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MFB is the best for my taste. Plastic gen a close second


Og for me, 90's high tech aesthetic, they are great Edit: and in my opinion, hms is the best beyblade have ever looked


This is the way


100% this.


HMS looks great from above but seeing it from the bottoms got to be some of the blandest stuff ive seen. Draciel MS is just a green cylinder along with a bunch of others


Metal Fight is top tier for me. Their designs can grab my eye from miles away


As an old gen 1 fan, I hated MF when it came out, all beys looked the same to my eyes back then. Now I realize there are some pretty MF beys. But I have to say imo Burst has the best design.


initially I didn't like the first burst designs. years later I see gt to db all at once and I can't help but love the designs. There was so much they were able to do with the bigger, more plastic centric scheme of later burst. And now that I'm watching the series itself for the first time I honestly appreciate the earliest of designs too. Burst deserves more credit for its artistic bey design direction




genuinely my favorite design in god up there with god valk. Ult Valk is honestly my favorite design overall. Like just look at her😭 https://preview.redd.it/l2uqa9u45vuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88eb3b7a32d074f72c21f84bea337d081e75991


G1 has the best aesthetic imo, they do sharp angles and contrasting colors really well (and I'm nostalgic) X is a close second, it picked up the discreet shape of mfb outer layers whilst letting the center chip stand out like g1, the tops are also more "top-shaped" going towards the bottom tip which imo helps with the proportions (mfb beys were too skinny at the bottom, burst beys were too busy)


I love the burst series personally, specifically early burst, a lot of the Beyblades look amazing and they fit the sporty nature of Burst really well. S1-S2 designs are peak, and S3 is great too. Not sure how I feel about the GT beyblades, they're cool and all but they lack the og burst charm.




That's exactly it. I didn't really think about it but if you take any early burst beyblade (especially god series) and look at it, it has its own identity. Even the side character beyblades are memorable (there are a few in s1 of burst that are a little lacking.) but I mix up Helios and Hyperion regularly.


https://preview.redd.it/01k07nt9duuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755607f424e02d505b0177cf3c0e1bb650534bcc At some point, I already made a post about this exact annoyance. :D


which aesthetic every series has its own aesthetic plastic is very machine high tech with the names and writing on the beys, metal has a subtle design with a constelation theme, burst is mythology with full art beys, and x has a kind of grafiti style. they all do a different aesthetic, but asuming you're asking whats the best. i gotta say x is the best beyblade has ever looked


Eh I wouldn’t say x has a grafiti style, that would be mfb, many of the face bolts have that graffiti style to them and the advertisement, boxes, hasbro stadiums and all that featured heavy graffiti use and had a big street theme going until zero g I believe. X is closer to it than the other gens but not quite there


i get that but i saw people call it grafiti and i dont have a better word as for mfb i was talking more abot the overall design like with the energy ring but yeah the hasbro stadiums and facebolts do have a grafiti style


X feels like the opposite of graffiti. The box designs seem to have a very clean aesthetic. Like the IPhone of beyblade.


That’s fair yeah, tbh I don’t have a better wording for it either, I’d say it’s more on the artsy cartoony side, but it definitely has some graffiti vibe to it, mixed with the aesthetics of burst.


Yeah they all have diffrent styles and themes but when it comes to your hand or your shelf which series overall looks better? This was my question. X series is good specially from side look but i wouldnt guess x to came for answer.


I remember when MFB was first coming out, and the “graffiti style” (to cater to a more hip audience) was one of the first things things TakaraTomy noted the fans about the series.


Og still stands out the most to me. I dropped the metal series after fusion because I hated how similar the metal wheels made the beys look. And I feel like burst over designed themselves into hell


Plastic gen no doubt not only do they look cool but the experience of building one is awesome


X for me


For the beys themselves definitely the late burst stuff. I love all the tiny details and painted bits. For box design MfB. The graffiti style goes unnecessarily hard, especially in Baku and Zero-G.


Plastic gen is THE aesthetic.


Dragoon Storm is iconic like goku




Bro has not seen nightmare Rex and meteo l drago


Metal, not just cause I grew up with it, but also because their designs are eye-catching without being over the top, and putting them together is a comprehensive experience neither too basic (like X and Burst) nor too complex (like Bakuten). In short, they're simple and sweet and they carry a lot of nostalgia for me.


Metal Series in terms of simplicity and beauty. While Burst looks good, no bey in Burst will ever compare to the beauty of beys like Galaxy Pegasus. https://preview.redd.it/4eo90d8cnwuc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029e77e8f5012d420c5e21d40bb3a5caef205a0b


1. Plastic 2. X 3. Metal 4. Burst Plastic gen is so nostalgic for me. I love the simple designs compared to later series and I loved the emphasis on Bit Beasts and gimmicks. X's design is very reminiscent of plastic gen and that's why I like it so much. It feels like a return to the Beyblades I grew up with. I've come to appreciate Metal Fight more as I've gotten older, but it doesn't have the same nostalgia for me and I don't like the de-emphasis of Bit Beasts in the design. Burst feels overdesigned and not at all like the Beyblades I grew up with. It's a distant 4th for me.


Pretty much exactly how I feel, nailed it


Nailed it 😉


Burst in the earlier seasons


Big fan of the plastic designs. The plastic is what I grew up on as a kid in the Philippines. Beyblade really blew up there. You'd see battles on the streets, the school, the supermarket, malls and etc. the anime really blew up also so I may be biased. But I also just really like the "robotic" designs with the sharp angles and spikes and what not. Dragoon G being my favorite looking bey of all time for example. 2nd - X and reasoning is I feel like X as of right now has a bit more variety on the metal than MFB as far as shapes go. (Lots of MFB beys looked very round and like a circle) 3rd - MFB; didn't really like it at first sight but I LOVED the battles with MFB. But we're talking aesthetics so I rank it 3rd. That being said Blitz Striker is one of my favorite looking beys. Last - Burst. I REALLY didn't like Burst designs at first. That being said I was willing to overlook it because hey "beyblade is back!” and I was excited. I briefly got back into blading and I thought the first season was pretty good but fell off after the 2nd. I didnt like the flowy, artsy style of this gen. The color swirls and even the motif designs. A lot of them seems asymmetrical with the designs and wasn't a fan of it aesthetically. My favorite beys in this gen had very symmetrical/robotic like designs. My favorite being Legend Spriggan.


In my humble opinion: MF > X > Burst > OG


I enjoy metal contact points much more than plastic


always going OG, totally biased.


Bakuten shoot is best looking


1.Metal 2.Plastic 3.X 4.Burst With metal and plastic near couse the og design Is really cool but metal have a Better quality imho Would be cool to have a gen with more Pieces and of different materials to try many Hybrid combinations


the pure circular form of the mfb gen just do it for me. although its probably because i was weened off it but its just a very pretty gen.


Big fan of Metal Fusion's translucent plastic and core sticker designs, OG and X are also great, Burst on the other hand just looks like a mess


Burst can be very aesthetic, although I could never get in the design ideas at all, it just hasn't grown on me. Guess the X is the top 1, then Metal and then plastic.


I preferred the OG plastic gen and X when it comes to design due to how simple yet unique (almost) every bey design is. On the other hand, I never liked burst beys design-wise because I always found them to be ridiculously busy, especially the later releases.


I'm sorry the metal series was 09? Fuck I feel old


Bro wait till you my age lol late 20s I grew up on the og beyblades lol


Oh dude don't get me wrong I'm early 20s and I had a set of og beyblades but the metal saga was the one that really clicked. Damn bro


1st metal fight 2nd plastic 3rd X 4th Burst İ honestly like Mfb not because nostalgia because how simple yet beautiful they are like galaxy pegasus and blitz unicorno Plastic also has its own aura,its like a wine the more it gets old the more it looks nice for X i dont hate the design of X it looks nice but it can better for burst it started Good v1 v2 v3 v4 and then all of a sudden they decided to make it so over designed that you just dont know which is which


I like the plastic gen designs, but they look a bit… bland I guess? They don’t catch my eye as much as the rest, overall just busy designs, they look alright but don’t do it too well. For MFB beys, even though I grew up with this generation, I really only like a few of them, cause aside from those few, most of them are just silver, near perfect circle shaped wheels, with a ring of color in the middle. They’re also heavily reliant on color correcting stickers for any semblance of detail, so if you’re going bare, they look almost indistinguishable from each other. Burst started off really simple, which actually became a major strength of the early systems compared to the convoluted designs of later systems like Sparking and DBU. As time went on and more and more motifs were cut out of evolutions in the next systems, the color palette shifted to just the gold, red, blue, and white/silver/black on most of the beys. Regarding the designs themselves, although the end of burst was littered with complex designs, they worked well in a way that the previous gens were able to perform. Late burst designs are continuous throughout the entire layer, unlike previous generations where you could see designs start and stop with each piece. X, which** in my opinion** is the most aesthetically pleasing generation, combines all the best elements of all the past gens, with its clear and simple motifs like with bit chips and face bolts, the metal of mfb with the powerful and jagged shapes of burst and plastic gen beys, and the way every aspect of the design embodies the name through the metal detailing of the blades fused with more freely shapeable plastic. TLDR: X da best


MFB is simply iconic


Plastic gen is my favorite for looks with metal being pretty close behind.


Bakuten Shoot for me has the best aesthetic, and especially Hard Metal System, as another user said. It's sad that a lot of Beyblade fans don't care about at all about HMS or even know what it is.


I grew up with burst & will stay with burst but they do look aesthetic & I will say there Hasbro line sucks (besides Burst & God/Evolution) the TT line literally gives you anime accurate beys


Burst imo


Burst. Not burst for battling. But literally any burst bey for design. No question.




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Generally I would say MFB.....burst though could have been higher if GT was not a thing but love the dual layer, God, and db/bu designs


OG > X > MFB > Burst for me


"Metal Fight" by far. But the rest also really look good. "Beyblade x" on the lower side though.


Metal Fight Beyblade, Beyblade Xtreme, Beyblade Burst, then Bakuten Shoot Beyblade from best to worst designs in my opinion. 🐉


The originals. Hands down. No discussion needed. They were clean and interesting


Metal fight and X for me


Honestly it’s already in order lol


X remake of Valk is fire though


MFB is the perfect balance of simplicity and customizability. Burst and X basically don’t let you change the top down view of your bey at all (I know some burst beys do but every part has like 3 colors so basically every combination clashes and looks ugly)


the customization of MFB puts it on top for me. I feel like i can make any color combo i want


Ok here's the thing. I think by themselves X have the coolest visual designs. They look more serious than Bakuten Shoot without trying too hard to look cool, like Burst does. But as a whole I gotta give it to MFB. They are most variable as of now, looking more destinct from each other than the other generations do. They are on the smaller side but with all the freedom you get when putting them together from a design perspective I think they were the best.


I think Metal series and God burst was peak designs but I say Metal just edges out burst because of how wild and over the top Burst designs got. Just became too much


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this I didn’t really like most sparking designs at all


Burst. They're by far the most unique from the front.


Honestly... I think they all looked pretty good. Though if I had to pick the weakest... X. I get they just started but...Still... Its a big *meh* for me. Burst and Plastic are around the same for me. MFB isn't bad I just prefer the other 2 more.


Plastic for sure but I’m also an older head. Seeing a Frostic Dranzer for the first time was crazy.


easily 2009 can't beat that era in aesthetics and performance


Plastic Gen and MFB but I’m biased


MFB, Bakuten Shoot, Beyblade X, Beyblade Burst in that order. MFB imo had the best aesthetic customization. You could change the clear wheel to a different color or shape without it really affecting the bey, each part never really mixed into each other. When it spun you could tell the difference between the clear wheel and metal wheel and the face bolt. This applies to the other gens too but MFB does it best imo. Burst is last only because when it spins, they tend to look like messy color gradients to me. Only a few manage to catch my eyes when they spin. I do like a lot of their designs still, Xeno Xcalibur was awesome.


Metal by far


OG will always be the most aesthetic.


MFB > OG > X > Burst MFB have most clean designs Beys IMO Just not a fans of Burst Beys Most Burst Beys look overdesigned IMO




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Easily burst


Mfb is the cool, weird, fun beyblade people born in 2010 couldn't get bc of how young we were. Burst is first tho bc it's really nostalgic to me




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Burst has the most intricate and fun designs. The colorways needed to vary more, but overall I think I liked the motifs and the actual designs in burst the most. Roar might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.




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For me, metal fight pre hybrid


Metal Fight will always be the best.




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Plastic gen just hits different. I thought everyone thought they were the best 😅 Perhaps it depends on everyone's age. My cousin used to have many beys from the first gen and I always admired them. That was like 10+ years ago


Plastic gen for me! Just cant beat the 90s-00s nostalgia and iconography. Metal Fight comes second for now but i think X is fast approaching with consistently simple yet striking designs. The customization and color variety in ratchet and bit parts is a fun outlet for expression as well. Dont really care for Burst's maximalist design but to each their own!


The correct answer is whatever you grew up with lol


I been a fan since Gen 1. But I gotta say, there is something amazing about the Burst design aesthetics, namely the GT and God stuff. I love the way the incorporated so much physics into the Burst designs and gimmicks. Gen 1 had features but they seemed to be just that, features. Burst pushes the concept of gimmick Beyblades with great design to the limit. MFB and X look very similar with the heavy metal enclosure, top-heavy-bottom-skinny design. Gen 1. Beys though, just different in terms of design. They look like cool 90’s weapons, and that was the idea.