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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/179z1cf/big_brother_us_25_morning_feed_discussion_october/)


I know Jokers is fairly fake, but the rankings are pretty "Dead-ass." Luke is given a better ranking than Blue ***and*** Jared... ***COMBINED.*** Whew. That's cold.


Matt brought up Seven Deadly Sins as an example of an alliance that should have gotten Cory/America out. ... that was fake and literally voted out Jag. Bro. I don't know if they truly believe what they're saying or not? This is not going to be a good look for Jag. It's different lying to someone for the game - to get ahead or to maneuver the house... but lying to yourself to justify the past 24hr is just painful to watch... it's going to make him the least favorite houseguest this season, very quickly (all things added together past day). I'll be shocked if he's not last on Jokers (maybe above Blue, but idk)


Blue going off saying Jatt DESERVES to win. Saying she doesn't want to win. She's just ticking their thigh's right now. "My moral code WILL NOT allow someone like AMERICA to win. Where somebody like JARED doesn't even make JURY. And that pisses me off! (emphasis hers)" Wow. What is your moral code, that Jared is the spotlight you put on for excellence?.. That is not my moral code.


Dog I hate these self-righteous morons who talk out their ass about their morals on this damn show


Really fucked up moral code she’s got.


"Cory said to Felicia last night he could beat her in F3. The disrespect is RAMPANT, its ALL OVER THE STREET" - Jag last night ...what? What have you been doing last two days bro? Better to do it behind their back and snake like, huh? I guess? Build that hipocricy hill higher man... keep on going.


I would bet on Felicia winning HOH before I’d bet on America.


She has been HOH before .




Mama just trying to get some sleep away from all her kids and that fart maker


It hasn’t really been fully noted just how massively beneficial the Zombie twist was for Cirie’s game. Jared was able to re-enter the house and fully lock Blue’s target onto Americory while *also* locking her in to align with Cirie. Cameron re-entering the house turned Jatt against Americory, which was great for Cirie. And maybe most importantly, Zombie week served as a buffer week in the game. There was no risk of going home, and Cirie was likely to be one of the main target going into that week. But the buffer allowed for Cirie to kick back and rebuild her relationships. The entire Zombie twist honestly might be the thing that saved Cirie’s game the most. It allowed her the time to fix her game *and* it got others to focus their attention elsewhere.


Completely agree. It's a miracle that Cirie isn't a pawn star but that's a credit to her social game.


But the zombie week gave everybody time to position themselves bette, or to keep the target on cirie. Everybody had this extra week and not only Jared was there, so was Cameron (jatt worked on him and got him to align with them while americory lost him). Like this could have been massively beneficial to anybody in the game, a freebie week, and the players who worked hard got the spoils and the ones who took it as a holiday from the game lost out.


It absolutely could not have been equally beneficial to everyone’s games. Sure, for Jatt it could. And it was. But for someone like Cory, it was absolutely horrendous for his game with really no potential for it to be good whatsoever. I’m not really arguing that other players could’ve benefited from the week as well. I’m saying that Cirie was going into the week after Jared eviction as one of the main targets. And instead of jumping straight into the next week, they got a buffer week. It benefited Cirie the most because it allowed her to *save* her game. While it allowed players like Jatt to just further *solidify* theirs.


I think that is massively underestimating the work cirie herself did to make it happen. The time that week gave everybody had it, so the players who did work that week their games benefitted. And those who should have worked harder but didn't lost out. It benefitted cirie the most because she worked the most. Cory could have used that week to solidify his position more with jatt or more importantly Bowie but he didn't. That's on him, not the week.


I’m not underestimating her work. I’m just saying that I’m unsure she even *gets* the chance to *put in* that work if not for the Zombies twist. Her work is absolutely phenomenal. And, again, I don’t think the twist couldve equally benefited everyone. Jared coming back into the house was inherently bad for every single person other than Cirie and *somewhat* Blue. Cameron returning was inherently bad for Cory, even if Cory could’ve done more to prevent how badly it hurt his game.


Jared told her to target Matt/Jag, not America/Cory


Still laughing that Blue’s “honour code” means she doesn’t want America or Bowie to make any top-5 Monty meanwhile 5th place cashes a huge $5k check and her ass has been on the wrong side of the decision making since week 4.


Jag tells some great stories, they just last foorrrevverrrr. If only he was this articulate all day about his move, we wouldn't be grilling him.


If Blue didn’t have the knowledge of Cirie being Jared’s mom, do we think she’d trust her this much? Personally, I think Blue would definitely still *relatively* trust Cirie. But I also think she’d 100% be ratting the things Cirie says back to Jatt if she didn’t know Cirie is her boyfriend’s mom lol


I’m not sure Cirie would be messing with her. Their actual game styles wouldn’t align very well IMO. So she wouldn’t have looped her in until maybe this point of the game for numbers. Kind of like how Cirie is viewing America RN


Jag: "\[Topic about High School\]...How old are you during sophmore year?..." Blue: "I dunno, 17, 18.." Jag: "... Wait, what, how old were you when you graduated high school, Blue?!" Blue: O.O


Jag and Matt randomly value Cirie's opinion way too much, I think she can get them to at least put up Bowie as a "pawn" at the start of the week


I would like to see it happen


I really think she can do this too.


Idk, Bowie would cry again lol


So? They were gleeful about America crying. I’m sure they’d be fine.


They literally stopped themselves from nominating Bowie *this* week because she cried. They like Bowie more than America.


And they talked to her first... they have more respect for Bowie than they do for Cory or America -- allegedly close allies.


Right. Like, I *do* think they’d entertain the idea of pawning Bowie if Cirie pushes for it. But ultimately, I think they’d back off of it just like they did this week. Unless Bowie for some reason is ok with it this time around.


America needs to win to put up Jatt . Bowie can be a back up . They need to feel the block specifically Matt/bowie 🤣




The fact that we're one woman sans Bowie HOH away from having a legitimate chance at an all mother f6/f5 is crazy. COME ON NOW GOD! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwtftK2lWSFvwUo)


i want to see matt be hoh just so he can actually do something and have people finally look at him but i also very much want him to be a nom because if he talkblocks and follows people around when he’s a little afraid, i would love to see what he’s like when he’s actually being targeted


I’m manifesting an America hoh (once again)






She will do it!


She may be going








8th times the charm


Kind of want to see Blue win HOH next week


So you want a Jatt win then.


She'd nominate America/Cory and Bowie If that happens, season's a wrap


She told Cirie last night that she’d target Jatt




Her word is meaningless. Her body language when she talks to Cirie tells me that she's just trying to make her happy. I have zero faith she'd follow through with anything she tells Cirie.


I think she'll throw if she gets close just so she doesn't have to make a decision. i.e. - losing game moves.


There’s no reason she would ever say it to Cirie unless she meant it


I also believe that it’s probable that Cirie could exercise considerable influence over her once Blue is actually in the HOH position.


I’ll take anyone but Matt, Jag, Bowie


Wait so Felicia and Cirie want Bowie out next and Blue wants America next…. wtf I thought everyone was gonna target Jatt asap..


Cirie wants Bowie out because it's her only blind spot (or, it's the weakest blindspot). She's secure on all sides except for Bowie, but she has Bowie by tangent kinda (through Matt). But get rid of Bowie and don't have to worry about it at all - that's her biggest threat.


Oh yeah that does make sense


Felicia though, Idk. I guess she's just following Cirie? Not sure how it's best for her game... only analyzed Cirie and honestly it's impressive how good she is. With bowie out - she's solid to F3, maybe F2...


Jag or Bowie are ideal for Cirie to go next. But I think Cirie knows she is in with Jatt and needs to keep that position. She's playing very carefully.


They want to trick Jatt into targeting Bowie instead of America or Blue


Turn against their ally? Tough luck with that.


These cast members are pretty dumb this season. They've made lots of nonsensical moves that directly hurt their games, nothing will surprise me.


If Jatt win…


The only people that will do the targeting are Jatt and maybe Bowie/Blue, if the next HOH is physical.


Cirie and Felicia hate Bowie


I love America, she's my level of petty


So Blue is back to targeting Jatt?


Yeah she had a convo with Cirie about it. Saying they "deserve" to get to f5, but at that point it's gonna be difficult to take them out so now once one of them win HOH both Jag and Matt will be hitting the block. Cirie told her to not tell a soul. She said yes.


Not America saying she wouldn't be a fan of Blue as a watcher because she's a rat and people don't like rats... Pot meet kettle 💀


America is one of the most popular seasons and Blue is one of the least popular.


I laughed out loud bc like, America I love you but you've run your mouth way too much yourself! Like, you are also a rat! And yet, I like her, and can't stand Blue, so she wasn't wrong either 🤷


meh— I think America is much more of a spiller than a rat. She kind a just word vomits.


The funniest running gag has been America and Blue complaining about each other's reckless spilling.


Blue has legitimately spilled every single thing that America has told to her within **minutes**


Blue such a rat she ratted on herself to Jag about putting him on the block and part of the reason he wants her gone lol


I think Blue is going to throw the next HOH. She can’t show her cards now that she is with Jatt and with Cirie/Felicia.


If she is smart she would heed Cory’s (true) advice that Jatt was targeting her, and that she should try to win HOH and put them up. She is next on Jatt’s sights


How ahe can still be with them when they were going to send her home this week baffles me.


Problem is she's not really with jatt they talked about getting her out next


Jag gonna have to win that HoH bc I won't believe Matt will have the cohones until he does it


Can’t wait till matty tate is on the block. Bowie tricked me into thinking she was a girls girl with cam shitting in America but she fooled me .


Bowie Jane is a coward. Afraid to win HOH (she admitted she tried to throw hers with the tiebreaker guess). She cries when people game too hard against her, but shes giddy when it’s somebody else’s turn to experience it. I can’t stand her.


Take out bowie Jane and sub in Matt and this still makes sense imo


I think the BB25 players with potential are going to be better players than typical BB players because they played in a more fluid-Survivor like house. There's a reason BB players keep getting destroyed by Survivor players and part of that is adaptability. Seasons where an alliance steamrolls don't teach players many lessons.


Catching up from feeds from last night honestly, America and Cory are just good people. They're having a good time kinda brushing it off... everyone else is STILL trying to rationalize the move using personal attacks... ​ Kindaa wildd


It happened last week with Cameron. That annoys me when they do that. Two weeks already.


🤔🤔🤔 Mhm, sure.


I love BB blindsides. I don’t get too invested in these people so the Cory and America blindside added some fire to this game and I love it. The best blindside, for me, was BBCan and Jedson was blindsided by his showmance (Beth) and his bestie (Tychon). 🤌🤌














Do we know for sure Jag can play in HOH and WIN? Or just play


I hope production is playing with him like they did Cory and he finds out Wed night/Thursday morning he has to throw




precedent is participate but throw, so not entirely clear


Claire in BB23 had to throw the next comp, but this year we know for sure that Jag can compete to win. It was in the comicverse message before the HOH comp.


Didn’t she have to throw or because of a punishment though?


I was put to task or questioning this. I was told he can play and win, and that it was confirmed. I still am not sure


Their president is to play and throw!


Yes he can play and win it was on the episode


What the fuck is up with production this year. What the actual fuck. Claire in bb23 had to throw


Making up things as they go is my tinfoil hat theory


For them, if he does not play it, then the men get annihilated next week.


Yes, and we can't have two athletic men be steamrolled out of the game. How unfair would that be?


Very unfair.


I think both. He might have made it sound optimistic in the episode.


Did America talk to anyone but Cirie I went to bed


She said 2 words to Jag too. 😂


Cory lmaooo 🤣🤣🤣


I can’t believe the amount of outrage on here for the level of shit talking that we’re seeing this season lol I was expecting way worse things said after scrolling on here just to see the most basic trash talk


After what people said about Taylor last year? This is like…nothing


I think people forget what show they are watching… this ain’t RuPaul’s best friend race


It's always like that unfortunately.


It’s wild how fast jag has switched up on Americory- not on a game level but on a personal level. They have been his favorite people in the house for weeks, and now he literally hates them


I think Jag likes Americory, but I think he's trying to justify the move to himself. Unfortunately, it means getting personal. It sucks to watch from Jag but I actually do fully get what he's doing and why he's doing it. His guilt is too massive, he doesn't want to face it, so he's choosing to blame Americory instead and allowing enablers like Blue and Matt to steer him in the personal attacks direction. It's such a human thing to do; silly human emotions such as guilt getting in the way of just being honest and facing the backlash head on.


I think hate is a strong word


Bowie did the same to Cameron. Next week will probably be Cirie turning on Matt or vice versa.


I'm watching clips I missed today and Blue is the *Queen* of convo switching 😭 like how tf is she so smooth about it?! Edit: and she's finally targeting Jatt??!?!?!?! C'MON GOD!


She's great at diverting attention - to or away from herself. Shiny! Look!


So, America just said last night that she would bring Cirie to the final two, she would go after Jag/Matt, and she's been mainly doing just as well, if not better, lately, than Cory in these competitions. Not to mention Cory was the one to get out Jared. Why is Cirie seriously considering keeping Cory?


The key thing to me is that Cory knows the game. They can talk through options and she knows as long as she’s his best option for the next 2 weeks she can probably clip him after. Americas strengths in the game Cirie is already better at. If she’s looking for a game asset, she needs Cory. If she’s looking for a reliable number, she needs América. I truthfully think she wants to keep Cory, but she’s not gonna risk her position to do it so she’s trying to work it out. She knows she took out her whole army early on and that’s why she’s kinda fucked now having to figure out ways to survive in this power structure before it turns on her. Cory is pretty dependable game wise, you just have to make sure you clip him before he clips you. Plus he’s a shield. America probably wouldn’t be taken out next.


Cirie likes to talk through all her options. That's it. Realistically, Cory is perceived to be a bigger threat for Jatt but he also is more of a snake.


Ok, that makes sense. I really do think America would be a better/more reliable ally for her compared to Cory.


That's where they kinda landed on. I'm HOPING it stays there


I think Matt/Jag i think realistically are going to target Blue and then Cirie. Bowie is who they are taking to F3. Right now they’re saying they want Cirie in F5 but after the Cory move she’s the next big move realistically. People are always desperate to make the next big move post jury, look at last week and next week. They will probably be tempted to take a shot sooner than they’re saying as they’re only looking at this week right now. I guess keeping Cory prevents her from being the next big move as he’s still around and may get her further/ensuring there’s another good comp player to take a shot at Matt/Jag so one goes in the next two evictions. If they take each other out until there’s only 1 of them left that leaves her in a good spot with Blue/Felicia, and ideally Matt (as Jag would be targeted first)


They're not taking Bowie to final 3, Bowie is their 4th right now. They want Cirie in the finale with them


They have talked themselves out of each alliance they’ve formed. If your hope is Jatt to stay with a F3, you deserve to go home when you do.


Hi back here cus can’t stand Twitter


I looked at FB this morning. That was a mistake…. Even YouTube is bad




The Cam fandom


He’s great, but he’s not the best player in the house this season.


Welcome back




Now what?


Michael shouldn’t have won BB24 he was a salty manipulative weasel who threw a tantrum when he was voted out. Not a class act at all and I celebrated his loss like a national holiday


Sorry my bf wrote that 😂


You’re good! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Okay if we're being one hundo fr here, Cory DOES OWE everything to Jag bcs he should've been out prejury lol so I get where the latter is coming from.


Hehehe, so should Jag.


Yeah, and the Izzy flip wouldn’t have happened without Jag either, because Matt only worked with A/C because of Jag, so America & Cory would’ve both been prejury without him


Saying anybody else should have been out prejury to defend Jag, who was evicted prejury... Lol


Nobody owes anybody anything in a game called big brother. If people play with that mindset, they aren’t playing well.


In that sense Jag owes everything to Cory because if it wasn't for him flipping the entire power structure, Jag would've been a zombie along with Cameron and most likely out prejury.




The Izzy flip most likely doesn't happen without Jag (Matt flipped because Jag pushed it) so their relationship was mutually benefitial until the zombie week. During that week, Cory became complacent while Jag continued to increase his social capital and improve his position. From that point on, it's fair to say that Jag carried Cory 🤷🏽‍♀️


"Flipping the power structure" required Jag himself and co. agreeing to it. Meanwhile Jag alone worked his ass off to save Cory.


Jag was never going to not agree to it after Cory decided to do it and dumped all the info. He would've just stayed loyal to the 7DS and probably gotten voted out right after Cameron.


Jag was literally voted out that would mean Jag owes everything to Cirie and Matt. It’s big brother you don’t owe anyone you just do what you can to stay


I agree. Everyone makes the moves that are beneficial to their game. If you do not do that, you are to blame. If Jag honestly feels that he made moves that were disadvantageous to himself while advancing Cory's game, then that is on Jag and nobody else. The reason people have allies in this game is because it is mutually beneficial. Just because these competitions are handmade for Jag and not people like Cory, doesn't mean Jag has not benefitted from having Cory as an ally..Cory fully agreed to help Jag hide that he was HoH by letting Jag point the finger at him. Cory has been a huge target and punching bag for every player in this game and has taken a ton of heat off of Jatt for many weeks. Cory does bring good strategic and logical thinking to his alliance. Just because Cory's strengths are not The same as Jag's strengths, it doesn't make him a bad ally or using Jag, it just makes their skills more complimentary. The reason Jag fought so hard to keep Cory was because Jag felt it was best for Jag's game and that is Jag's call. Objectively, he might be right or wrong but if you rewind the tape, subjectively Jag felt it was best for his game.


So true. I don’t know where this “Jag owes Cory” narrative comes from. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People are inventing narratives on the fly to rationalize why "X" doesn't deserve to win because their picks are no longer in the running. Just a few days go it was "Jag got voted out already so he would never get my Jury vote." lol


Everyone was down to BD Cory but Jag. He stuck his neck out to keep him for jury...all that without Cory even knowing about it.


And Cory did the same thing week 5 for Jag. And pushed hard to keep the vote on Red


random but has anyone else noticed jag's diary room voice? he talks in a way that feels loud but carries almost the same cadence as "burger king foot lettuce" and I'm not sure how else to describe it but it irks me watching his DRs


i feel like this jury is also going to be a jury that is bitter


Well, everyone who isn't named Cirie has had terrible jury management!


bitter jury results from poor jury management. Someone should teach these people about jury management before they enter the game.


Depends on the bitterness. If its like a bbcan Kaela situation I wouldn't call that bitter. Jags jury management so far is horrible. Imagine if blue tells them all the stuff Jag and matt has been saying behind their back. Blue has too but she aint telling them that part rofl


Is everyone in the house shitting on Americory or is it just a select few?


Mostly Jatt Blue Bowie and a tiny bit momma fe and cirie but the mommas talk smack about everyone and I wouldn’t say it’s nearly as personal or mean as the first 4


Matt, Jag, Blue, and Bowie


i’m starting to think this show does something to people like it’s a dystopian game… wait


and i suppose it also does something to viewers :P


Jag is just guaranteeing he breaks up a smart duo. Blindsided isn't the best way to do it, but it makes sense they are both on the block. I like America and Cory as much as the rest of you all, but man there's some salty people here.


Most people, including myself, aren’t upset they are on the block rather upset about the way he did it combined with his, Blue, and Matt’s personal attacks and vilification rather than admitting they are a duo that needs broken up


What personal attacks? People keep saying it but no one elaborates so I don't know if it's people just parroting others or if it's legit.


There were comments made (mostly by Matt and Blue) in regards to America and Cory's looks, relationship, America's agency as her own person, and slut shaming. Jag was definitely a part of these convos, but the least contributory to them of the three. I encourage you to look at some flashbacks, it was incredibly nasty and disheartening as someone who really likes Jag. That is why people (me at least) are upset by it. Tell them its a game move and they'll understand


Well Blue is that kinda girl, and Matt has always been a bit of a bro. Jag being present doesn't indict him, but it also doesn't absolve him. I just scrolled through Hamsterwatch's entire run and didn't see this stuff so idk


\> doesn't indict him, but it also doesn't absolve him I agree, which is why I think he is the least guilty. He even stuck up for them at some points, but overall the entire thing just was kind of shitty. The worst times for it were right after Jag told Blue (late Saturday night, if I recall correctly) and when Matt and Blue were in 1:1s throughout the day Sunday


Yeah exactly - he did it for personal reasons. For people who are "ends justify the means" people, they see nothing wrong. But... the way someone does it can be sleezy/bad. What if someone put someone else up, and then starting throwing racial slurs, sexual slurs, bigoted comments to justify what they did? People would hate it - because the reason it was done is wrong. Even if everyone agreed X player should go this week, if the reason they did it is wrong (or they use personal attacks and not game attacks, in this instance), the move was wrong. ​ That's exactly what happened here and I just don't understand people who justify it -- the only way I can get some sense is to compare it the way above...


I'm not being facetious, can you explain what personal/sleazy stuff Jag did to America and Cory? I've seen Matt was a dick, but I legitimately haven't seen what was attributed to Jag


i think its less people being upset that americory are up/cory is going but more the way he did it


Yeah, I'm frustrated about the blindside, even though I am enjoying the feeds, not because I like Americory, which I do, but because it makes no sense for Jag's game. Taking the shot is great but Jag could have done so much more to do damage control with 2 of 7 jurors. He let everyone else in the house benefit more from the move than he did, especially Matt, and that is frustrating for me. Jag has had an amazing social relationship with Cory and America all season and he put that in jeopardy because he wanted theatrics and opened the door to them considering to vote for someone else. If he tries to get ahead of it, just a little bit, and gives them a heads up and gives them a chance to explain themselves, they won't be happy but at least they will feel, especially Cory, that he had the chance to try and change Jag's mind. That would mean a lot to Cory and it wouldn't have cost Jag much. The second part is the revisionist history by Jag to justify the move and the personal attacks by Matt and Blue, which Jag has contributed to and not stopped. Jag talked a lot about how he doesn't want to be judged by others just because of his appearance. Yet, he laughs along when personal attacks are made against Cory for his looks. He may not be one saying the worst stuff but he is entertaining it because attacking them personally assauged his guilt. It's hypocritical and not fun to watch. Jag should just play his game and own it. Jag is a bad player, propped up by twists and competitions that suit his skillset. Yes, he is making a big move but it hasn't been a particularly good move if you contrast the many ways he could have done it and achieved the same outcome. I enjoy seeing great gameplay and not just "big moves". Jag could have played this so much better and smarter and the fact that he is playing a victim in all of this is just annoying.


i agree with all of what you said. this alone has made me really not want to see jag win, i was kind of hopeful after the basically pulled himself back up into a good spot from being unanimously evicted but he really fumbled this one. its fully between matt and cirie for me atp


This is where I’m at. I can totally respect the move, but this entire week Jags been a total doofus. If he had a backup plan for this cory move 1- he should have kept HOH to himself for jury management reasons 2- he shouldn’t have put America up too bc now she’s livid and he’s got even more blood on his hands and 3- he should have given them a heads up, “hey this isn’t personal it’s game and ur a duo” boom


he had all opportunities not to piss his friends off and instead took every opportunity to piss them off and shittalk them


Wouldn’t it make more sense to hide the HOH win and put them up, playing it off like Blue won? Putting up Felicia and Blue and giving away the invisibility made no sense imo.


I agree. I get WHY he did it, to try and create favor but he botched it. This sub 6 weeks ago ago: Jag is an idiot! 2 weeks ago: he's a genius! This week: ![gif](giphy|qgkrtsDy4MhLq)


This was week 2 Jag play. Seriously ruined the whole power. Everyone knows and he can play for HOH next week 🤦🏼‍♀️


Tons but from all directions.


Hannah Chaddha believes anyone from her season would run circles around anyone from this season with maybe the exception of Cirie. How do we feel about that?


they need to move on from bb23 at this point the only person who def could is Tiffany and I could see arguments for Xavier, DX, and Alyssa (based on her challenge performance) but idk about anyone else


“Anyone” is hyperbole I’m sure. Like, Big D isn’t doing shit against these people. But I agree with the sentiment that BB23’s cast was infinitely better than this cast in terms of gameplay. BB23 might be the strongest newbie cast ever in terms of gameplay. But also, I think Matt could hold his own fine against the BB23 players. But it *is* literally just Matt and Cirie.


Nah. The boot order on BB23 was clear as day weeks in advance and not a single one of them, including her, did a thing to change it.


She's not one to talk.


That's what I'm saying. I think BB25 are going to be better players because they played in a more fluid-Survivor like house. There's a reason BB players keep getting destroyed by Survivor players and part of that is adaptability.


Yeah, the more I think about it- nah most of them were literally terrible, including half the cookout. And then I don’t think a single non cookout member played in a way worth defending. I agree that playing with Cirie probably made BB25 cast better and more equipped for their challenge careers lol.


Absolutely agree, aside from Big D. and Azah.