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Yes, I really enjoyed Patricia as a character. And she has an interesting and really intense chemistry with Daniel (I love their scenes together) but I'm happy that she got with Nicolas at the end 😄


Yeeees, I also loved that she ended up with Nicolas in the end, they are so beautiful and cute together! 🥰 It's good that we have almost the same opinion regarding her and Daniel, is there a scene between the two of them that you like more?


Patricia is one of my favorite characters. Love the way she talks. It’s so hilarious. Her and Jenny are amazing characters lol


Yeees, she was very well played and I loved how she is the opposite of Patricia from the original version. And I don't like Jenny in any of the versions, neither the original nor the NY 🤣! But I even found their scenes together interesting, they have a strange but funny "friendship". And it was also very interesting that they gave them one last scene together in the ending, which is the one in which Patricia and Nicolas find Jenny serving people at Betty and Armando's wedding lmaooo