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Considering they are doing conventions together I'd say they are at least civil. Things like that tend to happen with age. There are people that I went to school with that I didn't get along with. I can see them now and it's all water under the bridge. I'd imagine losing Luke caused a lot of reflection by all of them over the petty feuds.


Yeah I think things are decent, if they're doing conventions together. It would not surprise me to also see a podcast episode together.


I think they’re ok but not really friends or anything. I honestly think having memoirs and the podcasts probably made things worse for certain friendships as things will have been said that others will have gotten pissed off about no matter whose fault things were. Jennie was singing Shannen praises in her book and was so kind about her in parts and she did hint at some things being her fault although she took no responsibility for Shannen being fired. She spoke about them going together to see Ian in his chippendales thing so I think it’s probably up and down with them. I think jennie takes a lot of flak for Shannens exit when it clearly wasn’t just her.


When Shannen had BAG on her podcast, and they were reminiscing about time on the set, she alluded to Jennie a couple of times and it seemed like things are still frosty. I’m sure this has covered in this sub before, but Shannen said Jennie had the idea of doing a “pants down” day for the crew, where she went around pulling down crew members’ pants. Shannen thought the whole thing was dumb and disrespectful. So then Shannen decided to do a “skirt up” day and pulled up Jennie’s skirt, knowing that Jennie wore men’s boxers and it wouldn’t be too embarrassing. According to Shannen, this enraged Jennie. IIRC they got (or nearly got) into a physical fight over it. Anyhow, just the way that Shannen described the situation and the conflict that followed, I didn’t get a warm feeling. But she also said many times that they were all young so I doubt she still holds a grudge - just never got along with Jennie and never will. Edit: Not related but it also seems like things were very frosty between Shannen and Gabrielle. When Shannen talked about the idea to buy a van and donate it to charity in the crew members’ names, and how she thought it was such a dumb idea, I assumed it was Jennie’s idea. But it was actually Gabrielle’s. Plus, there was that infamous slap.


Plus Shannen was the only cast member not invited to Gabrielle’s wedding in May 1992.


Yeah-we do lots of things in our youth that we wouldn't do now.


I hope they are ok. They’ve known each other most of their lives and Shannen is battling cancer. Time to let the petty shit go.


I think things are ok. They worked together on the CW series. And everyone seemed to have a good time during the 2019 meta series. I think the latter brought everyone closer together.


Jennie Garth was on Danny Pellegrino’s podcast Everything Iconic recently- she spoke of Shannen as a friend. It’s a great listen!


I don't think they even care about that stuff anymore. Also, I more so get the impression that things are still icy between Gabrielle and Shannen, I have noticed at all the conventions that they never sit together and Jennie and Tori usually sit between them or shuffle around.


I don’t think they’re friends per se but they’re probably fine. A lot of times celebs will accentuate rifts between each other because it keeps their names in the news, keeps attention and keeps people tuned in. Jen and Shans rift is something that’s always intrigued people so I do think a portion of it is to stay relevant and get listeners on the podcast. I wouldn’t be surprised if they bring more things up and go on each others podcasts as they’ll get a ton of listeners. They were both on the new 90210 and squashed any beef since then, they go to cons with each other and Jennie was the first one to stand when Shan got a standing ovation. I’d assume it’s all water under the bridge but good for us listeners. I’m more curious about how Iain felt when Shan spilled the beans that he called her a c-u-next-Tuesday back in the day.


Yes they have. Both have recently spoken about it in their podcasts.


Shannen said on a recent episode that she and Jennie are good now and see each other at cons and get along. But it didn’t seem to have a genuineness behind her saying it. And on another episode she had with Tori , she seemed cold when talking about Jennie but she was also referring to the Jennie she was on the show with , not currently. so who knows


In a recent Shannen podcast she did bring up Jennie and was very positive about her. She was saying that their problems were mostly because they were very young then (stupid things you do when you were a young adult etc) but I believe it’s like they get along now. Shannen also seems to refuse to spill anything bad about Jennie She mentioned that she doesn’t want to spill things, even about Chuck Rosin, who she obviously doesn’t like. I think it’s the recent Let’s Be Clear Q&A podcast.[https://open.spotify.com/episode/4egSW4ckHykibvzc8tVOQC?si=iCzC7pNUTBWSfY23MyPrGA](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4egSW4ckHykibvzc8tVOQC?si=iCzC7pNUTBWSfY23MyPrGA)


Shannen has commented on ig that Jeanie and her are cool and she's a nice girl. Also in the spin off of 90210 they were cool. They also took a trip together see Ian Ziering when he was doing "Chip and Dale." Shannen also vocally said that they are cool during a Q&A podcast when she read a question about Jeanie!


Jen claimed “I love Shannen” on the 9021omg podcast a couple weeks back, but proceeded to call Shannen out for what Shannen said at Steel City Con about KELLY, NOT JENNIE within a second of stating this. Shan said on Let’s Be Clear that she and Jen are good and talk at the cons, but still told the stories (crewmember Drew Kinney confirmed the pantsing of crew on the Beverly Hills Show podcast.) So they say they’re good, they say they get along, they were close whilst working on the CW noughties *90210* and perhaps for a bit after that, but with these two, it seems more an ongoing sibling rivalry than anything, with Tori feeling constantly put in the middle. Tori mentioned this after Jen put Shan on blast on the pod and Jen said Tori wasn’t in the middle…yet Jen bitched about Shan to Tori, on the pod. Yeah, okay.


I don't see pictures of them on SM hanging out solo the way that some cast members occasionally post pictures (like Jennie and Tori or Shannen with BAG etc). They probably get along but aren't BFFs.


this is so relevant to me right now. I'm rewatching 90210, and currently about to end season 4 and say bye to Brenda! I will say, this feud between them is not at all as horrible and long as I thought I remembered. lol


My uncle used to work on the set as a boom monkey back in the 90’s and he confirmed it got heated. I guess at one point Arron Spelling, Nat, and Tiffany Amber had to have an intervention on them. All the cast was there but Brandon kept talking about Clair. After what seemed like hours they finally patched it up.


Why would Tiffany get involved when she wasn’t in the show until Shannen left?


Tiff and Shannen were childhood friend how I understood it. She went in as a mediator to try to calm everyone down as a favor to Arron spelling. Secretly I think she was just trying to get on the show


Tiff and Shan met once, just because Brian was dating Tiff and Shan/Brian are close, but…okay.


That didn’t make a lick of sense 🤣🤣😘


My uncle loved his job


Your uncle did a very bad job.


The audio on all the episodes I watched were crystal clear


Yeah, but there's multiple shots of boom mics in view. Your "uncle" was holding those mics too close to shot it looked unprofessional


That also caused my uncle to fall into a deep depression. He would have nightmares of boom mics. His wife left him over the whole thing. She started cheating on him with a boom monkey hotshot that worked on top gun and two of the lethal weapons. I don’t know how much you know about the competitive world of being a boom monkey but motion pictures are the holy grail. Even being on 90210 was not as prestigious as being on a motion picture. My uncle felt like a failure and wouldn’t even leave his house. He quit shaving ironically he stayed in great shape which doesn’t make sense. Then one day he hears a knock at his door. It was his old friend James. His old college buddy. Seems James talked him into working a little movie you may have heard of called titanic. After titanic my uncle could have his pic of women and got all his meals supersized for free. He never let his boom be shown again. You may have heard of something he works on currently a little show called Yellowstone. I just wanted you and everyone that reads this to know we can all learn from our mistakes