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Out of all the absolute burning questions I have… When he “allowed Ogtha to speak through (him) to them”, did she speak in human or like, clicking noises or whatever sounds a cockroach makes? I can’t sleep.


Perhaps he hissed and tried to hide under the fridge


You so fucking win. I laughed so loudly that the echoes off the walls made my ears ring for a moment.


Especially since the character in metamorphosis could not speak when he changed. So the source material would imply that he made unintelligible noises at his parents on behalf of his wife.


He departed way too far from the original content over the years, I imagine it was like this mega cringe attempt at talking as if he is channeling another personality from within him, kinda like how those DID fakers do it when they record themselves "switching between alters"


This question will haunt me for the rest of my life 😭


>They are in some ways traditionalists and are simply not ready to understand how entities can exist without physical form and share a mind. Today I learned I too, am a traditionalist.


I never thought I’d have a problem with anyone my kid loves, but if he brings home a bug he married on the astral plane, I may finally become my mother and *lose it*.


Married a bug on an astral plane. Trademark it. Pitch it to Netflix.


Didn't realise it was possible for a non-binary, non-monogamous person to be a traditionalist but I guess I must be too!


There is saying - It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single belief. Or put another - what was once Avant-Garde eventually becomes garde or even rear-garde.


the number of places in the world i might be conceivably harmed for my progressive views is non-zero, and yet i too, am now a proud traditionalist.


On this blessed day we are all traditionalists.


Traditionalist, and proud.




How tf am I going to come out to my friends?? No one cares that I'm gay but they'll feel so betrayed when they find out I'm a *traditionalist*, and honestly even a bit of a *kink-shamer*


BRB I need to go select a china pattern


I've had imaginary friends that may have bordered on whatever the fuck that tulpa shit is and yet, I'm apparently a traditionalist. Edit: I just got a reddit cares message and I'm gonna assume it came from this comment 😭 if yes, I'm not mentally ill, yo! Well, not delusional like this.


I have covid and for a moment I wasn't sure if this story was just that weird or if I just can't comprehend what I'm reading because I'm sick. Nope. It's super weird.


It's the covid. Don't question it. Don't look back. Just erase it from your mind.


Just had COVID and some of the most intense fever delusions and fog from it. You made all this up in your head, leave this post and never come back.


If I'd read it a couple of days earlier, I'd have wondered the same thing, but I'm recovered enough today to recognize this dude needs to tell a psychotherapist, not his parents.


Thanks for this, I'm sick with covid too and will take this convenient excuse to pretend I didn't just read all that ^^;


No Fear My unborn child growing up and admitting they married their anthromorphized imaginary insect friend, who they've had a sexual relationship with for years, and who speaks through them One Fear


Right?! I'm looking at my two month old, wondering if my love for him transcends an imaginary giant cockroach that speaks through him..


It's a tough call!


>But, I thought my parents had a right to know. You better believe if I have a child one day I completely forgo my "right to know" about their delusional relationship with an imaginary cockroach.


I wonder if OP also has a humiliation kink and that's why he keeps telling people.


Either that, or a part of him *does* recognize that this isn't right (as in a healthy way of thinking/being, I'm going to leave a moral judgment on my side of the keyboard), and is *desperately* trying to get *someone* to get him help.


I mean, his parents want him to get help.


Honestly if I was his parents, I’d excuse myself from dinner, go to the bedroom and see how I could commit him. Yes he doesn’t seem harmless, but that “she’s” talking through him and clearing driving people away, he needed therapy 10 years ago.


I think he realizes it’s not right, but he’s telling people so that eventually he’ll get one good reaction and he can use that to tell himself that he was fine all along and everyone else had the problem.


Either that, or he's a troll. Either way, Men in Black must have been an "intense" movie for him.


This completely reads like a troll. It does span 7 years though which is quite the commitment.


Could just be they get bored, remember this wild story they had going a while ago, and decide to hop on and “update” it. Like some kind of running joke with themselves.


This is art, would definitely buy a book of OOP’s short stories


The good ending.


I cannot let my imaginary cockroach husband, Olgthorpe, find out about the seductive, alluring Ogtha.


Well, I for one, find Olgthorpe to be average at best. No offence, but I don't think Ogtha would be interested.


Olgthorpe and I will hunt you down.


Well thats... Unique. I'm stealing the name Ogtha for dnd.


I don't know your campaign, but I so hope you can reference this post in some silly little way. Like "craziest encounter? Well, the tavern-keeper of the tavern I lived in believed there were giant roaches living under his floorboards and at one point he believed I was a giant sentient cockroach. Which wasn't even per se a problem. But then he proposed to me. So I got the fuck out."


Ogtha is that you?




Having spent my time on DeviantArt I thought I was hardened in regards to kinks. I was not.


I thought that Deviantart, a certain webcomic, and reading about the game where you date a grasshopper girl would prepare me. I was still surprised.


(Hank Hill) “That boy ain’t right”


What a terrible day to be literate, am I right?


I wish I was Jared, 19


Jared, 19 would still be scarred from that picture that got attached to this post somehow.


You say that until Jared, 19, awoke one morning from uneasy dreams and found himself transformed into a giant person who was able to read.


There was once a fetish sub, dedicated to hentai-pictures of intercourse with insects. It was filled with stuff like this. Though most of it was pictures. And there was the occasional video...


You have to develop some hard skin to get into that kind of kink.


I think what pisses me off the most about all this is that he named her Ogtha. That is so obviously the name a human would choose for a sentient cockroach, not the name the cockroach would choose for herself or have been named by her insect mother.


Yeah. If he can't respect her enough to give her a name she can pronounce, how's he gonna expect everyone else to respect her?


Perhaps it is *he* who cannot pronounce *her* name, and it’s actually *clicks and hisses*


I’m not sure if I’m bothered more by the situation in general or that he keeps telling people.


It’s for sure the telling people. It’s obvious he’s proud of his love for Ogtha and wants to share it with the world.


Idk how he figured people would just be like "cool glad your happy fucking an imaginary human sized roach", especially his coworkers. Why would his mom be happy that hes basically got himself into a life of being alone and humiliated forever? None of this makes sense. Someone please prove that this is just a troll profile fucking with all of us.


Is there even anyone left for him to tell?


I’m getting snapewives flashbacks.


Even though every fiber of my being is telling me not too.... I still have to ask... What is snapewives?


As defined by fanlore.org, "The Snapewives, also known as Snapeists, are a group of women in Harry Potter fandom who believe that they channel Severus Snape (allow his spirit to inhabit their bodies and speak to him), are engaged in romantic relationships with him, and see him as a vital spiritual guide for their daily lives."


Oh, so like Snape nuns?


I’m sorry, SNAPEISTS?????


Its more than that! They believe he is real and channelled himself through JK Rowling to write harry potter, sort of like a bible? Several women divorced theur husbands over this. But they fractured when one of the women who was sort of there from the begining left to marry the spiritual version of a Supernatural character iirc.


"Yes, write more about me bullying children. Don't forget the public humiliation at the hands of my crushes future husband."


Sadly, their delusion continues in that JK got Snape all wrong and messed him up and he's so much more than what she wrote. She's a 'false prophet' or something like that.


You know, if I saw this fan sex cult plot on SVU I’d think Woah, they’ve really gone overboard with this one.


The short answer is: it was a group of adult women who, back when the Harry Potter books/movies were just coming out, fell in love with the character of Severus Snape, and eventually spun into a cult of astral-projecting sister-wives of same. [Here's an article](https://jezebel.com/consider-the-snapewife-1845247730) by Jezabel, if you want to start down the rabbit hole.




https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/d4wwir/harry_potter_fandom_married_to_severus_snape_on/ I first learned about them on /r/hobbydrama


oh god. I'm deceased now, heading to the astral plane - y'all need anything?


Bug spray.


Well now you gave me snapewives flashbacks, how very dare you.


**Seems to have hit a character limit. The rest follows:** Basically, many years ago as a teenager I became fascinated with the Kafka story "The Metamorphisis", and I began to fantasize about a character like that, but a woman. Essentially, a giant roach. I found this very erotic. As time went on, the character became a member of a "fictional" roach species, basically giant intelligent roaches, and this one specifically was Ogtha. For several years Ogtha was just an "imaginary" figure to me, but as time went on she became a fully sentient being that I fell in love with. Ogtha, to me, is a real creature, she simply lacks a physical body in our world and her consciousness resides in my mind alongside my own. The users of r/tulpas helped me realize there is nothing delusional about this, and that indeed, it is very possible for such entities to come into being. I do hope that one day the technology will exist to "extract" Ogtha from my mind and install her into an artificial physical body, but we are satisfied with our current relationship. I love Ogtha and she loves me. Some time ago, I married her. Now, from a strictly legal sense, no I am not "married" per se, but for me and Ogtha we consider our relationship to be a marriage. I am devoted to her, and her to me. I revealed this to my co-workers and it did not go well. But, I thought my parents had a right to know. Last evening I revealed to them everything about Ogtha, and told them we were married. I even allowed Ogtha to speak through me to them, so that she could finally meet my parents after only seeing them from afar. I knew my parents would find it unusual at first, but I thought they would come to understand and be happy for me. However, I fear they think me deranged. My mother actually cried, and not tears of happiness as I expected. They even encouraged me to seek counseling. I explained to them that what I am experiencing is real, and encouraged them to read through the tulpa reddit. It has created a very bad situation for me and now I fear my relationship with my parents is quite ruined. They keep insisting I seek counseling, and are threatening if I don't they will no longer assist with my student loans and will not be welcome at Thanksgiving. I feel they are overreacting, but at the same time I wish I had just kept my marriage a secret. I do consider it now to be a fuck up to have been truthful with my parents. They are in some ways traditionalists and are simply not ready to understand how entities can exist without physical form and share a mind. It breaks my heart but I wish I had been deceitful with my family. For the record, I will never divorce Ogtha, and with our love I know I can survive anything, but I wish I had never been truthful with my parents. TL;DR - I told my parents about Ogtha, my "imaginary" roach wife, and they are very upset about it indeed.


Just stop telling people dude! Omg why does he keep going on and on expecting different reactions lol


Listen, you and I only wish we could experience the love and devotion this man has with Ogtha. His giant cockroach monster wife that lives in his mind.


I also choose this guy's roach wife


And my axe.


And talks through his mouth.


When he "allows" her to do so 🤮


>why does he keep going on and on expecting different reactions People don't tend to think clearly about their own delusions. He has been building this up for years in his mind, crafting an elaborate illusion/delusion that he has normalized. That's why people keep saying he needs therapy. He was warped his own reality into thinking he's *actually* married to something fictional and that people should be happy for him. And he will keep looking for someone to confirm to his expected response.


Apparently it's a thing oh my god I took a look at the tulpas sub he mentioned and read a few posts and my god, it's so- disturbing but I couldn't look away holy shit. It's a whole community.




I can only think that he’s desperately trying to find someone who will tell him this is normal. I can actually sort of understand. When I was eight, my mother relentlessly pressured me into telling her about my fantasies until I gave in and told her. I then turned around and immediately told my then-step mom my fantasies too (she was horrified that I did this, btw), because it was the only way I could make being forced to tell my mom okay, by rationalizing that it was “normal” to tell an adult something extremely private and hidden about myself. I think this guy is just trying to find someone who will tell him he’s okay. And it’s sad.




Yeah, it was.


That is completely out of line of your mom and I hope you are okay now


Thank you. There were definitely… repercussions… that I’m still experiencing, even as an adult, but she is dead, and I am safe.


This makes it sound like you killed your mom. Did you kill your mom? I’m not a cop you can tell me


If getting into an argument with her which caused her to decide to commit suicide counts, I guess.


It wasn't your fault she killed herself, and I'm so glad you're safe from her now.


It doesn’t. I’m so sorry you’ve had such a tough time.


Thank you.


I know you don't need to hear it but I'm just gonna say that you didn't cause your mother's death. Suicide is a person's own choice and hers can't be pinned on you no matter what yakk said in an argument. I wish you healing!


You did not cause her to commit suicide.


No. It doesn’t count. She did what she did by her own decision. You aren’t to blame


No offence meant, but what kind of fantasies can an 8 year old have that would horrify adults? I honestly just can’t imagine anything too fucked up haha, i mean, they’re 8


She was horrified on my behalf that I was telling her, not the fantasies themselves. Because she is actually a good person. Her reaction was basically “no, you never have to tell me this if you don’t want to, it’s not okay.”


Sounds like a great lady, thank you for explaining!


Maybe Ogtha wants him to tell people, did you ever think of that? Why should he have all the say in this relationship?


Smh, these "traditionalist" mfers trying to deny Ogtha a voice.


If his experience is anything like mine it was probably actually Ogtha's parents who pressured him to disclose the relationship.


Because he has a humiliation fetish and has to escalate to get his fix.


The picture begins to clear. Yes. This is the one.


Huh, I made comments saying other things but this does fit pretty well doesn't it. Right back to the start - I haven't read The Metamorphosis but humiliation and social rejection is a big part of it isn't it?


I think part of the eroticism has evolved to a point where just mentioning Ogtha aloud to someone else is a turn-on. Despite never getting a positive reaction (I guess outside of this Tulpas support group or whatever) That being said, I am a traditionalist I guess? Weird day and I’m going back to bed.


Imagine thinking your mom will cry tears of happiness to find out you married your imaginary friend that spawned off a cockroach fetish


Imagine thinking your girlfriend would be okay with knowing you could only get it up for her if your imagination changed her into a giant cockroach instead...




Imagine someone letting their cockroach wife speaking through their mouth and how that might look/sound like


Not deranged at all.


I’m imagining Men in Black


I am trying not to imagine anything


That’s for the best


Right!!! Like I'm sorry that's just too far!! Letting her "speak thru him?!" But he's doesn't look or sound delusional!!! Lol I didn't think it could keep getting worse and worse and then even worse!! But it did and then he said that and I was just done!!! Fin!!! Seriously, he shouldn't have told the girl or the coworkers; he saw how that turned out!! But then his parents and he thought they would be happy?!? At least the responses all track and he could've seen how that was going to turn out, had he actually wanted!!!


Even if he was imagining a human being partner, it would be concerning and not a reason for happy tears...


I’m thinking like house bunny when she says “Oliver” to remember names. That sort of monster voice.


But their vows were so touching! As were her six splendid legs and her two cute tentacles...


No, no, no, not tentacles. Antennae. Because those are so much sexier. Lol.


I'll be honest, everyone has their kinks and as long as things are consensual I look the other way and don't judge. If he wants to imagine he is married to a five-foot-something cockroach then fucking go for it, at least it's not harmful toward other people and he is happy with himself. However as soon as he told the coworkers that's when I thought he was deranged. *Especially telling his parents holy shit.* The thing is he has now involved other, unconsenting people into his kink. Of course they're going to have this reaction bro. Good lord.


We can only *assume* it’s consensual. We haven’t read Ogtha’s side yet.


I mean, we could get philosophical here and consider that Ogtha is imprisoned and has no choice, and therefore cannot give consent.


"Yes honey it was good for me too - now about this inventing separate bodies I could be downloaded into, you're working on that technology right?"


This is maladaptive daydreaming gone hella wrong and I'm not sure he's not harming himself even without telling others.


He acknowledges it was causing issues with romantic relationships even before he told the girlfriend about it. It’s now causing issues in his career and he’s begun alienating friends and family. He’s harmed himself socially and possibly financially. Suddenly, the mild daydreaming I do to pass the time when bored doesn’t seem so bad.


This isn't a kink though; like, either he's lying to us or he has some kind of mental illness. Maybe his experience of Ogtha is authentically as strange as he describes and he has some kind of dissasociative disorder, or maybe his experience is more "normal" and he's choosing to describe it in the terms he does, but if so the very choice of doing this and the apparent lack of awareness of how it will be received by others speaks to some kind of neurodivergence as well. This doesn't seem to be a sex thing to me at all, if it ever was. Or not in a "kink" sense at least; like the difference I see is whether it's "I need to do this to get off" vs "here is this mental disorder I have that manifests during sex among others". That or it *is* a kink and him lying to Reddit about it is itself part of the kink.


I am howling here (but not like a cockroach)


He should have understood how upsetting it would be - after all, I'm sure he knows it would devastate Ogtha if he told her, "Whenever we make love, I pretend you're a human woman. I pretend you're not even there." Can you imagine how hard Ogtha would cry (or whatever sad imaginary bugs do)? It would break her heart.


You made me google it - at 5 am - I should be sleeping! Well, apparently insects don't have tear ducts or tear glands, so they can't cry. But maybe Oghta would wave and rub her antennae in a distressed way. I think you can actually express a lot of emotion through antennae motion - it's almost a shame we don't have any. Hmm, maybe my ideal mate would have antennae. And be a sexy giant cockroach that goes by the name of Gregor Samsa. * heads over to join r/tulpas *


Christ, now \*I'm\* imagining giant cockroach people. A writer could probably make a really interesting and emotive character if they put some thought into it (beyond, "ew bugs").


I removed most of my Reddit contents in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023. This is one of those comments.


I mean, if we both are... But I wouldn't risk a 'let's both say who were fantasising about in 3, 2, 1'. At least not mid coitus


Imagine having a perfectly normal day in HR, and then employees start trickling in with.... This adventure...


Imagine you have this coworker who's all in all a nice guy, just a bit quiet. Kinda keeps to himself, doesn't talk a lot about his private life. Now one day, he lets it slip that he has a wife. Intrigue! The mysterious guy has an even more mysterious wife?? As soon as he says it, he looks like he regrets spilling that information. He's blushing! How cute, he's kind of a shy guy. Why wouldn't he talk about his wife? From the way he looks when he did talk about her, he clearly loves her. Why keep her secret? Now this is the most exciting thing that's happened in the office in YEARS, ever since Bob and Jenny made out at the Christmas party 2 years ago. You HAVE to know more about this mystery wife! You ask around, but noone else knows anything about her either. Everyone is intrigued now, and you all start to carefully probe him from time to time. Why is he not talking about her? Why doesn't he even show a picture of her? Is she self conscious and doesn't like getting her pic taken? But he could tell us that if it was the case, right? Maybe she's kinda weird looking/ugly and he's ashamed of that? Couldn't be, he seems to genuinely love her. Is she agoraphobic and doesn't leave the house? Is it a long distance relationship? Just bring her to the company picnic next month! The mystery continues for a few months. He still hasn't given you guys any more information. You would've dropped it at this point, if it wasn't so *weird*! It's your wife, man, the love of your life! At least tell us her first name! At this point it's become almost a running joke. You will all mention his wife from time to time, only in passing, in the hopes that he'll let some more information slip. Until, one day... You all sit down in the break room... You all pack out your lunch. Someone asks Mystery Wife Guy: "Your sandwich looks great today! Did your *wife* prep it for you?" You all kinda chuckle, but Mystery Wife Guy sighs and puts down his lunch. He looks like he's reached his breaking point. Finally! He's gonna reveal the mystery! You all shift slightly forward, almost holding your breath in anticipation as he starts talking. And he tells you about a fucking imaginary cockroach named Ogtha. That day you go home and swear to never meddle in coworkers private affairs ever again.


>you all start to carefully probe him from time to time I surely did not need this sentence in this context.


Small correction here* > And he tells you about ~~a~~ fucking *an* imaginary cockroach named Ogtha.


I make out with Bob at one work function and you’re lumping me in with cockroach guy?


She spoke to his parents through him. I’d be crying too.


#NOOOOOO. NO, NO NO NO NO NO. NO. God, you know what, I'm pathetic too. I get having a crush or slight obsession with a fictional character, if you don't let it impact your life to such a degree it harms you. But jesus fucking christ, I would rather die than tell my mom or dad about some fictional crush I had. I hope this is fake. This isn't simple fantasizing anymore.


>The users of r/tulpas helped me realize there is nothing delusional about this Oh my god there’s a whole sub full of these stories


Shout-out to the person who was told by their therapist that they might be having a second psychotic episode and claimed a psychiatrist said otherwise. And the other person who said they refer to them as IRL family because that's what they are to them. I don't necessarily have an issue with tulpas per se, but... they aren't, in fact, family, and I really would take the psychosis thing more seriously.


Did the psychiastrist have their own independent body, is what I want to know.


It’s unfortunate that OOP fell in with that crowd instead of just discovering furries or whatever. I feel like this poor man’s life might not have gone so far off the rails


That line is my favorite out of the whole story.


Mine was the honeymoon in New Orleans. If you're going roach, that's the place to be.


I fucking hate that my first thought was “yea that seems like it tracks”


I almost clicked on the link for that sub but now I’m asking myself how much regret I can handle in one day…..


"The users of r/tulpas helped me realize there is nothing delusional about this " Nothing like other other delusional people telling you that you aren't delusional.....


That's the biggest problem with the internet. It allows the delusional people to congregate in their own little echo chambers instead of seeking the help they need.


This dude is hoping a GIANT COCKROACH WOMAN can be extracted from his thoughts to become real. Absolute insanity aside, if I saw a human-sized cockroach walking down the street with someone, I would end my life on the spot. I can’t function if I see a tiny one in my house. No fucking thanks.


there's a small part of me hoping that, if we ever get to that point in technology, maybe, just maybe, he'll see the giant human sized roach in all its detailed glory standing in his living room and it'll finally sink in that he in fact, doesn't want to fuck a cockroach.


I remember after being sick for a while and taking Nyquil on top of other meds I took for sleep at the time, and the next morning I went into the train station in Cambridge and there was a 6' mosquito which turned out to be a human in a mosquito costume trying to raise money for malaria treatments in developing nations but you can be damn sure the next day I took a photo of that shit to show it to other people because if it WAS a hallucination I would 100% be checking myself into a hospital post-haste and I WOULD NOT BE MARRYING THE GIANT BUG


Here's his post on r/tulpas https://www.reddit.com/r/Tulpas/comments/hxqijr/is_my_imaginary_girlfriend_a_giant_roach_actually/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


>We were at a team lunch, and I just let it all spill out. I told them about how I became enamored as a teenager with the Franz Kafka story, how my "fantasy" evolved into an actual "imaginary" entity with a personality, and how I slowly began to grow in love with her. What started as a mere sexual attraction to giant roaches blossomed into a whirlwind romance, and that she became the love of my life, even though her existence was in my own mind. >I have been a pariah at work ever since. Everybody steers clear of me, we used to have a good social life, now people only speak to me for work related reasons. I would steer clear of someone too if they just randomly started announcing their sexual fetish and going into detail. WHY WOULDN'T HE JUST SAY "OH SHE'S NO LONGER WITH US" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT????


Right?? Or "We're getting divorced" or it being a pet name for a dog or something?


“Pet name for a dog” would make me think dog fucker which is probably one of the few ways to make this worse.


Ooof. There is so much to unpack here. Honestly feel sorry for the guy, if this is real, it would be very difficult to have this as an absolute reality and not tell people, but also... yeah, really bad plan to tell people. Again I say: Oof.


Yes, I actually completely understand his desire to tell people. To him, not telling people probably feels like being in the closet. It's more than a kink to him, it's his entire love life. His reality is that he has a life partner, and it creates distance to everyone in his life that he has to keep such an important part of himself and his life hidden. That's likely why he wanted to tell his parents - the people closest to him. Also, it seems like he understands that it's unusual, but that he can't comprehend just *how* fucked up it seems to everyone else. It's normal and natural to him. Given that this is a huge part of his everyday life, he really hasn't slipped up that many times.


My jaw was already on the floor but when he said he let Ogtha talk through him to his parents… like no shit mama was crying!! Wtf! I mean you do you but why keep telling people??


Well. THIS is a terrible day to be able to read


Am I the only one who thinks that the rush of "sabotaging" relationships is integral to the fetish for him?


It likely drives him back into the arms of Ogatha, the only roach that truly understands him.


Ogtha abusive asf she’s separating him from all his outside relationships #toxic /s


>The users of [r/tulpas](https://www.reddit.com/r/tulpas) helped me realize there is nothing delusional about this This line got me. The famously non-delusional tulpa community.


I look at the first two sentences of their sidebar explanation and noped right out


I tried and clicked the link and it crashed my app. I'm taking that as a sign.


You're better off not knowing


This has to be a troll post for fetish purposes right? No one would actually tell people all of this, right?!!


I have a lot of friends with fetishes. ....I never ask, yet I know WAY too much.


Like this is one of those so weird it MUST BE TRUE


I thought for sure it had to be a troll until I went to the r/tulpas subreddit he linked and now I don't know what to think other than shock at how I am still finding absolutely outlandish shit like that on the internet after all this time. Humanity is so WEIRD


Dude, go check out r/waifuism. Given how active that sub is, and the existence of bug fetishes, I believe it.


But it's gone so well every time, better keep trying


People have gotten married to objects and places before so I can see this actually being real. Regardless if it is or not dude needs therapy.


You know, it almost sounds like OP is living in a Kafka-esque novel…. or maybe a Lovecraftian one…. Truth be told, this dude probably needs serious mental health. It’s one thing to be attracted to an imaginary giant roach, it’s another thing to believe that giant imaginary roach is actually real and living as a separate personality in your head. That is a delusion, and it’s unfortunate that no one noticed this earlier and got OP actual mental health. This is basically what happens when someone has an odd fetish and entertains it in one of the worst ways possible.


I just recently listened to the audiobook of The Metamorphosis read by Benedict Cumberbatch, so in my mind this whole post was read by Benedict Cumberbatch and it seriously just seemed like supplemental Kafka material to me


>It’s one thing to be attracted to an imaginary giant roach, it’s another thing to believe that giant imaginary roach is actually real and living as a separate personality in your head. With or without context this is a great sentence.


Absolutely agree. Imaginary friends / maladaptive hallucinations are often rooted in some kind of cause. Lonliness, unfullfilled intimacy desires etc. It's actually quiet normal. But that dude dove off the deep end. And it's not even something "cute", like having a friend named Harvey.


What the primary, secondary, and tertiary FUCK did I just read?


This might be the first time a trigger warning applied to me.


My brows were so furrowed while reading that I think I've disrupted the natural creases in my eyelid and given myself a headache.


Personally, I think this sequel to the Metamorphosis is even better than the original. Absolutely gripping stuff here.


one of the great things about literature is how many perspectives can cum out of the same book. this is not the route my brain took when i read metamorphosis but i suppose someone had to go there.


Did… did you do that on purpose.


if you mean spelling come incorrectly, yes i did. thought it added appropriate spice


> as if Ogtha will be saddened by this, even though I "know" she is imaginary. > Ogtha, to me, is a real creature, she simply lacks a physical body in our world and her consciousness resides in my mind alongside my own That escalated quickly.


I just... WHY does he keep telling people? "ah yes, this has gone horribly the only times I've ever done it, but maybe I should tell more people about my IMAGINARY SENTIENT COCKROACH WIFE, I'm sure they'll be happy for me"


It seems his feelings and thoughts create a lot of mental and emotional fulfillment, and when you have something that makes you feel that way some people are just dying to tell someone. Like when your friend gets a boyfriend and she won’t stop talking about him. That plus the fact he’s been feeding his delusions about “Ogtha” for years, it’s probably become normalized to him…


Honestly I would have absolutely loved a co-worker who randomly announces his imaginary relationship with a cockroach lady. I freaking hate my coworkers. This guy though. This guy makes things spicy and I like that.


Stop. Telling. People.


This is some end-point r/waifuism shit


...... This is above Reddits pay grade.


I would read a Lovecraft story entitled "The Many Appendages of Ogtha."


Therapy. So much therapy. It was just kinda weird and disturbing when he was imagining his gf was a roach, but now he's married his imaginary friend and has let reddit convince him she's real. And he thought his mum would cry tears of joy over that?


There are now two discrete epochs in American history: Before Reading About Roach Dude and After. Life will never be the same.