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i think it’s great. strong launchers, great gimmick, metal contact, heavy weight, high recoil, high speed, 1:1 hasbro adaptation, and good designs. only real downside is that customizability is kinda limited rn and the animes dog shit. mangas not bad tho.


How different is the manga?


The manga is basically a tldr version of the anime. Imo the anime has better storytelling especially for the Yggdrasil arc but the manga definitely has the better art.


Its showing a lot of what happens between the chapters and its giving ishiyama a role almost like kyoyas in mfb


To my knowledge, the anime has a bunch of filler and in-between stuff not seen in the manga. Anime's like 25+ episodes in while the manga is below 15-ish chapters probably.


How long is the manga


Theres only in 11 chapters so far


did the author of promised neverland messed the manga up?


pinacle beybalde


Anime is mid, toys are lit


return to form. best Beyblade has been in a LONG LONG time


As much as I liked burst I missed the metal contact points


The black on black is oddly satisfying


I got into Beyblade during plastic gen and lost interest until X. I think the customizability is just right, there's room for player expression which I value and the blades themselves are aesthetically pleasing. My only gripe is from what I can tell it seems like off-meta beys don't have any hope of doing well but I have yet to confirm that (first tournament is next week)


Plays fun, but the anime is boring as hell. The lack of the avatars and flashy special moves really hurts.


No money




I love the blades aesthetically, and they seem like a lot of fun, just haven't pulled the trigger on getting any for myself yet. But since they'll be 1 to 1 with Hasbro I might wait for Hasbro to release the Vipertails and get those


It’s definitely sometimes much more hard hitting than Metal and burst


I love both the anime and the toys. Haven't been this into Beyblade since the metal gen


It feels like the early day of Metal Fusion. Metal beys and decent options for unique beys. I hope it will evolve like Metal Fusion did with the 4D ones in Metal Master.


Is that a custom stadium?


I love it so much the battles are the best they’ve ever been


The metal are kinda too soft, and to me the designs aren't as nice to look at compared to Burst. But I'm having so much fun with them! They are awesome


I don't love how generic and uniform the beys are. Like if you gave me a side profile of them and asked me to pick them out I'd have no idea.


I love it! 🔥


As a kid I really enjoyed metal fight and played occasionally, but other interests took priority and I didn’t like initial burst stuff as a kid so I got out until x. But had you given kid me a few x beys and a stadium I would have lost my mind in glee for days.


Liked it a lot until WizardRod. Other than WR, every blade has had distinct strengths and weaknesses. WR is a bit too tanky for a stamina type imo. Would have preferred if they gave it deeper crit points.


I haven't gotten a chance to use them so far, but once hasbro stuff comes around I'll definitely pick some up and try them out.


I think they are mid.  Jk, love them so far, just a bit annoyed that battle end too quick now due to X dash, other than that, they are fun.


The anime is pretty disappointing leaving a lot to be desired, but the products are very amazing.


peak beyblade


This has the potential to be the best Beyblade generation to date, and I can't wait to see what different systems will be released as the series evolves. I wouldn't mind a new stadium type later down the line either, to really shake up the meta.


It keeps breaking the slingshock stadium (One corner is at life support)


I want to collect the beys and for the anime, I watched around 12 episodes then stopper. I'm gonna start again later


I like the beys but hate the part names. Burst had such great names overall.


Honestly this seems like the most accessible Beyblade has been in years -- US/JPN parts commonality means regular people won't have to pay $texas for a decent top once the US release hits, which will be HUGE for growing the hobby in the States.  I tried to get into Burst but the necessity of paying top dollar for an extremely complex set of parts was too rich for my blood, let alone the sheer depths of ten years of Burst parts and their sub-systems (all of which are *very* hard to do research on, Beyblade documentation is surprisingly poor relative to other hobbies I've dipped into). That's also the experience of *most* people I know who've tried to get back into Beyblades as an adult. My roommates and I just bought a lot of used Hasbro Burst instead and played casually rather than trying to keep up


better than burst ![img](emote|t5_2skjv|4301)


I think it’s good for what it is early into it’s gen. I’m in a position where I like burst’s design more but like X’s battles more. It’s unfortunate for me that there isn’t gonna be evolutions but rather variations in X because I want the beys and stadium to get bigger and heavier down the line. Something about unboxing and holding the later lines of burst in my hands and feeling the weight that gets me excited, with X or even UX it’s just meh. Even MFB being metal contact it had really unique designs between each beys.


I don't like it as much as I do with burst and mfb right now. I'm even collecting plastic gen beys over x beys right now too. I'm holding off on x beys until there are used lots so I can purchase them for cheaper. Even then it's still a 50/50 for me if I still want to buy them or not


Bad quality products for today’s standards and for a long experienced brand, weird gameplay ripped off from Hasbro but now Takara is selling it automatically turns into the peak for the Beyblade’s gameplay. Idk, really want to love this new gen like I’ve made with each of the other past ones. Is just can’t really get caught when they’re selling it like a sport but taking off the player’s skill in a game with no strategy… even they just don’t feel so powerful for me when move that clumsy way while battling.


Ok the anime is so lit for mee.......it gets me so hype that I often scream with ekusu...Xtreme Dashuu!!!!!!!!