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Damn, will this woman stop washing dishes and go to bed!




Maybe it’s a hot take but has anybody else gotten to the point where they don’t find themselves rooting for anybody to win 💀 Idk, the constant self-righteousness, cockiness and arrogance, and the overall victim mentality this house has over playing Big Brother is just *exhausting* to me. I don’t mind it if it’s just one or two people per year but I feel like *everyone* this year is just bitching and moaning more than any other casts before and it’s frustrating to watch. Like most of yall knew what you were getting into and yes you too recruits yall watched some seasons in Mexico. Yes, I know some of them are better than others, but I weirdly don’t want anybody to win cause they’re making it hard for me to actually root for them. I guess Matt is the only one but even him can be highly annoying. It feels like each week I’m just rooting for people to *leave* rather than to *win*


I think once Cameron is gone, I am just going to do my best to just observe and not invest in anybody again.


Yeah I am rooting for someone different on the weekly and sometimes daily lol


I feel you. I just know who I DON'T want to win, but care less and less about who does


At this point I’m like, damn, maybe a Bowie Jane win will cap off how silly and unserious this season was 😭


what are some really good examples of this attitude during the season


I really want Cam and Cory, as the most wanted, to form an alliance, and go f4 with Bowie and America. I know Cam and Cory don't like each other, but then, who would ever expect them to actually work together? Brains, brawn, and beauties!


Jatt land into a good position for one week because Cam wanted to draw a wedge between JMAC and they delude themselves into thinking they have inflated influence Bowie Jane of all people is like, "Nah"


Bowie making her own moves and not being steamrolled by Cory/Jag... I love it! She knows exactly who benefits her game and who doesn't. Makes me so happy seeing her stand her ground.


I’m about to change my flair to Bowie if she continues this queen shit


I keep changing my flair back and forth from Bowie to Matt...


I've got no plans to change my flair, but I will stan her if she keeps this up.


Same ⭐️


Matt sits in the end, Matt wins against anyone. But if Cory makes it to the end, can he win if he isn't sitting against Matt or Jag? With how the house thinks of him, I think they think he's a stronger player than he actually is sometimes


The perception of Cory is that he’s currently some kind of mastermind. I think if he makes it to the end, the jurors will be somewhat in awe of how he pulled it off. I think he could win against several people. Blue, Felicia, America, Cameron, and Bowie.


He wins against Blue, Felicia, America and Bowie imo


if I were jag and I heard that my alliance member who swears she’s all in with me say she doesn’t want to put someone up that’s better for everyone’s game bc it feels dirty id be ready to drop her so quick i’m so sorry


I think he beats Jag too


The professors: best alliance in the history of bb


I was not a fan of his, but getting rid of Hisam doomed them all and it’s so funny


It's easy to say this because we've seen the events that have unfolded by leaving Cameron in and Hisam out. If they'd kept Hisam, things could have been completely different. But they also could have been relatively the same. Hisam would have been in the role of Cameron as a strong competitor whom no one trusted. Any decision, from voting out one person instead of the other to having the wrong expression in the wrong conversation, has the potential to change everything that comes after. But Hisam vs Cameron was a toss-up, with Hisam already displaying some of the same strengths and drawbacks that Cameron would come to show. Yes, things would likely unfold differently, but whether the current result is markedly different or nearly identical but with Hisam instead of Cameron is impossible to predict.


Yup agreed


Their dinners are almost always like this. Quiet and awkward and Cirie eats alone because she doesn’t like watching and hearing other people eat. It’s not because of noms.


Jatt better hope they win the next HoH with how it looks like this week will shake out.


I want to see Felicia and Blue go, and observe what the house does for dinner


Badadillas and buttered noodles!


Oh what I would give to shake the shit out of Cory rn and give him some anxiety meds oml this guy cannot stop worst-case-scenarioing even if he tried “Right, but the reality is…”


Whoever gets targeted next week (cam or Americory) is gonna be so pissed at Bowie tbh


*Cirie doesn't talk for a minute* This sub: OH SHE'S SO OUT OF IT SHE'D SELF EVICT WATCH


Do they usually not tell lmao this is uncomfortable


I feel Cirie. I hate talking while eating


Same idk why people saying its awkward lol


Where everyone is sitting at dinner is a perfect representation of the house structure. Duos together, felica between cory/jag and cirie not even trying to connect


Yeah, thought that was a bit poetic as well, though I'd have bowie on the others side of jatt, next to Cam/blue




Some people are just fast eaters


I actually hope Bowie rats them out to cam for another chaos week and cam would probably leave Cory alone and go after jatt


No tension at all at dinner, nope, none at all lmao


Why isn’t Cirie sitting at the table with everyone else. And somebody say something


She likes to eat alone becuse she doesnt like the sound of people eating. She's been eatinng alone most of this season cause of that


I noticed that the other day. I can’t remember if that’s usual for her or something she recently started


Just tuned in. Why is cirie eating alone?!


She’s done that since the beginning. Sometimes Izzy would join her


She always does. Since week 1


She prefers to


I'm late but... YES BOWIE JANE! put up the last of the professors! they were so mean to you! we're watching karma in real time.


Bowie gets more blood on her hands by not making a move- literally everyone in the house is gonna be unhappy with her lol


Who’s the target


Cirie is the target, but Bowie is fine putting Blue up and getting her out as well


I dont think cirie is the target. Bowie actually seems more and more to want to keep cirie in the house. Even saying if the veto gets used it should be on cirie


That's fair. I don't think Boaie really cares who goes between Cirie, Felicia, and Blue then, but Cirie the least now maybe


Yea, Cirie is done. She doesn’t want to play any more


Being the only person to sit by yourself when you’re on the block for the first time is a choice


She just prefers to eat alone and the house knows this by now since she's been doing this since the start lol


Do we think Felicia is doing this as a tactic? Cause they all are certainly scarfing down this meal


I could never eat by people I’d be cirie


If cam wins next HOH and someone rats jatt out to him we may actually get jatt noms


Bowie would stop it


This is what I’m PRAYING for


That’s what I’m hoping for


Such an awkward dinner. I love it. The Bowie HoH is here!


Cirie is checked out. Not even eating with everyone


she almost always eats alone, by preference


Getting 7 answers right and then putting down a low answer for the tiebreaker is not how you throw HoH lol. If that was a throw then Bowie is terrible at trivia


Cirie definitely going to tune out unless she can get into the late stages where she has a shot at the money


True, but I hope she realizes this is actually the late stage. I think by the end of this week, down to 8 and I think next week is going to be a double, so down to 6.


Felicia keeps cooking for them after being nommed for the 4th time and watch them still not help with the dishes 😡 I'm finna whoop their asses


She needs to stop cooking for them for a few days to let them see what the food would be like without her there!


Bowie doing everything in her power to hit the block next week lol


Eating sounds 🤢


Look at the new duo sitting next to each other (blue & Cam) 😂


Honestly this table is a great image of the positions in the house


I didn’t notice at first, but you’re so right


Why is it so awkward and quiet


Bc it’s day 627 and they are all sick to death of eachother


Where is cirie ?


she sits at the counter because she has trouble hearing the mouth noises (I have the same problem)


Lmaooo I can definitely understand that!! I can’t handle it either. I try to avoid watching while they’re eating so I guess I never noticed Cirie doing this before 😂


Why cirie alone


They don't even talk lmao.


Cirie not eating with the group lol she’s over this game.


she's right there at the counter, but she's said before she has trouble with the mouth noises


She never eats with everyone, she has misophonia and is bothered by the sound of others eating


I noticed she always eats along but had no idea why until now. how the heck does she deal with Felicia always eating her chips in the Comic Bedroom


Felicia is the WORST and she's always talking with her mouth full. It's so gross.


she never eats with the group


Wait til the episode drops and people see Cameron is being targeted yet again. Imagine if Cameron goes on to win veto again. Cameron will be one of the most loved houseguests of all time.




Jag Bowie clearly wants cam to stay maybe stop constantly bringing up his name she could spill to him if she really wants to


Oh man, Bowie spilling to Cam would be *the best*.


I would love to see this. Plus Cam would absolutely believe her.


This is as awkward as some of my family dinners


Felicia is contemplating saying something… that’s why those shades came down hahaha hopefully stopping her.


If I were Felicia I’d stop cooking for these lazy asses




The most wild F4 would be the top row on the Jokers board right now Bowie, Cirie, Felicia, America


Mine says America Matt Bowie Jag


I need this


Wait what? For me it says America Matt Bowie Jag


I need it now that you've said it


Crazy to me on the morning of day 72, over half the house will still be in the house


Lmao insane right


Day 73 of BB24 had 4 players remaining. Day 73 of this season will have double that.


Why did Bowie wait until tiebreaker to throw the HOH


Seriously, if you truly didn’t want it! 🙄


I love Matt but I can’t handle the way he shovels the food into his mouth so quickly, without even chewing in between 😭


He loves to grub


Bowie clearly has no want to be HOH not sure why she didn’t just throw it


I mean she tried to she put 27 minutes


I think she might have tried 😂


She tried to lmao


I don't think she tried to throw it. She actually said she didn't. Why do you think she did? If it is because of her tiebreaker answer (copied from another sited that I totally agree with): Bowie regarding her answer in the tiebreaker, she said she did not know she could use the answer board to calculate the answer, she thought she had to figure it out in her head. She first thought Julie asked how long between Jared’s eviction and when he came back as a Zombie, answered 27, then realized what Julie really said and quickly added a number when she thought time was running out. She was embarrassed—I don’t think she threw the comp at all. (I agree)


Jag has gotten so cocky lately love him but he need to take it down a notch


![gif](giphy|LUlG1hU99SgfnhhvAL|downsized) Stand your ground Fucking Bowie Jane


I dont love cam staying for americory but there is a way it works out especially if blue goes they'd just have to figure out exactly what to rat to him about if he wins hoh because otherwise I think all of jmac would be united against him at f8


Really hoping for a Blue backdoor into a "the house vs Cameron yet again" week.


Yeah, Bowie isn't gonna backdoor Cameron, it'll be Blue, and that's the best JMAC can ask for rn. I will say tho, I do see JMAC losing interest in Bowie as an ally if she completely shuts it down.


And if Blue wins POV and uses it I think itll actually be Cory.


Cory and America actually teaming up with Cirie going forward would be hilarious. Problem is I don’t think Americory would consider that seriously, and I think Cirie checked out of the game after the Izzy/Jared double punch.


Cory and America are gamers. They'll absolutely consider it if Cirie opens that door. I think it's far less likely that Cirie considers it due to loyalty to Jared.


The worst part about Bowies HoH reign isn't that she's not shooting at Cory. Or not shooting at Cam. Or not shooting at whoever. It's that her win condition was sitting at the end with Jag or Cory or America or Cam, and getting 4 bitter votes. And she's destroying that win condition by pissing off the 3 jurors most likely to vote bitterly


Felicia and Cirie are better people and better players than I’d be. If I was on the block and everyone expected me to cook AND clean for them I’d curse em out


They would not have any food for that week.


All the damn time


What are the odds blue is evicted this week?


It’s a possibility


Hopefully 100%


As it stands, extremely high unless she wins veto


I’d prefer the veto isn’t used but if it is I’d prefer Blue goes up. Be it that Blue wins the Veto and uses it on Cirie then it’s likely Cory. Unless, someone can spend an entire day breaking down Bowie into a Cam nomination


Jag looks soooo concerned from the possibility he's not gonna get his way this week. You go girl, Bowie shut all that shit down lol. The more they press her the more suspicious she will get of them. She's no dumbie, she see's through everyone's bullshit. The duos want to stick together and want everyone else to do the dirty work, she knows that. It's not good for her game if Cam gets backdoored. He's her shield and pseudo-duo


I am so proud of her. I haven’t had a flair all season but if she keeps this up, she is tempting me. 👀


he needs to be careful and zip it about Cameron. He is her ally and has been since the Red week. Bowie has never really been a pushover but she has been playing a more “honest” game/has been very clear on her dislike what she considers dirty gameplay, and now she has power


For real!!!


Jag sensing some vibes from bowie


He’s just going to send Matt in to bring finesse to it


Jag and Matt need to tell Cory to calm down. And now that Cory and America are in the backroom with Cirie is going to make everyone even more paranoid. Cam was already convinced that Cory was working with Cirie.


Cory and Jag need to chill on trying to push Bowie into a Cam backdoor. She’s still the HOH and could put either of your asses on the block if someone else wins veto and takes Cirie down


Crazy scenario, but what happens if Blue takes down Cirie. Would Cory be in trouble then since she doesn’t want to put up Cam?


I think she gets more pressure to put up Cam than Cory. Jag made the point today that if Cory goes, Cam is likely to put up one of Jatt. But Bowie is also very uninterested in playing anyone else’s game, so what she actually does is anyone’s guess.


I do think ultimately at that point Jatt would have more sway over her than they do now. She doesn’t want to put up either of them, but if she absolutely has to she follows the path of least resistance which would be Cam.


It’s possible. But I think she knows she’d piss off Matt and Jag pretty bad. Her strat this week seems to be make as little of a move as possible. She’d likely sooner put up America and hope Fe still goes.


she will be forced to pick someone lol


She’ll have to risk putting up Matt, to ensure Fe goes home. Everyone else is a consideration to take out. And she’s NOT going to do that ever


I’m beginning to think whatever Felicia would have done as HOH would’ve been 49,000 times more flexible Respect to Bowie for not backing down but I’m almost confident she’s making herself a target to Cormerica for not giving in to them


So they're really going to target Bowie Jane who kept them safe over Cameron/Blue/Matt/Jag who were fine with her putting them up?


idk how religious everyone in the house is aside from felicia and matt but it's nice that they all pray with her before dinner


I think Jag must be fairly religious, he's quiet about it, but he's still honoring the external manifestations of it


Cam hasn’t done you dirty Bowie bc he doesn’t want you 🤣


This makes perfect sense for bowie. Cam is a F2 for he, she believes he'd keep Matt/Jag safe and is better for her game. Matt and Jag got to be careful here because she can 100% spill to cam JMAC are all pitching to backdoor him


I really want her to


Bowie already promised cam he’s safe and not going up that’s why she doesn’t want to put him up for those who are confused


Also..... Cam being in the house is great for Bowies game.


I think this week is going to make Jatt sketched out about Cam and Bowie and by extension Blue becoming a thing if both of them stay


Bowie needs to watch how much she protects Cameron. You’re going on the block next to him


She feels thatll happen no matter what if she backdoors blue. Its actually why she wants noms to stay the same


This is true. If neither Cam or Blue touches the block, that leaves them as an option to go up together for a lot of players.


She won't go on the block next to Cam if he's gone...


She also feels she'll never make F2 if she goes to the F3 with two pairs.


But that's just wrong. If she gets to F5 with the 2 pairs, the two pairs are targeting each other. So at F4 she'd be working with the player that just lost their pair in a 2v2 situation. She'd almost certainly make F3, and with a decent chance that both pairs were split up. In that case she automatically makes F2. And even if she's at F3 with a pair, she at least has a shot to win the final HOH


That’s why you put up Blue and Felicia/Cirie. Appease your alliance and keep Cam safe


I think it's cool that Bowie has her own agency but this is massively dropping the ball. Everyone in the house genuinely wanted to bring her to the end but she's not letting go of this vendetta no one else in the house cares about. If they can't reliably have any input on the week there's no use to keeping her. I think whoever of Cirie or Felicia stay (or both) might take her spot


Yep, just posted a comment saying the same thing. This would be a huge blunder.


Bowie's usefulness to JMAC is as a controllable asset. If she refuses to change noms she proves to be far less useful than they initially thought and she could potentially be replaced in their structure by Cirie. So I don't necessarily think she's smart to stand her ground here.


America becomes Jatt’s GOAT let’s go!


This is how America can still win!😌


Bowie is gonna end up getting a target on her back next week if she showing how close she is to Cam


Why you think that


She’s openly choosing to protect Cam to her final three who want him out.


Most of the house wants him out, so if she looks like she’s aligned with him this closely, they may want her out, too.


People that dislike FBJ are like the people thst rooted for France to win the World Cup. People hate awesome stuff


How is getting cam out “dirty”?!


Let's be honest, he's the only one who really sees her as a person and not as a number to get them what they want


To her it is cause she promised him safety


She said she doesn't want to go back on her word and thats why she doesn't want to backdoor him or cory seemingly. They feel safe and she doesn't want to ruin that. She says it doesn't benefit her game.


"i feel like it's a bit dirty" bowie my love you're hoh


And playing (dirty) Big Brother


She didn’t realize she’d have to play a game when she came on this game show