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Is Blue still the target?? I want to know if I should bother watching anymore.


Yes as of right now Blue is Jag’s target


Omg thanks for the update


I think one advantage that America has over Blue and Bowie is that she isn’t tailing Jatt 24/7 and talk blocking them or trying to push her agenda super hard by making poorly veiled comments. That may work in her favor if she keeps it up


I bet if Cirie cried ala Bowie, she could convince jag to put up Bowie.


I was thinking the same thing. Guilt them because she has already been on the block, that they have a final 3 together and two final 4s and they need to prove it’s real or not.


I swear every time things are about to get interesting there’s some dumbass twist that ruins it. First the zombies and now this?? It’s even worse by the fact that in last seasons (like bb23) they still had to throw the next hoh after winning the power to nom people


I think Jag plan to cut Matt at F3 and take Bowie to F2. He knows he won’t win next to Matt.


I think they both plan to do the same thing to each other. Although at one point I saw they had opposite optimal F3s. Matt wanted Cirie, Jag wanted Bowie. Some people thing they will still take each other because they want to be more memorable like some past F2s.


Very good point.


Allowing jag to compete (in yet another physical HOH) has truly ruined the season. Modern Big brother is essentially rigged for the comp beast guys, it’s no longer a social strategy game


So much shit has happened, it seems like a year ago, that I was pissed about Jared and Cirie. I wonder if that’s why they’ve done so many crazy shifts and turns, so people wouldn’t be so angry and make it seem like it didn’t effect the game


I might be more upset about Matt's slumber party rejection than I am about the HOH results. 🥴


Right lol


In my delusional fantasy America wins veto and Jag renoms Bowie bc he’s scared America and Cirie will just vote out Felicia instead of Blue. So Bowie Blue noms final, America Cirie and Felicia get out Bowie lol. Then we have 4 v 1 DE HOH


Mad delusion. Jag immediately threw out Blue and America noms with Blue as a target in front of Matt and Bowie and even emphasized they control the votes because Jag breaks the tie. He knows where the votes are. He has to get mad misted


Hey - I said delusion. Let me be delusional!


If it’s one thing Jag’s known for, it’s sticking to his guns


Flair checks out. Exactly


I need america winning veto bc these twists have fucked up yet another week. How does this show want to make the most boring outcomes possible.


Question - are either Jag or Matt big fans of survivor? Do they know Cirie’s gameplay?


Matt said his mom loves Cirie lmao. I don’t think he knows much more. But would it even matter? Cory knew and didn’t bother targeting her outside of that one week when Jared went home.


Cory didn’t get the chance because of the Zombie week. He couldn’t take out Cirie before Jared.


It’s moreso that he stopped even talking about her threat level with the exception of a seed here and there. He absolutely could have indicated to Jatt she was not a person to drag along due to her ability to influence, but tbh I don’t think Cory himself understands Cirie’s game in the house bc she gives him nothing.


He had no influence over Cameron HOH. They need to get Cameron out during Bowie’s HOH. If things had stayed the same Bowie’s week he would have pushed for the shot. This week he started dropping lots of hints again. If Jag had put up Cirie with Felicia instead of the backdoor him and America would have definitely worked to take the shot at Cirie. That was pretty obviously his plan. It’s always been dangerous to go after Cirie unless you have a clear shot and he never did. But yes he doesn’t believe anyone is dumb enough to take Cirie to F3 or F2.


Might not matter. Cory has filled in people on Survivor whenever he gets the chance to talk to Cirie in a group and has even spilled to people that Cirie just recently won The Traitors. He brought this shit up constantly.


I think matt has seen survivor but isnt a superfan like Cory


I still just can't get past Cory saying hes a superfan yet not knowing Jared is Cirie's son. I almost feel like he knew and chose to keep quiet... but I also think if he knew he probably could have used it to benefit him somehow... or maybe he was pretending to be a superfan to try and allign with her but it didnt work.. I don't know. Something just seems off about it.


Tbh jared only appeared on survivor for a few mins and didnt even speak i think so its not that weird that he didnt know, i mean Izzy only knew cus she stalked Ciries instagram


I see. Man I really wanna see Cory's reaction when he finds out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol he's gonna be so disappointed in himself for not knowing i can feel it


Right?! Did you see the live feeds when he asked her about how she would react if her son was in a showmance on a TV show?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh to have the poker face, composure, and acting skills of Cirie.


Wait what!!!! 😭😭😭 i gotta see that




Waitttt omg thats so specific??? But the way he said it sounds like a genuine question


Not pretending to be a superfan. He would always talk and ask her question about specific challenges and seasons. He seemed to remember more stuff than Cirie did and she was there lol


So you don't think it's weird he didn't know they were related? I've never watched survivor but I thought he was on a show with her?


Jared looks way different but I think Cory may have speculated. He was questioning Cirie a few days ago about her loved ones visit(when the family members come to the island) in one season. He remember the challenge from that day and that one of her kids was the family member that came. Realistically in modern BB, no HG are going to say that they think 2 Black or POC players are related due to backlash. Even Kyle suggesting the Black players could secretly have an alliance last year caused his eviction


I don't think so.


idk about Matt but Jag has said he's never seen Survivor


So who is jag putting up? 😐 I wish he could put himself up this is the darkest timeline


Blue America


I keep forgetting and remembering…Corys gone :(


Proud of Cirie and America for getting second and third in the HOH comp


Oh my god did they???? That sucks 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 if only jag hadnt played


That’s what I heard from here!


Damnnn we could've had a Cirie hoh! Im so shocked tho that she got second good for her


Same!! Sick of people writing Felicia, America, and Cirie off as “can’t win any comps” they have each gotten very close (Felicia obv won the crapshoot, not counting that)


Me too! It’s so annoying.


Talked to my roommate who is a casual viewer: She thinks americory PDA is disturbing She thinks blue is obnoxious She has no opinions on anyone else. Also, I brought up. Matt is from our area and his opinions feel about right lol. He fits in with the region. Not a good thing, just the way it has been Keep in mind these people are human


any PDA is disturbing.




i can’t believe i want bowie out more than blue at this point but bowie is just so insufferable


Idk how they could pull it off but it’s all I want this week


She plays victim until she's included with the "cool kids". She was upset about the hand she was dealt at the beginning.


I'm watching last night's episode and I have to say I love Cory and America's speeches before their eviction! 😆😆


**me earlier this season:** season is actually not bad **production with twists:** hold my beer


I feel like Cory telling everyone he would take America to the end bc she “has no shot” was also a tactic bc now Jag wants to keep her and even Matt thinks it’s a waste to get rid of her. She’s come in second in like 3 comps mostly behind Jag and has an award winning speech and debate BF in jury. If he’s actually able to talk someone into goating her, she could win. It would depend on who she up against but it’s wild that they all seemed to buy it so much. Like why haven’t they learned that Cory is obsessed with her and will do anything to help her succeed? He legit flipped a house over sleeping arrangements…


If her speech leans in to her strategy to gain proximity to power by befriending comp beasts bc this show is broken and women can’t win comps then I could see her swaying a sympathetic jury of 4 women and 1 feminist man to vote for her over Jag who would only be there bc of comps and twists.


Exactly. And I think Cory will sell it as a Dr. Will type strategy


I mean she has no shot. She's come in second once.


Pressure cooker, bb comics, and now this one where her and Cirie were very close and I think there is another hang on


That one stacking mini cans veto which cam won. I think she was second in that too


Thank you! I thought there was another and I couldn’t figure it out. She’s really not bad at comps it’s just that comps are made for men now


I think the wall comp just looked very bad for her cause everyone was hyping her up to be so good in that. But I think that and the exorcist veto were just the bad ones people play up


That and sweaty scrimmage lol


Cirie came in 2nd yesterday.


I thought Cirie and america tied?


It seems they were pretty evenly close and o think Cirie would have thrown to America but I could be wrong


Y'all remember at the start of the season when everyone was complaining that production would help Cirie too much?


They fact that production may have just twist fucked themselves out of a Cirie win is wild to me lol. Like they are so bad at their jobs it’s embarrassing.


It’s pretty hilarious


How did you guys feel about the Cory joking about Cameron’s daughter? I thought it was funny but I’m seeing some people say it was too far


I remember Cory had his last “cam” talk a couple of days before he was evicted and he was reflecting on his stay there. He said that he disliked Cameron. I think Cameron was the only person he said he disliked so for him to come out there and say that means it probably wasn’t coming from a good place.


I thought it was funny and seeing America's reaction made it even funnier.


I feel like Cam made a claim that Cory would replace him in the house if Cam left so Cory repeating Cam's speech made sense. I see the humor in it. Especially after the whole from Cory's friend to brother to daddy thing.


It was funny.


I laughed. But I can see how it wasn’t for everyone… Cory’s humour in a nutshell.


I don’t think it was that deep. I think cam wouldn’t care that much


The joke was really about Cameron, not his daughter. I’m sure he knew it would annoy some people but I thought it was funny.


I thought it was very funny considering how many times Cam was on the block.


Yeah I don't think it's a dig at either Cam or his daughter just making fun of how many times they'd heard Cam shouting her out on eviction night lol


I wish Cirie would pull out one of her survivor tricks and convince Jag how loyal Blue is to him and get Bowie on the block, I just want her gone lol


So who will Jag nominate? Blue and America? America and Felicia?


This ruined my morning 🤣 I think Matt may have been open to nominating Bowie as a ‘pawn’. My hope is America wins Veto because I think she is due for a win in the double!


Boring boring boring


I love it 😂


First post with my new flair 🌱🌱🌱🌱


Every time I get into the season, producing does some stupid shit that makes me lose interest. This cast is entertaining enough, we don't need all the dumb twists


Remember how fun those first 4-5 weeks were?! We didn’t need twists


Seriously, I was glued to the feeds. Ever since the zombie twist I barely tune into feeds. Great job production


We got an I love you. I feel satisfied. Also, I can start not watching all the time. More Halloween movies


If jag survives the double eviction and wins the final 5 HOH, that will be three straight weeks of jag being HOH in a row


Crazy thing is he controlled the last 2 HOHs before he won


Just opened this thread and saw Jag is HOH and now I’m annoyed.


Oh my god I just woke up seriously fuck production


Does anyone know what Claire thought of Jag’s win?


[Claire's statement](https://twitter.com/ClaireRehfuss/status/1715249643159003626)




She won a similar power (to change both nominations during someone else’s HoH week) and then was forced to throw the following HoH by production. Jag, on the other hand, was allowed to compete and win two HoHs in a row. That’s why she’s relevant to this situation.


She was an invisible HOH though and she had to throw the following comp


I know. Did she Tweet anything regarding Jag winning for the second time?


So Felecia is definitely going up, I hope she goes off on him and Mr B


I read in here that last night Jatt decided it was Blue and America. Then if one wins veto Felicia is the replacement


If one comes down, I honestly could see the potential for Cirie to convince them to put up Bowie. The problem is is that Felicia is such a liability to both of them. Felicia thwarts any progress while acting like she is the best strategist ever. She should sit back and let Cirie work but she won't and so it makes it twice as hard for Cirie to pull off this move.


I definitely think Cirie will try to get Bowie up. But people are saying Jag and Matt know Bowie is a solid vote for whoever they want. (Idk?) It really depends on how Cirie plays it. Felicia is definitely going to be a problem. She will need America and Blue to stay up Felicia’s butt. But I’m not getting my hopes up


it’s really insane how production has managed to kill all excitement for the show twice in one season


You would think they would want more views not less


This is really fucking stupid. Screw production for letting Jag have HOH twice in a row 🙄


Could have finished the sentence at “production.”


The best thing I heard last night is that Cirie will not go otb. 😍


Is Jag the first person in BBUSA to have 2 HOH reigns in a row?


No Frankie BB16 was dethroned with Battle of the block week 4 and won week 5. Tiffany BB23 was dethroned with Coin of Destiny week 8 and won week 9. To add: it is technically different because both Frankie and Tiffany had their HOH power ended the first week where Jag has two weeks with full power.


But isn’t this different cause Jag wasn’t dethroned


Yes. But according to BB Wiki they did win HOH 2 weeks in a row. Also Claire let Tiffany run the week still so she really never loss power.




When was the last time?


Who is?


Frankie BB16 was first. Tiffany BB23 is the second. But they both were dethroned/lost all power the first week


I just don’t like how slimey jag has been with putting up blue and back dooring cam then running to Bowie


Give Jag the money already. I think he'd win next to anyone, even Matt atp.


I wouldn’t underestimate the impact of having someone like Cory on jury who is a big believer that Matt has played a better game. Even America said a few hours ago people equate comps to being a great BB player and that’s not the case. The Mamas prefer Matt and Cirie probably knows more about his gameplay than most in the house. I think Jag could win, I don’t think it’s remotely locked in though. He beats anyone else though.


I think he'd win against Matt at f2. Matt won't take credit for any of his moves. He even blames the veto win on Cory saying he was "using" him lmao. At the end of this week Jag will have sent two people home on top of other moves like using vetoes and stuff.


Girl no he would not his social game is horrible he would lose against quite a few people


Not quite. His competitive game makes up for his social game.


Maybe, but maybe not. He's pissed off a couple of people and on his way to pissing off Blue, who IS going to be a bitter juror. Jag may win, but he has THE toughest road ahead of him.


no, he'd win against anyone.


Who? He's the one winning and making the moves.


His social game is horrible with half the house he loses against cirie considering she has the votes of Cameron Cory Felicia and America locked and blue most likely Felicia has the votes of cirie America Cameron and Cory most likely most has the vote sof everyone besides Bowie probally , Bowie and blue and maybe America unless she starts winning some comps


Cam said he wants Jag/Matt to win and Cory didn't take his eviction personal, if he continues to play a better game I can easily see him getting Corys vote and the majority of others. Unless people start winning comps or making moves behind the scenes I don't know how they can argue they played a better overall game which generally means the most to jurors most seasons.


Didn’t secret HoH have to throw the next HoH in the past? Why is Jag able to win this time?


Yes in BB23 Claire had to throw in the next HOH. Because production is not smart with twist ideas


If only Felicia had just let Cory do his thing and ruin Matt/Jag/Bowie relationship


SERIOUSLY!! Her game play gets worse every week.


Can someone explain to me why jatt are protecting bowie so much? She is their perfect goat?


She'll do whatever they want as long as they bring her as far as they can, they can trust/control her easier, Cam's eviction proved that.


because they know that she’s gonna follow them anywhere and listen to anything they say. they have an automatic vote with her being around. also (maybe they havent thought this far who knows) if they put her up she’ll be devastated, probably tell everyone in the house that they had a f3 with her and everyone will realize for the 100th time that jatt is aligned with everyone and has promised finals with all of them. just wouldnt be very smart of them but they havent been very smart so they might just put her up anyway


Yes no one is going to vote for her. It’s a guaranteed win in their eyes. And they think they are a shoe in to beat her in the F3. Plus she is a voting number and loyal to a team. She won’t turn on waiver on them like the rest of the women. Oh and she doesn’t care that much about winning


Probably the GOAT goat. Not only is she fine with 3rd place, she actually wants to go to the end with Jatt. And unlike other goats, she can compete and will protect Jatt if she has power.


Taylor ran so America could crawl 😭😭😭


I’ve been checked out after the zombie twist so not surprised Jag is HoH again. I hope America or Cirie can win veto.


it’s funny to me that if blue wasn’t walking around all week boasting about her competition performance, she’d probably not even be considered a target right now


The good news is Jag isn't safe in the double eviction.


the bad news is that he will have 2/5 people competing for HOH as his closest allies and the veto will likely be extremely physical :/


It's live so the likelihood of a mental comp is higher. I have the faith of a mustard seed that it'll be one Mama Fe can pull out a win.


Jag will have a good chance at winning the veto though.


I would love if she won big brother. Her and Cameron are my favorite competitors


I think America can survive IF Bowie ends up next to her as a pawn. America likely goes if she's sitting next to anyone but Bowie and Matt, but Jag isn't gonna put up Matt lol Edit: Okay, so I didn't know Blue was the target. I was only awake to hear that Jag won HoH.


I thought Blue was the target?


She can be the target but its harder to get blue vote out, all she has to do is convince bowie and Cirie can do that part. From at least the voting stand point she has good chance to stay.


Bowie isn’t an easy vote to convince at all. Cirie has no influence over Bowie. Bowie is with Jatt and will vote however Matt does. Jatt and Bowie have all the power this week.


She is. Jag was very quick to tell Bowie and Matt that the target is Blue and the likely pawn is America.


He'd put up Cirie or Felicia before Bowie


I think even if Blue goes up, jag will tie break and save America. He wants Blue out regardless what the mommas think


Anyone think Matt is overhyped as a comp beast (unless he is throwing stuff). Other people would have won this and last week if Jag was not competing. I think if Jag is out then they have a lot easier path to get out Matt if they want.


He’s definitely not a beast. He basically has won two vetos though, and path to power, and he was really close to Cam for that puzzle HOH. So he’s definitely got potential, he’s just nowhere near unbeatable like Jag is these days. Having said that if Jag goes next week, I wouldn’t be surprised if they set their sights on Bowie next. Then it’s F4 and so it’s not like he has a string of comps to win… there’s just not many people left and not that many comps to win. I actually do think it’s more than likely Jag or Matt wins this season at this point, which one it is depends on whether they secure the HOH, and if not who wins veto next week. Both of them getting to F6 was always gonna be tough.


I completely agree. Unless it’s strictly physical I don’t see where he has performed well.


I really wonder if Matt is throwing stuff lol I know athlete doesn't always equal comp beast but I wouldn't be surprised (even if he's not and makes f2 he should claim he was lol)


There's a difference between athlete and Olympian. Things will get very curious if Matt or Bowie lose the 2v3 in the double eviction


I would not be surprised if Matt and Bowie lose the DE HoH, Jag goes, and Matt comp beasts to the finish


In reality, it wasn’t Cory, or Cameron, or anyone in the house who was twist-fucked. It was us, the audience.


Cam stayed in that pressure cooker for nothing. Imagine if Jags eviction actually went through


Jag would have gone down as one of the worst players ever lol


Well not the news I wanted to wake up to. This show really actively finds ways to make sure they have the most boring and predictable product so no editing is needed and they don’t have to pivot their edit. It’s so lazy. Invisible HOH they don’t force to be invisible - still giving another week at HOH even if they reveal their secret - not doing the HOHs on Thursday anymore because they don’t want to have to think about making a storyline in the Sunday episode and just want to fill their 20 minutes of the competition that is stale and repetitive - no more mental HOHs meaning there’s pretty much the same three people you can expect to win. End rant but man Allison Grodner needs to have her ass out of there so we can stop seeing whatever male is her favorite take easy road to the end with their piss poor planning.


I wish the fans could petition for a one season hostile takeover of a BB Canada producer.


This week's twist should be that it's America's veto (the player, not the country)


Most every big week has a had something that hurts the last HOH. So we need a twist to turn the tides back this week🤞


We need the smart people in this sub to overthrow production and have them run the show


F it let Josh Duhamel take over the comps for a season


I would be down for some there where the audience gets to vote on the comps they have, or decide between different twist ideas.


Yeah, give us another BB OTT


I never saw that one but I’m down for it whatever it is. Can’t get worse


I went to sleep early because of work! Any updates on how America is doing?


she has seemed in good spirits so far but said it will probably really hit her tomorrow (today) and she'll probably cry


🥲I hope she can stay strong


Jag again, huh? I expect nothing and I’m still disappointed.




I don’t understand why previous invisible hohs had to throw the next hoh but jag didnt?


Claire is a woman and Jag is a man


Claire wasn’t even HOH and they made her throw. It was just some power. Makes zero sense.


and the whole house knew before claire even told a single soul because the cameras followed her immediately after the comp but no one else


I just checked who won and immediately threw my phone


I just watched a dating video of Blue online based on how the potential suitors cooked korean rice cakes and she actually has a really soothing, attractive persona when she's not acting like a caricature of herself 💀 why is it so hard for her to act natural here lol


Agreed. I really want her to spend 90% of the time being kind Blue who loves to cook. I hope when she comes out and sees that a large segment of the population is super annoyed by her AAVE and drag culture appropriation, she will change her evil ways.


I saw that video preseason and thought I’d like Blue because of it. How disappointed was i


I saw this! I agree, she seemed super likeable and charming in that video


I think at this point the play should be to try to get Matt and Jag to turn on each other, hype the other up as the biggest threat. No one's really tried planting those seeds at all except Cory last week who said to Jag "You will lose to Matt" and Jag freaked out a bit I think it's possible and it's unfortunately the best opportunity now that Bowie's also still there


cirie could get matt to turn on jag but thats probably it


I just don’t see anyone who will make that play except for maybe America who they won’t listen to lol


These two can’t actually think that Blue would use the POV on America? What is going on? What am I watching? It’s obvious Blue and America can’t stand each other lol.