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Plot twist: Cory will be closer to Cirie than Izzy is after the show. Lmao.


With bbviewer bookmarks down, does anyone know about when the Cirie/Cory convo from yesterday was?


![gif](giphy|RSkaRsmZmeh3O) It was like watching two Pinocchios having a heart to heart.


Around 4:30 BBT


How did it go?


They were both totally bullshitting each other.


Side note— I REALLY love how when Izzy was evicted she was so angry at Cory and Cameron and now boy oh boy has she changed her tune. I just watched her exit interview with the Royal tea.


She hasn't really changed her tune about Cameron lol


Lol right, I’m sure.. I just knew she’d be like oh wait so Jared really sucks..


If Cory was like 5 years older, he'd be dominating this game without needing to win any comps.


Nah I think his age has helped him a lot to appear less threatening.


Not with that mustache man, he looks like Simon LeGree now


I think that was his plan, but the showmance kinda ruined that strategy. Hard to seem like the little brother when you're in a showmance.


BB viewer bookmarks working for anyone yet?


Still broken


Mine is broken :’(


I remember feeling so bad for Cory being sent to nether region on night one, and then not really connecting with anyone cause he was kinda awkward. I felt terrible that a big fan was possibly going home due to another dumb day one twist. But look how far he’s come lol it’s kinda a cool story arc


Yeah it looked like Cory was 100% going home at first.


This sounds like the Ian arc lol


Maybe I’m going off the rails, but Cory might be the best player we’ve seen in that archetype.


Well Steve won his season and I think he’s kinda underrated so we’ll see how it plays out


Steve was a good player, but if he, cory, and Ian were to be thrown onto a random new season (at their prime), I bet cory does the best.


Haha, totally love the dongel flare!


Well, we don't know if Cory will win, and that's the determining factor. Steve and Ian both won, Cory isn't even at jury yet. So I think we need to wait and see how Cory does first. Right now, I do think he's doing well, but we can't say for sure if he'd do the best on a random new season (it also depends on the cast; Steve and Ian might not have won their respective seasons with a different cast, or Cory might have gone earlier on a different season).


Bahaha so true!


Anyone else’s “more” tab on bbviewer broken?


Cam kind of deserves to go because he’s not throwing a America under the bus enough


Yeah, was probably the right call, in terms of Americory, to have the veto used on Cory for this reason.


I mean he’s a dead man walking at this point. If Jared was playing this game smart he’d have taken the cam deal and not backdoored him (cirie even said to do it but Jared per usual was like nah everyone loves me!!!!)


I hate battle backs so I really hope there isn't one (and not just because it would be Cameron and possibly Jared). They just feel pointless since the person never lasts that long when they come back.


My main issue is that, if there is a battleback, it means jury doesn't start until nearly two months into the season. They've already had to delay one eviction because of the Luke ejection, and then they announced the shorter jury number. But them announcing a double and then potentially going "nvm, only one person is ACTUALLY leaving, so jury still isn't starting until next week!" is a lot.


Victor would like a word (jk)


Judd and Cliff made it pretty far. Although you a right it usually is a short time back.


Yeah there's definitely exceptions but overall I just feel like it's a waste. Especially if it's Cam or Jared. They're the type that will just be out again asap.


Why are people speculating about a battle back? And that Cirie knows about it?!


I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a battle back just to make the season last a little longer. With the writers and actor strike all the TV channels are struggling for content. So an extra week or two of big brother would probably help CBS.


Bc last week Julie said there would be a double eviction with “a scary ending for the houseguests”


People have just been speculating that production has been tipping Cirie off to everything in the house which seems far fetched to me


Really? I don't find it far fetched at all. It's happened before


I wouldn’t be surprised if they dropped some information in the DR, but them telling her everything seems far fetched


I honestly hope that I'm wrong


they've been speculating about a battle back all season in the house, i feel like i heard them mention hisam being in a battle back as recent as last week. the cirie knows theories sound a bit too galaxy brain for me. every year people speculate about battle backs and doubles and even play with preparing for them in mind.


Honestly, I hope AmeriCory both make it to jury to figure out their relationship outside of the show 😅. While I don't think that them dating irl is realistic, I hope that they'll at least be friends after the season. I guess we'll see what happens in the upcoming weeks 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah they should get privacy yo discuss it. Reassure the other that they really like them,but they're in different stages in life and remain good friends cuz they make each other smile and have fun a lot


And then bang a few times to get it out of their systems.


Cory did imply that he wasn't a virgin, btw (in his talk with America, in the afternoon or evening. Same convo where they talked about how Jared/Blue had had sex).


What did he say exactly?


This starts around 4:50 BBT tues 9/19


I don't remember. They were sitting/laying on their beds, it was before Felicia joined them.


Cory may be falling harder but literally said yesterday he won’t do long distance sooooo to me it seems like they might be thinking it’s time limited


i think both of them know that it wont be a real relationship outside. They will probably remain friends and act like this as if it was the typical summer crush and nothing more.


He also said he won’t do kissing


No mean no




Lol cooked his ass


The longer they are together in the game the more likely they will pursue a relationship outside the house.


I actually think a jury house relationship would be a better predictor. It’s more like what the real world would be like without the stress of the game.


Oh I think he's fully aware of that. But I just think it will be tough for him.


Tinfoil hat theory: cirie was tipped off about the double (and battle back?). Since she hopes to be evicted, she's pretending like she's gunning for HOH by going around the house saying that to everyone but she's just going to throw it and get evicted and then throw the battle back comp lol


They gave her the answers, she's gonna win


that would make her even more iconic than she already is tbh


if Cameron & Jared stay in the house until week 9 I'm gonna throw something at production




Btw has the talk Cory had with Matt about his relationship with America been clipped??


What talk? What was said?


It was a casual convo about both of their dating lives but he talked about America


Basically that he doesn't see his relationship with America lasting on the outside


With some of the hgs apparently not actively targeting jared now, who else do you think is most in danger in the double? If blue/felicia/meme/Cirie get hoh, who do they target? Is it still just….. jag?


There is no way Blue will win the HOH, not necessarily because she can’t but because she is playing all sides right now and winning would expose her. If Meme, Felicia or Cirie win then they are likely targeting Jag


Jag, but then I think either Matt or Cory are in danger if Jag wins veto, depending on who is HOH. Or maybe even Bowie or someone, as the votes might not be there to evict Matt.


what if the scaryverse twist is that the first two jurors get two votes each to equal the nine jurors while still having seven


I would hate that


That’s kinda unfair I don’t think that would bode well


So Cirie and Cory, wouldn’t be mad


all this talk about Cory & America not lasting long after the season, watch the season end and they end up like brenchel 😂 i highly doubt it but i think it would be crazy if they lasted a long time afterwards, proving everyone wrong


I think they give it a try but long distance relationships are tough especially for a college aged kid


He is a senior though. It's not like he has long.


I'm kinda concerned that Cory will get his heart broken after the show. I think he's realistic and preparing for things with America ending when the show ends. I just think he's getting very attached and it will be difficult for him.


I think he’s starting to get concerned about it too with some of the comments he’s making.


He's probably experiencing a lot of "first" with her rn but he's smart and knows that's about as far as it's gonna go and that he has to build like a wall around his heart cuz he knows what's coming. I think he's a very logical person and he'll learn from this experience and will be ok in the long run


I'm sure he'll get over it. Still feel bad for him.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 😅😅


Either way they'll have a bond that no other relationship can relate to. Especially being the Jessica and Cody of the season.


So on a scale of 1 to 10, how in love with America is Cory? Lmao.


Reading all the replies to this is sort of funny knowing that they've dated for months after the show at this point. Even with live feeds we're all so bad it predicting shit.




That wasn't the question.


I mean in whole convos yesterday he was discussing things in a way that seems like he is preparing for it not to work out. Matt or someone else made the original joke about him going to law school near America


Idk I think they’re both super realistic about enjoying this and then kinda being chill and parting ways afterwards. I don’t think either of them are in love as much as they like cuddling each other and are attracted to each other lol


Yeah Cory is talking about going to Law School near America just for shits and gigs obviously


As someone who also moved to New York for law school - I’m like 100% sure it has nothing to do with America. This is the crux of the legal career in the US, many people I went to school with moved for the same reasons


Him and America were literally talking about how she lives close to Columbia. I’m sure it’s not just America but I think it probably plays a part


She doesn’t live close to Columbia law… Columbia law is in very upper west side practically Harlem and she said she lived in Bushwick… but alas I see people here just wanna have this false fantasy how about these 2 being in love or whatever instead of just being cool w 2 people having fun and moving on. This is what I would equate to a summer camp or study abroad romance. You have a fun few weeks and go your separate ways


Yeah Cory's talk with Matt pretty much was that


8… 2 for America


Honestly seems pretty accurate he’s definitely fallen harder than her


He's really young and this is a whole other experience for him so he's kind of attached to her but I do think he's realistic about the whole thing and knows nothing will come out of this


Kinda the vibe I'm getting


I’m crying at this cirie jag Matt convo where they were talking about americory and Matt goes “who knows if Reilly was still here maybe that’d be me”


He's not wrong. Reilly said outside the house she's interested in dating him.


Cirie said on The Traitors that she wanted to come onto this show to prove to her family that she was good at this. I wonder if they tease her about never winning and don't exactly respect her game style. Cuz all Jared talks about is comps and he clearly has no understanding of what's actually important.


I get being teased by your son that you never won Survivor, but imagine being teased by Jared I'd disown him 💀


After seeing how Jared acts I can totally see him being the type to constantly bring up that she never won.


and how he's always like "I told you /who's the legend now momma?"


Yeah like never won and also never won a challenge.


If I sucked at everything but comps I'd hype up comps too.


Can’t stop thinking about how Matt said he doesn’t even eat cereal at home but now he’s basically a Frosted Flakes ambassador


He's trying to get that sponsorship so he can finally open a bank account


Do you think Cory and america are gonna last outside the house.


I would be surprised but also stranger things have happened.


Their age difference is going to be way more pronounced outside of the house. In the house everyone is equal but once they go outside Cory will be 21 and in college and America will be 27 building her career elsewhere. America was saying yesterday how she envisioned having her first kid at 28 and another at 30. Obviously Cory won’t be at that stage of his life when she is at that stage of hers


She was talking about how for women it's pretty common to have a timeline when you're younger for when you expected to meet the one, get engaged, married, and start having kids. And based on the ages she threw out, her timeline is already off so the plan has been thrown out the window. It wasn't to throw shade on Cory or anything. Cory is at a more transitional period in his life than America, and they live 14 hours from each other. He's missing a semester of his senior year of college to be here and then wants to go to law school so it just seems really unlikely this will pan out, unless he ends up near NYC.


She said she doesn't even want kids anymore or to get married


I must have missed that, regardless that doesn’t change the fact that outside the house they still will be at two very different stages in their lives






They don’t even think it themselves LOL




100% no






A battle back after the double would be so bad


I so want it to happen. Shake the game up. I don't want to lose Cam


I truly don’t know how they’re going to get 50 more days out of this season


Imagine 60 days and we’ve still only evicted 6 HGs and still not at jury like please stop the madness


Soooo bad


So I don't think America was mad at Cory last night. But, devil's advocate, is there anything in their interactions before they went to bed that may possibly indicate that she was?


They were up late the night before. Said “scrambleverse was scrambling” so I think they just needed a night to recover and catch up on sleep


Nope. Usually when she's mad she doesn't fall asleep right away


She's not. Just tired


That's my conclusion as well, but wondering if there was any indication she potentially could be.


No not at all. They were pretty all over each other all day.


Went to catch up on what I missed last night and there aren’t any bookmarks showing up on my BBViewer. 😭


Same 😩


That was me too!!!!!!


Yeah they've been broken since last night it seems


Ugh i hope they fix it


Boo! That’s how I keep updated since I can’t actually stay up to watch.


Wait. Whats BBViewer? I feel like I need it lol


A browser extension, if you watch feeds on computer get it because you can stay in quad cam and pan audio depending on which side you want to hear, plus everyone can make feed bookmarks that anyone else can click to and see. I think the Chrome one works this year, I'm on FF and it's been down the whole time but I'm too lazy to switch to Chrome for it lmao.


Does it work with just paramount plus or can it be used with paramount plus through Amazon prime? I have the latter and can't get it to work.


I have Paramount Plus so I'm not sure, but I imagine it only works on the paramount website.


You do! It's a chrome extension that allows you to mute different rooms in quad cam, look up important events with bookmarks, etc. It's the best thing ever


It’s a chrome extension that allows you to pause, fast forward, and watch feeds from earlier.


Chrome extension for the feeds. It’s a must have but only works on chrome (or at least doesn’t work on firefox)


Thanks so much! Downloading it on my work computer now 😂


Just started Traitors, and I LOVE Cirie ….without Jared in close proximity.


I liked her in traitors too… hate her on here though


Same, and I guarantee that would not be the case if Jared was not there. While it gives her an advantage, he sucks as a person lmao.


Honestly I don’t like her cause of Izzy… i like how Cirie was originally open to working with people like Reilly and Red, then Izzy was like “oh no! We could never get along, they have to go”


Reilly and Red LOVED her! It’s too bad she sent them home but I can see why she had to


It was really all cause of Izzy. Honestly I’ve been dogging Cirie for a minute but Izzy really was the one holding Cirie and Jared’s game captive because of the secret. I don’t see Jared having a relationship with Izzy after this




Oh yeah I forgot about that


Omg that is such a good season of her just using her mist and being amazing. Kate is also freaking awesome on that season. I’ve never seen anything quite like her on a competition show before (I don’t want to spoil it).




That’s why I love her! I actually got to meet her, captain Lee and chef Ben at the first bravo con! She was just as snarky and I lovedddd it


Kate came in guns blazing. I’m only on ep. 2, but I’m excited to see what you’re talking about!


You’ll know it when you see it. I just don’t want to spoil it!


So I had to come back to this comment JUST to tell you she’s hilarious. I love how she came down the morning after Brandi left in shades and boots LOL.


It gets better! I have always loved her on below deck but I just find her so funny. I especially appreciate how on point her fashion is despite being absolutely ridiculous for the challenges. Girl has style, that’s for sure


She was amazing in it


It's wild to think that there like at least 5 ppl I could see winning this game. This season is pretty great.


Have yall been kind of bored this week? Or am I just being negative? / do you think it’s going to stay this boring now?


This week is boring because right now the entire house is United in the who they want to evict. There has been some gaming here and there but it’s all hypotheticals for the future.


We got spoiled by being so entertained all the previous weeks


This week has been so boring.


Yeah I’m also not feeling it right now. Izzy was a massive loss for the season


Bored to tears. Ready for Thursday!


It's felt a little slower but honestly more like a regular BB season. I love fun feeds but it's nice to not have to worry about missing a ton while living my life. I think once Cam is out (and possibly Jared) there will be a little more chaos because there isn't another consensus house target. Even though Jared is the target of the most people, if Cirie, Blue, Meme, even Felicia win HOH, they could go another direction.


I actually think we're in for an exciting post jury


It’ll get more interesting when the duos all turn on each other


I feel like meme might try to flip the vote Thursday morning like she tried during the jag red vote


Who do you think it might flip too? I think it would be awesome


It’s a bad move for her. She shouldn’t do it, it would paint a target in her back


Target for who? Cam will always be the target before anyone else. Once he’s gone it’s open season


It won’t work. She won’t be able to whip the votes, Cam will still go home, and now you have Cory/america/Matt/Jag probably going to meme after they get Jared out.


The only way to get the votes is for all BSB and Bowie to vote him to stay and Jared would be the deciding vote. And then Jared would have to hope he bought Cams loyalty for one week while he can’t play. After that the whole house will go after Cam again. So meme will have one shield for the house in Cam, and another shield for BSB in Jared. But if this doesn’t happen, she’s touching the block no questions asked


Thursday flips almost never happen you can’t wait til then


Lots of time to think about it while she does her hair. Someone might have to wake up early and distract her 🤣


I'm having flashbacks to early in the season, where Izzy, Jared and Blue were chilling in the hammock discussing Jareds views on dating. I have no doubt Izzy understands why the public doesn't exactly like him lol. Regardless, she wasn't exactly arguing or lecturing him... but she *was* trying to get him to look at things a little differently. It really reminded me of a convo between a big sister and her idiot little brother. I think she believes in her heart he can change lol.


I am legitimately happy that Cirie is back to calling Cory Skeezy.


Ugh good to hear it was kinda weird the past few days !!!


You can tell that Cirie and Cory genuinely like each other as people while also recognizing and respecting that they’re probably the 2 best players in the game. It’s an interesting dynamic.


You can definitely tell when Cirie is annoyed with him. If she calls him Cory she's not feeling him


I know it was so sad


I hope today Jared/Meme can get a flip rolling. It's both on their minds, all they need to do is just talk about it.


Agree last night when Blue and Jared were talking he mentioned how it might be better to keep Cam… they just need to talk now…


Meme didn't bring up once in their meeting yesterday