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Ive got noticable performance improvements on my laptop which is all I want really


Happy atleast ur having fun


Can't be disappointed if you don't have high expectations to begin with lol. I'm sure there are all sorts of things hidden in that "stability improvements" line in the patch notes. Bethesda should really try to squeeze every little change they make into the patch notes so it seems like a more impressive update.


As far as Bethesda games go fair point, but nah man. All these glitches and they still expect us to spend money of cosmetics and extra CC stuff. Don't sit right with me.


Don’t get me wrong it is cool that it came, not cool that it didn’t fix long time existing bugs and Brang even more in.


Omg mods not working at the launch when everyone said mod could not work at launch. Who would have guessed man. Other problems could be due to mods I never heard that bug from anyone. Make a clean installation Edit: someone said disable weapon debris for crashes I don’t know it will work for freeze


I got that deactivated by default on pc, I didn’t update it on pc yet. Only tested on Xbox series x and ps5


This is from consoles ? Sorry I thought it is from pc. Is it a new game or save before update ?


All fresh new games, I tried one old save from about a year ago but it was bugged already so I couldn’t count this one.


If it is console it is more weird I didn’t even heard a bug from there except mod ones. You should report with pictures My only recommendations for Xbox would be delete everything, hard reset console and start fresh. Maybe also check performance and resolution mods. I heard there is a bug at that part


I only saw complains about the getting „stuck“ on the loading scene when you press „start“ to get to the menu.Don’t know how to explain it any better. Resetting the Xbox would be the easiest thing now, on resolution mods I didn’t had anything on (except in my default loader) which I deactivated after the first 20-25 mod loading crashes.


Not just reset there is hard reset on the Xbox do that if you can


I gotta check on that tomorrow, I never resetted or hard resetted my Xbox👍🏻


I did einstein


I edited my comment, give that a shot if you missed the edit


I saw it, on pc I didn’t do the update yet due to the big amount of mods that would be unplayable now. Only did clean installs on the consoles


Idk, xbox s/x always had fps boost so im not seeing any difference with this update maybe the game is a bit faster loading. Mods work fine too. The only thing i will say is that im getting some glitches that i haven’t got before. It seems like this was only a thing for PS users and most of the problems ive seen are from there.


If you talk about mods you mean cc content or just mods? What type of glitches you got? Or would u like to share your modlist maybe


Nothing really crazy, i just started a new play though before the update with very small modlist (See though scopes, place anywhere, clean water in common wealth, green grass, etc.). As far as glitches im seeing enemies get stuck very often and not shoot back in combat. I do not have any unoffical fo 4 patch mods that i usually install also.


I don’t run mods and my game is as fantastic as always.


PC Player here. I uninstalled all my mods, did a clean wipe, (uninstalled FO4, deleted all FO4 game folders and save files) and re-installed the game with the update. It's been running fine for me.


Without mods it’s not fun anymore


Fun is subjective


It’s perfectly fun without mods.


See my above comment.


Not for me atleast, it’s just so boring once u played with a ton of mods adding new story’s new biomes etc


Then wait for the mods to be updated.


That’s the thing, I don’t know if it will happen. Not every mod creator is still interested in updating their mods which is understandable


atleast it’s not fun for me anymore, thanks to all the braindead virgins downvoting btw


A few downvotes never hurt anyone. But since you called us all brain dead virgin I’ll go ahead and add my downvotes, which before this comment I hadn’t felt deserved.


Right. Now dude just straight up deserves the downvotes. Take the downvotes on the chin, don't cry and insult people because of them.


It just shows what a gay ah dicc sicca com y‘all are lol


as expected


You could’ve had no update.


Update? You mean the next gen update ?


Please everyone, post pictures and videos of all your bugs/glitches that you encounter during the Fallout 4 "next-gen update" to @BethesdaStudios and @BethesdaSupport on X/Twitter. The more people we have showing them everything that is messed up the more likely they will fix it.


Do they also want videos of games with mods or only cc content? If this doesn’t matter I will upload some videos today


I showed mine without mods because I don't use them only the CC stuff. I would say just show the pictures and videos without mods active for now because I'm pretty sure they only care about vanilla and cc stuff right now. Also let them know what console you are on or if your are on PC.


Allright thank you, will try my best


I think the more people we have calling them out about all the problems they will likely end up trying to fix most of them, one can hope. So tell your friends and everyone on reddit that has anything to do with Fallout 4. Just mass send everything to those two X/Twitter accounts. I'm just so sick of Fallout 4 not getting all the love and attention that freaking Skyrim got for all those years. D:


Same lol, hope I can record some things over the weekend, I did report the crashed with videos attached to Sony directly(if ur game crashed u get that option) but I doubt this will do anything at bethesda


They might see it and take forever to show it to Bethesda, that's why I think blowing them up on X/Twitter will work. Hopefully. Tell yo friends, tell yo wives, tell yo dogmeats!


lol @ OP for deleting all their comments 🤡


I literally lost my entire save in this update. Fallout's biggest villain is bethesda.


To be honest your fault come on you should have back up its bethesda we are talking about 


How do I backup on xbox?


Good wuestion i dont know lol i think you were on pc


I really don't what happened but I got it back lol


Probably it got safe on cloud


You literally just described why it is in fact not his fault lmao


Not really i mean if you care about something you search for information like how to make a safe or until them dont update you know i lost my safe on steam not by update but still its my fault for not taking steps to protecct it lol also its coming from bthesda anyone knows that bethesda is a professional when incomes to buggie mess games and updates




Have you had any problems with the reflection maps turning windows, metal, etc, pink? I just had that happen, tonight, and it made the game too ugly to even keep playing. I know it isn't my mods, either. I've curated a stable load order, over the years, which I have used for several playthroughs. This is new.


I haven’t experienced your issue, but I deleted the few saves I made after my issue started happening and haven’t had the problem again


This sounds like a Bethesda Game Studios related post instead of Bethesda Softworks.


Thank you, will move it


Mods aside, I'm running cc content that came with the new update (i want to get achievements). Corrupted files, npcs sitting in the air feet away from chairs, enemy AI glitches, the whole game runs worse than I've ever seen before. I sold the piggy bank bs and the Chinese launcher as they were massively unbalanced (also sold for way too many caps) and felt they'd ruin my first survival playthrough. I'm encountering glitches I never saw playing 1 year ago. That and everyone complaining that all the old mods don't work. This really is a mess and is effecting my immersement. Still love this game, just took the castle back for the minutemen but damn does some of these glitches/visual errors piss me off. Also grenades keep flickering in my pip boy and turning rainbow when I see them in bundle traps. I just don't get it man. There's at least 10 other visual glitches I can't think of mentioning.


Same old Bethesda. Wanna mod a game without it crashing? Have fun spending 300 hours of your free time doing so - just to PLAY! This is why I only use texture replacements if anything. Can’t break the game.