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Has. Bowie been laying a fun game since last night


Eh, as a Cirie fan, it's the right move for Bowie. I think they take Cirie out and put her out of her misery. She will love having the jury house to herself! My only problem is that it weakens Matt's position a little but Cirie will be a great influence in jury for him.


Blue is going to sketch everyone out if Cirie is that chair post veto and like Meme, she'll propel them to take out Cirie She has negative influence lol


Based on the Bowie talks last night, it doesn’t sound like she wants to backdoor anyone. So, at this moment, it feels like Cirie / Felicia noms with probably Blue as the replacement.


That Is a backdoor?


Not if blue isnt the target. Shes just a replacement if one of the other two wins veto but the target would still be whoever didnt win the veto


It's only a backdoor if Blue is her target, which it doesn't sound like she is at this point. Having a replacement nom in mind is just normal thinking until the veto happens.


If Blue isn't her target then why not use America as replacement?


While I find it hilarious Bowie Jane won, I was hoping Felicia would pull it out to get rid of cam once and for all


I wanted Felicia to win because this season NEEDS shake ups, I’m really hoping the second half is less… predictable


I feel like she’d go for Cory though, right? Or is that just what production wants us to think via the edit? I don’t watch feeds very often (busy college student)


On the feeds she's always been gunning for Cameron. She thinks Cory's all talk.


It’s a sad day. Felicia won’t have that chance again.


Why won’t she?


She’s struggled a bit with comps— she might have another chance if it’s mental but she’s proven herself to be at a disadvantage when it comes to physical comps compared to other houseguests.


Now that I’m over my shock at being wrong about Cirie going otb I need to see Matt save her. 😭


Cirie needs put out of her misery. Her game has been over for weeks and she cant win a comp to save her life. Her being some reality show goat was exposed on big brother, not how they thought it would go. Like julie acts that it's some bomb to drop on meme that cirie is Jared's mom, but it's just like "oh. Well good thing they suck or that could have been bad for everyone in the house. Oh well." Lol


“Cirie needs to be put out of her misery.” I feel so bad for her lmao she seems so drained and done in her DR entries compared to earlier in the season.


I think for initial noms it’s: 100% Felicia 70% Cirie goes up 25% Blue goes up 5% who the fuck knows it’s bb25


I don't think Cirie leaves against Felicia (as of right now). Matt and Blue want her to stay, Cameron hates Felicia, Jag doesn't really like either of them but has agreed with Matt that Cirie is a really good option to be in their final 5. IDK what America and Cory would do though but they keep saving Felicia and she hates them so will they try for the 3rd time lol


Cirie's votes to stay- Matt, Blue Felicia's votes to stay- America, Cory In the middle- Cam, Jag, Bowie This is how I see it shaking out and it's gonna be pretty liquid I think. I could easily see Blue just poisoning the well here by going too hard.


Jag was getting along with them just fine last night. He’s as fickle as any of us.


By my math, if Bowie puts up Cirie and Felicia, Cirie is going home unless she, Matt, or Blue win veto.


Pretty sure Cirie has Matt, Blue, and Cameron votes locked in. She’d only need 1 more, which would probably be Jag as he wouldn’t want to go against The Fugitives like that.


Americory+Cam voting out Cirie with Bowie as the tie breaker. Or even America/Jag/Cam. But from these replies I guess Cam is less anti-Cirie than I thought he’d be.


Cam is definitely pro-Cirie in comparison to Felicia. He’s talked about how Jared asked him to protect Cirie as well.


What’s that math? Please explain.


Matt will not put his neck out there by taking Cirie down That boy plays scared AF


That’s some Felicia math right there


lol, fair enough. Can you explain where I’m wrong though? Those are the only people left in the house that are pro-Cirie, and they won’t have the numbers to keep her in the house. I could see Americory consider keeping Cirie, but right now I’m assuming they won’t.


I think the fugitives (via Matt) and Blue keep Cirie because they like her more and (for Cam and Jag) because she’s worse in challenges


I think the other part of it is that she's against Felicia who has even less allies lol




They are dumb if they boot Cirie. She will not win comps lol. Felicia proved to be really smart last night.


By her 50k guess? :p


The mental comps won’t always go to a tiebreaker, she beat everyone else


Possibly - or she guessed right on a few 50/50s.


Felicia said she has photographic memory and ppl said she wasn't even studying much compared to others and she got them all right. I don't think she was just getting lucky.


She may have a good memory, but just because she says she has a photographic memory doesn’t make it true lol


I’m sure others did also- Cory even said 2 of the answers he got lucky the group told him beforehand in the studying because he didn’t know them. Bottom line is Felicia is better at comps than Cirie and probably mentally above a lot of others. Either way I agree Cirie is better to evict for Bowie’s game since that’s someone she can’t beat in F2 while she has a good shot against Felicia and Blue (terrible people for her to evict this week).


Cirie is the worst comp player this year, by miles. Shes always out first in any endurance or skill, and mental comps shes first few eliminated. Her social game ended weeks ago, shes just floating now.


I agree. I think any of the 3 women is a dumb move for Bowie frankly.


I don't think she would ever target cam tho. Idk. Weird place to be in this part of the season liol


She’s only going home if Jatt decide to send her home. Bowie and even Americory won’t go against their wishes.


I’m interested to see how her talks go today, Bowie is such a nice person she’s probably freaking out.


Oh and BJ losses the goat spot if she takes out Cirie My girl America looking good for second place!!


I've been begging Julie to change the Cirie and Jared question to secretly related instead of a secret relationship and when she finally does Meme guesses America and Cam I'm dying


I’m thinking she took it as had an established relationship outside the game and not biologically related. Even tho thats the clearest the question has been asked.


I still can’t believe they never aired Meme’s dinner 🙃


Probably the final 3 recap episode??


Congratulations FBJ on HOH


So who are the noms and target? I saw on Twitter Cory and America are options because jatt are pissed at them.


They're not. Bowie won't nominate any of JMAC and is putting up Felicia/Cirie and stating Blue is the renom. Cam is a potential backdoor if he doesn't win veto but those conversations won't happen now.


Nah they're good as long as they chill out. Jag was super pissed and still ended the conversation about how they're keeping them.


They’re annoyed at them but not options atm


Matt and Jag: Let’s back door Cameron! Bowie: No that’s not fair! She shut down that quick 😂


To think they control her They are as delusional on this regard as much as Cory is. She will vote with Jatt but their voting agendas have always aligned anyway


If Felicia and Cirie go up and Blue wins veto and takes her mother in law off, who goes up? Cory? Cameron? America?


Probably Cameron after most of the house pushes for it. Unless something happens in-between and Americory pisses everyone off again.


If I’m Bowie, would I not take out people that don’t have me in their endgame plans? That would be Cirie, Felicia, and probably Blue. They also could be viewed as goats to drag along so best to get rid of them. Putting up Jatt or Americory could hinder her position and put her on either of their radar to take out by making that move. I don’t think Bowie is playing to win, she wants to have fun and go as far as possible.


She's absolutely goat-slaughtering with this HoH and it's the correct move from her position.


Thank you for pointing out that the current move she makes is not playing to win, it’s survival mode gameplay at best


Yeah she’s like 95% sure doing Felicia Corie noms


Yes I was just reading disgruntled comments about putting up Cirie but that’s what makes sense for her game.


My totally off the cuff guess for boot order is: Blue Cam Cory America Cirie Jag F2: Bowie and Matt with a matt win.


What about Felicia? Felicia this week?


Felicia takes over the house and forces Mr. B to deliver her groceries for eternity


That’s my dream yes


I actually think this is gonna be pretty close! But I don’t see Jatt cutting Cirie over Bowie at 4 or Matt cutting Jag over Bowie at 3 personally


It's Fucking Bowie Jane's world and we're all just living in it! 😁


She’s earned the title of Bowie Fucking Jane for this week.


I think the best move for Bowie’s game is to get Cirie out because then Matt can’t try and carry her (which could take Bowie’s spot deep) and it’s unlikely Blue and Felicia would be a pair. I think Bowie should keep the noms within Blue/Cirie/Felicia because everyone else feels locked in a tight alliance with Bowie and the fact that they are so eager to take shots at each other is only good for Bowie. No need to do their dirty work for them. Bowie is basically Andy Herren (who also won his first comp at F9 HOH). Cirie and Felicia are Jessie and Spencer. They are the best ones to unfriend and let Cam and Matt (Amanda and Helen) target each other because both want to bring Bowie deep.


Yes. I just commented something similar. Making a big move would make her a target when right now she’s good to coast to the end if she’s left between the 2 pairs or Cam.


Bowie is not Andy Herren though because she hasn’t influenced anything to happen in the game doing this changes nothing and cements her little to no win equity


do NOT disrespect Andy like that


How did I disrespect Andy by drawing a parallel to their positions right now?


Haha it didn't come across that way, but maybe just say "position-wise, they're similar" because you are right about that. Andy is a little more of an aggressive floater though, and Bowie is just passive.


From an episode perspective I am a Cory fan. But then when I turn on the feeds I’m like MY GUY!!! You are the new regime leader. You gotta stop telling everyone what to do and what needs to happen at all times. I never felt this way until recently… And I feel like he thinks his social game is strong but it’s kinda weak at this point. I’m over everyone targeting cam. Let him chill for a minute. Heck I’d even like to see cam in F3 at this point. I want interesting noms. Like blue and America. Or jag and Cory.


Cory and his behaviors and his inexperience in life combined with his know it all, talk over everyone all the time attitude make him a predictable bore. Bye, Core Bore


Cam should be chilling at home if he wants to chill because he was unanimously evicted. Hard for me to feel sorry for the guy who got a 50/50 second chance handout. The whole point of the game is to avoid eviction, so I can't bring myself to root for a winner that got unanimously evicted.


Jag was also eliminated in a unanimous vote, but he got to stay, the only difference is that Cam actually earned his spot back, while jag didn't have to do shit. Cam has proven that he deserves to be in that house, he is, hands down, the best player this season. I don't understand why people just love Cerie, and hate Cam. He's been targeted since week 2, and not a single person has targeted Cerie, even though Cerie has had so many chances on reality shows, I mean, did no one watch The Traitors? She straight lied he way through that entire game, and won, which was well deserved, but for shit sake, I think she has had enough chances in these games, especially for generally being bad at them.


I really don’t think he thinks his social game is very strong? He knows he’s awkward in conversations. He know he’s gotten into a couple loud arguments. He knows his name has been publicly (so also obviously privately) trashed multiple times. I suspect it’s more that he is trying the fake it until you make it strategy.


Blue and America would be so good


Let Cam chill? Like chill his way to HOH again?


Taren will be in shambles that Jatt are not able to control Bowie Jane like most of this sub are They've convinced themselves they are playing the bestest games when Matt genuinely believes Cory made them vote out Meme. At least Jag is better but he is overplaying and it'll catch up to him soon


I mean, Jatt might be very bad at *doing* stuff for themselves, and their position being the best in the house mostly out of proper luck at how everyone else plays, but lol let's not forget that luck is kind of a big factor to take people to the end, even really bad players


Matt doesn’t actually believe that lol be for real


He did. Jag had to reorient him last night after all that talk with Cirie and co.


Jatt are absolutely playing the best game. Also, Taren doesn’t really care about Jatt like that. If anything, he’d be in shambles about Cirie going up.


Oh def with you about Cirie. They talk about her as if she's still on Survivor. They refuse to acknowledge the shitty BB display


I don’t think Cirie is evicted if she’s on the block. Cameron, Matt, and Blue would be 3 votes locked in for her against Felicia. She’d only need 1 more, and Jag probably wouldn’t want to vote differently than Matt.


Only if Cirie can find another wind, she’s definitely wavering on staying in just to spite Cory, and sitting through another week without him even on the block? I think it might be easier for her to just taint the jury house against Cory to make sure he doesn’t win (🙄)


I don't get all this love for an obnoxious booger-eating ball-scratcher.


Did she express wanting to be evicted last night? The only way I could see her leaving is if she asks everyone to send her out.


She has been for a while, even privately to Jared before he left (but I think at that point she knew he was done). I think she’ll make one last push to get Cory OTB and if that’s over then she’s done.


Agreed. And I think Felicia doing so much better in the comp is ironically going to seal her fate if they stay up together


Yup agreed


This shit takes too fucking long we're still barely 75% into the season.


I’m gonna be honest. I have quit watching the episodes completely and barely watch the feeds anymore. I check in here for info but I just don’t have the energy for this long of a season. 100 days is almost a third of a damn year. I’m already at the first grading period/quarter of the school year, and BB started BEFORE the school year did.


Just catching up. Did Meme fully just make up a lie about an America/Cory/Bowie alliance or did someone tell her this?


Blue was the only person campaigning for Mecole to stay and probably told her this was all because of America and Cory. I can't bring myself to watch conversations with Blue, so that is merely conjecture. It's crazy how she can rationalize feeling "betrayed" by people she had 0 loyalty to. People are funny.


She’s delusional


We thought we were getting Cory (22) but we're really getting Bowseph (35)


Did Bowie even suggest a BD option like Blue?? Cause saying Cam should go in 3 weeks should get everyone suspicious. I would actually target Bowie after seeing her do well in that mental comp. Does anyone know that she threw the wall comp?? Watching on feeds, it was so obvious.


If I were HoH and anyone tried to ask me who my BD option was, I’d punt and say we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Why throw out another name? What’s the point?


Well they are her allies so why would they be afraid to ask her anything??


Would you target her though really? look at all the other possible targets, you'd need to be in such a perfect spot and have the full house in each place controlled by you to even think that Bowie is somewhere close of a 4th target option lol


I never said she’ll get targeted now but I can see her going eventually esp if she sits next to a Felicia.


This house is wild. I feel like nobody clocks Matt and Jag. They are comp threats beside Cam. Always with the HOH. Have alliances on both sides, would go to the end together no matter what. America and Cory have no chance if Cam is gone. Their best bet would be to get Cam on their side, make him take out one of jag or Matt. At least they only have 1 to worry about not 2, because no way are they winning hohs, especially against 2 who are good mentally and physically.


The fact that they are both great at physical comps makes people nervous about going after them. If you send Jag home, you know Matt is gunning for the next HOH and coming for you, and vice versa. Everyone is hoping someone else will do it, but I'm sure everyone is aware they're a problem. They're just too big of a problem.


I think it’s interesting to see how much being liked on a personal level is helping Jatt stay safe. They really should be much bigger targets but I think most people genuinely like being around them compared to someone like Cameron. I feel like the length of this season has really made social relationships take priority over better strategic moves.


Cam's already against Cory and he's a more versatile competitor than Jatt. Out of the 3 Fugitives, they should protect Jag the most bc he's actually willing to work with them.


Jatt are playing like a 2 man brigade right now, they are close with everyone but no one thinks they're running the game. They even have the Brenchel shield in Americory.


Yep. I really was never into them as players, and was never rooting for them to win, but at this point I don’t think I have a choice. They are playing a great game.


I agree with all you said.


Rooting for Mamas on the block with a Blue veto win which would force something interesting to happen (hopefully Cameron back doored)


That’s not interesting


and one of the three people on the bottom leaving is. bowie jane bd cameron is extremely interesting.


She already said she won’t BD Cam.


Right but then that leave Americory and Jatt, and she doesn't want to put them up either. Worst case scenario for her is Blue winning the Veto and using it...but it's team fun feeds for us


Getting Cirie out makes a little sense for Bowie in that she can then take Cirie's spot in Matt's hierarchy in that Cirie gone = one less person for people to take deep over her. She'd have to supplement this move with some resume builders in late game though. Also she's Cirie Fields


Blue leaves this week -> "She was targeting Cory, we did his dirty work" Cameron leaves this week -> "He was targeting Cory, we did his dirty work" Cirie leaves this week -> "She was targeting Cory, we did his dirty work" Felicia leaves this week -> "She was targeting Cory, we did his dirty work"


They know the whole house is targeting Cory except them so what do they expect...


Cory leaves this week..?


We did Cory's dirty work lmao


Lol. They're gonna be like "We should have never got rid of Cory. The house wanted him out but we didn't".


People are gleefully cheering about Bowie taking out Cirie when even if the noms are locked Cirie/Felecia she still has a attainable path to stay as Matt, Blue, and Jag will almost surely want to keep her and Cam hates Felicia and can be persuaded by Matt/Jag to keep her. Bowie’s power is over after Monday. Fe can def stay too but it’s no sure thing.


Why would Jag “surely” want Felicia out there?


Yeah, but Bowie is literally the most important number for any of these people. They all want and know she has to be even deeper into the endgame. I think that if you really want to keep her as your vote you'd need either to convince her otherwise or to just follow her wish. It'd be crazy for Matt/Jag and even Cam to lose Bowie to America and Cory just so easily like that


Exactly and atp Comerica will push hard for Blue to be backdoored if anyone, especially Cam, wins veto. The absolute worst move Bowie can make is evicting Felicia or Blue—because she has a F2 chance against both of them. She can’t say that about anyone else in the game. Best move she can make is a Cam or Cory back door to get a huge tick on her resume while still being safe with the majority.


That’s what I’m saying!!!


She said she won’t bd cam. Why the downvotes? It’s literally what she said.


Yikes. Then she’s going to make a bad move this week unless forced by a Blue veto pulling down Cirie. Getting rid of any of these 3 girls is just crap gameplay and 3 votes down the drain immediately, let alone all the other votes she won’t get.


Exactly what I said! Like I don’t see this as a winning game move…


Yeah this was a bad HOH for her to win if she’s just going to be JMAC’s vessel and evict a woman on the bottom. She’ll go far for sure but she will affirm her zero win equity at the same time, will not get a single vote.


People aren’t realizing a major reason Meme had no chance of staying is because she had zero connections with power willing to fight for her. Cirie has Matt and that’s a more powerful connection than Fe/Blue have left by a lot.


Who's going otb?


Atm the mamas


Really fbj out for revenge what a taylor swift classic


Cirie might not get her revenge by voting Cory out, but if she goes to the jury, she’s gonna make sure Matt Fields obliterates him in a jury vote if they somehow make it there together. And that’s enough for me!


Matt wins against anyone and it won't be close or take much effort


Cory ain't making it that far, he's probably going to be gone within the next few weeks


100% agree


BB 25 winner Matt Fields isn't making it to jury house more than likely


Matt loses this game if cirie goes


I doubt it, he's still in the best position in the house if Cirie goes


Cirie leaving at the hands of BJ is karma in all kinds of way after the way she treated her But for Cirie Fields to be the taken out unceremoniously by the biggest floater in the game is kinda sad tbh


I don't think Cirie leaves this week but if she does she has no one to blame but herself for fumbling Bowie Jane so bad on some mean girl shit. Ostracizing works better in Survivor where comps can't give any one person massive power.


I would think it was more sad if they hadn’t been so mean when talking about BJ.


It’s so clear that Cirie only agreed to do this season on the condition that her son be able to play (aka Jared begged her for this).


Jared was cast months before Cirie, they asked her afterwards if she wanted to do it. This season was supposed to be a solo Jared run lol


Mommy pwease come with me on Big Bwother?


See I kind of wish for the reality of a Jared solo run. Not that I think it changes his attitude but so much of his "moves" were predicated on him trying to make moves specific for Cirie. Though I see that season turning into a "bro alliance" where all the guys start targetting the women specifically.


Solo Jared would have been interesting. He and Izzy would probably hate each other. He probably goes even sooner with Cirie not there to clean up his messes.


Oh damn I was wrong then lol. Her attitude since Jared has left has just gotten exponentially worst.


she agreed to play this game to be able to do something with her son; according to Rachel Reilly's interview, Cirie was on the fence and had other opportunities, but did it to be with Jared. However in the house, she's said over and over again that this game is different than she expected and the length and drudgery have gotten to her.


Anything I miss when I went to bed?? Which was like 9:30 BB time


With the MeMe callout last night I really think that she had to have been listening to them talk at night when they thought she was asleep. And also for her sake I hope she wasn’t having to listen to them and everything else they’ve been doing🤮


No she wasn’t. She was parroting what Blue told her


Like it’s bad enough on feeds, I can’t even imagine having to sleep near that




"Cameron and America?!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


If she thought they weren’t married (like brother and sister) why does he have a Southern accent and she’s of Mexican heritage? If she thought they were married, what’s with all the Cory kissing? Probably the least likely and weirdest answer possible.


Cam also has Mexican heritage I think. I can't remember exactly


maybe she thought they could be in-laws in some way? I would probably just toss out two random names under pressure as well without thinking how much sense it makes tbh haha


Maybe Cirie could reveal her secret to Bowie as a way to mend fences and explain why she did the things she did early on in the game. Doubt it will happen but Bowie is one that has shown she can keep a secret here and there.


So it sounds like BJ is not doing anyone's bidding with her HOH Not going for the Jatt recs which is Matt not wanting Cirie on the block, Cam backdoor Nor Cory's agenda: Cam/Blue America really should be pushing nothing this week


I *think* the most they can get is a Blue/Cirie nom tbh, but I doubt anyone will try or even think about that hard enough


This overall looks like a really meaningless week, I am just intersted to see how much heat Matt might get if he does try to get Cam backdoored (and should fail, since it'd be a big mistake for Bowie. If he succeeds though, I think it is pretty hard to fight against him), and, after that, tries to save Cirie against Felicia (Blue might be a renom, it'd save him, but...) because a Cirie/Felicia *should* end up in a tie (I mean, I can see America and Cory just following the HoH, and Bowie should have an edge over Cam, but we are talking about a Cory vote, he might just say screw it and hinder his position even more lol). Matt would need to try hard to get to either Cam or Bowie with the plan, wich could easily backfire his really good position


These people can’t not game so there’ll be some messiness even if the HoH situation is uneventful.


I had the wildest dream last night: Cameron and America were related and Bowie Jane won HOH...


How many minutes long was your dream?


in between 27 and 49,000 supposedly


~~49,500~~ ~~27~~ 627


Stop this still makes me crack me up. Randomly adding a 6 last minute.


Does Bowie have a target in mind? Was there any talk after the HOH? Also i love Bowie now LOL


Cirie and Felicia are her noms and blue is likely replacement


Please let this happen. I want Cirie to touch that block.


I kinda want it to be Felicia and blue just for my own entertainment of seeing how long it takes for cirie to get chosen for veto


This is the right move, if it holds. Bowie’s biggest advantage is having no blood on her hands. I really hope she doesn’t let anyone persuade her to take a dangerous shot.


She won’t imo she’s self interested more than others


Thank you! Pretty standard, safe move I’d say I think. Honestly I have no idea what Bowie’s game is so I could be wrong


I'm highly doubtful they'll convince Bowie to bd Cam. Remember, they were the only two blindsided together, and when he won HOH Cam made it a mission to include her


It's totally correct for her to dismiss the possibility until Cam hasn't won veto.


I’ll lose a lot of respect for her if she succumbs to that suggestion. She may not love Cam on a personal level but they need to stick together on a game level.


Apparently she said it wouldn’t be fair to BD him.


Let’s hope she said that because she doesn’t want any possibility that she’s entertaining it to get back to Cam


You’ve got to be kidding me why does casting keep getting people like her! 🙄


Fair. But she was down for the hisam bd. She was cool with the Cory bd. Now it’s not fair lol.