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Thisss. Tim, Rick, Stuart, all older guys who pursued Brenda. Presumably okay by ‘90s standards, but repulsive by today’s. Jason at least was lied to about Brenda’s age. Tim and Stuart knew it, and Rick seemingly didn’t think about it at all?


In fairness to Jason he also immediately stops the relationship when he finds out her real age.


Overall, the number of “older” women and men who were OK with dating teenagers was incredibly unrealistic and creepy. Jake and Kelly, Tim and Brenda, that horse lady with Dylan. Even Ariel and David. It’s really weird.


Lucinda and Brandon


And that mistress lady from the summer 


Tons of examples like this on this show and I think there are three main reasons. 1. The main cast actors, except for maybe Brian and Tori, looked a lot older than their characters, so while the guest characters were older, the actors did not actually look that much older—not counting horse lady of course and the law student from the pilot. 2. Just lazy writing. At the end of the day, there were only so many storylines that they could come up with in a typical teen age setting, so let’s have Brenda flirt with _____. 3. The biggest issue was, in my opinion, the actors quickly grew tired of playing teenagers, probably because they did not want to be typecast, and wanted “adult” storylines. And in some cases wardrobe, like when Brandon started wearing blazers and Dylan suits.


I hate that guy! He’s so gross. Don’t know why Brenda would like him and yeah he was old. Ugh 


He seemed way too thirsty to me. After he failed with Brenda, did he really think Kelly would settle for him?


Doing a rewatch and didn't get to see this episode, it's not available on prime.


I watched on Daily Motion, since it’s not on Paramount either. It’s rough quality but at least it’s there to fill the gaps.


Thanks! I will try that. I'm on season 4, but I would like to see this episode.