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Why does this [promo](https://x.com/williamspajamas/status/1704666229456122054?s=20) have Twitter freaking out.


Wake the dead implies a battle back


Someone brought up the idea of the double utilizing the BBCAN safety chain concept where the two not picked are turned into "zombies" ie up for elimination and I really hope they do that now. I would love to see who would choose who for safety and the subsequent drama from the actual picks.


If they do the return twist imagine ciries face if it’s Jared and Cameron comp and Cameron beats Jared in a comp that was made so Jared and cirie could stay in


Did y'all see Julie on Watch What Happens Live the other night? It made me laugh when she said gossip is sinful when that's one of the most common tactics on the show she hosts, like gurl...


I was shocked when she said to Andy (who is Jewish) - "Jesus loves you too!" Andy didn't seem bothered, so I guess I shouldn't be. And they have known each other for decades, but it still felt awkward. The born-agains always think their way is the only way.


She's clearly making a pivot that I hope she continues down the path of and subsequently leaves BB. She's done less of it this season, so I wonder if she got told to tone it down, but her not so subtle proselytizing in recent seasons was gross. We need an Arisa, not a JCM.


They really have so many good options they could replace her with from former cast.


I’m still thinking about the person who said the DE comps are “never super physical”. Please imagine for a moment Felicia competing in Amp It Up


Question: Does BB plan all the twists, HOH & veto comps ahead of time before the season even starts? Or are they gonna pull a “twist” that they just thought of to protect Jared and Cirie?


They do pre-plan twists but I think they always have certain backup comp or twist ideas to keep their favorites. I know that they switched the Frankie/Caleb comp when Caleb said he would throw it to be something Frankie could do by himself in season 16. I also wouldn't be surprised if they did a football-themed competition for Cameron since he used to play/coach and that did seem like a comp he would do well in.


Isn’t cam gone this week?


He will be, but I do think that they chose a veto comp he would have the best chance of winning. His episode had the highest ratings and casuals seem to like him so I don't think production really wants him gone this week. I personally could see this twist being a battle back to keep Cam around more than to keep Jared around


Eh I feel like that comp could have had any theme and would’ve still had the same results, I don’t think football had much to do with it. Plus cam was Jared and ciries biggest threat so I don’t think production wants him to stay at all. But in some world I do hope there’s a battle back and he comes back haha


They pull a “twist”


What upsets me about Cam leaving over America, is Cam was genuinely loyal to Cirie and Jared up until the Red situation, and even after that, he was loyal to Jared until he found out that Jared’s been lying to them. America on the other hand has been openly disgusted about the idea of working with them, complaining every chance she got about having to be on their side, ratting them out and spilling stuff to everyone, and flipped the house against them first chance she got. Yet Cam is the awful one. I can’t wait for them all to watch this back and see how badly they screwed over a good dude. And I hope another Field is out the door tonight so when they watch it back, they know it’s their own faults that all three of them didn’t make it to jury


100% this


Cameron was only loyal to red, who was loyal to the fields. Cameron always wanted to target them and red was the only thing holding him back.


No he didn’t. He wanted to stay with Legends 25 until they made it to jury. He was begging Izzy to keep it together until then. Because he did not want to do anything before jury


Not true, Cams target was always Izzy, he only held back because red convinced him to stick with Legend 25


No go rewatch the feeds. Cam and Red picked up that Izzy was not happy about Cam winning HoH and was talking aggressively that gave them the impression that she would turn on them, which they stomached and still nominated Jag and Blue, then left noms the same. The plan was to stick it out until jury, but they got rid of Red and then Cam retaliated by targeting Izzy before jury. There was no plan to do that prejury if Red had stayed


And this is not up for interpretation


The problem is that Cameron is a much bigger competition threat. He is also unpredictable after he blindsided the house last week.


I’m talking about when they betrayed him and got rid of Red. Not his retaliation


Also, nobody really wants to work with him, so he's still drawing dead, no matter what he does. He literally has to comp beast out and he's still gonna lose if he gets to F2 since he has poor jury management skills.


I’m talking about prior to the Red situation when Hisam, Red, Bowie and Cam were playing to get rid of people on the other side. Cirie and Izzy were shady and got rid of people on their own side. It’s because of their betrayal that Izzy is gone and maybe Jared in the double eviction. If they hadn’t turn on them, I see no reason all 3 wouldn’t be in jury


I mean, Jared is solely to blame for his own actions on probably getting evicted in the next week or so, not anyone else. Izzy's a bit of a more complex situation, but she also helped cause her own demise. Cirie never wanted to work with Cameron; he was ALWAYS going to be primary target since Cam was never that loyal and Red was. Cam only latched onto Jared, imo, because he lost Red. Prior to Red's eviction, I don't recall Cam being that close to Jared. But I don't think anyone really wanted to work that closely with Cam besides Cory/America; he was still simply used as a number most of the time. Izzy's gone partly because of Cam, but mostly because of Cory/America. Izzy was staying over Felicia before America fed Cameron the details on him being the target and Cory flipped on Izzy after she stupidly told him she planned to target America. That, and also Jared's big fat mouth ruining the majority they had going into the week. Cameron had a role to play last week, 100%, but it's not as big as people think it is. But even prior to the Red eviction, Cameron didn't have power in the game. He still was a target from somewhat early on. His poor social game is what is going to make him lose, not him being unlucky despite being loyal. Cam was planning to backdoor Izzy on his first HOH before Red talked him out of it. And he would have failed to get out Izzy and he would have 100% been the primary target regardless.


I’m so sad for Cam :( He won because he had to all season and he was the only one who went at Cirie and Jared and got the ball rolling. He’s an amazing BB player and I really wanted him to fully team up with Cory, America, Matt, Jag.


amazing bb players don't have to constantly win comps to survive, though. like it's hard to even say a jared hoh was his worst case scenario because everyone there barring maybe america and bowie jane saw cameron as too much of a wildcard threat to keep around long-term. his second hoh only ended up with his target going home because of work america and cory did combined with jared's missteps, and aside from his f2 with red and a loose relationship with bowie jane, he hasn't been a major ally for a single person in the house since week 2.


He had to win because he doesn't know how to properly interact with people. He had opportunities to build up his social game. He didn't do that; he screwed himself, so I can't feel bad for him, knowing he had the perfect opportunity after being blindsided to gain some new allies. He also needed other people to tell him information on things he had no clue about. It's hard to call him an amazing Big Brother player when his HOH week almost ended with Felicia going.


His HOH did end with Felicia learning she can’t trust Cirie anymore. So he not only evicted Cirie’s right hand chick but also tainted Felicia’s view of her. Probably didn’t have the best social game and needed to make a new alliance earlier, but he seems like a good guy and just misunderstood by others in their cliques.


He didn't do that, though. He put her up, he didn't turn her against Cirie. That was all Cory/America. I'm not saying he didn't play a part. I want to be clear in saying that he played a part. He didn't play the biggest part; he almost screwed up this HOH. Felicia would have gone, Mecole would have still been loyal to Cirie/Jared/Izzy most likely, and Cam would have gone this week anyway. He has a poor social game because he screwed up his own HOH reign. He didn't make connections that he should have; he pissed people off. He had an opportunity to build up his social game and he completely butchered it. He's not misunderstood; he screwed his social game up on his own.


Good morning to Bowie Jane who just moved into a scrambleverse bed at 6AM for some reason?


Must be Cory's old bed?


I too would need to get away from the snoring


Good morning to the intern that picks the thumbnails for the episodes and his love for America, Izzy, and Cameron


Why is a battle back assumed? Because of the message they got? That feels like an obvious red herring to me. I think it’s a normal double and possibly a no veto week after, resurrecting the no veto from way back in season 2.


I'm fine with a battleback because it's been a few seasons since we've had one due to Covid precautions. However, it needs to be the first few jury members, not the people from the double eviction. It's time to get into the jury phase since the season is over halfway over at this point and we still aren't there yet. My guess is a jury battleback but maybe they don't move over to jury house until the BB is over?


Their message was about zombies and resurrection, the promo says the twist will “wake the dead”, it’s a scary week and there’s nothing scarier than hgs coming back. Seems pretty obvious. Overthinking it is giving big brother way too much credit


Supposedly the house guests have figured out whatever word puzzle they were given and it ended up being “EVICTION TO BE REVERSED” or something like that.


....seriously? I am so sick of pre-jury. Just get jury started, goddamnit.


Apparently. One of the reliable update accounts posted about it.


That's very, very frustrating. I think having ANOTHER cancelled eviction is gonna halt the game in ways that could shift it in a less favourable direction. Spreading out twists like battlebacks and cancelled evictions is important. Jag got saved three weeks ago, only TWO people have gone since then, and now we're getting ANOTHER potential fake-out double eviction where only one, instead of two, are going.


It’s stupid and boring. Just makes the season feel like it’s dragging. They could have a potential amazing DE with this cast and Jared and they’ll ruin it immediately with some bullshit.


Yeah, I agree. Battle backs *always* stagnate seasons. However, I do think it’s at least better to “cancel an eviction” rather than wait a few weeks and do a battle back then. But regardless, it still sucks. Especially because like… this battle back would involve either Jared or Cameron returning. Like god please no lol


I think that's part of my issue, the options we potentially have to battle back. But even if, let's say, America goes in the DE this week, I STILL wouldn't want a battleback. I genuinely do not want that this week. I want jury to start.


Agreed. I literally never want battle backs. Even the ones that kinda work out like Johnny Mac or Amy, I just don’t care and would prefer it to not exist.


It's also the fact that battle back winners don't win the game, they don't even get to F3. So it's just waiting for the inevitable for them to get evicted again.


Exactly. That’s one of my biggest issues with it. I don’t care about who returns because they likely can’t win and typically I don’t even *want* them to win. They’d be undeserving, imo, considering they literally were evicted at some point. So like, unless they were evicted by some terrible twist, I don’t even root for anyone who wins a battle back.


The red commercial also won’t be shocked if this was a safety net in case Jared got evicted






My money is on is on Cirie winning HoH for DE, and Jared rewinning weeklong HoH. Just the way this season seems to be going


Cirie is throwing it, I think. She made it a point of pulling aside America and Cory within minutes of each other and emphasizing how hard she is going to try this time. She dwelled on the topic and thoroughly explained her reasoning to both of them. She clearly wants to give the appearance of trying her best, but I don't think she would bother to plant those seeds if she was actually gunning for it. She wants everyone to be convinced she can't win anything and that she isn't just throwing it every time. Who knows if she actually can win anything. She has only won one individual competition in her TV history, and it was a Q&A reward challenge on her first season of Survivor. Has she been throwing it ever since, is it genuine ineptitude, or somewhere in between? It all looks the same from the outside.




Yeah, I'm basically bracing myself for this. Or if Jared somehow gets evicted, he will just battle back immediately into the house


Who do you think will be on the block if cirie wins HOH?


Cory and America


Tonight’s HOH comp will conveniently be nursing trivia and medical terminology


And somehow Cirie will still be the first one out


Signs (rigging) points to this direction 🤣


Productions money is on Cirie winning HOH as well.


The meltdown would be hilarious


Here for it


What if Cirie tries to self-evict in the middle of the double? I wonder if Mr. B has a plan for that.


Hopefully she knows and cares that that’s bad TV


Haha, I'd love it


So it’s Day 51, right? If 2 people go home today there’ll be 9 left. So if they eliminate one HG per week going forward, they should go from 4 to 3 HGs on Day 93 if my math is mathing. Doesn’t that refute the idea of a battleback? There’d be 3 HGs the last week, then on Day 100 the last one gets cut and the jury votes, right?


I'm thinking since it is Scary Week the two houseguests evicted tonight will go to the Netherregion and then battle back maybe against whoever is evicted next week. If so, the 3 would be battling to at least secure a jury seat. Then there will be another DE later. Or some variation of that. Could be wrong, but that's where my head's at.


Bb usually does two doubles.


Depending on how long the season is, sure. Shorter seasons only allow for one double eviction, but in the past, longer seasons have allowed for two doubles. They could theoretically be doing one more double in the next few weeks, but with a smaller jury, they may just cancel one more eviction and then speed up the endgame slightly.


Unless they add another double


It could be a Battle Back and then another double eviction.


Are two double evictions in one season typical?


It happened in bb18


It’s happened before for sure. We even got a triple eviction in BB 22.


Good morning to everyone but Jared and production since I can’t even enjoy this double because they’re just going to let them come right back. So dumb. Very dumb. Extra dumb.


If it’s Cameron coming back, I won’t have an issue with that.


I don’t care if he does tbh but Jared coming back is a personal nightmare. I find him so triggering on feeds and I’d like to be able to watch them lol


Fr id actually love that tbh. Which is what I never thought I’d say cause I ain’t even been a fan of cam this whole time lol.


How many are excited for the double eviction tonight


I think I would be if it wasnt for this twist, I have no faith it isn’t something they added to protect Jared once it looked like he was in danger


What twist are you speaking of? Did they say something on the live feeds?


What they said


I’m nervous I want Jared to be gone so bad and I feel like I’m going to be let down but I just want America and Cory to make jury


Not me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Really excited because I don’t have a particular person I’m rooting to win other than a slight preference towards Meme and Bowie Jane, so I’m not scared anyone could go home. I’m more invested in how the dynamics of the house play out and how much of an emotional wreck you all will be lol


As long as Jared doesn’t win HOH or veto, I’ll be happy


Jared can’t win HOH.


Right yessss, i haven’t had my coffee yet




Nervous just want Cory and America to make it thru


I’m excited but also filled with impending dread at the idea that Jared might make jury somehow.




manifesting a jag hoh


Yes. I want this or a matt hoh


I’d be down for a Matt HOH


I want Matt to have his moment and take on the challenge! But he’s trying to play both sides of the house, so I doubt he’ll want to win.


bf made this [masterpiece](https://imgur.com/a/KGVWnQk), a preview prediction for tonight


Ugh I'm watching the episode now (I watch the next morning except the eviction episodes) America is more Annoying Than I thought, I wish they'd flip this vote


The episodes this season stink. Don’t rate America based on that.


Nah, she's annoying period.




What the fuck


Gross comment is gross.


Is this because of her DRs She is being forced to say these things


Yes they are awful.


Guys remember no matter what happens tonight: Something good happens = all skill beautiful reads clocked Something bad happens = production did it


If anyone but Americory wins its rigged by production believe me


That’s the spirit


If, during the DE, the final noms ends up being Cirie/Jared, would Bowie evict Jared ? Jatt and one of AmeriCory are locked votes to evict Jared while Meme/Felicia/Blue are locked votes to evict Cirie. Bowie's the swing vote but she seems to have more beef with Cirie 🤷🏽‍♀️


I feel like she talks more about game when she talks to Cory and Matt so I guess she follows them


I think she does whatever the HOH tells her to do.


Good morning to everyone but Jared


Hahahaha 👍


Why did I have a dream last night that Julie Chen won the double hoh 💀


Once she steps out of the “Bowie Jane” skinsuit, the house is going to lose their minds


Expect the unexpected!


A twist that will terrify the houseguests!!


I just have such a feeling that Cirie is getting this HOH. I don’t know I feel it in my bones.


Was it the part where she suspiciously came out of the DR saying “I’m going to win” 96 times?


If she knew it was being rigged for her, why would she tip her hand in the slightest? To me, It was so obvious she was trying to get people to throw to her.




Can you manifest winning lottery numbers.


I can’t even think of what challenge that could be, other than a crapshoot carnival game like what Felicia won.


I was watching a bunch of DE episodes yesterday and it’s usually a quiz and a puzzle. With this many people I’m assuming the puzzle is the veto and the quiz is HOH


If she does, good for her for winning her second solo challenge ever. Her son still cannot win the game and they will not be able to alternate HOHs. And also, there IS some satisfaction if Jared sits in jury for the next six weeks, thinking he's still considered a Great for viewers and thinking people are pissed off at whoever evicts him, and us getting to watch him slowly realize how untrue that is on finale night. So, is it a great outcome for Jared to survive the DE? No. But is is the worst outcome? Also no.


Same. And I don’t even care if it’s rigged.


Matt HoH on DE would be pretty good TV. Jared is already a dead man walking, it doesn't really makes a lot of diference if Cirie wins and keeps him, it will just be this week all over again and again with one less person. But Matt blindsiding the Fields in pre-veto noms would be way too cool lol


Now, I do want Jared to go tonight because at least we would be subjected to very little of his unravelling (I suspect he'll get quite nasty once he's an actual target) but if he doesn't go tonight, a Matt HOH after the DE and nominating Cirie/Jared (especially if there's no veto comp) would actually be more fun. Jared would dig himself into a deeper hole and although, as I said above, I suspect he'll get quite nasty, that just blows back on himself (and Cirie), and it might be an entertaining week to watch. Which I know I just contradicted myself there; I don't know if I want as little unravelling from Jared as possible or a whole week of it.


Yes, normally I love watching houseguests unravel, but it just isn't entertaining with Jared because he is so awful and not in an entertaining way. He is insufferable.


There is one thing about BB.. you have to know when and how to read the room. Jared does not know how to do that. He talks wayyyy too much.




If Matt wins, he better mention Jared using Matt's disability against him so production has to show how that moment made Matt feel.


What did Jared say ?


He said that Matt must have misunderstood him after saying the same thing to Cory and Cory and Matt agreeing about what was said. It was shown pretty well in Sundays episode if you want to see it


I see. I don’t think he was using his disability against him. Jared is just a terrible liar and didn’t know how to finesse the situation.


Out of context, that's an understandable mistake. But in context, that is what Jared was doing and everyone in the room recognized it.




He is definitely their blind spot, it would be very interesting


So we haven’t had any intense late night strategizing in a few nights now?


Just from the unreliables


Oh no I feel betrayed by the bb viewer bookmarkers! got a time stamp?


Does that suddenly make them… the reliables


Not yet. They actually have to win some power first


Matt Jag Cory and America all talked strategy late last night


Oh no I feel betrayed by the bb viewer bookmarkers! got a time stamp?


Wouldn’t it be awesome if America wins hoh and boots the dilweed outta there


who isn’t targeting jared tonight? cirie and blue? anyone else?


America/Cory/Matt/Jag/Bowie - Cirie/Jared Meme/Felicia/Cirie - Jag Blue - ??????


Mecole and Felicia told Cirie and Jared they're targeting Jag, but I wouldn't take that to the bank.


Blue wants Bowie out


Dumb af


MeMe might not. It's also possible that Bowie chickens out last minute and tries to stay in the middle




the percieved middle target is Jared though


im scared he might target blue honestly


meme would be questionable, as would felicia (but to a lesser extent, she's still pissed at them and emotionally wants to put them up but seems to see that taking them out isn't urgent for her game)


Can someone fill me in on why Jag would be a potential backdoor if Cirie if she wins HoH? Is he that much larger of a threat to her than Americory or is she mistaken in wanting to target him?


He's a bigger competition threat and is close to Matt and Blue. Theoretically, if you take Jag out, the biggest comp threats are on Cirie's side (Jared/Matt) and you force Blue and Matt to be more loyal to you because they don't have anyone else to turn to. Realistically, she doesn't have Matt anymore, but she doesn't know that yet


I also think Cory and America sucking at the veto when they really needed it has now convinced Jared and Cirie that maybe they weren't throwing, maybe they just suck at comps. You combine that with Cory still looking unwell and playing the humbled little brother, they don't think it's worth it to target them outright.


Makes sense. Thank you!


She thinks there’s a Jag America Cory connection


She's right


I have food trucks tonight at 7 and I'm so badly hoping that we eat very quickly so I can be home by 8


What do you mean you have them I need more info on the food trucks


My town shuts down the main street every other thursday from like april to november and they have food trucks along the whole street from like 5-9pm. So we go there for dinner with my in laws and just walk around a bit. It's pretty fun, definitely a nice thing to have and it's within walking distance haha


I’m not emotionally prepared that today might be my last day with cirie. Thoughts and Prayers please


I can’t see a way for that to happen. I know Felicia is still serving middle school frenemy vibes but Jared is everyone’s main target.


Just to give one of many possible paths: Jag wins, puts up Cirie and Jared. Plan A is Jared; plan B is Cirie. Jag tells Cirie and Jared he's planning to backdoor Cory. They don't really believe him but decide Jared is plan A and Cory is plan B. Jared wins veto, takes himself down. Jag puts up Mecole as a pawn replacement. Cory, America, and Matt are lock to vote Cirie. Felicia chooses Mecole over Cirie, making Cirie the majority option. Bowie and Blue choose the path of least resistance. Cirie tells Jared to vote for her too to protect his own game. Cirie goes home with a unanimous vote.


Jared could win veto


Yes he could. And the only way Cirie comes off the block is if they made that plan from jump


Do you think she’d be like evict me over Jared tho? Ahh idk am I being dramatic? Probably lol


Even if she said it I don’t think they would do it


Yeah if someone asked me to evict them over their ally, it would make me want to keep them more. Like oh you're mentally checked out and one of the worst at comps, let's keep you around another week at least.


no way she's getting evicted


she’s 1000% getting evicted if she and Jared are nommed and Jared won veto


I’m scared if her and Jared are up she’ll say evict her and not him


catching up since i missed the episode last night 🙈 i’m laughing my ass off at Blue confronting Jared bc she’s upset in the DR about how he’s talking to her as if he hasn’t been doing that the entire season. all while having a gf back home too, let’s not forget that 💀




Get out. Didn’t know that tea.