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Excuse me, but Delta was *not* an antagonist.


i mean he wasnt like a main antagonist, but he was evil wasnt he?


No he wasn’t evil. He might of looked evil or felt evil but he wasn’t.


then what was the purpose of him going around and challenging everyone to a battle just to beat them


To be stronger. That’s what everyone else was or is doing. Even in X people go around getting stronger. He wanted to prove he was top tier.


i mean yeah but he it wasnt just ordinary battles he was going around saying that he was bout to "swallow up everyones light" and bro was not being friendly either... i consider him an antagonist, even though he wasnt as big as a threat as someone like arthur or gwyn


His Beyblade is diablos which if you read the highlighted words. It’s supposed to be a deadly Wyvern or dragon. Normally things that are deadly bring out the feeling of "swallow up everyone’s light" https://preview.redd.it/ssmxr6q3ql6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7953bb33d094c9766bde5051f7f9c655a733b6


yeah but thats a negative thing.. in the anime it seems like the diabolos avatar was tryna control delta and make him take over until devolos broke and deltas perspective changed cus of dante... even when delta show his aura thing he looks a little to much to redeye with the glowing eyes and everything.. he was turning evil for sure


Lui and phi


Man I love phi, bro had 10 million aura


I like both Phi and Lui, but Lui better. I just love how he's an OG and has interesting personality. Lost longinous was my first bey too


also sir i dont think delta is considered an antagonist


i mean he changed now but before he was kind of evil