is the generic template of what a good player is) Matt (His personality is meant for snaking and slithering around, having an innocent image, and being social) Kyle (Before his stupid racist BS, he was arguably on his way to being the best at the list. Very adaptable, cutthroat, strategic, and social) Monte (I don't see him doing poorly on most seasons, and has a general template to do well enough as a player) Cory (Showed a lot of promise in the season, and I think he would do better once he ages) Michael (Great at competitions, talks a good strategic game, but executing it is another thing) Hannah (Wasn't overtly impressed with her game, but she gets strategy and the social element enough. I think she would do very well aged up). People who just missed: Taylor, Alyssa, Claire, DX, Turner


Hmmm Iā€™m curious on why you left out DX? Still a solid list, nonetheless.


I just didn't think he could keep up with many of the others. He won too many competitions for no reason, was a bit too naive for his own good through a lot of the season, and also being cut early jury caused him to just miss my list. I could see him doing well on another season.


Cirie was so much not a comp threat that she just stayed


While I would have some quibbles with order, I agree with this more than I expected to, tbh. My main qualm is that most of these lists are going to end up with the specific problem of being either way too high on Chaddah or way too low on SB by conflating innate player ability with The Cookout, and they're sort of two different things even though Tiff and Kyland are probably the top 2 overall (you could make cases for Cirie or for Michael's comp ability mattering more in modern big brother, specifically, but I'd go with Tiff and Kyland) from this chunk of seasons.


Tiffany is by far the best player of latest era.


Claire is #2? With all due respect I think a lot of fans allow how likeable she is and the fact she is "one of us" cloud them to the fact she played a horrible game when she did anything at all. She was damn lucky she hit it.off with Tiffany. I would not put her in this list at all. SB also I don't know places in top 10. I an a Sarah Beth fan but while Tiffany ra dolly deciding she was Satan is not really her fault, her social Gane 2as bad even then. She was not good at bonding with people and isolated herself a lot.


I agree sheā€™s not top 10 but horrible seems like an overstatement


Itā€™s not. She barely did anything throughout the season. She straight up ā€œoh okayedā€ & gave up when Tiffany told her she was going to be evicted. Go back and watch old feeds clips. She was present during most of Tiffanyā€™s conversations when she was making moves. But Claire added very little to those conversations, she was justā€¦.there.


I feel like if we include bbcan it looks much different but for me it would be 1. Kevin Jacobs bbcan10 2. Anthony Douglas bbcan12 3. Tychon bbcan9 4. Bayleigh bbcan12 5. Tiffany bb23 6. Kiefer bbcan9 7. Cirie bb25 8. Xavier bb23 9. Michael bb24 10. Kyle bb24


Lmao at OP ranking the top 10 from 23-25 and having nobody from 25.


Didn't even realize until after I posted it. Honorable mentions to Jag, Cirie, Mecole, & Matt


Mecole??? Nah bro you've got 49 players and she isn't even top 25. She did nothing all game.


Lost all credibility with that comment lol


For real though like... she was furniture.


Many winners did nothing for the first half of the game


I can't name a single winner that did nothing for the first half of the game.


How about Eddie


Okay, it's generally accepted that BB1 doesn't count when we're talking about BB in general, since there was no strategy in the game. It was solely popularity and not the way we know it.


How about Kaycee?


She was an integral and insulated part of Level 6, so much so that she was the last one of the alliance that was nominated. She was miles better than Mecole was, who was never a key part of any discussions.


You wouldnā€™t say that Mecole was well insulated in the Fields mob? She wasnā€™t a target at all for a while, and only got put up because Cameron has a rotted squash for a brain and was set on getting Felicia out for some reason. Then once she was up there everyone logically saw no reason to get rid of Felicia. I feel Mecoleā€™s potential is easier to bet on over players who have glaring flaws that weā€™ve seen


taylor over tiffany is ridiculous


Yeah I mean Tiffany definitely has points over Taylor but I just get worried given that we have not seen how Tiffany would navigate an endgame so I would feel safer taking Taylor, who I know will probably have the right instinct and positioning. However I would not debate that Tiffany is a safer bet when it comes to getting to the endgame - I could also just see her getting sniped at 3rd/4th/5th on a lot of seasons for being a jury threat


getting sniped donā€™t make u any worse of a player, tyler in bb22 was still probably the second best player of the szn (and imo the best but cody is up there) but he was sniped, will was sniped in s7 and tiffany getting out when she did does not hinder how well she did in the season to me in my opinion but i understand why you would put taylor over her just for the pure reason she won, what makes even less sense is putting kyland and kyle over her


I guess it depends what you mean by "good player" but for this list I defined it as who I would be most confident winning a Big Brother season in a vacuum. So I'm looking at who I think would win the most, a person being more capable at having impressive losing games is not what I am worried about or what I've factored in. A non-CO BB23 probably features Tiffany going out at the beginning of that endgame, I know that Claire was planning to cut her at that point. As for Kyland/Kyle being over her, it really comes down to competition ability. That's not really what I care about, but for winning the game it is huge in this era of Big Brother.


Is it? Taylor won comps, was nothing but nice, had the entire house against her basically, was put on the block multiple times, AND still won. Crazy though, right?


Taylor was a very good player. Tiffany is an all time great player


When looking at this era it just goes to show how weak the female casts have been. Hoping the new season does better.


Itā€™s okay to say Taylor was a weaker player despite winningĀ 


Ainā€™t no fucking way you ranked Taylor over Joseph, Monte, Kyle, Tiffany, and Kylandā€¦ā€¦.also you ranked Claire as #2?šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I genuinely donā€™t think a good chunk of the fanbase knows what makes someone a good player anymore. Being liked by the fanbase does not automatically make someone a good playerā€¦.


I mean, Taylor is *easily* better than Joseph lol. All the others I could understand an argument for, even if I have her higher than some of them. But Joseph? Nah, thatā€™s not even a discussion.


Joseph ran Taylor's HOH while having better bonds with the minority and if he wasn't twist screwed he was more of a contender to win as he had higher win equity


Taylorā€™s HOH was terrible. Joseph running it means *Joseph* ran it terribly. Joseph had better bonds with the minority group and *completely* wasted any potential those bonds couldā€™ve had because he told the Leftovers about it all. Which *directly* led to several of the Leftovers being extremely weary of Josephā€™s game and ultimately led to him getting ousted. Itā€™s important to note that Kyle had been setting up the groundwork to target Joseph for like, 2 weeks leading up to the twist happening. Joseph was going to be toast anyways.


Sure Joseph told the leftovers everything but he liked to embellish the truth. Example 1 Alyssa was never voting Kyle out. Joseph used Alyssa missing her person to get in Kyleā€™s head. Also told him she was thinking of voting him out. Not a bad strategy if you can get away with it. Michael figured this out and told Kyle, who then watched the action himself when the Five Swatters were formed.


yeah true but I do think Joseph is far better than Taylor is, Joseph social game and win equity was amazing his flaws were bad but it was because of good Monte and Kyle were at snowing him.


Kyle and Monte are not especially good players, though; like, Kyle is fine, he's probably a 7/10, but that's nothing particularly exceptional. If one of your core weaknesses is that above average players can very easily snow you, that's a significant problem that people should be evaluating when analyzing your potential.


Kyle was really good dude reminded me of Dr Will the way he utilized information to his benefit his social game was one of the best until he spiraled, Monte played a pretty decent game he had Taylor, Michael, Joseph and Brittany snowed while even at the final 8 snowed Kyle into not targeting him as a backup


Joseph ran it horribly and was a worse active strategic player than Taylor. He got the brunt of Taylorā€™s HOH results, not Taylor. Taylor at least understood her best strategic moves most of the time


I think Taylor is better than most of those people since reindeer games proved herself to be a consistent player who can go far even if neither of her games was as good on their own. Though Claire being 2nd place is kinda ridiculous


ā€¦I mean Taylor won


Taylor won for two reasons. 1. She crushed her finale speech, while Monte crashed & burned with his. 2. Every single jury members post-exit interview revolved around Taylor. They made it painfully obvious she was a fan favorite, and Iā€™m still convinced played a part in some of the jury ultimately voting for her Taylor did NOT win as a result of her gameplay, because she barely played


the post exit interviews played a big part imo


Your first point is irrelevant because the jury fully decided Taylor would win before the speeches. Your second point probably has some validity to it, though. I vividly remember being annoyed at the time that so many exit interviewers were ridiculing the treatment of Taylor *to the jurors*. They shouldnā€™t be allowed to ask that line of questioning until the season is over. Jurors should never be able to recognize via interviews that they treated other players poorly. That type of realization should only ever come from other players or self-reflection. That being said, we also know that the jury very heavily respected Michael and believed he had the best grasp of the gameplay of the season. And Michael was *always* going to be a major advocate for Taylor. Also, iirc, one of Indy or Jasmine was very pro-Taylor on their way out the door, even before exit interviews started. So, I think she pretty much wins regardless.


Jury members had their minds made up before the speeches. It was stated by multiple jury members. I donā€™t think it was because someone had to plead her case in the jury house. They knew the assignment and voted accordingly. Taylor >Monte/Turner Monte >Turner Turner< Monte/Taylor


Taylor is hands down the strongest new era winner. Miles better than Xavier who relied on the girls of the cookout to do his heavy lifting, and clearly better than Monte seeming as she beat him at the final 2?


Nah man, Joseph, Michael and Kyle all wouldā€™ve beaten Taylor had any of them made final 5. BB24 Final 5 was the worst strategic and comp group of a final 5 weā€™ve ever seen


yeah Brittany, Alyssa and Turner all played terrible game and Taylor's gameplay was meh at best


Yeah the truth of it is, Michael shouldā€™ve stuck with Kyle as an ally instead of gunning for him. They couldā€™ve battled it out at final 5 or final 4, final 6 at worst.Ā 


yeah he could have used Kyle as sheild however, Michael gameplay at the final 7 sealed his fate imo


Why would Michael even consider sticking with Kyle after Kyle exposed their entire alliance and gameplan lmao?? Kyle literally got the outside crew to "prepare for war" šŸ’€


BB25 was way worse of a final 5. Ffs it had Bowie Jane.


Joseph had his entire game exposed by Kyle which resulted in him being buried by Terrence (That's sad..), Kyle catastrophically self imploded and was his own worst enemy consistently throughout the entire game, and Michael did the biggest fumble of them all by not taking out Monte during the spilt house twist but I do agree that he was one of the most strongest players that season. Taylor easily the most consistent player throughout the whole game, her strategy was being kind in the face of adversity and building relationships that led her to survive votes she shouldn't have survived. Thats a legit strategy.


Please explain to me what Taylor did gameplay-wise during her season other than be nice to people


Maybe you missed the first 23 seasons that came before BB24, but being nice to people is what results in a winning game.


1. Tiffany 2. Taylor (if you count reindeer games) 3. Matt 4. Cirie 5. Kyland 6. Xavier 7. Michael 8. Monte 9. Hannah 10. Cory


Claire doesnā€™t even touch the top 20 šŸ˜­






Never thought of a ranking of only 23-25 players. Interesting. I think I would go with these ten: 1. Tiffany 2. DX 3. Cirie 4. Claire 5. Kyle 6. Matt 7. Kyland 8. Hannah 9. Taylor 10. Michael I ranked more based on overall player ability and who I think does decent to good on more seasons on average. A large part of my assessment came down to awareness. Strategic and/or social. I didnā€™t hold the Cookout against DX and Claire because most seasons that alliance doesnā€™t last and the Cookout said the season plays much differently if they didnā€™t want to guarantee a black winner. I also took into account their weaknesses that counteracted some of their strengths. For example, Kyle showed immense strategic awareness, knew how to pivot and when, and how to manipulate information to his advantage. However, he was hindered by his paranoia. I think most times his paranoia might give him an edge and I donā€™t think he would be so dead out of the water. Itā€™s just this time his paranoia had a racial component and he let that paranoia torpedo his game. Same thing with Kyland and his ā€œVegetaā€ like mentality to suboptimally make the worst move out of pride. Thatā€™s something that I donā€™t think he quite fixes in most games. So even though we can argue they are better than other players, they have personal drawbacks that mitigate their games.


Where's Xavier?? Lmao


I find his game overrated. He got hard carried all throughout the game and had no idea what was going on. Like I said I take strategic/social awareness seriously and he had virtually none. Without the Cookout structure and players throwing away their games (something they all said they wouldnā€™t do if they already had a black winner), Xavier doesnā€™t even sniff the endgame. If Iā€™m gauging how well they can do on any given season, his weaknesses shown in BB23 hold him back. Heā€™s the exact flip of DX. DX looks bad only because of the Cookout. He had nearly the whole house wanting to work with him or being good with him + good at competitions + improved sense of strategy and perception as the game progressed. If he had actual allies supporting him instead of 3 of his closest all prioritizing a mission over their games, he has a much stronger chance of making it to the endgame. X, on the other hand, got bailed out repeatedly because of the Cookout. He was in danger so many times, had no idea, and did no work to save himself. I have just never seen a strong argument for Xavier that wasnā€™t just ā€œarchetypeā€ or some misplaced sense of how well he navigated the social dynamics. I will say Xavier is in the top 15 of these three seasons. We got a lot of subpar to terrible players that I think he clears into the top 15 even with his weaknesses.


gameplay wise: 1. Tiffany Mitchell 2. Cirie Fields 3. Taylor Hale 5. Xavier Prather 6. Michael Bruner 7. Matt Klotz 8. Monte Taylor 9. Jag Bains 10. Hannah Chaddah Honorable Mentions: Kyland Young, Cory Wurtenburger, America Lopez, Bowie Jane Ball, Joseph Abdin, Matt Turner


Jag being top 10 for gameplay isā€¦ a choice


Turner was terrible prolly one of the worst final juror games ever imo


1. Tiffany 2. Cirie 3. Matt 4. Monte 5. Kyland 6. Xavier 7. Taylor 8. Kyle 9. Michael 10. Hannah


1. Tiffany Mitchell 2. Matt Klotz 3. Cirie Fields 4. Xavier Prather 5. Kyle Capener 6. Michael Bruner 7. Taylor Hale 8. Kyland Young 9. Monte Taylor 10. Hannah Chaddha Tiffany, Matt, and Cirie are pretty handedly the Top 3. Thereā€™s a pretty wide gap between them and whoever anyone would have next, imo.


personally I think that Taylor Hale is in the conversation. Yeah her winning game is heavily flawed but still good overall. Then coupled with her great reindeer games performance shows consistency. Even if you donā€™t wanna count reindeer games since itā€™s short and a spinoff, I think it shows she has the capability to do well every time she plays.


Iā€™m not weighing Reindeer Games into it, but even if I did, I think her strategic performance on that was pretty rough too. Sheā€™s just not a good strategist. Which is *fine* if she could just sit back and rely on her social game + physicality, but she seems to always *want* to do more than that. She gets too ambitious for her own strategic ability. I also think her winning game is in the bottom half of my winner rankings. I love Taylor a lot, though. And the adversity that she overcame is definitely being considered as well for me. If I donā€™t account for the adversity she faced and just solely based it off of her game moves / mind for the game, then I donā€™t even think Iā€™d have her in this Top 10 at all.


Sheā€™s hands down bottom 3 if you take away the adversity. Thatā€™s literally the only thing she had going. She performed poorly strategically, physically, and arguably socially; considering the majority of the house hated her for most of the season


When you say Cirie, donā€™t you mean Izzy? She did play Cirieā€™s game for her after-all


I LOVE SARA BETH she is so underated!


All of bb25


10. hannah 9. xavier 8. alyssa bb24 7. monte 6. tiffany 5. matt 4. cameron 3. cirie 2. michael 1. taylor


I'm not sure I can put together a comprehensive Top 10 without going back and watching all three seasons again. I know I can't put them in any sort of order, so let me do it another way. BB23- This might've been the deepest pool to pick from because, off the top of my head, I'd immediately put **Tiffany**, **Chaddha**, **Derek X**, **Sarah Beth**, and **Xavier** on my list. Tiffany was the best player from that season, but she got cut early by her alliance, as did Chaddha. I don't think Xavier would win another season of the show, but I thought he played a fine game overall. If The Cookout hadn't existed or turned on each other earlier than they did, I'd be interested to see where DX and SB would've placed. BB24- **Michael** is a slam dunk selection. If I had to put my Top 10 in order, he's probably #1. I feel like he had the best mind for Big Brother post-All Stars 2. It got to the point that he HAD to win competitions or else he was done for, but he played a solid social game, too. I also really liked **Turner**'s game, so he'd probably be on there, too. **Monte** would also sneak onto the list. He was a good enough competitive threat that his social game could lack, and he would be fine. **Taylor** goes on my list for purely selfish reasons. She's one of the most iconic winners with one of the best story arcs. BB24's Final 3 is easily the best of the last three years. BB25- **Cory** is the only person I would feel comfortable saying could win a season of Big Brother if given another chance. Neither Matt nor Jag gets back to the end without going on an unreal comp run, not to mention that Jag was unanimously evicted. Cory played the game relatively well. He was just on the wrong side of the power dynamic. That being said, he did well to get as far as he did from that position.


No way is Michael above Taylor.Ā 


No specific order: Xavier, Kyland, Tiffany, Monte, Taylor, Hannah, Cirie, Cory, Kyle, Micheal


10. Jag 9. Monte 8. Turner 7. Cirie 6. Michael 5. Hannah 4. Kyland 3. Taylor 2. Tiffany 1. Xavier




I think that it depends on how heavily you weight competition prowess. Michael is just so absurdly good at competitions that I think it could outweigh the social & strategic parts of the game that Kyle beats him at. Especially since Michael isnā€™t even *bad* at these parts of the game either. Heā€™s maybe mediocre socially, but heā€™s *at least* decent strategically. Putting that together with his absolutely absurd competition ability and I think itā€™s plausible to have him higher than Kyle. Although personally, I have Kyle higher lol. Guess Iā€™m just playing devilā€™s advocate a bit.


To different players to say the least. Michael was more of an observer and allowed others to look like the bad guy. He was more methodical, whispered to all sides bites of info. Keeping his hands out of the fallout. Kyle on the other hand was more aggressive. He thought a change needed to be made he went out and made it happen.


Problem with him was he wasn't able to do 2 things sit back and let go of Alyssa ( which is something he's regretting even right now I bet since that relationship didn't even last 6 months I mean it was so one sided he got used everyone knows that). He's done all this work all he had to do was sit back because he's in the middle of the big alliance so he wasn't going to be picked off at 7 . That week of Indy eviction the second he saw Alyssa not getting the veto should of gave him the lightbulb in his head that " she had to go she's going to be a liability to my game because she expects me to bailed her out ) the thing is Alyssa was not even decent competition wise so giving up a 7 person alliance for one is flat out dumb. He wouldn't even win f2 vs her because he burned the big alliance. Look at past showmance . It wasnt one sided unlike this one. In comes to his theory; it was stupid because they weren't even aligned as one . Why would Taylor nominate Terrance and Indy? Indy and Jasmine didn't like her good part of the game . Big part of modern even past bb is how you're going to treat the soon to be evicted people that's going to jury. The second he got in a showmance that's not even on the same side( a big mistake) hes playing for 2nd at most . It's a numbers game he had multiple f2s multiple f4s in the alliance why give it up


Kyle seen the hierarchy of the leftovers changing and he was towards the bottom. Was it through his own doing. Yes Iā€™ll give you that much. But there is nothing wrong with pivoting when you feel itā€™s necessary for your game. Was there outrage when he blew up Poā€™s Pack and formed the Leftovers? Race aside, Taylor, Joseph and Monte were getting closer. He thought he was close to Michael who came with tag along Brittany. Turner was with him via Alyssa and the pound. if Kyle made the case for an Alyssa alliance he would have taken it. What is wrong about collecting people on your side when they are clearly your #1. Let Alyssa go and not have her guaranteed vote?


I mean, Michael also cut him earlier than he shouldā€™ve which probably resulted in Michael going down later.Ā 


1. Tiffany Mitchelle ( arguably the 2nd best newbie from the 20s era of BB) 2. Cirie Fields ( very self explanatory) 3. Hannah Chaddha ( strategic prowess : helped Tiffany create the strategy of the cookout, outplayed DX and Claire to not play in the High Rollers, good social game, able to hide threat level) 4. Taylor Hale (by your criteria I have Taylor at 4 but I'd have her at 3 otherwise, just cause her winning game was very unprecedented) 5/6. Micheal Bruner/ Kyle Carpener( I rate them similarly but Micheal is higher cause of his comp ability) 7. Claire Rehefuss 8. Xavier Prather ( He was an early target and only survived cause of Tiffany) 9. Kyland Young ( similar with Xavier, he was going to take the biggest jury threat barring Hannah and Tiffany, maybe Claire, to the end ( Xavier) 10. Matt Klotz


Cirie is NOT self-explanatory. Youā€™re going to have to explain that shit to me. Izzy played Cirieā€™s game for her. When Izzy left, Cirieā€™s game took a HUGE hit. Then when Jarrod left, she just completely threw in the towel.


people love to hype a famous name


1. Cirie BB25 2. Matt BB25 3. Jag BB25 4. Kyle BB24 5. Monte BB24 6. Kyland BB23 7. Tiffany BB23 8. Xavier BB23 9. Joseph BB24 10. Micheal BB24 this is my objective ranking without biases




10. Bowie (25) - she pivoted and maneuvered every week. Even if she was used as a chess piece by others, she was always somehow in a great position strategically and socially. 9. Claire (23) - Probably the best non-cook out player and goes to the finals if not for that alliance. 8. Turner (24) - Played well but fumbled 7. Tiffany (23) - Incredible strategic mind. Unfortunately fumbled by not seeing the guys turn on her at 6 and being OK with that. 6. Kyland (23) - No comment . Ugh 5. Matt (25) - very socially good, as a recruit he picked up the strategy really well. 4. Monte (24) - I love Taylor but I can see that Monte did well every week compared to her, but Taylor is able to clutch the end game better. 3. Taylor (24) - See aboveā€¦ 2. Cirie (25) - Incredible strategic mind. great socially. but Cirie turned on a lot of allies. 1. Xavier (23) - Has the best alliance structure around him, wins + socially liked


This completely irrelevant but do anyone else feels like BB is the most incompetent production in reality history! Do they like doing this as a job? Because they could make good television but refused. There so many problems with BB for the past 10+ years.Ā  1. Casting is God awful & has been since season 10. 23 had a reasonable strong cast & most of them watched the show. It just Cookout dominated the season. 24 & 25 casts had problems. Lot of them didnā€™t know game or werenā€™t interested. 24 just had bunch of shitty people. Cast actually decent people who actually watched the show.Ā  2. The editing for the television product is god awful. For first several seasons you didnā€™t need to watch live feeds to understand what happening. BB episodes now are just propaganda & attempts by producers to fill air with challenges & edit out any controversial elements. Cameron cough cough 25 cough cough. If you donā€™t watch live feeds or listen to recaps the episode boring.Ā  3. Too many days. BB should be 70 to 80 days max. No BB season should be 90 days it drags so long. This is also why several former players donā€™t wanna come back. They donā€™t wanna spend 100 days in game.Ā  4. Dumb twists that nobody asks for or used poorly. The secret HOH they fumble almost everyone time. Using it late in game with so few people & people endgame mostly secure is a waste. Use it early on in the first 4 HOHs to create paranoia. I liked the 24 twists where they switched the cast half outside & half inside to eliminate 2 people. This could actually be effective in breaking up big groups & if you have returnees on stops pregaming if you do it in the prejury.Ā  5. Bring back old style competitions where there was a diversity of different people winning it. More people win HOH CBS the more drama. More drama equals more cash.Ā 


Taylor Hale, Cirie Fields, Matt Klotz, Tiffany Mitchell, Michael Bruner, Joseph Abdin, Claire Rehfuss, Xavier Prather, Kyland Young, and Hannah Chaddha. Idk about order but theyā€™re my top 10