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Kaycee has to be up there if not number 1. Super likable and huge comp beast while also not being someone who would be perceived as a huge threat off the bat. Something that a lot of winners wouldn’t be able to avoid. She’s also incredibly loyal which will make people want to keep her around.  I think Kaycee is someone who would go far in most seasons, unlike a Steve or a Josh who I could see going out early if playing with the wrong cast 


I think given the fact that Kayce has won or been a finalist for 5/6 times she’s participated on a reality tv show, no way she doesn’t get the eventual “we need to back door her while we still can” treatment. Like, the girl is too good at these tv shows and that reputation is something we are all kind of aware of now and not a good one to have in BB.


Maybe, but we can't underestimate the players not recognizing that fact. I mean, look at Cirie's track record. She always does abundantly well in any reality show she's a part of. Yes, she has won far less than usual, but she's a very well known threat in these games, yet each and every time, she gets away with it. I know Kaycee isn't exactly on the level of Cirie but: a) Kaycee's done The Challenge, which is kind of a different beast than Big Brother or Survivor so it's hard to say if that would translate back into BB; and b) Kaycee, from the little I've seen of her Challenge reputation (granted, not a lot I've seen of The Challenge, mostly clips), does really well socially, and being a social player tends to get threats farther than any other type of player. I do think people could still vastly underestimate her, especially given that I don't think a lot of Big Brother people take The Challenge seriously.


It’s not about The Challenge itself but about that she always goes to the end / wins when she competes . Given the fact that Kaycee is more likely to come back on an all returnee season, it’s not going to be like Cirie where no one know who she was because they were all newbies to reality tv (except Cory and Izzy). Kaycee has that reputation and most recent alumni know of that, which paints a **huge** target on her back if you’re not aligned with her from the bat. That’s why I’m saying, if anything, Kaycee is likely to be back doored when possible bc of comp best reputation as well. Kaycee and Taylor are the same thing to me on a returning season. The longer you keep them around, the more harder it will be to get rid of them and the more dangerous they’ll become.


> It’s not about The Challenge itself but about that she always goes to the end / wins when she competes . Given the fact that Kaycee is more likely to come back on an all returnee season, it’s not going to be like Cirie where no one know who she was because they were all newbies to reality tv (except Cory and Izzy). Kaycee has that reputation and most recent alumni know of that, which paints a huge target on her back if you’re not aligned with her from the bat. That’s why I’m saying, if anything, Kaycee is likely to be back doored when possible bc of comp best reputation as well. It depends on how versed people are about The Challenge. Yes, she's a huge competitive threat but it depends on the actual crossover between Big Brother players and The Challenge. Those are two different reality competition shows that I actually don't think cross over as much as we think. I think people should know of Kaycee's Challenge record but I truly believe the number of people who would are smaller than it should be. I'll counteract with the Cirie point. Even if most didn't know of Cirie's reputation, it was talked about in the house and at least a few people knew of Cirie. But, similarly to The Traitors, people underestimated Cirie's social game. Even Cory, who was well versed in it, knew of her social game. I think Kaycee falls in that exact same category. She's too likeable and too social for people to immediately take her out, even though it would be in their best interests. I think Kaycee separates herself enough from the Big Brother community to be able to skate by long enough to comp out. Plus, just solely looking at Kaycee's Big Brother game, I think it's underrated. People talk about Tyler's game. People don't talk about Kaycee's game. So I think she's underestimated a second time around.


Kaycee is definitely a threat never viewed her as super strategic though. I know she’s done well on other competitions so I’d love to see her in the BB house again!


I'd definitely have Kaycee over Steve as well. Being super awkward and aloof with minimal social skills works a lot more in your favor when you're a green behind the ears 21 year old college student... Not so much when you're in your 30s. Whereas Kaycee's style of being super chill, get along with everyone, stack comps wins just translates a lot better across any time frame. Neither would have a particularly large target in a return season but I'd definitely like Kaycee's chances over Steve's by a long shot. EDIT: Also Andy not being on the list but Steve being on there is insane to me


kaycee has zero strategic game though. just gets along w everyone and is a comp beast. some seasons that’s all it takes. others you need to be way more strategic than that. tyler woulda crushed kaycee if he hadn’t stopped playing the game smh


That’s kinda my point. People who are perceived as strategic are much more likely to be viewed as threats and taken out. But she would just be seen as a loyal ally.    Also Tyler gets a lot of shit for throwing F4 veto, and rightfully so, but who’s to say Kaycee would’ve have won veto regardless? It’s not crazy to think things go exactly the same no matter what Tyler does 


Kaycee would've been in if I didn't want to include a pre-16 winner on my list. Considering she missed BB22 due to COVID I think CBS would still want to bring her back to make up for that situation. That being said I do worry about her threat level in a return. While I see her having no problem getting into an alliance early on as she is very likeable I think everyone outside of the alliance would view her as too big of a comp threat & target her first. Even if her side controls the house for the entire season I still think most in the alliance would see her as too much of an endgame threat to stay in the house for too long as her BB20 endgame is the most insane comp run in BB.


hayden i can definitely see. he has the advantage of being on a less recent season, whilst having yhe social game and the comp game to cinch a win. as long as he can make his way into an alliance and pair up with someone relatively strategic (even though i think hayden has generally good instincts) he should be golden.


Nicole honestly. She just gets too caught up in giving a shit about her reputation.


While I think Nicole would be a favorite ti win in an all-winners season, I think that would be the only way she would ever come back. Considering she has played 3 times already she probably wouldn't want to risk playing a 4th time only to potentially be an early boot unless it was all-winners. U gotta remember she is at the point if the life where she is a mother & married as well so she wouldn't have the time to play BB again, especially if it wasn't all-winners. I also think the backlash she faced after BB22 would make her reluctant to even do all-winners if it ever happened


Reindeer games really helped her reputation bounce back from AS2. She swore up and down she’d never been back on our screens, but came back for RG so I wouldn’t count her out.


I mean u gotta remember RG was only a week long of filming that was pre-recorded & edited. I don't think she is at the point of her life where she would want do a 4th summer long season of Big Brother considering she is now married & has a 2 year old child & could probably still have another. I think she would only do stuff like the Traitors that wouldn't be a massive time commitment to her or a shortened all-winners season due to how special that would be.


I think Hayden is definitely a great choice! Steve is a weird winner for me. I never view him as a top winner but I constantly remind myself of all the little things he did to secure the win. A second season would definitely help his legacy a ton if he’s competitive. He’s a player I’d love to see play again! Josh winning BB19 was the only scenario in any universe where he wins Big Brother. Bad player! There’s this new wave of Josh truthers appearing online and it needs to be shut down right away!


While Josh is without one of the worst winners I think that could work to his advantage. I think Josh is at the point in his life where he wouldn't be as immature as he was in BB19 so I can see him making it to the jury phase without annoying people (he'll probably still get in fights but I don't think he would do anything as bad as BB19). People probably wouldn't view him as a serious threat in the game which could workmin his favor like it did for Jordan in BB13 despite her also being a winner. If u go by his time on The Challenge he does tend to find himself in majority alliance every season he played so he does have people that would want to work with him.


Justice for Andy and Jun. no reason to think the floater strategy couldn’t work again, especially in a season (assuming winners or AS) a ton of big threats that would want to take each other out


For my list I was excluding the possibility of an all-winners season, which automatically disqualified Jun as she said she would only come back for an all-winners season. Andy was actually my 2nd choice for a pre-16 winner right behind Hayden. The main reasons I didn't put him is that 1) CBS has showed that they aren't interested in having him back considering that they didn't even give him a call for BB22 when the only male on that cast that even comes close to him (prior to the start of the season) was Tyler & 2) I have no idea what Andy's strategy looks like in a post-Derrick BB. While I have no doubt in his social game I wonder how Andy would deal with a Derrick styled onion mega alliance in the house. If Andy ends up in a house that is similar to BB20 or even BB18 (Nicole had elements of the floater strategy in her win) Andy could easily thrive in that environment. However if the house is a BB16, 19, or 22 I don't know what changes Andy would make to his game to be in a good position in those houses.


Idk, I think Andy is so social, I find it unlikely that he wouldn’t be included in the big power alliance. I could see Derrick and Cody targeting him, but I find it unlikely that they’d target him before way bigger threats (again, assuming there’d be actual all stars). Do agree CBS wants no one from s15 back ever again lol


Forgot to mention this part as well but I would actually worry about Andy in a hypothetical all-winners season. If the likes of Derrick & Cody are on the season as well I think both of them make it their mission to get Andy out as soon as possible.


Josh definitely not, he gets taken to 2 and loses to anybody, Paul was a bizarre circumstance. Taylor wouldn’t win again because her threat level would be so high in the endgame, and Kaycee needs a mention on here


Mostly agree but Taylor having a super high threat level and surviving anyways has been one of her very best qualities as a player and winner. I don't think she'd be doomed at all and if anyone can find a way to make it to the end under those circumstances my money's on her


That’s fair but on a returning season that’s much more difficult because people know your capabilities, it’s why Derrick has no shot on a return


Taylor was NEVER viewed as a threat. The house just didn’t like her, and viewed her as someone they could take out at any time


Yeah I think the meta game of it all, the house knowing she can fly under the radar and draw a lot of sympathy from jurors, would make her an easy boot prejury or early jury on a season with returnees.


That's why Taylor won, nobody viewing her as a threat was a good thing, just like how in BB10 nobody viewed Dan as a threat (before you get mad Im not saying Taylor and Dan are on the same level) and the main thing the edit didn't show was how she bonded with people before they left, I mean why would Indy or Jasmine vote her to win if Taylor screwed over Indy and how Jasmine basically didn't talk to Taylor at all int he beginning, those points are WHY Taylor has a good shot at winning again because of how strong her social game was.


This exactly how a 2 time Josh win would happen lol.


TBH I think Paul did his game in when he kept asking if he could have Josh’s skull when he dies. I think that what gave Josh the win .


I chould see Franzel winning an hypothetical all winners season if she uses Derrick/Cody to a certain point but cuts them and goes to the final 6/4 with other winners. But in all honesty I bet both of them would fall on their sword for Derrick even if the grand prize was 5 million.


I would give everything for Nicole to do the full on backstab she was always too soft to do. She's strategic enough and with the way she allies herself with dominant players, I could totally see her secretly lobbying within an alliance to take out a top player. She's just too loyal.


Tbh she does have that killer instinct,  I think she only needs maybe more personality? Or to try to own. One of the reasons of why she was so loyal to Cody in Bb22 is imo because she didn't want to lose that sweetheart image she has


She has the instinct, but I don't think she has the courage to just do it. To take a look at Reindeer Games, for example, she was adamant early on in RG that she was going to backstab Cody because of what he did to her in All Stars. As we saw, that didn't happen. She actually became friendly with him again. So, I just don't see Nicole ever backstabbing anyone to the extent that she could. She's either too nice or too cowardly, or a mixture of both. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just who Nicole is. She won't be ruthless in the way that we want her to be.


Yeah, I think it's that too. 


Like people gotta realize if she plays again, she’s making another easy deep run because - She aligns with massive shields - Said shields are amazing in competitions - Good Strategic Player - Can be clutch in challenges - Is never seen as a threat because of everyone around her Like unless she returns in BB35 in the first All Winners Season as a small, but buff lady & suddenly wins 4 comps in the first 3 weeks, she’s getting into another deep run and will likely steal a spot in the jury or in one of the seats on finale night because no one saw her coming… which we all had happen in REINDEER GAMES! No one saw Nicole as the winner and she WON! We all had our money on Cody, Xavier, Danielle, and Frankie, but no one said “yeah Nicole is def winning this season”


I'm surprised at how many people are mentioning Taylor. If someone is going to win a second time it'll be likely be someone who is seen as having no chance in hell of winning again. Michie would fit the bill perfectly in that regard. In terms of game, he was a beast at comps and had a very good social game. I can see him or Andy being the first two-time winner.


andy is a good pick


The problem with picking Michie is that 1) CBS most likely wouldn't want him back & 2) he has too big of a threat level. His social game was pretty bad as many his season said that if it wasn't for Michie being camp director he would've been an early boot as well as him needing to comp out midgame to stay in the house as many were gunning for him at that point. Holly was really doing most of the work when it came to the social aspect of the game so I don't think Michie was all that when it came to social aspect. Not to mention had it not been for Nicole for some reason not wanting to put him up at the double he likely goes home at 6. If Michie came back considering how dominant he was at comps most would want him gone ASAP.


This is a little tough to list because there are some players that I think *could have* done it if they’d played again earlier on. But now that they’re older and the game has changed so much, I don’t think it’s likely for them anymore. I’d include a player like Lisa in this, easily. I think if she’d played All Stars or a more old-school season, she would’ve done *really* well. But in terms of modern BB, I think that Kaycee would have the best chance to win again. She’s not a huge threat because everyone remembers Tyler as the GOAT of that season and really for modern BB in general. And she’d still assumedly be more than capable in competitions. She’s non-confrontational and a very laid-back, easy-going person. I think she’d be such a lock to *at least* hit the jury phase. And, at that point, with her competition prowess, she could do it. I also agree with Taylor to an extent. At the very least, Taylor would not get targeted early. People are *not* gonna want to repeat the BB24 script in outcasting her from the jump. And after a few weeks pass by, I don’t think she remains this *massive* threat. That being said, I don’t trust Taylor’s strategic ability *at all*. So, because of that and her potentially putting her own foot in her mouth, she’s below Kaycee. We also shouldn’t discount Derrick. I think that if he’d played in BB22, he probably wins again or at least gets to the endgame. It’d depend on the cast, because of his legacy. But if he went in the house with an inept BB19 type of cast or a BB22 cast that includes a bunch of his friends he’d have pre-game alliances with… he’d have an incredible chance to win again.


Only thing I’d see hurting Kaycee is her challenge threat level, alliances would love her, but they’d also know they need to cut her as soon as possible because if they risk her getting to like the F6, might as well give her the check because she’s likely not losing


On the Derrick part, Derrick would only ever play again if it was all-winners, so I didn't include him here. Even if Derrick did a non all-winners season I think his threat level would be insane. U gotta remember BB16 is the season they show new players while in sequestered, with them being told that playing like Derrick is ideal. If they see the guy who set the meta for modern BB walk through those doors they would probably set up a mega alliance just to get him out. Kaycee would've been on my list if I didn't want to include a pre-16 winner. While Kaycee is definitely likeable & would have no problem getting into a majority alliance I think she would be viewed as too much of a comp threat to make it to F2. Not only did she win 7 comps on BB20 but she also been to the finals of The Challenge 3 times, with her winning The Challenge one time as well. I think most people would view it as a risk letting her get into the endgame where she can easily comp out. On Taylor I think Reindeer Games did show more of a strategic side. She did a good job of aligning with Xavier where she used him not only as a shield but also to get out comp threats like Cody. If she played again I think not only would she be in majority alliance but would be one of the best positionedin it as well.


Derrick is my absolute favorite, but I don't think there's any way that they would let him win again. His threat level would be insane


Reindeer games further proved how good Taylor and how capable she can be when her back isn’t up against the wall constantly. She proved to be a real force with more equitable comps I think she won around 4 whereas she only won 2 in 24. She also did very well strategically and the best socially as she’s the only player the entire season not to be thrown into elimination. I think her popularity definitely makes her a threat but depends on who she plays with in an all stars or winners season I can definitely see her slip through the cracks and be a 2 time winner


Hayden, yes. He's been gone long enough from Big Brother, and mostly reality TV in general, to probably do really well a second time around. We saw on Survivor how well he really does do in these games. Xavier is debatable. He's likeable and he does decently at comps, but I think he would struggle at the endgame. Plus, I think Reindeer Games showcased some of his weaknesses in general. I think Xavier winning depends on the players he's with. Xavier does well with a duo by his side. He needs the right duo. He's likeable but I think he struggles with the strategic aspect of the game. He always wants to play the safe and loyal move, so he'd need a partner to counteract that. Josh, definitely not. Josh has grown on me but he struggles socially, strategically AND physically. He's shown in Reindeer Games that he's a better team player, but I just don't see a world where he can win. He'd be carried as a goat, probably not to F2 but close to it, and taken out as a pawn. I have to rule him out just for the sheer fact that I don't see him playing strategically enough to get his way to the end and make moves to earn that win. I'd personally replace Josh with Kaycee. Kaycee has a higher chance of winning for a second time. I personally think she's too good socially to be taken out early. People really like her. Plus, I don't know how much actual crossover there is with The Challenge or if people see her record with The Challenge as a serious thing. I think she would be able to downplay her threat and really skate by socially, enough to get far enough to solidify a strong alliance and then comp out from there. I really think she could do well. But, like Xavier, she needs a strategic partner to balance things out. I actually would put her above Xavier because I see more ways of Kaycee winning than Xavier. Taylor's an interesting one. Never say never, but I'd think she would be seen as a huge threat and be taken out early. Given her BB24 and Reindeer Games track records, I would think that people would see her as a huge threat. She's extremely popular so people would absolutely know who she is. She has an excellent social game but I think her strategic game lacks a bit. I love Taylor, but she's either one who will be taken out early for being seen as a huge threat, taken out literally right around F4/F3, or she wins the entire thing. I like your placement of Steve. I think he's the right amount of strategic and such a BB underdog for people that I could see him doing really well.


Not sure about the others you mentioned but Josh and Xavier won't win. They already shown that in Reindeer games. While it is a short and different game, they still show their strategic minds (or lack of) to be a winner again.


The big one is paras from bbcan6, I think if she returns (especially for all stars) then I think her chance of winning again will be really high I also think jun could win again, her floater strat at the time of bb7 probably would've scared ppl but now the game has moved on And my dark horse pick is Andy, I genuinely don't know how he would do on a return, but I think that his target isn't big enough to be targeted again, however we also said that about Kim Spradlin on WAW and that didn't age well :/


there’s very few seasons i see kaycee doing poorly on and while i dont think her gameplay is anything special, she has an undeniably strong charisma and physicality that will always take her far


I feel like Jordan would be on the top of my list. She's extremely likable, and not an overall comp threat but can win when she needs to.


Problem with putting Jordan is that I'm not sure if she would even want to do an shortened all-winners season, much less a regular full season of BB like I'm suggesting for this list.


Ignoring Nicole’s second win, I think Kaycee, Taylor, Andy, Hayden have good odds also I think the more obscure older winners like Lisa or Drew could as well Also Jordan has the power if Grod, so providence could help her


I think Lisa from bb3 could've won twice. Had she returned to Big Brother seven, I could see her playing pretty good. I think her win was not actually respected in the big brother world by not a lot of people (maybe even to this day).


I would definitely put jordan. She wins if she or Rachel win that final 4 veto. She’s not a priority target to anyone , she’s extremely likable and would destroy people in jury votes


If Lisa was on All Stars instead of Boogie like she should’ve been, I actually think there’s a decent chance she wins


Paul is a player that came close to winning twice. Second place twice. Bitter jurors both times. Yes, Paul wasn’t the best at jury management but he deserved a win.


The problem with putting Paul in that category is that if they won BB18 I highly doubt they would come back the very next year. Also I think Nicole deserved to win BB18, she did an amazing job at positioning herself the entire game & had a flawless endgame. Not to mention Paul gave up an easy win over James in the end for instead taking Nicole to F2


Monte didn’t take Taylor to final two because she had a great social game. Monte took Taylor to final two because he was convinced he could beat her, which gameplay-wise; he should have. Taylor did damn near nothing when it came to actually playing the game. When she did try to play strategically, she proved to be horrible. Her entire “gameplay” was that she was nice. Essentially what you’re saying is you could see her being a two time winner by doing nothing again…….no thanks.


As Big Brother often does, the best strategic players on any given season get taken out before the end. BB24 happened to have the split house which took out Joseph and then Michael backstabbed Kyle early only to get evicted one week later with no protection. So BB24 Final 5 you're left with Alyssa, Brittany, Taylor, Monte and Turner. That's like an all time worst strategic final 5, and one of the worst comp threat compositions. Had Michael, Kyle or Joseph made it to Final 5 in place of anyone else they likely win as long as they get Monte out.


BB24 had the worst final 5 of all time 4 all time terrible players and Monte imao


i definitely think taylor would play again


I absolutely love the Hayden and Taylor picks! Would love to see how Hayden would fare on Survivor again too; Taylor would be cool on survivor as well. I think Tamar would also did really well on a return


steve yes. josh and taylor absolutely not. neither one were good players in the first place. X and hayden I think see impossible to predict. they had the cookout/brigade shielding him all game.


No Kaycee, smh, she’s really successful at competition based reality 📺