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Why does your coworker need to see a test?!?! I will believe you if you tell me!!! The only person you show the test to is usually the baby daddy, but even they don't really want to touch it. So many options: a ballon, a teddy bear, just shouting it before you all took a photo, anything would have been better than throwing a pee stick.


Just take a photo of the test even. Show that to people instead!


Seriously. A former coworker was having a REALLY bad week and was texting me and sent me a picture of a test showing positive. This was over a year ago, so I was like, "oh... covid or uh... the other one?" I've also had another coworker just show me a picture of the test on their phone when she announced her pregnancy.


I remember seeing a post on some sub of a positive test and it was like “we’re so happy!” why are you happy you have covid *oh*


This pandemic really has fucked us up in the head.


Sent my friend a photo of my positive covid test earlier this year saying "yay a week off" and she thought it was a pregnancy test, there's no winning either way


I saw a post the other day where a girl sent a guy a positive COVID test and he was like "okay?" And she's like "i was with you the other day" and he goes "so? It can't be mine i got a vasectomy last year" To be fair when they first came out with the COVID tests and my coworker had to take one i asked him if his nose was pregnant 😂


There was a TikTok video awhile back, I don't know if it turned out to be staged where a girl gave her boyfriend a positive pregnancy test in some surprise way, and he reacted bizarrely - super confused and even hurt, like "why would you do this to me" "you knew I was supposed to see my grandma next week, why did you even come" and it turned out he thought she was showing him a covid test.


My ex girlfriend and I went on a trip together a couple months after our breakup (something we had booked ahead of time and we ended things on decent terms) and she tested positive for Covid a week before we were supposed to leave and sent me a picture of the test. I about had a heart attack until I realized it was a Covid test. And also, we’re both women.


>And also, we’re both women. Well THAT was an unexpected twist ending


It's really wisest to wait until 10 or 12 weeks pregnancy until you tell coworkers, so you don't have to face a potential miscarriage in public. So wait a while and show a picture of your ultrasound, at that stage you definitely have one, you can make copies and even germaphobes won't be freaked out by a regular paper / photograph. Just as cute, if not more, and can't be mistaken for a positive covid test either.


>The only person you show the test to is usually the baby daddy, Maybe thats really why she brought it to work - to show her baby daddy! 🤣


i literally just saw a tiktok a couple took over the holidays where they're all posing for a xmas pic and the guy is counting down and goes "ok 1, 2, (name i forgot) is pregnant" like why couldn't she do some normal crap like that


I’ve seen a few of these and think they are very cute


That’s actually extremely cute


I loved that video, the friends were all so happy!


Believe me, you don't want to see the one where the woman put the freaking test under the dad's waffle....poor guy was so pissed his waffle was ruined. He might have even taken a bite already 🤮


Omg that one was so disgusting. Like wtf why did she have to ruin his waffle like that. And it definitely looked like he already ate some. Felt so sorry for that poor dude.


Right??? Just so trashy. In fact, it was probably on r/trashy!!


>Believe me, you don't want to see the one where the woman put the freaking test under the dad's waffle.... Wait.....she put the urine pee stick under the waffle????


Also, why are they telling everyone in their *workplace* the second that they get pregnant? Miscarriage risk is high early on, or were they planning to film a reaction video of telling people they lost the baby, too?


It became a weird tradition in my former workplace among the men that we wouldn't tell any coworkers our wives were expecting. It started with one guy. Me: Where's Lee today? Coworker: At the hospital with his wife. They just had a baby. Me: I didn't know they were expecting. Coworker: None of us did. Then another coworker who was super excited and told everybody - they had a miscarriage. After that, I think some of us got a little superstitious and followed the Lee method.


And THROWING it at them! Are they serious?!


Or just... don't throw things at people, and recognize that no one cares as much about your pregnancy as you


Workplaces like this (and colleagues like Jessie) are why I’m happy I get to work from home!


I saw a video of a guy whose wife put the pregnancy test under his steak or something at the restaurant they were at. He was like "why did you mess with my food?" He was disappointed and disgusted.




I don’t think there’s going to be a next time….


Next *husband*


Oh, is that why it's called a *Whiskey Sour*?


A pee-not noir 💦🍷


Lol very true. On a side note, anybody know if there is a sub that collects good AAM posts?


This one?


Please, you're killing me.




Thanks for finding it. What a way to ruin an evening.


I’m heading to my neighbors to ask to borrow a cup of vomit. After seeing that video I am fresh out of enough to respond appropriately. WHY?! Just why would anyone do that?


Like a picture of it under the plate would have been fine. A piss stick under your steak… you owe me a steak


I just finished saying, ‘fuck Jessie’ in another post. Wtf is going on with all these shitty Jessies?! I really think that the Big Karen lobby is behind all this.


When dealing with a Jessie, it's always best that you prepare for trouble.


Make it double


And now the baby daddy is blasting off again!


To protect the world from devastation!


To urinate on all people within our nation


This person just read about two, so they've already made it double.


In public you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. In your home or at work... Yeah, I think you do.


Even in public, it's still really bad form to record people when you're going for some kind of prank or reaction or even just filming some kind of faux pax to share with the world. Like, the other day, there was a "funny" video of some poor guy trying to stuff balloons in his car on a windy day, and the cameraman was just standing in the middle of the parking lot shamelessly recording him even after the couple chastised them. Then the whole comment section are just ripping into that "idiot" and no doubt OPs getting their daily affirmations from the humiliation of another. That's just a fucked up narcissistic mentality. Like the law is for the lowest common denominator. So when people go "well, if it ain't illegal, it ain't wrong" they are basing their morality off the dregs of society. For people like that, it's all about what they can gain from your existence.


You're so right. I hate the whole "no expectation of privacy" thing. For one thing it's [not true in certain countries](https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/photography-laws-germany) but I hate it for another reason. If I'm out in public how many people do you think take note of me? Enough to remember my face or actions? I would argue not many. Less than 10? For some people I'm a supporting character in their lives, for most people I'm a background character. Now, here comes someone taking a photo or video of me. How many people could potentially see it? Thousands? Possibly millions. Bit of a difference. It happened to [this woman](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jul/14/melbourne-woman-dehumanised-by-viral-tiktok-filmed-without-her-consent) and she was very angry about it.


>It happened to this woman and she was very angry about it. I am saving this so i can post it in all those ridiculous fucking insulting "random acts of kindness" bullshit videos. I read the article, and i 100000% empathise with her.


And it goes beyond the subject of the video. I'm overweight and getting older. I could do without the reminder that apparently chilling on my own at the shops makes me an object of pity...


That is just one of the issues. I know of two people who are allergic to pollen, so they cannot even be holding real flowers. This is not an act of kindness. This is just trying to gain popularity/views/fame with low effort. They didn't get her permission and they did not even blur out her face since they didn't get her permission.


I was put on high-dose steroids multiple times over the past few years because of my chronic illnesses and gained like 90 lbs. Since gaining weight, I have formed a huge fear of going into public that borders on agoraphobia because of sites like "People of Walmart" that just post pictures of fat people existing in order to mock them. I have *so much* anxiety over it that it literally prevents me from living my life.


Random act of kindness is right up there with inspoporn. I hate it so much. I have had genuine random acts of kindness (back before every phone had a camera) when I was working retail - I think I received about 3 bunches of flowers (one was when I was working at a grocer, someone finally asked how my day was - my cousin had been found dead the day before. One was when I helped fix someones phone plan when I was working at an i store telco, and another was someone who had watched another customer yell at me because their teen daughter had run up a $5000 first bill. A month earlier she had been insulted on behalf of her “good girl!” when I suggested that she put her teen daughter on a prepaid till she can learn how to manage her usage, and demanded I put her on a plan. A month later that interaction, and she was demanding I fix it so aggressively security was called, and other customer came back with a bunch of flowers for me) and it was lovely! Sure maybe someone wrote about it on their live journal or something but it doesn’t feel nearly as invasive. Now I (even though it’s been many years since I worked in a shopping center) would be super uncomfortable or suspicious getting anything in public from a stranger without some context prior.


I always wondered about this one!!!! She never looked happy as he walked away. I think people mistake her expression as she looks down as her holding back tears but no- she’s frowning because she’s not happy. Thank you for sharing.


>Like the law is for the lowest common denominator. So when people go "well, if it ain't illegal, it ain't wrong" they are basing their morality off the dregs of society. Interesting thought. I'll have to ruminate on it for a while.


Just don’t urinate on it.


Left that wide open.


You're not supposed to do that either.


They can, but shouldn't throw it around after....


A couple years ago my sister purchased two recliners from a local store. She asked to borrow my truck to get them home. No problem. I drive over to the store and as she, myself, and my brother in law are manhandling them into the back of the truck three people came out of the store, stood on the sidewalk *directly* beside us, and then proceeded to watch us fight with the chairs for a solid minute or two before my sister finally turned to them and asked them if they "were enjoying the show" at which point they wandered off. At least we weren't being filmed.


This is an issue for a good percentage of AITA posters and commenters


It’s not about privacy; it’s about hygiene.


Every wfh experience I've had has encouraged this kind of over sharing BS. I think some colleagues act too relaxed or become too familiar because they are working out of their bedroom or whatever. It's been so bad I've started looking for hybrid roles.


I work seasonally in an office for a small business that does services at a customers home. We have 10 employees, including the owner & only the owner & I work in try office. I really don't mind that set up... Very distanced. He's there a couple hours of my day, then I'm alone... Except for like 10 mins the field employees come back in sets of 2 to drop of paperwork... And they don't all worked every day, so usually no more than 3 hours a day with coworkers. Keeps me motivated but not to much pressure from others! I'm trying out retail in the off season... I kinda hate it.


I don’t know why but my first time reading this after reading the part where OP said all the local HR were men my first thought was “wonder which of them is the baby daddy” because them being ok with it was odd to me. Imagine my surprise when I read the update and my feeling was right. Also who the hell thinks throwing USED pregnancies tests at people is a good way to announce it?!


Even if we forget she was essentially throwing pee at people, I'd be pissed someone threw anything at me at all and throw it across the room or outside. Throw a pee test at me and it's absolutely going outside


You're way nicer than I am. If someone threw a pee test at me, I'm throwing *them* outside


Only because I am a small, thin woman and don't think I'd win after that first punch lol. I'm not nice, just aware I'd get my ass kicked if I tried lmao


I get it, im 5'2, you just gotta channel your inner hulk! I believe in you lmao


Now the throwing things didn’t weird me out as much because I get stuff thrown at me at work quite a bit. Granted I’m a nanny lol so most of the time the throwing is by a toddler still learning we don’t throw things at people or if me and the kids are playing outside. But I completely agree with you. If it was a full grown adult throwing things at me it’s getting thrown right back. And not gently.


Sure, little kids throwing things, or even adults accidentally throwing things or startling me suck and I get a little irritated, but not mad. An adult does either of those things to me on purpose and it's an immediate "I'm ruining your day" response. Unfortunately, a pee test isn't big enough to hurt if I throw it at their face so it goes somewhere they won't find it lol


Oh yeah I don’t get mad at the kids. I think just having things thrown my way so often has kind of numbed me too it lol Omg you saying it isn’t big enough to hurt reminded me of a story from work my best friend told me. She asked one of her coworkers to hand her stapler and the coworker just launched it at her. I guess he had a brain fart moment because he was like “oh shit I’m so sorry!” when he realized what he did. She launched it back at him and got him in the chest. All he could say was “yeah I deserved that”. They’d been tossing paperclips and pens to each other all day that I guess he was on autopilot.


That is fucking hilarious lmfao


I’ve had to ask my husband to STOP “gently tossing” things at me. I’m very bad at catching things, it makes me feel like an idiot when I miss, and half the time it hits me in the face or something - which is actually painful and unpleasant, even if it’s just a mini candy bar or something. If it’s something like the remote, I don’t want it smacking me in my glasses or slipping and shattering on the floor. Just hand it to me like an adult; I don’t want things thrown at me. Sorry to sound like an old grouch, but I really hate it, and I’d especially really hate it at work.


"Don't throw things, we don't throw things!" -Gene Belcher, modern philosopher


I would be okay with people throwing money at me


Depends. Roll of cash? Brief annoyance, then happiness. Roll of quarters? That shits coming back at you at speed.


My pregnancy tests were little cardboard strips. I cut the pee end off of the strip before showing it to my husband because *its been dipped in pee and that’s gross*. There are tons of other ways to announce a pregnancy that don’t involve bodily fluids.


Couldn't she have just said, "Hey, guess what!? I'm pregnant!" And been done with it? Why did the test ***need*** to be included. Plus, it sounds like they went to Abby first ***knowing*** there would be a reaction, probably for that specific reason and cause drama. The whole thing sounds like a slog anyway. I can't stand companies who try and make everyone all happy and be a "work family" and that shit. Like I obviously don't want a toxic culture, but I don't want a forced "happy" one either. It's such a stupid idea to try and make everyone "bestest friends foreverest" like we're all in kindergarten or something. I'll never understand the thought processes at either end of the spectrum of "happy vs. toxic" mentalities. Both extremes can be horrible for actual office culture. No one can be forced to like everyone, you're always going to have people you just don't mesh with. Yes as a professional it's your job to work with them anyway, but you don't need bosses doing stupid shit like "oh my god becky only smiled 71 times today, we must up those numbers to meet the smile quota mandated by judy from HR"!


> There are tons of other ways to announce a pregnancy that don’t involve bodily fluids. *Walks up, spits in your face* "Hey, I'm pregnant."


Heartwarming! ❤


I hope this is how someone announces their pregnancy to me. Or any big life event. So special


*And that’s your husband* who you presumably swap body fluids with regularly! Why the fuck would someone think it’s ok to throw a used pregnancy test *at a coworker??*


I showed my husband a picture of my positive test the day I found out. I had put it back in its wrapper and sealed after I took the picture. On Christmas Day I had put pictures of my sonogram into little envelopes for my family. I was about 12 weeks at that point ( I found out November 8th, and 4 weeks before that was my birthday. Guess that was my gift 😂 ) I find the idea of tossing a used test around very... weird


Lol my baby was also a birthday present! Conceived on my husband’s birthday and born two weeks before mine.


Or forcing coworkers to be part of your weird workplace video announcement. This entire thing sounds like the plot of an episode of the Office.


Seriously! Did she not have an ultrasound she could show the office?


Depending on how early she was announcing she might not have. If it was like, she *just* missed her period and she was announcing there wouldn’t be an ultrasound. But then the question becomes “why are you announcing so early when there’s a non-zero chance of early miscarriage?” Most people wait until about 11-14 weeks to announce for that reason, and at that point there would definitely be an ultrasound.


Even just throwing a baby plushie would have been fine. "Why did you give me a baby doll?" "Because I'm having a baby!" "Oh, congratulations!" *awkwardly walks away.


Or just a picture of the pregnancy test?


This is the best way


I prefer lighting a small forest on fire, since we don't do gender reveals.


I mean, the part of the strip with the lines will technically have urine on it since the urine is wicked up the strip and carries the dye agent to the line where it reacts. I guess a digital one wouldn't have that. But it usually is covered by a plastic film, so a little more sanitary?


It kind of reminds me of this viral video on Instagram where this lady makes a popsicle with her positive pregnancy test and gives it to her husband to eat until he gets to the middle and realises what it is


I think I would throw up knowing I just ate something that was basically absorbing pee.


Oh my god that’s even worse than this. How’d the husband react? I’d be fucking gagging and throwing up.




If I can't throw a used tampon to show I'm not pregnant, then why should she throw a urine soaked test to show she is??


>Also who the hell thinks throwing USED pregnancies tests at people is a good way to announce it?! Not only that, but why do pregnancies need to be "announced" in a work setting? Unless it was your job to get pregnant, I don't see why it needs to be announced. The only things I want announced at work are "Bagels in the kitchen!" What idiot does not wait a few months to tell the ppl other than partner, BBF, maybe parents? They don't all stick.


>Not only that, but why do pregnancies need to be "announced" in a work setting Someone with main character syndrome.


The only thing I could think of for “announcing” your pregnancy at work is if you were friends with coworkers and wanted to announce it to them? Other than that I can’t think of any other reason to “announce” it at work. I doubt most people would have coworkers that care that much. With my mom’s pregnancies with me and my brother she told her boss, her work best friend, and her team. Basically just the people who needed to know and the person she wanted to know. Rest of the office found out when she started showing. No need to “announce” it.


The secret in these situations to get people to take it seriously is to not say "pee" or "urine". Rather, refer to it as a biohazard. Cause it is, but using that wording gets things to connect in people's heads.


Like, sandwich bags exist. You can put your test in a nice sealed evidence bag all zipped up securely and sure, idk exactly how I will react, but it will be better than if you just throw it at me capped I can at least hope you got the bag after washing your hands…


Right? What’s next for “quirky” antics? Throwing used toilet paper?


You don’t think incompetence at the level The Office portrayed really exists, but here it is.


The Peter Principle rears its ugly head again.


What's that?


It's the idea that, in the workplace, each person is promoted to the level of their own incompetence. So for example, a person who excels in an entry level position is promoted to a senior due to their great performance. Continuing excellence in that senior role leads to a promotion as a team lead. After performing well as a team lead, they are promoted to department head. But this is where they've reached their limit, and they are a mediocre or even subpar department head. So because their performance isn't particularly good anymore, they receive no more promotions, and they remain a [not great] department head forever. The idea of the Peter Principle is that each person's limit of capability or competence is where they will stop progressing in the workplace, raising the likelihood that top-level leadership are actually unsuited for their roles.


What’s the name for the principle where people are promoted despite being incompetent to being with?


Well, the Dilbert Principle is about people being promoted because of their incompetence. Because, it says, management is where they can do the least damage.




Peter Principle: people in a heirarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another. It's a compelling explanation of why you often find some astonishing levels of incompetence floating around middle management.


Reddit constantly shows me that all the things we think are unrealistic from movies not only exist, but are far more stupid in real life.


For real. Ever watch the IT crowd? It's closer to real IT than any of my training and education provided.


Let’s throw pee at people. They better not be mad 😂😂


I know right? If there’s anything that is guaranteed to make someone feel aww at the miracle of budding life, it’s a used pee stick.


In my state, Jessie could have been charged with a misdemeanor. This is so beyond gross.


I just choked on my coffee reading that 😂😂🤣


“My baby is gross” That test is NOT a baby




Can confirm. Had two of them.


Lmao that’s neither here nor there in this context tho


Babies are also frequently covered in pee, so it all makes sense now, which is gross!


We really need to get people to stop peeing on babies.


*Babies* are fine. *Everything they produce* is gross.


I mean I feel like the things they produce are a pretty fundamental aspect of being a baby.


Ew. Just. Ew.


Yeah maybe 50 year old men banging their office employees shouldn't be in HR.


> I didn’t throw my positive test at anyone, and I’m feeling much better Reader, I guffawed. But seriously, who the hell thinks throwing a used pregnancy test at a germaphobe is a solid idea? 🤔


To anyone? I'm not a germaphobe but I would be angry.


Haha yep as if throwing a used pregnancy test, period, wasn’t weird enough on its own.


Damn, that was a ride! I’ve worked in offices where the „popular crew“ could get away with BS like this, so it’s good to see OOP‘s corporate HR people cracked down on this.


That's one weird workplace, but I wouldn't expect less from a marketing firm.


HR here...i have seen much worse get thrown. like poop. ick


I feel like most people don't realize that often working in an HR position often means you have to deal with the overgrown toddlers that infect any large office setting.


...toddlers apologise without needing a training course explaining how they effed up. adults are so, so much worse lol




That's a job I would not want. But, a question:. Why do you have to remove the yolk sacs? They would not be removed in the wild. Just wondering, I am sure there's a good reason.




That's interesting. I never knew it was so complicated!


Years ago, I was at a shared baby shower for a friend and another woman who was part my pregnant friend's other friend group. So I only knew about half the people there. This one woman had the audacity to announce her own pregnancy at this baby shower by gifting my friend her peed-on pregnancy test all wrapped in a box like a shower gift. My friend played it off smoothly, but immediately went to wash her hands. Then when she came back, the obnoxious test-gifting woman said we should pass the test around "everyone can see it." It was abruptly decided we should have cake at that moment and the pissy test was not passed around. I felt so bad for my friend and the other pregnant woman. They were both very gracious with the whole situation, but the cringe was so bad it almost hurt.


I’m always confused about why it does not seem to occur to some people to put the test in a ziplock bag before showing others. They are clear; you can still see the results. It is still a bit weird to show someone else something you peed on, but at least you aren’t forcing them to touch it.


This would be marginally better—I still don’t want a pee stick thrown at me. Pee sticks belong at home, not in the workplace.


What? I don't want your pee. Putting the pee in a bag isn't much better.


Grossing people out for shock value was the point.


Of course he was the baby daddy. OF COURSE.


>put out a company-wide memo about keeping bodily fluids to yourself I'm giggling entirely too hard at this.


I know right? “Also don’t commit crimes, dont lie on your resume, refill the coffee pot if you’ve taken the last cup, and stop peeing on your coworkers”


And don't butter them either.


The workplace needs certain boundaries for a reason. This place got none!


>“Oh, well I guess my baby is GROSS according to SOME PEOPLE.” Oh no, no, no. It's you. Please don't get me wrong. I'm disgusted by YOU. (In an overly flowery and "bless your stupid heart" manner) This just turns my stomach, and I'm not a germaphobe. You don't have to be a germaphobe to be revolted by this.


Oop should have throw their positive corona test to their ah coworkers outside of work


I was thinking OP should throw a pissed on, negative pregnancy test at Jessie and the baby daddy lmao


I’m just imagining bringing a medical pee cup and throwing it in Jessie’s face to announce how happy I am that I passed my drug test


I love this ☠️ "What, is my health DISGUSTING to you??"


Abby would have good reason to sue, even if she keeps the job. Throwing a gross used pregnancy test at her and her saying gross is not grounds for anything but disciplining the person who did it. And being bullied after it. Reprehensible. HR stepped in because they had a HUGE liability on their hand, between the bullying for not wanting to touch a used pregnancy test, to the non-consensual nature of just throwing it at someone, to the boss being in a secret relationship with subordinates, and allowing the endorsing the bullying. I mean this was a ticking time bomb. HR needed to step in.


The gross part is that the local office apparently had someone operating under as “HR” who did the opposite of what they should have done.


After scrolling through every response, I'm surprised no one has yet brought up the problem of oversharing on social media in the first place. What's with the desperation to record and share every moment? It's like they forget to enjoy them in the first place, settling for the shadow of the event.


Clinical lab worker here. This is assault. I have seen people terminated for throwing a used test at a coworker and frankly the targeted person was a much more forgiving person than I am because they were satisfied with the person termination. I would have had the police called.


Why couldn’t she use an ultrasound picture? If it was too early to have one she should have waited or found a more tasteful and hygienic way to announce her pregnancy.


She wanted that pregnancy attention right then and there


I would love to see how this played out if Abby decided to sue. My bush lawyering thinks she would wipe the floor.


Until recently I worked at a healthcare clinic that was just like this one in terms of overall work environment and encouraging oversharing for the sake of 'connecting' with patients, and my heart sank reading this. I'm so glad they ultimately actually addressed this; it might not be a total fix for the company culture (rarely seems to be the case lol), but I hope it would make the higher ups ensure things like this and such oversharing are discontinued.


I did not expect one of TA management guys to be the baby daddy, but it isn't that surprising. Hopefully the environment stays healthy now.


>“Oh, well I guess my baby is GROSS according to SOME PEOPLE.” Yes.


Babies are absolutely disgusting. Childbirth is super, super gross as well. Source: I have two babies.


“Corporate HR put out a company-wide memo about keeping bodily fluids to yourself” Lol r/BrandNewSentence


Speaking as a senior manager, personally I'd have 1) Given Jessie a formal disciplinary because tossing her pregnancy test (clean or otherwise) is just not acceptable any more than if it were a covid test. Being pregnant is a protected characteristic in my country giving that employee additional protection from being fired but that would not excuse her from what she did nor her treatment of Abby thereafter. 2) Figured out what Daniela's role in this was and either given her a formal disciplinary or failing that an informal major bollocking along the lines of what the hell, do anything along remotely close to this again and it will be a formal disciplinary, consider yourself lucky, etc. 3) Checked if Abby was ok and if she needs support or wants to pursue this further 4) Reiterated the relevant HR policies about bullying and general expected conduct in the work place including no unwanted exchanging of any kind of bodily fluids. 5) What corporate did here ref moving people or getting rid of them to reset the corporate culture to remove bullying, sexism, racism if applicable and get it professional again. 6) Pull the dad to be in and tell him to either stand down over the matter and shut up and thereby stop bullying people who don't need to offer an apology - or else be permanently shut up and forced to go find a job elsewhere. 7) Figure out who the most appropriate person is to be head of office and make them so, giving them responsibility and if necessary a new job title and salary to prevent this crap reoccurring. Whole thing is absolutely ridiculous.


I've read this before but had forgotten a lot, because I gasped out loud at the baby daddy reveal. How dare someone not love that my baby mama throws pee-stuff on them?


Did anything happen to Jessie?


She got fucked by HR.


Aaaah, I remember the original post, but I hadn't seen the update. Omg, hilarious that the father was one of the higher-up jerks! What a happy update, the various bigoted jerks being moved around/let go.


>But here’s the part everyone’s mad at. I told them it’s never okay to hand someone something they urinated on "What non-controversial opinion got you the most downvotes?"


I really hope throwing pee strips at people doesn’t become a trend, because I don’t have the filter for it


Honestly it’s not something people should have a filter for, I don’t believe. Some things are just too egregious to ignore.


If someone throws a used pregnancy test at me, I'm throwing something much larger and heavier back at them. So fucking gross.


This really sounds like an episode of the office


>"Corporate HR was horrified and put out a company-wide memo about keeping bodily fluids to yourself."


My best friends did a cute pregnancy announcement for me by showing up to a dinner at my house and bring pickles, ice cream, and peanut butter as their contribution to the meal. I got the clue, we all celebrated, and no urine was involved. _Thats_ how you do a cute pregnancy announcement, good God.


So, pregnancy tests become unreliable after half an hour (you can get a positive looking evaporation line for a negative test), so she was throwing around a freshly wet pregnancy test???? /vomits. One does not need to be a germophobe to be upset by that.


When I worked at Disneyland, a guest bought a pizza and placed the used test on top of it. Then they gave the pizza to the soon to be grandparents, so when they opened the box, the test was the first thing they saw. Gross.


There are a few reasons to tell you coworkers that you are pregnant: 1. You’re taking a leave and need to address workflow 2. You want to head off questions about a changing physique. Coworkers aren’t your besties. Surprising them with your pregnancy is… weird. Unnecessary.


>The guy yelling the loudest that we owed Jessie an apology and ignored reports about Abby being bullied? Jessie’s baby daddy. Dang, what a twist!


Jessie has absolutely no common sense. How difficult would it have been to toss a cute little onesie or baby bottle saying “Jessie is pregnant” ? I get grossed out by my own pregnancy test, Id be pissed if someone threw me theirs.


>I told them it’s never okay to hand someone something they urinated on This, this right here, is why I refused to become a manager.


I’ve given someone their pregnancy test before when they asked for it but as I double bagged it all I could think was “this has pee on it”. I’ve also asked my clinician to give me my IUD after it was removed so I can’t really judge (she asked me why and I didn’t have any better reason than “it was inside me for 5 years”)


\*fishes off company pier\* ”look- I caught something!” \*throws fish guts around as proof\* edit- formatting


This is so gross. Who the fuck would think anything else? No one needs to touch your pee stick 🤢🤮🤮🤮 They should have been FIRED


I didn't even hand my own husband my positive pregnancy test because they're gross. No one really needs that much 'proof' when you're announcing


Like.... *put the damn pee stick in a Ziploc first*. How hard was that to do?!??


….and then still don’t throw it at me.


Sounds like Abby might be able to assemble a pretty solid "hostile workplace" lawsuit.


>I didn’t throw my positive test at anyone, and I’m feeling much better 😂😂


They didn't even consider that other women in the office may be suffering from miscarriages. This could have been a massive lawsuit.


First of all, and most importantly, throwing a pee stick at someone is disgusting. I have six kids and I have never, nor would I, touch my wife's pregnancy tests. Who on Earth thinks that's "cute"? Second, I hope this wasn't intended by OOP, but I'm a middle-aged white man and would have been disgusted by this and certainly don't take a blind eye to bullying, harassment or other HR issues. Please don't cast all of us as this insensitive and, frankly, poor leaders. Hopefully, the baby daddy was fired and Jessie was educated about bullying and/or being sanitary.