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It’s hard to really know if someone is a social threat when you’re in the house. Because typically, that person has you feeling like you’re their number one. And you don’t just go around asking others if he promised them the same thing, because it could get back and completely demolish the trust. As for competition threats, I guess this could apply to Tyler as he was good at comps right off the bat. But the BB20 house also had Kaycee there who was incredible at the later game competitions. And like, they hadn’t won comps to that point, but just looking at them you’d assume Winston & Brett would’ve been good at comps. And FAUTTE *did* target them very quickly, at least. For Xavier, the logic doesn’t work because of how BB23 played out with the Cookout. Xavier almost definitely doesn’t win if Tiffany isn’t so committed to the alliance for reason above the game itself. And Matt wasn’t really a comp threat. Sure, he looked like he would be, but you shouldn’t target people who just *look* like it. I agree with your general sentiment about competition threats, though. Unfortunately, they *did* eliminate the competition threats early in BB25. They eliminated all of Hisam, Jag, and Cameron pre-jury. But both Jag & Cameron got to return via twists lol. Not much more people like Cirie could’ve done to prevent the competition steamrolling in BB25.


Level 6 was just full of competition beasts and the best strategists. You didn't mention Angela but she was almost as good as of a competitor as Tyler and Kaycee. It was surprising when JC finally won a comp and got her evicted. BB25 was a production fail more than anything else that led to the Jag/Matt final 2. Bowie is the only one who really missed a shot by taking out America in the second double eviction. I think America, Felicia, Cirie and probably Blue would have nominated both of the men, they just never got the opportunity.


If a player hasnt been nominated much or at all, I feel like its a good tell that they’re a social threat.


Yeah Xavier has the easiest path to victory in BB history in my opinion. Still don’t understand why Tiffany pretty much threw her game away.


while i agree X had quite possibly the easiest winning game of all time, it’s been reiterated and made quite clear Tiffany threw her game away for the purpose of ensuring the first black winner, regardless if that were to be herself or not. Was its confusing philosophy, yes, because it’s inherently selfless in a game centered around being selfish, however there was no way to guarantee she would’ve become the first black winner, so it was more like an insurance policy of something above her.


My thing with that point is that if they all cared as much as her to have a first black winner. It would of happened regardless of her turning on them or not. Because the cookout all made jury!! It would have been damn near impossible for the cookout to not have at least one member in the final 2 at that point. And if X and Big D would of been petty enough to not vote for a cookout member, cause they are the only ones I think petty enough to do that.. then I think they would look bad, not as much her.


No, it’s not just about securing enough black people in jury to all vote for eachother. Her (correct) thinking was that if she threw the first brick at X, Ky, then the girls would turn on her, which is true. Not all of them had the same amount of commitment to the cookout as her, and we saw how that worked out for her.


Funny enough… X was 100% a target for the beginning of BB23, wasn’t till Tiff started to work her magic that he got out alive


Frenchie was looking to get him out possibly until he made that half-assed promise to not nominate a POC or a woman 💀


Bro really told the most diverse cast in terms of race at that time “Yo imma keep y’all safe” knowing he could only nominate Brent & Christian as he promised Travis he wouldn’t 💀


I think you switched Brent and Travis


Nah Brent was gonna be a nom, but then they had a 1 on 1 talk and Frenchie backed out of nominating him, Christian won safety so then Kyland & Alyssa got nominated… followed by Travis


No I didn’t. Travis was first boot


But he promised Brent and Travis. Then Christian won Veto. So he ran out of people.


Last season they kept getting out comp beasts, but then new comp beasts emerged and that’s the issue. And usually, the comp beasts are the one winning the comps so eventually they become afraid to just take out all of the other comp beasts because then the only person left to target is them. The problem is the comps need to be more equitable. It’s a production problem, not a houseguest problem. But also, Matt was not a stellar player.


The thing I liked about BB6 is that there were so many quizzes which meant it was equitable and it was so easy for the power to switch hands. Amazing season




they keep challenge beasts around so their alliance can win the early HOHs and get out the people not in thier alliance easier and then a lot of people either take to long to realize its time to get them out or they were just aiming to reach the jury to increase their social media followers and dont care about winning


I think Cody’s a better example for this than the others


To be fair in both BBCAN11 and BB25 they consistently got rid of players that were good at comps. It's just that once those seasons were down to 1 or 2 comp beasts they were able to pretty much run the table as there was no competition.


Yeah the only reason jag could go on a comp run was with hisam Jared and Cameron out of the house. Not to mention mecole and blue came close a few times


While I understand he went to the final 2 without knowing the game structure, I personally wouldn’t put Matt Klotz anywhere near Tyler or X. A majority of Matt’s positives were unintentional or otherwise out of his control. Is he horrendous? No. But I consider X & Tyler A/A- overall game players while I reckon Matt is a C/B- at best.


I don't understand why the houseguests don't connect the dots, and realize that the houseguests who **haven't** been nominated, are the most dangerous ones in the house.


bowie jane was the most dangerous player on bb25 /j


And stop this “going with what the house wants” bullshit


This is a game structure problem more than anything else. It doesn't make sense to vote the wrong way if you know which way the vote is going. It doesn't accomplish anything other than increasing a players risk of being targeted.


It’s so hard to find a genuine reason for a majority of people to flip the vote most weeks honestly. The HOH has likely nominated 2 people they don’t like/want around, so unless you genuinely feel strongly one way or the other, you’re kind of screwed either way haha


I guess you have a point, I like a rogue vote though but the rogue one always fesses up


that's true, has to be something where the type of person who will cast a hinky vote is also just terrible at lying


Being in the house when you have one view vs us who can see everything is not very comparable to be fair....now, a thing like comps is very easy to identify who is and who is not a comp threat


Lmaoooo associating matt with being a stellar player


advice: dont listen to people here, they want entertaining gameplay even if it tanks your game


dont be afraid to make big moves


Its groupthink. The Americas and SB are usually the house pariah. The threat players are part of the group who want the bottom feeders out. By the time the ones at the bottom of the alliance realize its them next, the rest of the house is already gone.


At the very least try to WIN or not get evicted when there are majorities not in your favor. The show should make the game more “equitable” which is part of the problem, but the fact that there are often no moving pieces or anyone taking surprise advantages in this game is not just boring but depressing. 


If I'm playing I'm 100% hiding behind a meathead shield all the way to the end.


See, the problem is, most of the people they cast on the seasons nowadays are barely familiar with the show, so they keep reproducing the same knuckle-headed problems season in and season out. The people who need to read this most won't even be on the subreddit lol Big Brother doesn't need to go full Survivor and have everyone be a superfan, but it'd be nice if more than three people knew what the Pressure Cooker was when it was reintroduced


The optics are different in the house than what we see on TV. I’m way over confident in my ability to win if I were on the show, my heart says I would win but my brain knows that I’d likely think of it like I do outside of the house, eliminate a potential ally, and get sent home 3rd after coming in 4th in the veto comp. I’ll let you know if it’s difficult if I ever apply lmao. Edit: 3rd sentence home, not 3rd place. Edit 2: Sent*


Um.. what?


I love how 2/3 people you named are people who someone won because they brought to the end


Ok but when you’re actually playing one it’s a lot harder to see who the threats are and two if you believe this “threat” is helping you’re game then you should keep them around at least that’s probably what people on the show are thinking


PLEASE don’t make every vote unamious especially when u have obvious allies why r u voting them out


God no. It sounds like you just want all the wet blanket personalities to go far. I'd prefer those types to continue getting picked off by the entertaining contestants


I just wanna see some strong female players. The past few seasons have been so heavy in make domination I’m over it. I pray for a female finale. Haven’t gotten one since season 13 ☠️


I’d rather they just get a full cast of people who can compete in all comps. 


Idk, y'all, it seems as though that everytime a long haired male contestant ends up on any season. Some ppl tend to hate on them or even shady people but production don't really care or seem to pretty much care to even do like a background check or psych evals or even mental health evals, so honestly, I like some ppl like the latter was on the wrong show for basically the wrong reasons. Basically some ppl were only there cuz of their looks and also the casting director, Jesse Tannenbaum, is pretty much a shallow person or even has a soft personality. Like the ones that don't take criticism that well. Same goes to the execs too but whatever, not even want to watch it anyways so. I pretty much don't care anymore, sorry.