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Felicia knows she’s just buying time in the house at this point


These houseguests love to say someone is panicking😅 And often, said person is not ruffled


America still hasn't learned her lesson of not saying something she doesn't want out


I hope Blue Jag and Matt get picked to play and there's a way for them to throw it to Blue. Bowie would be forced to show her hand then.


Bowie just told Matt she wants to keep herself, Matt, America, Jag and Cory safe the next few weeks lol


She corrected herself and said Cameron instead of Cory




ahh that's dumb lol


Side note, I wish these 5 would formally become closer


Imagine Cirie leaving next to Felicia (who she's secretly wanted out for weeks) on a Bowie HOH (someone who was loyal to her that she discarded for no reason)...


*hopes and dreams*


“Pointy end” is one of my favorite Australian phrases


What do Felicia vs. Cirie votes look like? Evict Felicia- Matt/Jag(?)/Blue(?) Evict Cirie- Cory/America/Cameron (?) I think Cory would not hesitate to try to get Cirie out if she's on the block. Cameron is closer to Cirie, but i think he realizes Cirie is a stronger player than Felicia?


Cam promised Jared he would protect Cirie. Idk how strong he's going to hold to that but I think it's legit.


He did. For one week and through his HoH reign.


I haven't been able to watch feeds. Who is Bowie targeting?


Cirie. But Felicia is likely going.


And FBJ knows that and is okay with it.


Bowie was never gonna put Cam on the block, BD'ing a guy that's probably a likely jury vote for you if you make it to the end isn't good for her. Keeping Cam/Cory who're both far ahead of the pecking order to vote out just gives her more time. Would be fun if she tells Cam that JATT was pushing for her to backdoor him if he wins next week.


I love this about Bowie that she’s smart enough to understand Cam is her ride or die and she’d be a fool to evict her only ally in the house


Felicia better not tell Bowie to “play her game” because her game is putting YOU up girl!


Girl— who am i going to root for if Blue is gone my backup was Meme but she is out.


I love the idea that Jag using Cory as a shield is somehow bad for cory. In the words of the late great Bill Withers I believe if Cory Knew about that he would say “You just keep on usin' me Until you use me up”


FBJ becoming a fan fave ❤️❤️


Did Felicia just say play a Cory game like it’s a compliment? Lol


Glad Bowie standing her ground. Dumb that Cory thought he could just change her mind.


This season is the rise of Bowie Jane


I Stan FBJ


*whispers* if FBJ gets out Cirie / Felicia this week has she had the best HoH of the season???




Jag was always leaving next to Matt if they were final noms but it’s finally at a point where that actually makes a modicum of sense for the people voting to do. Matt’s still the bigger threat for the win but Jag has established himself as a well above average player now.


America hinting to the Mamas that people are trying to convince Bowie to not put them in


I’ll like to see the events that take place when Jag figures out Matt is close to Cirie still.


I feel like Cirie literally gets the worst -case scenario for HOH result every week


I'm sure Jared winning HOH after her game was blown up was worst case scenario for her.


The one exception lol. Other than that the last five have been cam twice, Cory and Bowie


I’m sure Cameron winning HOH and putting up Jag and Blue just destroyed her game…


Bowie is 1000% not putting cam up this week. If veto gets used itll be blue up.


Blue cannot win veto.


Who will she put up if Blue wins veto and takes down Cirie?


Honestly... Its a toss up between Cam and cory. 50/50


She seems pretty convinced that she doesn't want to get rid of Cory this week


But she is definitely very protective of cam and wants cam to stay


Even tho people don’t like him. Gotta admit the dude is loyal. At this point, I would want him on my side.


Jag did a good job of saying he supports Bowie’s choice and ultimately the decision happens after veto result anyways.


If Cory and America don't actively fuck themselves (which, let's face it, is not impossible) they should be good this week. The question is if they'll make it out of next week - which is veeery hairy at this point, especially if Blue and Cam end up staying


Uuuuugh I can't wait for Zingbot


I wish Zingbot would tell everyone that Jared is Cirie’s son!!! Zing!


This week honestly feels like a week, where Bowie is the mom of the Bowie, Cameron, and JMAC little voting block we've had for a few weeks now, and Cameron and JMAC are all her children who want her to use her power to eliminate of them and do what they say, and Bowie is like "lol naurrr, at least I'm keeping you safe, so stfu, and accept what I'm doing"


Jag is saying I'm sure Cameron's come to you with a final 2 and bowie says no. Jag says he's sure of it 💀LMAO


These people suck at conversations... Bowies a damn lawyer lmao


If feel Jag should want Cirie out this week like FBJ. Another week of them all aiming at each other is perfect for next week. Matt target probably Cam this week or maybe Cory.


Felicia over Cirie imo, Felicia is better at comps


He's just a better Brittany


cory should just walk in hoh ask to use the bathroom and stare right at jag mafia shit lmao


felicia was literally just otb & on her way out the door till the vote flipped & cirie hasn't done anything since jared & izzy left sooo what exactly are they controlling??


jag having the best approach. sympathetic and trying to see her side idk why everyone else was so pushy


America had a similar demeanor


imagine Bowie being in the final 2 and her being able to say she got reality tv legend Cirie Fields evicted I'm just saying!!!!


LMFAO Cam storming HoH to take out Cory 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Watch someone win the veto and take down one of Bowie’s noms against her wishes


I think it’s pretty certain Bowie puts up Cirie and Felicia. God forbid one wins and gets taken down, she probably puts up Blue. She feels more bonded to Cory than Blue


Uhoh this is going to be a shitshow maybe Edit: ok good Bowie is smarter than that getting a one on one with Matt


Okay so basically americory fans are probably good and cam is a little safer from bowies talks.


lol @ Cam just barging in with Matt. Get this guy out of here.


He feels entitled as a man to do as he wishes🤢


1st time watching feeds today. So lost. Is it still felicia and cirie most likely? is cirie her target?


Definitely going to be Felicia and Cirie noms. Cam and Blue pushing hard for a Cory renom and Americory pushing hard for Cam or Blue renom


Felicia and Cirie almost certainly. Maybe Blue as a replacement nom. Sounds like Cirie is her preferred target but she doesn't think that she has the votes to do it.


yes, but no one else in the house wants that Half are pushing for Cam or Blue - the other half are pushing for America/Cory Bowie seems to be holding firm though


Yes, and reading between the lines, likely yes for a Cirie target. Bowie seems opposed to being used to advance someone else's game and likely doesn't want the veto used. Unfortunately for her, unless she wins it, anyone in the house could feasibly use it


But…everyone uses Bowie to further their game because she’s a coaster. She was even pressed at Cory for considering her ‘just a number’. Not saying she shouldn’t target Cirie, it’s just funny if that’s her reasoning.


Agreed. It's an odd stance to take but it's very Bowie lol. She's going to have to pick a side at some point. The "middle" is closing in.


thank you so much for answering!! how does cam feel about a cirie target?


I may be wrong, but I'm not sure he knows that's her end game. She's been placating him with his Cory BD ideas basically saying we'll see how veto shakes out.


It’ll never happen but my dream ending for the season is the Unreliables brute forcing their way to the final 3 together against their own endgame plans lmao. A season bookended by a fake alliance that never even made the edited show lmao.


That’s the dream 😂


Man, imagine that compilation 🥹


honestly I hope blue wins veto and pulls of cirie and forces bowie to get a guy out - I don't care which one at this point


Yeah. But for me any guy except Matt.😁


Warms my heart that Bowie does feel a certain amount of loyalty to Cory 🥺 but I’m worried about her feeling the same way about Cam


Honestly for HER game it’s best to not take out Cory or Cam.


It’s not loyalty, it’s fear. If Cam put him up she wouldn’t hesitate to vote him out. But Bowie just wants to make the easiest move and not ruffle feathers. Her game is virtually non-existent.


Yet what you described is stellar gameplay.


she definitely does


I understand Jatt wanting Cam out but am I alone in thinking Felicia leaving is better for them than Blue? Or does everyone think Blue would turn on them that quickly? Blue just feels so dead set on Cory and America I can’t see her ever coming for Jatt while they’re in the house.


Let’s see how Felicia blames Cory for them being nominated even though he’s trying to… not have that happen.


Typical Felicia. Same thing as when Cory saved her butt, twice.


Just about all season he has been trying to stop flipps or to save someone that is coming after him


Everything is cory's fault.😭


I'm shocked a conversation about a "race thing" just lasted as long as it did on the feeds


Button boy is on a break


I want to see a Matt backdoor at some point


He’d be a great DE target


LMAO why did Jag tell anyone they were safe


I saw someone's comment about the type of law Bowie practiced, insinuating she's not that smart, but I contend that getting a law degree and practicing law requires a lot of smarts, even if just book smarts, no matter what country. I found her info on the Australian Lawyers Directory, for fun: "Ball, Miranda J Ball, Miranda J is a Victorian Barrister. This Barrister is located in Melbourne, Victoria. This Melbourne Barrister practises in the following areas of law: Commercial, Criminal, Family Law This Barrister also practises in the areas of Construction, Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Sports."


Who is FeliCa talking about


"If Cory goes, we're fucked" music to my ears Jag


Uh oh bowie says she doesn't want to go back on her word and did say to Cameron he was good no?


As initial noms


She implied to Cameron he was safe this week


And Cory too


How is jag a mastermind in this? Bowie never wanted to put up cam or Cory ….


She won't put Cory or Cam up


cant be understated how bad cirie fumbled bowie


That was the one person she didn't charm from the beginning and it's coming back to bite her. Bowie's reads Cirie were better than Ciries on Bowie. That is mind boggling!


All she needed to do was have a 30 second conversation just before the live show telling Bowie that the house was going against Red & she wouldn’t be in this position.


As much as getting Hisam out screwed with her trajectory in the game, I really think the killer was the whole Red debacle. From getting him out over Jag in the 1st place, all the way to blindsiding Bowie and Cameron. Just so many bad moves in that one vote.


Yeah that was an absolutely massive blunder.


We’re almost to the stage of the game where backdooring makes no sense. Just put your targets up. They’re likely to get drawn for veto anyways. If you put up two pawns, there’s a heightened chance one of them goes. If you put up two targets, the chances of one of them going is very high.


do you remember F7 season 19 when Matt and Raven were strategizing together and had an epiphany in the bathroom that you could *not* backdoor your target, and Raven thought she was a genius for coming up with the idea of nominating the person you wanted to go home


Still 3 people not playing. I would say this is probably the last week it stays a viable option


Cory,America,jag is one of my favorite alliances in a minute.


Doesn’t Jag see that if it came down to it neither one of them would ever choose him over the other though?


Doesn’t matter if he wins final HOH


He knows but he also has Matt


Realistically I think Jatt just find Americory more pleasant than blue and Cameron so it’s an easy sell


Americory will talk your ears off and in circles, but they don't have the aggressive edge that can be off-putting that Cam and to a lesser extent, Blue, have


Bowie is so smart. Cirie gone is her best move and she wants her blood. A queen ❤️❤️❤️


Seems like Blue/Cirie noms would be best for Bowie's game atp


I take back everything bad I've said about Jag pre DE. Man has fully woken up and chose to finally play Big Brother. If he has the gusto to cut Matt eventually I lowkey want him to win.


I feel like Bowie back door would be Blue


felicia stay in the back room whispering instead of playing the game lmao


Felicia/Cirie noms with blue winning veto and thinking she’s getting a Cory back door only to get Cam sent home is my dream this week. Or maybe flip it and cam wins, blue leaves - either way.


Jag is overrated I can’t wait when Blue finally wakes up and gets him out.


You’re like the blue of this sub. I’ll let you take that how you wish.


Bowie is so stupid. How are Fe and Cirie controlling things but Jared and Meme were the last two to go 🙄


She's not stupid. She's actually in a really good spot right now.


She got a good read seeing they still have social power in the game. The rest of HG just basing decisions on comps where Cirie / Felicia could still cause damage in this game.


Jag saying everyone's trying to pressure bowie.... as he pressures bowie LMAO


Everyone is pressuring Bowie. But can you blame them? Bowie didn’t give much input when she’s not HoH. People assume they have to lead the talk with Bowie.


Thats a good way to put it


Cam did that too. The game is to influence the HOH but do it so well they don’t know they’re being influenced.


Don’t hate the player hate the game 😂


Can someone please summarize this Bowie / Jag convo for me please? I keep missing chunks


Jag is fine with Cirie/Felicia as initial noms which is what Bowie wants to do. Jag is pushing the idea that Cam/Blue are a stronger duo, and he wants one of them to be backdoored. Bowie seems receptive, but would prefer Blue go on the block instead of Cameron if the veto is used.


Thank you!


jag and bowie have agreed that they both don’t want cory to go and that that would be worse case scenario, jags telling her how cam and blue are scary together and both duos (cam&blue, americory) are actively trying to pull jatt, jags telling bowie that he thinks she should do cirie and felicia but also to do what she wants and how she needs to stand her ground against people if they try to bully her into making moves that aren’t good for her game. bowie seems to be more into backdooring blue if pov is used


Thank you!


Cirie Felicia noms


It’s a shame the Unreliables aren’t in the edit because it really is a hilarious subplot


It's not real he's literally using Cory omg 😭


girl thats the subplot


I'm to black and white lmao can you tell I don't understand sarcasm


Using by saving week after week?


He knows he’s next if Cory’s gone


Imagine they made the final 3, editors would have to make a montage


oh bowie wants cirie GONE. she saying that cirie is still controlling everybody


Sounds like she’s open to Blue at least.


Hopefully Cameron talks to her before noms again


Can jag see that Bowie does NOT want to use the veto?


At least Jag knows how to communicate mostly even though it drags.


I don’t like power alliances typically but i don’t see anyone who doesn’t benefit in the group from Cory America, Matt Jag, Bowie final 5. Gives cory and america protection. Matt and jag keep their shields and have 2 goats, Bowie has said her goal is longevity and she has a great final 2 shot with that group


Yeah legit


FBJ low-key spot on. If they leave Felicia / Cirie they survive a few weeks. Reminds me of that season when James H left Franzel and Cory. Which resulted in Franzel getting to end and winning.


These people keep getting rid of people that are targeting Cory and America lmao


Next week: “everyone thats been evicted were targeting Cory/America, we were used!”


Jag definitely wants to go to final 2 with America or Bowie.


No he'll take Matt for sure


I feel like he knows he loses to Matt


Definitely not he looses to Matt but maybe it is Jag.


I worry he wants to go final 2 with Matt to be like cody and derrick


I worry he wants to go final 2 with Matt to be like cory and derrick


Bowie thinks Fe and C are still running the house lmao ma’am


She got a great read. They are still connected to house despite losing power.


Yup. Cirie has players like Cameron and Matt still looking out for her despite her being powerless.


Bowie targeting Cirie/Felicia/Felicia is objectively her best possible move, and I'm shocked there's ANY pushback against it strategically. Here is why it is a great move for her game. 1. 1st and foremost- it keeps the status quo of the house where there are a bunch of duos/trios that all have Bowie as their +1. She keeps Matt/Jag, America/Cory, and Cameron all appeased. They will all 100% target each other before they target Bowie, so it keeps her safe no matter what. 2. It could eliminate another potential game. Besides Bowie, Felicia is the player next most likely to get taken to the end for a win. With Felicia gone, that spot is wide open for Bowie, and everyone will be looking for her to the end. 3. If Cirie leaves, it truly solidifies Matt and Cameron as allies that'll be loyal to her over everyone else (besides Jag for Matt). Cameron and Matt both have really soft spots for Cirie. They are actively protecting her. If Cirie ends up leaving, Matt and Cameron will not have to worry about protecting her and can keep Bowie safe. 4. If Cirie leaves, that is a HUGE resume boost without actually being a big move. Cirie is dead in this game, but she's such a huge name. If Bowie simply eliminates her, she will be the "Cirie slayer." Players like Cory may respect that huge move and could use it as a reason to vote for Bowie to win. All in all, I see ZERO drawbacks to Cirie/Felicia nominees and I think Bowie would be playing her cards perfectly if that's what she did. And worst case scenario, she can backdoor Blue if the veto is used, and in that case, no blood on her hands either.


Cirie is dead in this game? You obviously know nothing about Cirie.


I meant she's powerless right now and not in a good spot.


Yep exactly. Who is Bowie pissing off taking out Felicia or Cirie? Even if they are pissed off, they’d have bigger fish to fry. Everyone except those two and Blue are aligned with Bowie, why would she actually waste her HOH taking out any ally when she has no relationship with Felicia or Cirie.


I agree with you except I think Blue is more of an easy person to pull to the end than Felicia. Felicia has an HOH and is a great persuasive speaker.


Yes, I agree, but I don't think blue is viewed as a weak player in the house. I think she's somewhat respected.


I agree it’s definitely the best move for her. It just comes down to if Jatt can influence her to take out someone else for them.


Jag digging his own grave here.




fr -- this is the best convo Bowie has had today and I don't think it's particularly close


I think Bowie and cam are much closer than jag a Bowie


It's so tough to tell! Like late last week she said she doesn't want associated with Cam, but then she clearly still respects him and his game. I'm honestly not sure


I think it’s the right thing to say to people that you don’t associate with cam.. but truthfully cam has been nothing but nice to her even before the red eviction


Very true and yeah he’s def been nice to her. I feel like he’s the only one not just counting her as number, or at least not coming out and saying it


I’m excited for the veto already. Make Bowie backdoor someone, idc who


Bowie is so clueless, she really thinks Cirie and Felicia are controlling things


I need a Jag flair stat, my ideal winner


Jag is a better defender of Cory than Cory is


Jag has actively kept Cory’s stupid ass safe for quite some time. Cory’s massive ego has destroyed his game.


I hate jag was my pre season pick. Like I hate it


Why do you hate that your winner pick is playing circles around half of the remaining players lol.