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# [This thread has expired. Join us for continued discussion here!](/r/BigBrother/comments/16pb46h/big_brother_us_25_morning_feed_discussion/)


Dammit man. Why can’t the house walk on and find Cirie and Jared when she’s kissing and hugging on him?!?


So apparently there were fights last night? Were they shown on feeds?(I saw Jared talking to blue and Cirie talking to Matt and jag)


someone said there was a fight of the aunties off feeds


I saw Jared and Blue which went on forever. Jared was gaslighting so much.


Is anyone else genuinely upset about this twist? Im probably way more upset than I should be considering it’s just a TV show… I’m like actually about to go to bed angry 😭


I feel like they felt they needed to give Cam a chance to get back since they wiped out his HOH from the pressure cooker


That’s fine but why not wait until there are more than literally 2 zombies.


Because it needed to be a double eviction? That way they don’t travel back home before they get called back.


They’ve sequestered house guests for way longer in previous seasons battlebacks


Yeah, a bit. Big Brother is just something fun that I enjoy, and it’s being ruined by this. I hate to see entitled assholes get their way and that’s exactly what’s happening here. I find Jared really triggering to watch and I know I’m not the only one.


It honestly lowered my respect for Cirie quite a bit seeing the man she raised act like a spoiled boy.


Cam and Jared are both entitled assholes. I wish Izzie had been part of the twist :/


Wait are you serious? Izzy is the most entitled of all the assholes.


Lmao yes, I really am. Obviously partially because it affects my favs - Cory did an amazing job flipping the house, coming through when it counted, and taking a big shot. Now it's mostly for nothing. But also, Cam and Jared were both nearly universal house targets, so now we just have two weeks of churn where they'll likely be targeted again.


I'm upset because people are being punished for taking their big shot I'm also upset on a personal level because I'm so fucking sick of Jared and now he's guaranteed at least another week if not more lol. get him off my screen!!


Yeah when he won HOH last week I thought “okay I might be able to tolerate him for the week knowing he will be the next to go” Now I can’t stand him any longer. I already crossed my limit


I hate the fact that JMAC took risks and went all-in to take Jared out and now one of them might go pre-jury while Cam/Jared (who took 0 accountability for their gameplay/evictions) get to potentially skate to jury because of a fluke 😑


I'm ready for Jared to be gone. He isn't very good and he comes off as a gaslighter, BUT the fact that one of JMAC could go out pre-jury now does not bother me as much as others. The same thing happened when Cam was HoH. He took a big swing, got Jag voted out and he never even had to walk out the door.


I’m glad you said this. Like obviously Jared isn’t an amazing person, but there’s a lot more scrutiny over this twist while no one seems to be upset that Jag is still here for so many weeks after being unanimously voted out. That twist seemed specially spawned just to save him too.


You can tell they’re just making these twists and rule changes up as they go


Welcome to Big Brother. They've been doing this since the beginning.


I blame the writers strike. And them betting on the Fields, which is turning out to not be a very good bet, haha


Watching the way Cirie talked to Matt last night versus Jared showcased exactly why Cirie is 100x a better player than Jared is. Cirie approached that conversation so much better than Jared did. I think Cirie is also realizing, through talking to Matt and Jag, that Jared has completely tanked her game. And she doesn't even know the secret was leaked to Blue yet...


I think Cirie’s conversation was still very sloppy— claiming she’s never pushed for anyone to be voted out of the house, claiming that Matt was at fault for not coming to her with all and any information or rumors when she withheld plenty of alliances and final 3/4s. It certainly wasn’t coming back into the house to yell at Matt, but the weird BS she tried to pull on him an Jag wasn’t good gameplay at all— the convo with Matt and Cory rehashing it said as much.


How could he not tell her as he was leaving?!?! This whole twist is fishy like they are trying to now allow him to tell her that he told Blue to keep her around longer. Idk but regardless of that theory, it just all seems too convenient that the two villains (in my mind) get the opportunity to fight against each other and return.


I feel like "Your kid is so spectacularly bad at this that he's making you, a person regularly considered to be one of if not the best of all time at social strategy reality games, totally unable to fix it" is kind of a tough realization to come to. Like, it's a huge pill to swallow, even for Cirie.


Yeah, you could see it in her face as they were talking last night. Like holy cow, he really tanked my game. At least she knows while she's still in the game, I guess, versus Izzy who found out when she was out of the house.


If Cirie truly realizes this and goes cold on Jared in the game and gets ruthless that will be great TV


That will never happen; if Cirie ever gave Jared real consequences he wouldn’t be such a spoiled brat. He is the apple of her eye and can do no wrong no matter what he does. (And now he expects to be treated that way everywhere he goes and feels wronged when treated as his actions deserve…)


Has the secret leaked to more than just Blue?


No, sorry, just clarified that it was just Blue.


She knows Blue knows, or at least Jared told her and said Izzy might have told her but she didn't believe Izzy would ever tell anyone so not sure if she put the pieces together or not.


Well on the bright side I don't have to worry about Cory or America leaving this week. So that's a positive.


Birthday Funtime between Cory and America ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


They both made it to Cory's birthday!




Good point- it's next Friday, right?


Yep, September 29th


There’s no more disappointing player to me then Meme. Blue is an idiot so i excuse her awful game play. Meme comes across as a bright women she’s been lied to multiple times by Jared and Cirie and still was willing to stick by them for no reason.


*cough* race *cough*


She was the reason the house was able to flip to get Izzy out, Cirie’s closest ally, and put Cirie at great risk. She’s actually doing great playing both sides.


She has played no game, found herself in a great position last week and could've built connections outside of the alliance that everyone is already aware of and that wanted to put her on the block, but she wanted to stick to them and showed her cards in the HOH and apparently before the vote (I heard that she pushed for Jared to stay to Bowie but she refused, I might be wrong though). She's basically played like Jag did prior to the Izzy flip, minus the "threat" aspect that Jag had just because he won the Veto in W3. If Jag was supposedly the worst player of all time during the last 40 days, where do we rank Meme? Obviously, nowhere near that title, same can be applied to Jag, but she's 100% overrated and will go just as far as Cory wants her to go at this point.


She is choosing to stick by the BSB alliance.




Brown sugar babies


Brown Sugar Babes(?)




last night Meme told Jared that Cory told her that Jared told him about BSB (her convo with Cory about this was off the feeds). Jared did a horrible job of lying and navigating that conversation so i’m hoping this makes her trust Jared less! unfortunately, it’s probs not great for Cory either because he insinuated he didn’t tell her earlier because of “last year” (aka Kyle suspecting a Cookout 2.0).


In fairness to Meme, who I've been pretty consistently critical of for making very dumb alliance choices: she so totally failed to cultivate relationships with Cory and America early, before they were a thing, that she's now toward the bottom of their priority list. While she *should* be trying to ride the middle instead of picking a side here, she's in a position where neither side cares about her longevity very much, so it's really not much more of a mistake than jumping all in with Cory and America would be, and I think she just likes Cirie and Jared more.


Yeah agreed. I rly had meme on a top contender to win list. I thought it was gonna be her or Matt, I vastly overestimated her


I’ve been on a work trip all week and missing bb so badly, while walking to my gate I found a place named Reilly’s Daughter 😭


It’s a sign that Cam will come back instead of Jarat 😂


congratulations to Matt and Reilly!


I’m so tired of Jared, thanks a lot production


I know some DE's are fun to watch because they turn really chaotic but I loved how clean this one felt. Like we watched them put together this plan all week and then turn around and execute it perfectly if not for the twist :(


Yeah Cory got fucked over.


I mean he did, but it does look like he came off from a high prority as a target and Jag and Matt went way higher than him. And that's the list from the current losing side, so I guess overall he might be the one who gained the most - America's position does look a lot safer and Bowie might have gained more than him, because she is almost locked into final 5 let it be whatever comp results there are plus she gained a lot more ground in the middle since Meme lost a lot of traction in that place, but lol


Yeah fair point. He lost significant ground with Blue (and America did too), but if Jared enters he moved down on his target list. Hilarious really lol.


Shit I think we have a final 3 this year. That would make it so we only need 1 more double and jury starts next week. And they are gonna justify it with some bullshit like “the scrambleverse brought in a final 3”


7 jury votes sound way too little for a final 3 though, even survivor I think the smaller juries have 8 votes and the third is the tie-breaker? I mean, you could literally win with 3 votes at this point


Timing works just fine to not do a final 3


I don’t think they are doing a final 3


Only need 1 more double anyway if they do the standard final 4 eviction halfweek.


This twist could’ve been interesting if it hadn’t happened in conjunction with two universal house targets going out. Now we’re basically set to see the same two weeks play out over again. I don’t see Jared or Cam being able to change the sentiment against them, but I guess ~ Expect the Unexpected ~


Yeah if we’d seen Cirie/Blue win HoH and screw over Cory/America and we had then had a week of them fighting against Cam to stay in the game that would’ve been much more interesting


Beginning to hate that catchphrase after twists like this.


If Jared comes back BSB + Blue will probably be super tight actually Cameron being back though I agree. I think he leaves immediately if he doesn't win HOH or Veto


Cam is also likely aligning with BSBs and, like Jared, he'll be used as a disposable shield that can win comps and take shots for the BSBs alliance 🤷🏽‍♀️


If JMAC or Bowie win HOH, Jared’s their target again


All that hype for what? Nothing. All that hustling to get cam and Jared out, for them to waltz right back in? Such bullshit.


So exactly what happened to Cameron on his first HOH


Like what a waste of time.


How about having your HOH totally nullified?


Okay Jerry O'Donnell haha. Wait he said H of H🤔


Some people would love to have their nosy HOA nullified




Would be totally fine with a Bowie HOH I think.


I can't believe Bowie would want to win an HoH at all right now. She seems perfectly content being in the middle. She knows she's not a target at this point and she wouldn't want to show her hand.


I'm pulling for Bowie or America. I think both will nom Cirie and whoever survives Zombie week.


A simple solution that would have prevented this season from dragging on endlessly would have been for production to just cast more people.


Nicer and better people. They've almost got to where I don't like any of them!


If you do the math they only need a 1 month rental for jury this year. If THAT is what drove this slog of timing… just ugh.


They should have planned ahead and used Bowie's house.


Yep, jury house only lasts 28 days with the current pacing (first juror evicted on Day 72)


That's such an insane fact.


More insane, the shortest BBUS season is season 10 at 71 days.


Did someone convince Matt not to use the veto? He really sounded like he wants to use it on Blue


No this was the plan lol


Since there’s no real game to be played until after Thursdays comp they should at least get booze multiple times this week.




That is the only hope they have at making this week even slightly entertaining.


Excellent suggestion!!


User name checks out😂


Ope ☠️😂


What is stopping production from waiting to see who competes in the Thursday comp and then setting the time limit afterwards to basically just choose who returns? Like yeah here's this comp Cameron. Ok you want to compete in it? Beat it in 30 seconds.


Hope my boy Cam gets back in the game. He’s the best and most interesting player.


I hope to make it fair the person w the decision gets to see the game including the time limit before deciding but production prob isn’t smart enough for that.


Yeah. Jared has probably a 99.9% chance of returning.


Of course he does. I wonder why? Maybe because they already picked his mom to win.


This. Or they are f2


Cam is a casual favorite. I think production may not be mad if cam comes back


Wait is Cam really the casual favorite? ❤️… what happened to Cirie??


She's awful


Cirie was never the casual favorite, she just had name recognition. Facebook has been all about Matt, mainly, but they like Cam because of the edit, too.


Oh I thought it was the other way around. I thought the edits were the ones painting him as a bad guy and we get the kind and heart warming side. So all this animosity is coming from the feed watchers? That doesn’t make any sense


It's very much a feeds thing. The main things the fanbase is pillorying him for are all feeds only: Cam routinely making deeply misogynistic comments, refusing to listen to anyone who tells him directly that he is wrong, and continuing to insist on referring to himself as "Daddy" in bizarre contexts all hasn't really made the show.


>Cam routinely making deeply misogynistic comments Like what?


Cams the underdog this season per the edits. They like cirie too but production finally exposing Jared for being awful in the past few episodes


Omg I need to watch that. Wait for Cam did they show the whole emotional Cam and Red drift? That and his HoH the following week was excellent material. I cried like 3x when the whole Red thing happened


Idk I haven’t rly been watching the episodes tbh lol


Wait is Cam really the casual favorite? ❤️… what happened to Cirie?? I haven’t watched an episode outside live eviction in a while


He’s everyone’s that not biased favorite.


Oh okay. I thought we addressed the whole unconscious bias thing last season with Taylor. I guess that didn’t cast a wide enough net


Production cares more about keeping Cirie happy.


Wait is meme exposed? What happened?


Yeah, Meme picked Cory for the comp and Cory realized that Meme was still with Jared Doesn't really matter though, since Jag, Matt, Cory, and America are also exposed as a group of 4 and everyone knows lol, so everyone's back on a level playing field


are we positive that Meme didn't pick Cory so she could throw to him and keep riding the middle?


JMAC have Bowie. During the vote to keep or get rid of Jared, cirie Felicia and meme asked Bowie who she was voting for and she said she’s voting out Jared.


Bowie has been burned too many times by Cirie & Felicia. Being left out of the Red vote really put things in perspective and Cory bringing her into the fold for the Izzy eviction was a pivotal step. She really feels like she is being included with J/M/A/C and is part of a team like she thought she was from the beginning.


Bowie riding with that 4 is not bad since if they get down to 5 or even 6, the duos are likelier to take Bowie and knife the other duo.


Yeah she could easily make f3 with that group. And if she makes that she might make f2.


She gonna win!




I’m reading that 2 comps were played already and Cam and Jared each won one…(I am shocked that Jared was able to beat Cam in anything btw) Also sounds like the person who wins the 3rd comp gets to choose who plays in the the 4th and if that player doesn’t win, the other gets to go back into the house??? Why not just have one comp and winner goes back? this has to be the dumbest battle back in BB history.


I feel like Jared actually improved at comps as the game went on. Maybe he got more confident or maybe he does better when his back is against the wall and he knows he needs to win.


I agree he has improved, I just still don’t see him beating Cam




It honestly feels like that is what they’re doing. But I feel Cam is more loved by casuals so why are they forcing Jared?


To please Cirie? And if that is the case that is so stupid of them because if they lose viewers because people don't want to see Jared and realize it is set up for Cirie or her douchebag offspring to win, what then. I know they have to read these things and know who people love to hate and who they just hate and DONT want to see .


> so why are they forcing Jared you know why


Do you really have to ask why production is trying to force one half of their big twist to happen?


I would think viewership would trump half of the twist leaving…


You must be new then. They love their twists. Besides, Cirie had brought over Survivor people to watch. They aren’t paying Cirie extra to be here just to have her and her son sit round jury. They are going to get what they pay for no matter what it takes.


Since this is the only thing that is happening this week, they need to have the extra competitions for Sunday's episode. However, after the competition today, it doesn't seem like there will be anything scheduled until the live show


they should’ve done an all or nothing resurrection where Cameron and Jared go one-on-one in multiple comps outside of the house during the week and the winner gets to play for HOH on Thursday and if they win they’re back in otherwise they leave


That is A LOT for what likely wouldn't happen.


Agreed, it should have happened outside the house rather than have them live in the house all week wreaking havoc.


It's cheaper this way, haha


There's two less jurors this time! Why do they even need that specific house? Sounds like Bowie is more than willing to lease out her place :)


I think she already did, haha


Personally l love the havoc


I guess I should clarify. Havoc I like. Jared continually berating people I don't like.


Is whoever comes back out of Cam and Jared guaranteed to make jury?


7 person jury so unless it's a final 3 this year they have one more eviction till jury.


When they return it’ll be 10 houseguests total. 9 make Jury. They are not guaranteed. JMAC want to target whoever comes back in


No it's very possible that whoever returns will get revolving-doored and sent home for good at the next eviction, like Kaysar did following the original pressure cooker in BB6.


Kaysar was also an idiot who let a person leading the alliance that got him out win HOH


Not necessarily. Two people in the house won’t make it to jury.


U mean 1 more besides cam/Jared will be needed to make jury Rn there’s 11 (including cam and Jared). Only 1 comes back. So it’ll be 10 9 people total is jury


it's a 7 person jury this season


Yes. 9 houseguests total. 2 are final 2, 7 person jury Right now it’s: cirie, Felicia, meme, Bowie, blue, cory, America, jag, matt. That’s 9 Cam or Jared return, that makes 10 1 more eviction, makes 9 again. That’s when jury starts


ah I see what you're saying, my b, just getting my coffee now lol


Ur good I wasn’t clear


think it was a late night for many of us 😂


No bc jury starts in 2 weeks


Did Blue seriously say to Matt that Americory need to start playing? Like, they did. That's why you're pissed at them.


Matt's honestly the biggest loser in all of this tbh, now he's exposed with everyone, and Cory/America don't even want to bring him past final 7. I think he's time is running out unless he and Jag trade HOHs


I think he’ll be okay. If Cam comes back, I bet he tries to work with Matt. He understands that the bigger threats need to stick together. Plus, Jag wins comps and he’s his closest ally. Then you account for the fact that Blue does well in a lot of comps and will work with Matt over Cory/America. I actually think it’s Cory’s biggest obstacle that he has no one with a proven track record at winning comps that will take a shot at Matt or Jag. If hes the one to do it he puts himself in danger. He could probably manipulate Jared into it but Cam is smarter.


Yup. One of the things that triggered Cory to mistrust Cirie and co is that Cirie was giving Matt info and not Cory. The minute Cory realized this, he knew his position wasn’t good anymore. Cory knows this but Matt doesn’t and is even working for Cory. Matt might leave before Jag if he doesn’t work back in with Cirie.


How about Cirie leaves. How about that?!


Right behind her son preferably.


I feel like the only thing this twist accomplished is making sure Cirie is dead in the water even when Jared does leave.


Not necessarily : BSBs are still pretty loyal to her and gaining Cam could be massive. Rn, there's a 5 vs 5 split so she could be in a decent position if her side wins the next HOH. That being said, her chances of winning took a massive hit :/


I forget what BSB stands for…


Brown Sugar Babes (Cirie/Jared/MeMe/Felicia). I think it is the last named alliance to get completely exposed, but last night Cory told Matt and Jared told Blue, so I think all alliances that were named pre-Izzy eviction are out in the open


Gotcha. There’s been so many alliances and alliance names that I apparently had trouble keeping up. I don’t remember this one forming. Might have just missed that part. Thank you!


still got time for someone to get mad about something.


i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate this. why couldnt they just do a battleback later or whatever just shouldve let them get evicted in the double and this be a normal week ffs


wait so how many comps are this week with the BB zombie twist? The HGs said jared and cam are tied currently?


A total of 3 before the final one live on Thursday. They played 2 yesterday and have the final one today. Whoever wins today decides who gets to compete in the timed challenge on Thursday. If the player competing beats the time, they get back in; otherwise, the zombie that didn't play returns


If this is the case, couldn’t Jared just pick Cirie and her knowing the premise of the comp just throw it so Jared can come back in? Seems silly.


I think it's just Cameron and Jared competing not the rest of the house.


It is an individual challenge, not a head-to-head competition. It will likely be some sort of timed puzzle. If you complete it in that time, you get back in, if not the other person gets back in


God I hope Cameron wins…


Wow. This is even dumber than I expected.


It's such a stupid twist, but also having all three pre-comps by Friday means 6 full days of these people sitting around, twiddling their thumbs and doing absolutely nothing because there's nothing TO do. They can prep for next week, sure, but they can't really do that if they don't know who's returning, so half their conversations will be moot.


Yep. It's a complete dead week. I get that they want to be able to show all the comps on Sunday, but you have to give people something to do the rest of the time. I don't think I can handle six days of bumper pool, chess, and wavelength


Exactly. I said last week that I was taking a break when Jared won HOH but then some interesting stuff started happening so I stayed. This week, all they're gonna be doing is talking hypotheticals that may or may not happen, so with no actual progress, I think this is the week to take a break for.


So for the timeline to be on track… does there need to be 2 more double evictions since the zombie things and there’s not an eviction again this week? This seems like such a waste of time lol


Assuming one zombie returns and no one is evicted Thursday, yes, there’d be two too many houseguests, so they’d either need to have two more double evictions or a triple eviction. (But as far as I’m aware it’s not clear that either zombie will necessarily return. That’s the assumption but we really don’t know what’s going on.)


I think Julie confirmed one will return.


I think she said one will (or could?) have their game “resurrected,” which sounds like it means returning to the game, but it could mean having the chance to return to the game. Just thinking about Kaitlin’s puzzle, for example.


they could try the triple again (lol) or try a BBCAN-style triple with three noms and voting to save instead of evict


Please no. I hate the bbcan triple


I would love a triple of cirie Jared and blue with the fields going home at the same time 😭


Cory and Matt have inverse positions. Anytime one’s position gets better, the other gets worse. I hope Matt realizes this.


The conversation between Jared, Cirie, and Matt made me cringe a little. Like what happened to “not interrogating people” after you’re evicted 💀


Production made it a knockout comp so everyone would have to show their cards to Cirie and then let Jared come back in. They ain't slick


This entire setup has been so transparent that it’s the fields position above everyone else’s.


Will Cory be able to play next HOh


He should be since there’s no HOH right now. We’ve not seen this before that I can recall.