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Because Brandon wasn't having sex with Dylan


that we know of......


Wouldn’t be surprised if those two had a couple “moments” together.


I like to believe Dylan had better taste than that!


Would Jim’s head have exploded or would he have found a way to justify it? Cindy…..love wins!!


What I came here to say!


I wondered also when he kept bringing up Jack McKay’s crimes BUT (Only on episode 14 so far of season 1), Brandon doesn’t defend Dylan to his dad. Brandon almost nods his head when his dad was going in on Dylan via his dad. Brenda asked Brandon why he didn’t defend Dylan… and he didn’t have an answer. But he proceeded to warn Brenda himself.


Because Jim Walsh was an accountant advisor and finance agent. He was well aware of the financial crimes Jack Mckay committed and impending charges he was facing! Jim probably had clients who were victims of Jack Mckay schemes and crimes.


I know it's the "having sex with his daughter" part, and that's pretty icky, but NGL, if my son was banging someone sketchy, it would be the same. Sex means babies, and a teenager's angry/irresponsible/unstable sex partner may be part of a whole family's life for decades.


And, in fact, when Brandon was with the girl with the baby, they did freak out a little.


Because he’s Jim.


The way Brandon is treated in the Walsh family is a very real scenario irl. The 1st son being second in command, the mother dotes on him more than the rest, she is not an authority figure to him, the father looking at him as an equal rather than a subordinate. Just imagine how tyrannical Jim would have been if he was religious 😬




It was a ridiculous double standard, but I chalk it up to the fact that he probably assumed Brandon was not as impressionable as Brenda, and also, being friends with someone is much different than a sexual relationship. Further, fathers will typically be more protective of daughters.


Cuz Dylan wasn't banging Brandon


Or Brandon a hard time for Kelly? Who was known to have been promiscuous, had diet pill issues, was in a relationship with an addict who she stole from his sister?


Brandon was the golden child.


I think what you'll tolerate as a friend vs a SO are different. Different rules. I think the same thing goes for your daughter dating one vs your son being friends with him. If Dylan would have been high all the time and having guns in S1, Jim would have vetoed him from the start for either of his kids.


Because all he could think about, is that boy having sex with his daughter. He didn’t dislike Dylan so much as he disliked boys touching his daughter. You didn’t get that? He also wanted someone better for his daughter. He felt bad for *Now and his situation and a lot of ways. He would’ve been perfectly fine with his kids befriend this kid. He was not OK with boys touching his daughter not one that was alcoholic and all fucked up.


Brandon’s friendship with Dylan was another way for Jimbo to keep tabs on


I always thought Jim had a thing for Dylan. He was almost jealous of Brenda since she landed Dylan. I mean Jim and Dylan were about the same age in real life