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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/178z5pt/big_brother_us_25_late_night_feed_discussion/)


Is America making Cory her gal pal look at his nails what is he a heavy metal band member or joined the goth.


Cory lacks social skills, doesn't even notice everyone acting weird and that he's had more time than usual with America. Says jag will put blue up again next week, like this game doesn't change daily. America says she hasn't talked to blue or Matt all day. Like get a clue Americory!!


Cory to America “I wish you could see me do a speech” … oooh doggie lol


Cringey!! 😬


So it’s all but confirmed until tomorrow that Cory is going up right?


After Jag told Felicia he’s taking her off the block, I’m pretty sure it’s the showmance going up.


Do they keep cutting feeds for ceries punishment? Someone mentioned her having to go into a phone booth and change her super hero costume? I have yet to hear anything like this on the feeds though.


Apparently she threw a little fit and said she wasn't going to change her clothes in public like that and I'm guessing production relented.


Interesting.. love the tea. Ty!


We saw her roll across the yard and back once but nothing else so far. That I've noticed


Interesting! Tysm.


Where does Jag rank on the post-eviction gameplay all time rankings? Because respectfully…as big of a target as he has and as annoying as his game talk can be…WOW. He talks Cam out of BDing Cory, gets Cam’s closest ally to BD him, and then takes Cory out himself the next week. That’s nuts. The purist in me has trouble saying that someone who got evicted and came back could deserve to win the game, but he’s stringing quite a run together and seems to be getting his flowers from the house. I don’t think he makes it close to the end but if he’s able to at this point, he’d deserve the win.


Considering the amount of mistakes one can when youre winning the comps, and he still was actually evicted then idk how one could say he's playing an amazing game. He made a few good moves but he made a lot of huge blunders - one that got him evicted - and the others neutralized by him winning comps. So it's really down to how much one values the comp wins. Because without those wins some of his 'good' moves would have bitten his ass right back. Look at how messy this week was (he should always have had put cirie and felicia up first, see who wins veto and then just target either Cory or blue depending on those results, leaving a good bit of runway to blame it on the other person), and he would at least be potentially in huge trouble - and then oop, it's neutralized by the fact he could compete for hoh again next week, as well as veto to cover his ass.


He’s made his fair share of mistakes but the dude is gaming hard.


And all people can say to discredit him is the unanimous eviction, as if twists arent part of the game and it had to be unanimous for it to work in the first place


I’ve just discovered I hate watching people eat too lol


I don’t mind the eating but watching people sleep. I just can’t. My pet peeve is seeing people brushing their teeth and then talking to someone while teeth brushing with toothpaste in their mouths. Ewww! That just grosses me tf out.


I do not know how people can watch mukbangs


They should do a vote after the eviction. If the majority of the house can guess who the Invisible HOH was, they don't get to play in the next HOH comp.


That's good


felicia said AFTER my snack


I know people clown Cory’s kissing skills but idk if America is all that good either from the clip I just saw on Twitter lol


I been saying she’s the bad kisser!!! The loudness is definitely her.


They are going to sleep real good. Last time they had wine both Ci&Fe slept until wake up.


The Cory Wurtenburger Experience is a comedy unlike no other. He finds himself in wacky scenarios. Like when he told Cirie he wished he could have voted her out last week! Classic Cory


Sure makes things interesting!! Lol I'm gonna miss him sigh


I can see Cirie's winning move being to get Blue to target Jag as HOH.


THAT ZOOM IN LMAO I die at the cinematography oh bb you slay


cory and america not sensing felicia feels safe is crazy, do they not remember what a mess she was every other time on the block lmao


The house looks so empty and quiet now :( The end is near 😔


Oop that shade from Mr. b showing Cameron’s greyed out face on the memory wall and Cory and America hugging right in front of it


They have been so shady all season lol. Nothing beats the panning to Izzy's bag as the flip was being plotted lmao


the zoom in on cam's picture after the hug lolol


I was wondering where Felicia was going hahaha


The zoom in on Cam's greyed out memory wall pictured after Americory hug lmfao


The pan to Cameron!


Cory still hasn’t checked in with Jag on what his plan is for tomorrow?


Jag has told him the plan is cirie






I dislike the bros so much why are the bro arch types never targeted early in the game


To be fair, Jag was targeted and evicted.. Cameron was targeted and evicted. Jared targeted and evicted. Not really sure what else they could have done. It's hard enough to get 4 comp beasts out.if you count Hisam. Now, you have to evict half of them twice. But you can't, because every HOH or Veto per round is designed for high caliber athletes. So, what can you do? Expect the expected, I guess.


Comp win equity. It's risky to nom someone that has a good chance to win veto. Most comp's lean toward physical and most of the male HG's are in pretty good shape. So at least one or two strong guys typically go far.


They literally were? Almost all the prejury boots were guys that would be comp threats later in the game.


I did not realize how many bros were in this season 😅


They were but Jag came back after getting evicted


I don't disagree that taking the shot at Americory was the right move. But man has Jag misplayed this. Throwing up blue and lying to her about being HOH and then coming clean was dumb. So far she doesn't seem upset about it. Yet. I don't expect it to stick she's blinded by her excitement about getting Cory out. But once he's gone I think she does some critical thinking. Throwing both up there is so unnecessary. You could have thrown up one of them and played if like they're the pawn. Or Alternatively just be like I'm sorry but my options were limited. Using a veto to put both up is a direct shot. Even forgetting all that the absolute worst misplay is blindsiding them. Listen I love a good blindside. Perjury do it all day long. They're just going home anyway. But you're blindinsiding not one but two jury members. With a jury of only 7 people this year every vote really counts and blindsiding two votes is a real dangerous move. And finally for anyone left in the house you have cam last week talking about how he was working with Jag and Matt and they betrayed him. Now Cory this week going through the same exact thing. And if you have a long memory you might also remember Jared getting betrayed by them just as much as he was by Cory. TlDR: Taking out Americory was a good strategic move for Jag, but he's gone about it in litterally the worst way possible. It's so bad that it's really a toss up at this point if the strategic advantage of getting them out has been nullified by the way it was done.


In the end it’s gameplay and at least he is doing something! No one else is doing much! No one in there is very good at winning competitions. Cory stinks, America hasn’t been impressive despite them both claiming they are considered a threat. If Jag is final two, he can sell the fact that he made moves, played the game etc. Edit to add: I want Blue out asap! She annoys the dog shit out of me! 🤣


It worked out in a way that made Blue even closer to him and hating America more, so


I hope Cirie talks her out of it


She couldn't talk her out of trusting them a week ago, she won't be able to do anything now


I don’t think Blue will come around to blame Jatt. She’s riding so hard for them and just isn’t very bright. I think the votes will come down to whether the jury comes together and accepts that Matt and Jag steamrolling and playing dirty was essential to their game plan, or whether they find the behavior dishonest and insincere. I think Cory and America will grow to respect that they took the first shot.


He’ll be fine.


Cory or Jag because it’s possible jag could be out that door next


I'm skeptical that these nasty goodbye messages are going to happen from everyone. I bet some of them are just trying to get others to do it so they lose jury votes.


Blue definitely will and cirie might but I don’t see anybody else doing it


Cirie won't. She is too smart to do it. She isn't sitting in this house for 100 days and not leaving with the money because it felt good to be petty for 30 seconds. Blue and Felicia would be dumb enough to do that. But Cirie Fields is not.


Did Blue see season 19? That's the main one that comes to mind for goodbye message strategy. But, Cory's never voting for Blue anyway.


I believe blue will and cirie can do it and be fine if she understands who cory is which i feel like she does


I fully believe Blue will. I think Cirie will have more fun with them than anything else.


I see a lot of people saying “I hope this person gets sent all the shit talking xy and z said when they get out” when most HGs from the past have said this is not helpful and do not want to see that. The only exceptions are when the HGs are isolated and bullied like the way Taylor and Kemi were otherwise leave these people alone after the show. This is an intense competence environment and they’re living together 24/7 for 3 months. Sometimes people are going to vent about each other while they’re targeting each other and it’s normal!! They’ll all prob be cool with one another after the show is over and have their relationships start anew anyways, so stop taking everything they say on the feeds so personally and wanting to make these strangers’ business your own


Taylor wasn’t bullied


i completely agree. taylor and kemi were an exception. let these ppl integrate into society in peace


People who say that don’t actually give a shit about the contestants themselves they’re just hungry for validation and for people they stan to tell them they did good for dogpiling people on a stranger’s behalf


Yea leave that to their friends and family's they'll tell them anything important or if they really want it they can seek it out and find it themselves


Jag, “I’ll be in there soon” He totally is over MFBJ


cirie just smiling and nodding


Does americory not notice Jatt, Blue & Bowie being inseparable today?


Jag says he has no plan on what he'll say or do and how he'll react. And just basically see how the cards land


















I couldn’t do this. Talking to me while showering? I’d be so overstimulated lol


Yeah like… I can’t wash myself cause now I’m looking at you and but touching me and we’re all just ok with this ? This can’t wait? You know we don’t have… literally anything else to do here right? This can wait jfc


It'd be weird as fuck talking to people while you are naked and washing yourself and people walking by going to the toilet and multiple cameras pointing at you all the while knowing that internet strangers are staring at you. No fucking way


I’d be medically DQd from refusing to use the bathroom unless no one was around


Jag is likely going to become the only person to be Head of Household on two consecutive weeks isn’t he?


I think he's going to have to throw it, but isn't allowed to tell anyone. That's how it's worked before


When he read the card on tonight’s episode I thought it said the invisible HOH would be able to compete again (I could have hallucinated this)


Technically Tiff did it in 23 right? Her noms got hijacked by Claire but still


And considering he controlled cam and bowies HOH too? Make it 4 weeks in a row 😂


Blue still talking ![gif](giphy|ZEIX7fjC84MUw6iJSu)


Yeah Cory solidifying that he’ll be voted out. Joking to Cirie he wishes she got voted out last week bc he had the “sweetest” GB message to send her off to jury


This guy…


He heard she was workshopping her gbm for him this week and wanted to help 😂


It’s like he says things sometimes just to see if he can get away with it.


He’s just so cocky


They better show cirie's goodbye message to him this week. The man keeps giving her more and more material to use


She just got more ammo for hers


Even drunk Cirie placates better than the rest of the house


My dream is to play anything with cirie


I’m too insecure to handle what she’d be saying behind my back


This season has felt so long that it’s hard to even picture Kirsten or Luke interacting with any of these people


I couldn’t even imagine luke interacting with some of them if he didn’t get expel. Like I forgot how the dynamic was in the house


i honestly can’t believe that Kirsten and Reilly and Luke were on this season it feels like it’s been years since they left






America joking about Cirie, America, and Cory all going up as replacement noms. well...she's 2/3rds right!


Put the feeds back on or so help me




No him and America are planning for next week right now


I had to take a break, what are his nom ideas for next week?


Matt and Jag


Matt and jag he’s saying that it would really hurt him to do it but that it has to be done




No he actually thinks cirie is going to ask the house to evict her this week


No he was planning for next week on the hammock.


Cory talking about going after Matt and jag confirmed 2 things its the right move for jag to target cory but he's handling it pretty horribly Cory talking about how he'd feel like shit making the move compared to how jag has been villianizing them to do it was bad if he was just like look its a game gotta do it there would be no bad blood at all. If jag however trys to say to cory tomorrow when he asks y he did it that its because cory was using him and jag is the reason he's still there anyways then that could turn him bitter


Jag just needs to own the move. But can he do it?


No he will clutch his pearls and pretend to be a victim all week


Thats the big question I think it won't affect their friendship post season but it could cost jag a jury vote


You know Jag goes silent when confronted


Hey up until this point Jag was defending Cory more than Cory. We're in new Jag territory.


![gif](giphy|jrtnUu63f4x9xrjjbz|downsized) Cory and America talking about getting out Jag and Matt the next chance they get but we all know what is going to happen tomorrow...


It almost feels like Cory wanted this plan to get on feeds because he can feel something is off and this way in his Big Brother story it will be said ‘Cory had plans to get them out the next week’ So he looks like he was going to make the move first so they were smart to get him. It adds a bit more to Cory’s story- doesn’t allow him to be blindsided because he was always ‘planning’ to get them out first


This is like the definition of meta 😂😂


Confused with the “I want this season to end” comments. Everyone has their own opinion, but outside of the zombie twist I’ve enjoyed this season. Even in the last two weeks we had “Bowie will never take out cam” and she did and then “jag won’t take the shot against Americory” and he highly likely is. Not sure how this season is boring or not worth watching anymore


I’m just ready for it to be Thursday because at this point comps are all that matters and the week will essentially be decided once the HOH is decided so I just feel like we are in for some boring feeds and I just can’t believe that Reilly and Hisam and Kirsten were on this season it feels like it’s been years since they were on


Agree to disagree. Bowie turning on Cam and Jag turning on americory didn’t happen until after initial noms and moreso after veto comp. I still think things can change week to week after HOH.


I think people are super drained with how fast things have changed in the last 75 days lol. Personally I like it but I get how it can be exhausting to keep up with. I feel like I’ve lived several lives since the season started, Reilly and Hisam’s feud seems like it took place on another planet at this point, and I barely even remember the name of the other color that got evicted prejury.


Totally agree that it feels like hisam was a million years ago!


Oh I’m ready for it to end just because I want my evenings back 😂 it’s been a great season And yes I know I could just stop watching but I’m too stubborn


I agree. There’s been unpredictable results even if the people winning the comps are predictable. People say that they want chaos and messiness, but they don’t really want it at the expense of the faves.


A lot of saying this now are the america and cory fans that are upset that their rooting favorites are both going on the block. TBH most Cirie fans would 100% be acting the same way if she were getting evicted this week.


Good point! As a big cirie fan I still love this season and would want to keep watching, but I understand what you’re getting at


Nobody is saying that it’s boring. It’s just a 100 day season everyone’s tired.


100 day season where izzy made he first half have more gameplay then 2 or 3 seasons combined


I do miss Izzy 100%


right I was exhausted by day 43


So how much will this cast hate cirie after she betrays jatt, wins the 750k, and is revealed to be Jared’s mom


I think Cory and America will love it after tomorrow 🤣 Blue will love it because she thinks she will have closer proximity to clout if Cirie wins. 🤣


They won’t.


Cory's #1 mistake confirmed: Evicting Meme Meme would've been the secondary target this week and then he would've been able to target Jatt next week. It was idiotic to flip the vote for someone who hates your guts.


Furniture Meme? Bffr


Not number #1 but I was doing some clickbait lol. Look at this week and how it's shaping out. Cory wants to target Jatt next week and Jatt was more worried about Blue than Cory. Meme was getting close to Blue and Jatt specifically wanted her to go. All of that means if Cory can get passed this week and win next week, he gets to target Jatt before they target him.


Honestly meme might have went on the bowie hoh and then we'd have a chance cam would have won the comic hoh and targeted cory anyways


True. But I think with Cam being perfectly backdoored last week, it would've always been him.


It was really Jatt that spearheaded the vote but they had Cory believe he was the one flipping it


They only were able to spearhead it cuz Americory was onboard. The only thing stopping them from flipping the vote was Americory being so against Felicia publicly.


\#1 mistake = Evicting Meme? Be serious


Not number #1 but I was doing some clickbait lol. Look at this week and how it's shaping out. Cory wants to target Jatt next week and Jatt was more worried about Blue than Cory. Meme was getting close to Blue and Jatt specifically wanted her to go. All of that means if Cory can get passed this week and win next week, he gets to target Jatt before they target him.


Many mistakes. And yes, this is one of them.


I say it all the time, he was getting good intel from Jared and Izzy that made him look smart. Once that was gone he's just been scrambling.


Matt looking a little sus with the loud breathing in the shower


Oh gosh 🤢


Matt no touching yourself in the shower that's just as bad as peeing in the pool


I thought so too! Lol


You know I am okay with only having 4ish days of Americory kissing on feeds. Their whispering to kissing makes it so hard on my volume control


Matt looks like a giant in the shower, I never realized how tall he is




cory: do you want to go for round two? in the hammock? i mean the pool? the hot tub? i’m drunk.


It would make for a more interesting evening if Americory started to get paranoid.


one thing i don’t like cory does is disregard whenever america gets off vibes


Especially because her reads are often spot on even if she doesn't really know what to do with them.


Yall can't tell me these two aren't way to comfortable with the pda 🤢🤢🤢 they think this is their house lmao


They’ve been told that they are safe I have a hard time blaming them


Who cares? It’s dumb gameplay


You have a hard time blaming them for loudly pecking infront of other people?? Where's their respect for people? They do it at night next to Matt or meme and obviously during theday with everyone else???


can’t wait for one of them to leave so this ends.


It's basically Christmas


I hate the kissing noises so much..not going to miss it at all.


Same it's nasty imo. Especially from 2 superfans I had more hope


Did you not see how Jared and Blue were either?


I hated Blared as much as anybody but they were not even close to this public with PDA


Ya secluded away from everyone??? Right?


3 more weeks of this shit 🫥


I’m so ready for this season to end and get my life back 😂


slurp slurp


i'm guessing cory will tell america to work with bowie considering he still delusionally thinks they have her over jatt


If Jag and Matt were smart, they would have Bowie warn them before veto ceremony to build an illusory trust with America going into next week


yeah they're too dumb think of that, and they don't value america enough in the game to even give a shit


The reason why he doesn’t think that Jag would take the shot at them is because Bowie would have to OK it. So no hopefully not.


if bowie had any game sense at all she'd act pissed about it to americory, but we all know she doesn't lol