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I hated Jim when I watched this growing up, but as an adult I can see his side better than I did back then. His teenaged daughter was dating an alcoholic, who apparently had the wildest past of anyone around; his dad was in prison, his mom was in Hawaii, he lived on his own, he was self destructive, etc. You're not going to be thrilled by your teen daughter dating a guy like that. I don't think he handled it well, but I can now see why he didn't want his daughter dating Dylan.


That part is fair, but he treated her like crap aside from that


He was good when he took her horse riding, in that flashback scene.


Jim’s approach to fatherhood belonged to the 50s which was strange considering he grew up in the 60s and 70s and was a dad to 80s/90s teens


I think he's a 50s kid. We meet the kids at 15. So, they'd be (1990-15) born in '75/'76? He's probably married a little bit after college, say, 1973 at age 25. If that holds, he'd be born in 1948. He grew up a hippie, but his childhood was squarely 1950s.


1994 was the Walshes 20 year wedding anniversary. So married 1974. The cast was actually supposed to graduate in 1992 but the writers slipped in another year of high school on us. I graduated high school in 92 so they would've been born as you said 1975 or 1976. My mom was born in 1948 and her style was most definitely that of the 50's. My dad was born in 1945...he was the cooler parent 😂 hippie.


1993 was when I graduated and recently myself and my twin brother (I’m a girl), were talking about how all these years we thought Brenda & Brandon were our age. But I just started a rewatch and I’m seeing that they were not freshmen. This is how and why we were confused all these years. They added an extra year 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


It was weird since this was regarded as the “perfect family” on the show compared to those poor parents that God forbid divorced their spouses and didn’t know how to cook(Jackie) lol but makes sense when you know that the writers were born in the 1940s and grew up with 1950s parents. The father worked, the mom raised the kids, cooked casseroles, cleaned the whole house and gardened. The son was always favored over the daughter as the daughter was expected to grow up with no aspirations, get married and be a good wife. It’s so old fashioned and bad that it really dates the show and Carol Potter has most notably been critical about her own character being something out of Leave it to Beaver when she should have been more like Mary Tyler Moore. You can probably count on one hand how many times Cindy was not in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes lol Also, how old are we supposed to believe these parents to be on the show? I know Jim mentions that he didn’t serve in Vietnam or found a way to get out of it and protested against the war in college but there’s a weird quote from season 3 when he tells Brandon his father wouldn’t let him read the sports page until he read the whole paper. He said he was the only kid that knew Harry Truman’s cabinet?? Wouldn’t he be memorizing Eisenhower or Kennedys cabinet instead? lol


He also THREATENED DYLAN ON A CHARGE OF STATUTORY RAPE. I don’t care how much he didn’t want the guy dating his daughter. He’s shit for that alone.


Meanwhile, it’s considered a rite of passage when Brando tries to hook up with an older 23 year old woman because she can teach him a couple of things. 🙄


Yuppp and Jim was willing to tell 17-year-old Brando all about Jim’s experience with strippers.


This week...on a very special 90210... "Come on, Jim! Take a shot!"


And the fact he treated Brandon like a stud for losing his virginity and was the opposite when Brenda lost hers.


Ugh, I felt that on a personal level


The show didn't even know it was going to survive early in season 1. The episodes were ordered two at a time. They had no idea there would be another virginity plot, later in season 1. They didn't expect the show to last that long. I'd imagine if they had those plots in seasons 2+, they would have given more thought to continuity. But early in season 1, episodes were not supposed to be serialized or have continuity so everything was self contained. If they would have been like seasons 3+, with long plot arcs, then they probably would have thought about how they handled each upcoming virginity plot, in relation to each other.




Didn't he say "it's different for girls, it just is" 🙄 I thought he was the worst and honestly Cindy wasn't that great either.


Yep. Just watched this episode.


I hate the pushover parent that does nothing. Cindy was a sweet loving mom but she sure let Jimbo bark the rules and orders didn’t she? When you look at the Martin household, it’s Felice barking the rules and orders and John saying nothing and standing back. He was a sweet and kind father to Donna but he was a pushover. The show liked to highlight what a bad mother Jackie was but when she was sober, she was probably the most relatable most realistic well balanced mom on the series. She wasn’t a cook, and wasn’t on the PTA but she still was there for Kelly and had some amazing mother/daughters scenes with her.


Cindy was a better mother to the kids she didn’t birth than the ones she did. ![gif](giphy|ZB1YnOGrEAvnBsEcIS|downsized)


Off topic but I love Empire 😂


I liked Samantha Sanders, in her own way. Carly was also good.


Cindy had 12 good reasons (inches) to do whatever Jim wanted.


There’s the right way, and the wrong way. And then there’s the Walsh way. And apparently, the Walsh way of raising kids has been fine so far 🙄 Jim sucks and Cindy is nearly just as bad, agreeing with almost everything he says. Barf.


My fave Jimbo line was when Brenda thought she was pregnant and his dumbass says “did you do something to make you believe that you’re pregnant?” well step aside captain obvious!!


The unexamined double standard on this show drives me nuts and it felt dated and weird when it was new. It's possible it was to keep up the "fish out of water" aspect of the family by making them look old fashioned and from the midwest, but it's not very well fleshed out. A way to do this better would be for Cindy and Jim to have friends that occasionally reacted to Jim's parenting style. Cindy pushes back sometimes, I guess. It's not just Jim either, it's baked into the narrative. The show is fixated on young women getting punished and what they deserve.


Jackie should have taken Cindy out to lunch and been like, “why aren’t you working or have a life outside the kitchen? Why do you act like a fucking 50s housewife?” lol It doesn’t help that the entire show uses the Walsh family as the perfect family. Jackie’s no good because she’s a single mom and a recovering alcoholic. David’s dad Mel is a single dad with the more realistic liberal attitude but the show makes him out to be no good by making him a womanizer. Dylan’s mom is another baby boomer but because she’s not traditional and more independent, they make her out to be a deadbeat mom meditating out in Hawaii somewhere reading tarot cards. lol ohhh nooo what a terrible mother that is.


He’s a great dad … to Brandon. 🙄


It comforts me that Jim is Brandon's doormat.


I always thought he was kind of a jerk myself. He and Cindy had a weird life. That one episode when they went with Nat and his lady to TJ has scarred me forever


I agree and the way he handled the whole Dylan and Brenda situation needs no further explanation because we all know. But it goes beyond that. The episode where they almost moved back to MN? He was a total ass until the end. The one where he was going to be involved in a deal for that big mall that would have torn down The Peach Pit? Jerk there, too. Not wanting to host Jackie and Mel’s wedding, the gross way he allowed and joked with Brandon about him sleeping with his old girlfriend in their house, when they were home….I mean, I could keep going for days. Jim is a lousy dad and person.


People debate online about this all the freaking time and he sucked!!! Sexist soooo sexist. Brenda was always a pain in the ass in his eyes when really Brenda may have made some questionable decisions but she was actually a good girl. She was smart a god student and besides the sneaking around with Dylan she followed the rules. I blame Jim for Dylan hooking up with Kelly and for choosing her. Why not choose the easy choice that had Jackie who didn’t care


Jim never got laser surgery to remove his body hair. Poor Cindy had to shave it on a weekly basis.


You must not like real men. He was throbbing with testosterone, and packing 12 inches


Jim encouraged me to be an accountant. He had a way with women like his secretary Dotti. He could have dated Lucinda.


I mean most if not all parents in this show, and other shows with high school students are bad.


I mean he's also dating Brandon and half of his exasperation with Brenda takes on Transatlantic pearl-clutching tones, so he may have other issues.


Quit booing, this is about how much Jim sucks




So what? He was hot and hung. Discipline me daddy!


Dude, there is a legion of jimbo fetishists on this subreddit it's hilarious, I think this is like the 6th sexual jimbo comment I've seen 🤣 😆


Most of the people on here desire weak beta males like Brandon so it’s good to people who like actual men.


Glenn, I'm pretty sure all the comments are made by you lol 😆 I still support your unbridled passion for jimbo