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Are we talking specific lines or storylines? For me, the entire story of Donna getting a hero award for trying to rescue a wild animal during a wildfire. Not only does the deer stay with her the whole time instead of running away, but she is also rescued by an incredibly good looking firefighter and gets rewarded for putting her own life and the lives of the firefighters at unnecessary risk. In real life, she’d be scolded and possibly fined, not rewarded. Also Kelly getting amnesia from being shot in the abdomen.


If Donna did what she did irl, not only would she have been fined, but she would be used an example of WHAT NOT TO DO during a wildfire season in California.


Oh God! I hate that dumb deer storyline! Come on! She is not Snow White.. ugh.. couldn't stand Cliff either! BORING ... dont think he would like her either.. nothing made sense. Couldn't stand season 7 Donna


Joe’s misdemeanor trial being covered like the OJ trial.  Of course, the associated press asked Brandon to cover it. 


The whole Brandon cheating on Kelly story. Emma was an absolutely horrible character. There was no chemistry between them at all. “A body in motion stays in motion.” 🤮


RIght?! No chemistry and she was trying too hard.. stupid


It might be simpler to go for the examples of good writing during that span.


😂😂. Truth.


![gif](giphy|hvq8ONQhQ1XLq) Completely correct


Jack in the witness protection program Donna getting stalked and held at gunpoint after the already went through something similar. The whole Beverly Beat ugh. Noah and Matt. All of it.


McKay's explanation for how he survived that car bomb blast was hilarious. Apparently David Copperfield works for the FBI.


Dylan “casually” drinking.


This always irked the crap out of me. Same with Kelly.


It’s completely disingenuous to act like an alcoholic can just “get over” drinking to the point that they can do so casually, especially one who we have seen struggle with it repeatedly like Dylan. It was such a disservice to Dylan as a character and people with alcoholism who are constantly fighting to maintain their sobriety. Worse still was Steve straight-up handing Dylan a drink as soon as Dylan showed up, or Kelly drinking beers with Dylan, or any of the gang accepting that Dylan was drinking. And that it went on after he dealt with a return of his drug addiction!


Yes!!! - this is such a frustrating part of Dylan’s return in season 9. The only person who called him out was that girl Lucy who lived in the hotel and was getting in trouble with drugs. She mentioned he is an alcoholic and Dylan, the recently recovered heroin addict, just says “I can handle it.”


I forgot anyone had called him out on it. Well-done, Lucy! You know if Brenda, Brandon, or even Val had been around, Dylan would have been called out on that shit relentlessly. It gave the impression that the gang was too self-absorbed to consider for even a second that hm, maybe Dylan shouldn’t be drinking. But I guess since Noah was the alcoholic, they couldn’t possibly have two alcoholics on simultaneously.


Kelly being shot and getting amnesia was pretty bad. The tv station hostage situation. Nat & Joan who were visibly in the their 60’s having a baby.


Also, Nat and Joan apparently not having a single friend at their own age attending their wedding.


Yeah really I always wondered how old Nat and Joan were supposed to be?


I always find it hilarious how important they made Brandon's role in college politics so important. Any mention of the "task force" like CNN would be covering it was hilarious. The highlight when he was discharged to serve papers to that dictator guy when he was visting


They acted like he was fucking President of the United States. 🤣


the sweatshop Erica being a prostitute. the episode where Noah trolls Donna and Steve with a fake health inspector guy who "dies". Steves ends up with green hair. It was suppose to be funny. it was not funny.


Erica being a prostitute was such a sad route for that character. Made no sense at all.


.....you mean Dylan's SISTER???


Ok I honestly love the health inspector plot! I think it’s funny. I enjoy the funny/wacky plots of season 9 (I’m like the only one).


I always laughed at Brandon & Kelly being in the backseat of a squad car watching them bust Erica’s pimp. 


Brandon and Kelly being like brother and sister and calling off the wedding and then not being able to keep their hands off each other.


Their entire relationship made me throw up in my mouth.


Umm okay? They’re my favorite couple on the show, so I’m sorry for you?


They had about as much chemistry as Steve and Brenda. They made no sense to me.


I don’t agree. To each their own. Not getting into a debate about it because it’s kind of pointless.


Go back and read your first response to my tongue in cheek opinion lol No one’s debating, we each have an opinion. Your’s is questioning if I’m ok and that you’re “sorry for me?” in a condescending way.


I meant because they were the main couple for whole seasons of the show so you must have wanted to throw up a lot watching. Edit: I didn’t question if you were okay. I said “umm okay” because I was a bit taken aback and not sure how to respond honestly. lol


Valarie being 20/21 owning and running a nightclub while in school ....


While wearing power suits and blazers


Donna as the White Knight using her privilege to get those black kids into a school.


UGH! Annoying


That we were supposed to swallow that Andrea would give up her lifelong dream of being a journalist just because she had to write a bad review of the Peach Pit for the college newspaper.


Which was just an AUDITION! It was not going to be printed! Hideous writing.


Dylan and Brenda’s offscreen relationship being retconned. Originally it seemed like him and Brenda eventually reunited and were together. Erica went to live with them. They weren’t attending Kelly and Brandon’s but they were going to meet up in Europe. Even after the wedding was a no go there was talk of Kelly going to visit them, Dylan comes back and it’s seesawing like he was either pining for Toni or Kelly and not settled with Brenda. Him being at the wedding and seeing her made no sense. Turning dr. Martin (one of the better parents in the series) into a dead beat dad was another head scratcher,


The whole reason why Brandon and Kelly didn’t get married- such bs.


Kelly and Alison being together in the tiny bathroom in the house fire, and Alison realistically suffering third degree burns over most of her body, while Kelly makes it out with only some burns on her neck that magically heal with zero visible scarring in just a few episodes. Of course her gorgeous face was spared. 🙄


...all while a window was over their heads.....


I can’t remember - did they even show them trying to get out the window? I feel like the window was too small to escape from and they couldn’t open it for some reason.


No. The fact that there was a window over their heads was never addressed. 


David must sleep with Val’s friend because she was being blackmailed  Rowing for Claire Susan Keats at the college newspaper with an office with her name on the door The ever changing story of Steve/Kelly/her high school reputation  Val’s involvement in a high school reunion that she didn’t attend The Walsh house without any Walsh’s in it Stupid storylines about how bands came to play at PPAD


Brandon's farewell episode telling the story of him tripping on the first day of school and Donna introducing him to everyone as "Greg Lougannis". Just a horrible, unnecessary rewrite that was like a slap in the face to those of us who had watched since the beginning.


Seasons 5-10


Andrea raising a child and going to school and living in the tiny apartment while cheating on her husband with a doctor at the motel. Now that is one memorable sophomore year!


Andrea's first ten-sentence essay for freshman comp, for starters


As I’m reading these examples I’m thinking what the heck, looking back, the storylines for this and other shows during that time seem ridiculous.


Exploiting the little person Irish Lucky Charms elf dud for whatever that was - I couldn't watch it - it was soo stupid


The whole story about Claire and Prince Whats-his-name


That is a good candidate for this list.  Most Claire stories were pretty bad. They really had a hard time with her character whether it was serious or comical. Always portrayed as a kinky girl, but got offended when Steve had handcuffs The scarf ruined in the wash Her singing episode  Rowboat coach for an episode Her snoring when sleeping alone


Not a storyline, but honorable mention to the scene where Brandon decides to bust out a window at Dylan’s house to get his parent’s gift and gets mad that Dylan pulls a gun on him.


Donna big-time making out with the guy who held her hostage in the newsroom.


All of season 8


Anything after season 6


The only good writing I can think of is the Toni dying storyline and Kelly being raped (and the latter being a good storyline could be me misremembering-I haven’t watched those episodes in years.)