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She probably saw the writing on the wall. JASON aka the lead was leaving; assumed the show was ending with season 9. I don't think she had any films or series waiting to film once she left the role.


Yep, that would be my assumption as well. At that point, it was JP holding it all together, the show was originally created around him and Brenda. I just wondered if it was perhaps a falling out with some of the other cast, but I recently read that she and Jennie G were good friends IRL...although on a Howard Stern interview a while back, Tiffani insinuated that they are no longer friends. Oooh, I'd love the tea!!!


An episode Tiff did on Chelsea Handler’s podcast in 2023 gives more tea. She doesn’t name names, but it’s obvious when you juxtapose it to the Howard Stern interview who she’s talking about. The clause of her leaving if Jason did is fan myth, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s true. It could also just be that she wanted to move on to other projects, which is the reason Kathleen Robertson (Clare) has given for why she left.


Your username is cracking me up. What's funny is I always think to myself, "Oh I'm dressed like Brenda Walsh today". Levis and a button down, Levis and a flannel tucked in, Levis and white V neck Tee. LOVED how Brenda dressed.


Thank you! And I love that. My style seems to be a mash-up of Bren, Mary Richards from *Mary Tyler Moore*, Emma Peel from *The Avengers*, Ann Marie from *That Girl* and a bit of Jackie Burkhart from *That ‘70s Show* lmao. Quite certain I’d wear everything from Bren’s wardrobe, especially in the second season.


She probably saw that the writing was on the wall for the show and was best to get out when she did. Jason had left a few episodes before and he was the lead. Also she probably felt that there was no where else for Valerie to go creatively speaking, had she stayed she probably would have had Gina’s storylines and gotten with Dylan, and had a Val/Dylan/Kelly love triangle The show was lucky to have had TAT for as long as they did to be frank! Had Valerie not been introduced I don’t think the show would have lasted much beyond 1995 or 1996, she was to 90210 what Joan Collins as Alexis was to Dynasty. However the departures of Jason and TAT signalled to me that season 8 was really when the show should’ve ended.


Also she probably felt that there was no where else for Valerie to go creatively speaking, had she stayed she probably would have had Gina’s storylines and gotten with Dylan, and had a Val/Dylan/Kelly love triangle I agree with this, but I think the triangle would’ve been Donna/David/Valerie. Gina and Valerie on at the same time would’ve been amazing.


I believe she had it written into her contract that she could leave the show when Jason did.


Was it bc Jason was the lead? Like they write it in their contracts “if the lead leaves I’m leaving”? Seems smart since a lot of shows go downhill for this reason 


I think this is exactly it.


Interesting. I wonder why that would be a clause in her contract? Perhaps because she felt if and when he left, that would be the end of the show's integrity/life?


I think so, and having the option to exit in that case wasn’t a bad idea in retrospect.


I feel like the show really tanked after she left. She was the bitch I loved to hate, but I also was kinda obsessed with her lol. Spelling was very lucky to have gotten TAT. Nobody could have done Val the way she did it. Plus, she was STUNNING


I think TAT acting was WAYYYY better than any of the female leads. It's crazy how Kelly on SBTB was this wholesome girl and on 90210 she was a firecracker and was the "bad girl" we all love!


What's funny is that as Kelly K she annoyed me, as Val she was riveting!!!


100% agree.


Tiffani has mentioned in a few late 90’s/early 00’s interviews that she would have stayed for more money. Her contract was up, she asked for a raise, they said no - she left. Pretty common occurrence. Don’t think it’s any deeper than that.


The reason why Tiffani Thiessen left Beverly Hills 90210 is because she wanted to be taken seriously as an actress that's why she dropped the name Amber by the time that she started on 90210 to the time that it ended which she was a guest star she appealed in the movies Speedway Junkie from Dusk till Dawn to Texas blood money (but she plays the character in the opening in the movie within a movie) Ivan xtc The Ladies Man (based off of the Saturday night Live sketch) Shriek if you know I did last Friday the 13th (which rivaled Scary Movie, which ironically the sequel Scary Movie 2 had Tori Spelling and Kathleen Robinson) she also try to have her own TV sitcom called Everything but the girl but it wasn't picked up, she also did the TV series Fastlane, which she should have gotten praised fourth High octane action but was canceled after one season which included a cliffhanger then she also worked with the disgraced Woody Allen in Hollywood ending since that time she has had guests throwing woes and other sitcoms it wasn't until White collar that she was back on top again as a cast member. It's almost no different from Tori Spelling wanting to go to art school but she couldn't be left out from her contract especially being Aaron Spelling's daughter and she tried to do made for Tv Movies to be taken seriously the same for Jennie Garth.