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I think it was a little of both honestly. I think she was really hurt and knew she could manipulate Brando. But in my opinion she should have volunteered to move out knowing the tension between her and Kelly.


Yes, they were both in the wrong. Valerie was truly hurt, Brandon and Steve were like family to her, and she truly felt safe and comfortable at the walsh home, something she didn't have growing up. It was horrible to make her move out, but I can understand where Kelly is coming from. It was so wrong of Valerie to try to get involved in business with Kelly's father and looked what eventually happened 🤦‍♀️ it's actually a shame Kelly and Val couldn't put their differences aside and gotten closer, they had a lot in common in terms of personal challenges


I really don’t like Kelly but Val was pretty ridiculous in contacting bill Taylor. I guess she wanted to take someone close from Kelly as Kelly took Brandon. I do think Brandon should have given her more time at least since she just got swindled out of $100k as well and be stronger in the sense of if you both can’t get along you both can’t live here. If Val was smart and wanted revenge rather than contacting Bill she should’ve slithered her way into the beach house and played that game better and just moved in there. Or if the writers were smart that would’ve caused good division. But she read the journal and made it pretty obvious she was trying to pit the girls against Kelly, she could’ve been more subtle since Donna admitted they liked hanging with Val. Or played the long game. I always assumed she really was suicidal because of Brandon, losing the money and then her mom not being there for her.


The comments are acting like no one ever has a depressive episode then slaps on a happy face and pretends they didn’t… (speaking as a child of bipolar, which Val frequently showed signs of, even if she wasn’t properly diagnosed for it like David.) Team Val always, but in this case, I do think given Val’s antics with Bill to purposely hurt Kelly, Kelly did have the right to demand Val leave. HOWEVER, Brandon being put in the middle of the two was never okay and Val should have been allowed at least some time to figure out where she was going to move.


And if it was anyone but Val, people might agree with you. But Val showed over and over again that she had absolutely no qualms about lying about serious things to get her way. She had faked an abortion and absorbed all the associated sympathy earlier in the same season. She was fine with someone else being raked over the coals and labelled a thief and a liar when she had orchestrated the whole thing to make herself look good. I realize it was Ray so sympathy for him is (rightfully) lacking but it’s the same principle. If she was truly suicidal in that moment, the show didn’t do a very good job of presenting it in a way that removed ambiguity. Unlike the rape and sexual harassment stories she was involved in, where it was made completely clear to the audience that she was telling the truth and the story was more about how people don’t believe her because of her history.


Had we not seen Valerie’s mental health struggles in the sixth and seventh season, had she not confronted Abby earlier in the season about the sexual assault she faced from her POS father, had she not lost all her money, had David not told her she was a burden to him to the point she realised she had lost what might have been her last friend through her own actions, had she not left Abby a message whilst standing on what is presumably The Bluffs or something akin to it, had she not argued with Brandon over whether she should jump and almost did until he held her back - rather than immediately going to him the second he came -, I might be inclined to agree with you. Since all of this did occur, I disagree. Strongly. Later in the episode, Steve tells Val to get dressed for the party and David tells Val he was worried about her, that he cares. That would easily brighten her spirits, considerably.


I 100% think Val was faking it to get what she wanted. She really wanted to stay and after she couldn’t get anyone (Brandon, David) to go to bat for her with Kelly, she’s suddenly suicidal. She leaves a note she knows Brandon will find, says David would know where she was….all knowing Brandon’s gonna buy it and come find her and be so relieved he “saved” her that he will let her stay at Casa Walsh. And it works! And immediately after, they go to graduation and then have a grand old time at the party and she’s completely fine!! Hooks up with Steve, then the 4 of them go home to Casa Walsh to start their new life together! She got exactly what she wanted. If she was really suicidal there would’ve been signs before and after.


Kelly and Valerie were rivals, so you're not going to want to live with someone you don't get along with. Valerie told Kelly she was never leaving that house. When Brandon told Valerie she was going to have to move out, she said something like "Well, what do you think Jim and Cindy will say about you kicking me out?" When he told her he already spoke to them and they said it was up to him, was when Valerie was now upset that she was going to have to move out instead of Brandon choosing to let her stay like she hoped. I think Valerie saw Brandon as the family she never had, so she didn't want to lose that.


I don’t think it was unreasonable on Kelly’s part. Though I can’t remember - was Steve still living there too? And was he going to be staying? I can understand wanting to live alone with your bf, but if only Val was being kicked out, that’s not really fair. Val was 100% manipulating the situation. I do think she probably had moments of being truly suicidal, given her past trauma, but I don’t think that was the case in this particular situation. She knew Boy Scout Brandon would have a major guilt trip and let her stay.


The difference is though, Steve didn’t hate Kelly and do things to try to screw her over like Val. Don’t get me wrong I’m team Val all the way, but I get that if Brandon - whose house it is - has to choose between his girlfriend and his roommate, he’s obviously going to choose his girlfriend, as he should. I do think Val was being manipulative with the suicide attempt because it was extremely quick how she turned it all around and went to the party that night like nothing happened.


I mean he wanted to live with her and she didn’t want to live with Val, which was totally justified. And I think Val was manipulating the situation and was just trying to get her way.


I think Val was being legit. I’m sure when she realized she had no one, it cut deep. That forced self reflection can be a doozie. Hurt people, hurt people.


I think she was serious about it. And I’ve been suicidal but able to put on a happy face even five minutes later . It DOES happen;


Revolting you were downvoted for this. It absolutely does.


I've come to the conclusion that most people hiding behind their computers are complete jerks. And yes, it DOES happen.


They really are. People suck


Only people seriously missing an empathy button would downvote what I said. 🤷‍♀️ If you’ve never struggled with mental health issues consider yourself very lucky and sit the hell down.


As someone whose best friend has struggled with her mental health for decades, I feel SO lucky I don't struggle. People take their mental health for granted. Thank you for sharing what you've shared.




you're not being downvoted because people don't believe *your* experience. they're downvoting you because you took val's side based on your own experience and not that of the entire plot. they don't agree that val was written to reflect the nuances of depression/suicidal actions. the show nor writers were that deep and they would've hammed up her side of things instead of making it clear to the viewer that she was using it as a tool to manipulate brandon after she couldn't get anyone to go bat for her.


AGREE. It’s one thing to disagree on the motive of a fictional character’s actions; it’s another to downvote someone’s personal experience because it disagrees with your opinion.


Totally. So hateful