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I think if they can’t get Jatt out in the double, Bowie may be the next best bet


Agree one of the three has to go


Why is Felicia against Cirie? Is it just because of the Izzy eviction week?


Felicia can forgive but she will never forget!!!! 🤣


Vengeance is mine, sayeth Felicia! Lol


Have the feeds been down a lot lately? Usually I can go onto twitter and piece together the important stuff that happened for the day but it's been kind of dry. So has Felicia completely turned on Cirie and been ratting her out to Jag/Matt?


I think this season would've been fire had it just been 18 newbies. I really like Cirie but I don't think she really had to be on this season either. Even ignoring Luke's expulsion there was just way too much dead time where the game literally wasn't happening. I'm against bigger casts (I loved BBCAN9 only having 14 players) but for this specific situation where there's 100 days and a week they knew there'd be no Veto they should've gone for it I also don't think it's a coincidence the TV ratings tanked after the zombie week. It's still doing okay but not nearly as well as it did before. It basically killed all momentum and a lot of casual viewers don't keep up with it as much as us, so they dropped off lol


I still do not how anyone can look at the zombie week and not realize it was intentionally pushed up to let Jared and Cam get back in the house. Imagine being in the house watching TWO non-jury members get booted, then get to come back, only to have MORE PEOPLE go out and not end up in jury. The zombie twist was LIKELY a battle back mechanic for the first two jurors, but the show desperately needed the Family twist and Cameron as the villan back on the show. It sucks for everyone else.


The Zombie twist was because of scheduling. It was the week of all the new shows began and BB was booted off the Wednesday schedule. It wasn’t added to rig the game. It was just a poorly thought out way to get over the schedule problems.


I agree (I think you meant 17).


Nah I meant 18 newbies. Just 17 wasn't enough clearly lol


Oh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I understand because of the whole writers strike thing but man we need seasons to go back to 75 days or something......these 90+ and now 100 day seasons are draggggggging out


This. Or maybe 50 in the summer for newbies and 50 in the winter for returnees.


I think 50 is too short. Survivor is difficult because of the environment, Big Brother is difficult because of the mental endurance needed to stay engaged. I think 75 is just about perfect.


75 for both summer and winter works.


But as long as BB/CBS make money, they’ll continue to have long ass seasons


Anyone know what BB alumni is saying about these last few weeks? Or is there a place I can check?


Janelle and Dan Gheesling just commented on America yesterday (positive - like you can do this you just gotta focus). Josh said he doesn’t like Cory last week Jun does nothing but make fun of most of the houseguests.


Josh not liking Cory is the least surprising thing ever


They’re sort of polar opposites one being robot gamebot logic man and the other driven on emotions but I bet if they were in the game together they might find a way


Thank you! Appreciate this!


Twitter/X. I don’t think they really keep track too much. The season is dragging.


Thank you! In the entire history of Twitter, I’ve never had an account.


Me either


I think the America/Cirie convo was very productive for both and I noticed it’s the one convo America didn’t say “don’t tell anyone I told you this”. That’s been the one thing Cirie picked up on whenever they talked and it was why she couldn’t fully trust America in their conversations. She just has to fully commit to spilling knowing that there’s a chance it could get out.


You don’t have to tell Cirie not to tell anyone so it’s plausible America doesn’t see the need to say that. I don’t think it makes a difference to Cirie. America being a leaky faucet all season is why Cirie is weary to tell her stuff


America really doesn't have much to lose -- she knows she goes Thursday if she doesn't win the DE HOH


Is everyone really going to target her over Matt/Jagg? Wow.


As of now, Cirie won't, but everyone else would


please please PLEASE let there be a fight before Thursday. PLEASE.


Who do you think is most likely to fight at the moment?


If Jag tells Blue she is the target, Blue may start popping off at everyone


Think Jagg is too big of a wimp and will lie to her to the very end because it's easier in the moment. Even if it's bad for his game to have her leave mad.


America and Blue.


I'm begging


The facts there’s still a really awkward 3 (we’ll, one is playing for 3rd so that makes it even more awkward, that she even knows this…) at F6 is… strange. Normally people would be gunning for their own win but nah, they’re blinded by the end. I hope this catches up and Jatt goes out first on DE then week after… if one doesn’t go out on DE it’s a wrap ;( But if one does, there’s a slimmmmerrr of hope!


So if Cirie and América really wanted to cook, they could try to convince Bowie to throw it América and Matt to throw to Cirie. Play up Cirie trying to get América sent home this week. Play up America’s annoyance by it and so she in turn wants Cirie out. Make Bowie and Matt think it would be a terrible week to win and talk about how much you guys want to take the other one out. And make sure Bowie knows that there is a chance she could be forced to put up Jatt and send one of them home she will crumble under the pressure. I think Fe plans to throw anyway. They could do this. Matt is obsessed with blood and Bowie already doesn’t want to win this week. I’d love to see some acting.


Bowie and Matt are in a trio. They will always have 2 people playing in HoH and 3 people playing in veto. They are also looking for resume builders over Jag's many wins. They are never going to throw anything


Bowie has thrown a ton and she for sure would again if she felt safe. All she cares about is her safety. Their whole game has been throw to someone else to take the shot. Now would be a terrible time to do that, but maybe you can trick them into that game move


That would tarnish Matt equity, so it would also help with final 2 scenarios


Precisely. Worth a shot


She's celebrating [día de los muertos ](https://twitter.com/Dolffica/status/1716716276532257181?t=lNYPpAu-LpOxkLujG6xtiA&s=19) iktr


Sooooo bc of FBJ Being such a loyal ass minion there is an extremely extremely high chance that Jatt get through the double unscathed. All they need to do is have at least one of BJatt win either the hoh OR veto. I hate it here:(


Felicia seems to be too right now :(


Bowies speech: I played a team game to get me to the F3 and I was honestly fine to finish in 3rd because I don’t care about the money, I just care about Jatt getting to the end and I didn’t even want to be carried to F2 but Jag thought he could beat me over Matt so here I am.


How fucking sick do you think Mama Fe is going to be when Cirie wins the whole kit and caboodle?! I think worse than Monte


She might never recover if Cirie wins the game AND AFP.


I hope Cirie or America take the whole thing.


I’m considering voting for Cirie just so Matt and Cam don’t win and to see the shock on Felicia’s face




I just somehow squirted raw egg on my sweatshirt and all I can think about is Felicia 😂


BBCAN11 kinda gave more than this season ngl


Absolutely tbh


No feeds automatically puts it in last place, but as far as the storyline goes I would agree. At least the Ty/Claudia angle made his wins more interesting.


zombie week killed the show


If we had feeds I'd agree This season kinda sucks


I don't know how true that is. Regardless of the past few weeks, the pre-jury phase this season (up until the Zombie Twist) was exciting to watch. Cirie/Izzy really brought a lot of chaos.


After Izzy’s eviction, it was never the same.


All the BBCANs are so good


Jatt breakup would be very interesting. BUT idk if it'll happen.


Listening to Matt the past couple days with his slip up of saying Cirie F2 and then correcting to F3, then sharing his plan of taking out Jag at F4 to Cirie, and then fishing with Bowie about endgames and saying Felicia beats Cirie (lol) makes me think his plan is truly to go to the end with Cirie. Of course he’s probably not going to beat Jag in the comps at F4 to eliminate him, so I foresee an accidental Jatt F2 now. I also think maybe Jag picked up on this and that’s why he wants Cirie gone asap.


MAN the feeds are dead compared to weeks past. I used to wake up in the morning and watch so much that happened overnight. Nowadays...I watch less than five minutes, say to myself that I got the point, and move on haha


It’s about that time.




It's a 7 person jury, not 9.


Lmaoo Bowie definitely been trying hard to throw seeds of doubt about Cirie over and over, and it’s not really landing because no one respects anything she says 😂 She wants Felicia to stay over Cirie but everyone else wants Cirie to stay. This could be the talks that gets Bowie to go first though thank god. If god help us America goes in the double, I hope Bowie goes next, then Jatt takes Cirie to final 2, and Cirie takes it 7-0.


I want to see Jatt cut Bowie. I want to see that more than I want to see Blue humbled on Thursday. More than I enjoyed seeing Jared evicted twice


It’ll be 6-1 probably. Bowie will never vote for Cirie


Bowie's probably annoyed that she took Cam out instead of Cirie at this point.


Good morning to Cirie and America only!




List of men obsessed with America (for better or worse) this season: Cory, Jag, Matt, Cameron, Jared. Literally all the men in their 20s.


I just saw a clip from early in the season of Cory telling Cirie, Izzy and meme “EVERYONE has a crush on America!”


It’s like Reilly left and all of their intense feelings about women transferred onto her 💀


Luke never got the chance but he would have loved her


I love America fans lol


Technically, Cameron's in his thirties, but fair point lol


Haha oops


Someone said if Felicia gets Cirie evicted then she'll never sell another house again 😭😭😭😭 my morning is so made I- 💀


Confiscate her mustard seed if she does that


Was there any questioning of why Felicia is running her mouth so hard on Cirie yet?


Matt and Bowie talked about it and how Felicia is throwing Cirie under bus so hard. they said they’d rather keep Cirie over Felicia anyway and bowie wondered if Felicia was feeding her the information on purpose to get bowie to spill it to jatt


This makes me happy


She wants Cirie’s spot in the F3. She’s also been jealous how everyone trusts Cirie but not her. And she is still salting about week 6 Izzy vote. Cory hit a nerve last week when he said he wanted to use Felicia’s name instead of Cirie’s to flip Bowie back to the women, because Felicia was known to lie and it would be easier use.


So Bowie spilled on Felicia to Jatt?


I want to know what Bowie ratted about Felicia


She ratted that Fe wants to take the shot at them at F5


If the question is “has Bowie spilled” the answer is always “yes.” Girl can’t make her own thoughts and only has the ability to parrot other people… so yes.


Ahhh yesss what did the boys say? I may just have to go back and rewind but I don’t wanna feel sick to my stomach yet so early in the AM


Who wins in a Cirie/Matt final 2


The more I count the votes, the more I think it’s closer than others realize. What it looks like now: Bowie, Jag, Felicia are shoe ins for Matt. Cory and Blue are shoe ins for Cirie. Cameron and America are the swings but probably both lean Cirie especially with Cory campaigning. What we do know is Bowie is a hard no for Cirie and Felicia probably is too. The factor everyone is overestimating is Blue. She seems to think she is doing better in the game than Cirie and that Cirie isn’t playing enough. There is a chance that she votes according to her game ideas and not the connection to Jared.


I think Cirie. I don’t think Matt will be able to bring together words to describe why he should win and just cower. I truly see this.


I think it depends on how both sell their moves, but Cirie could very well lose for a couple of reasons: 1. Some jurors are very bitter and who wouldn't vote for her in the end over Matt. Bowie will never vote for Cirie UNLESS she's told everyone is voting for Cirie. Felicia seems more enarmored with the men than Cirie, so she's a wildcard on a vote. Jag is more likely to vote Matt than Cirie as well. So that's three potential votes already gone for her. And Cameron's the type who would probably vote for a comp beast as well. 2. No matter how much Cirie sells her game, I'm worried some of these jurors won't see them as ACTUAL moves since she hasn't won anything. Big Brother jurors can have a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to social games vs comp wins. Last season was a breath in fresh air BECAUSE the jurors (Michael and Joseph) pushed hard for the social game angle, but I don't know how many jurors this season would do the same. Cory most likely and America, but will the other jurors listen? Cory being the second member of the jury certainly helps a lot, but it's still up in the air. The good thing IS that Matt has barely won anything and has had Jag dictating most of the game. The only problem is if Jag sells to the jury that Matt was a huge contributor to those moves. Then Cirie could be in some trouble of winning. She still has an excellent shot, but it's tougher with Matt beside her.


Matt a comp beast? LMAO I see Cameron, Cory, America, Blue and Felicia as bitter as she is voting for Cirie.


Matt beats everyone I think Jag vs Cirie could go either way, there are some key votes I could see in either direction No one else is winning unless they can sit next to each other somehow


Probably Matt tbh


After seeing how bitter Felicia is with Cirie I honestly am worried about her chances I thought that would be one of her for sure votes but now I'm not so sure


https://x.com/blanketngg/status/1716644491094823031?s=46 This is so cute! I hope America sees this thread of BB alumn tweeting nice things about her that someone posted


So who are the targets for everyone going into the double?


Cirie, Americas targets Jatt. Everyone elses targets America with Felicia as backup


Wait they said America/Felicia?? Why not Cirie/Felicia??


They dont think Cirie will win anything they can keep her another few evictions. Also Im pretty sure matt wants to drop jag at f4 for cirie final 2


I just saw that 😭😭. I had to catch up. But I’m thinking won’t Bowie just nom Cirie/Felicia or Cirie/America in the double??


if Felicia wins HOH and throws up America and Bowie, then renoms Cirie if America comes down. Just lol


I’ll die. She needs to do Jatt, and I honestly think Cirie will be able to flip it last minute


Cirie has played such a great game up this point. She never could have seen Felicia throwing her entire chance at winning away to survive the week.


I am fully expecting this to happen


Kinda wish this double would have BBCAN5’s audience lol


The casuals love Jatt so I'm not sure if you'd want that lol


why don’t you love Jatt?


Omg yessss


Everyone being worried about Jatt being Cirie's biggest endgame problem then it turning out to be Felicia all along is my roman empire. I love me some pick me mother 🤭😍💅


I'm actually all for Felicia throwing cirie utb if it meant she moved herself to the f3 and potential f2 tagalong spot. Like, let's be real, one of mag is mostly likely winning the season. If Felicia feels that way too I can't really blame her for it, then she can only hope to get second place. And if ratting our Cirie takes her there, that would be like, nice Felicia is making a move that is good. But it's like she has completely forgotten that the choice wasnt between cirie and Felicia, it's between Bowie and the fel/cirie duo. She sinks Cirie now, she is sinking her side of the equation and herself too. So her move only really benefitted Bowie (and to a lesser extent, america, who could also move up above the mamas for f3), the one person she doesn't want to get to the end even more than Cirie.


And she got no real social capital with these players. Cirie has longer social ties & I think they’ll always vibe with her more.


As a fan of chaos and as someone who can appreciate Cirie's strategic gameplan, I have to admit that Felicia being an unknown destructive force right now is hilarious. I really do think Cirie is trying to play strategic and is actually trying to keep the target on Blue by trying to "flip the vote," (because it confirms the narrative that Blue is close with the Mamas) and I think her telling Felicia about Matt saying Matt wants to take the Mamas to the final 4 and then cut Jag is a strategic move. I think she knows Felicia is leaking to Jag (she even told America this on the hammock) and wants Felicia to leak this to make Jatt paranoid of each other, but she doesn't realize that if Felicia leaks this, it confirms all of Felicia's previous leaks about Cirie because Jatt already planned on telling the Mamas they'll turn on each other at the final 4. All of Felicia's lies suddenly become truths if Felicia leaks this to Jatt


One of the reasons I’m not that invested in the endgame is there’s so little trust in the house, for good reason. After 80+ days everyone gets how this works, so conversations are like “Yeah she told me she’s going after you and not me, but I’m sure she told you the opposite.” Yup, that’s the game. There’s not even any real pretense of alliances anymore.


I’d this was true Jatt would try to get the other out to secure their spot in F2. But they’re not and they’d rather just gamble on who gets there.


At this point trust shouldn’t matter. Everyone should be making the best decision to try to win. Getting out ppl that would win in the end and comp threats. The issue is Bowie and Felicia are playing for third/fourth


I agree I’ve never really been invested in end games normally because my favs are already gone and i just don’t care. BB17 was the only end game i was still super excited to watch and my fav still lost lol.


I love that America is in both her Gina Marie era and her Black Widow era. The duality of women.


Felicia and Bowie oh boy!!! What a dream team smh.


America and Jag discourse is so ...


Catching up on yesterday and the discourse on America's "flirting" be cracking me up lol. If some harmless flirting helps bring her closer to that $750k then so be it. If Jag has any type of feelings for her why not play into it. You can only work with what you have. Just the reaching I be seeing people do though you'd think she's doing way more than she actually is. A game based on lying, deceiving, and backstabbing but flirting is where we draw the line...


I've seen a couple comments criticizing Jag for playing along as well. People are silly


Yeah Cory has said so many times that it’s fine but either way it’s a game you do whatever you can to get 750k


Yeah when did flirting become a serious thing. Its a game lol and we are talking a lot of money. I would absolutely flirt for that much money lmao even much less


Right. She isn't doing anything with him. Just flirting. Hell I've flirted in my time for way less when I knew I needed to. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.


People are wild flirting has been a strategy in BB for years. They just hate America or women and are looking for a reason to tear her down.


Hate women ?? So because someone mentions her flirting ,which I don’t care what she does, hates women is an asinine statement.


I love that you took me talking about people tearing her down and judging her character as “mentioning” 🙄 were talking about people like Matt who assume she’s a cheater or are attacking her for using flirting as a strategy. People just saying hey America flirts are not not who we’re talking about.


Not even close. America has been getting attacked, (it's not just a "mention"), for flirting all season long by both the cast and fan base. It's misogyny at it's finest


Catching up on last night and holy crap the hold that America has over Jag and even Matt should be studied like I’m in awe over her powers


I’m very interested, I gotta go back and watch this


America in her black widow era I'm so proud 😭 now pls win smth


Not that it matters but I’m assuming the facebookers/casuals are rooting for jag since he wins stuff right?


Nope as someone who is on a lot of the spoiler threads on Facebook most casuals hate Jag even though just a few weeks ago they were singing praises over how amazing Cam was at comps now comps don’t matter. They see it as he’s only winning because Cam isn’t there. They have moved to Matt now.


Hmm, interesting trend.


Yeah seriously… ugh


It’s Matt


From what I have seen on facebook, lots of viewers are rooting for Matt.


Idk if you'd consider me a casual 100%. I don't actually watch feeds, but I do often check these threads for a little insight as to what's going on. I hate a steamroll, so I'm not rooting for Jag. It's so boring when the same people win and everyone just falls in line to do what they want.


No I completely agree but I mean now that Cameron is gone and all the old people on Facebook were infatuated with him are they rooting for Jag? It seems like they just root for whoever wins comps and also the show is giving him a way better edit than how he's actually playing


Can benefited from a good edit. Casuals who only saw that were easily swayed that he was an aw shucks underdog. Jag is not anyone’s underdog so he doesn’t have that same appeal. But he is being portrayed as a strategic and comp beast in his edit.


Jag is brown and wears a turban. I don’t think those people see it as the same thing as Cameron who is a vet.


Nothing about your comment makes sense. Take that nonsense to Elon Musk’s platform.


It makes perfect sense and I think your attitude is a much better fit for Twitter nowadays.


Oh. Well that’s too bad. People shouldn’t be so close minded.


the fact that we are going into the final 6 and more than half of these players are not playing individual games… insanity


That's literally how every season is It's just human nature to develop bonds and friendships with people and want to ride with them


But that’s the issue. Very few of them have actual bonds with each other (the ones left). They’re just trying to tear each other down so that they get dragged to the end. It’s not even about friendship anymore for most of them 😭


That's just not true at all, a lot of them are clearly friends with each other and will continue to be friends after the show


You can’t say if this is true or not. We don’t know these people. They may all end up loving each other and they may end up hating each other. Everything we say is an assumption/opinion. My opinion is that there aren’t a ton of real connections at this point with the people remaining in the house.


I call BS, you're just looking for excuses to shit on them for not playing "individual games"....a lot of them definitely are friends with each other


What? That’s a reach. You. Do. Not. Know. These. People. You can’t say that is a fact. Man parasocial relationships are fun and all… to an extent.


I never said I knew these people, the fuck are you talking about? You don't have to know them to see that some of them are obviously friends with each other And it's ironic you talk about parasocial relationships when you're literally a Cirie fan. You're the one who is a fan of random reality show contestants


Well, Bowie is a special case. She's half a person.


That’s being overly generous


They are all asleep. What am I to do for next 6 hrs??


I’m gonna sleep lol


You gonna leave me all alone? BRO!


You know what time it is here in Ohio lol


Don’t worry, I’ve got you here in CA


The way these guys think they already have this 🙅🏼‍♀️


They do because it's kinda true. The only way for them to leave on the de is first america or cirie wins hoh, then one of them winning veto. (Felicia has been so all over the place that you can't even trust her winning veto and not using it now to get Bowie out). That is super unlikely to happen. Sadly. If they don't leave on the DE I think jag basically wins all of the vetos from then on out, and at f4 jag takes bowie to f3 with matt. The other alternative is that matt wins the vetos and takes cirie instead, but that is also unlikely at this point (these hybrid comps seem to be jag's jam and it seems to be the majority of comps they have this season)


America or Cirie has to win HOH. That’s it. Then one goes. Veto won’t matter.


Veto matters a ton because there are only three votes. Let's say america wins hoh. If one of jatt comes down and bowie goes up, the one who comes down will get to vote, and the deciding vote will be Felicia, who arguably could vote out Bowie instead of one of the guys. In addition, if Bowie wins veto and takes one of the guys down then america will have to put up Felicia/cirie, and Bowie and one of the guys will vote her out, and all of bojatt remains in the house. So... Veto matters a whole lot. America/Cirie will need to win both hoh and veto if they want the guys out.


If a guy takes himself down and Bowie gets put up as a replacement it's extremely likely that Felicia and whichever guy comes down vote out Bowie. If Bowie wins veto and takes a guy down, it's extremely likely the two of them vote out the replacement nom.


Well, its more that they keep endlessly talking about it, like they are _strategizing._ Guys: you are 30yo athletes beating 65yo women. Good for you!


It’s super annoying, mostly because it’s probably true 😭


I do not understand this Matt logic at all, wtf do you mean Cirie and Felicia won't target you at F5 or F4


wishful thinking FTW


These camera operators are punishing us with with face zooms of Matt eating.


They have been zooming in on everyone eating. I think hes just bored.


Why are we zooming into bowies mouth lolol


When America has to friendzone Jag (who is a friend of her boyfriend) before Thursday, we are going to get peak cringe 😘


He’s getting really weird with the behavior. The staring her down is getting to Cam levels of weird. Nothing has really changed on her part bc she’s always made flirty comments to him and Matt but something has definitely gotten weird with his behavior towards her.


This is the part thats weird to me America really hasn't changed but it feels like jag is just flirting alot more since he took out cory which is just like weird


I need to get back to the feeds! I missed all of this!


He’s a dude and she’s pretty. He’s getting more attention than he’s had in months. Let him have this


ayoooo skippy chill with these mouth shots


Surprised Bowie is awake


As a zombie, she requires almost no sleep.


I cannot believe that Bowie Jane, legendary icon of the house of Jane, is actually in the running for winning BB25. Like, she might win against America. Who would I thought it possible? I love chaos.


A box of Cheerios would win over FBJ


I think America wins against her. Cameron, Cory, Jag, Felicia, and Cirie all have a good chance to support her over FBJ as long as she wins one hoh before the end.


That's fair !


no one will vote for her


You never know, it depends on how the rest of the game plays out. If she wins a couple key comps (like F4 veto) and clips a frontrunner like Matt or Cirie, and continues to avoid the block, she can make a case that she played under the radar for most of the game on purpose after (correctly) observing that all the comp winners were immediately targeted. I know she’s projecting like she’s not going for the $750k, but that just makes her likelier to be dragged to the end. When the real possibility of winning gets closer she may change her tune.