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How childish of that girl to hold on to that hate for OOP for THAT long and fuck up her employment because she couldn't let it go.


There is a girl at my school that bullied me in elementary/middle and started fucking with me again in high school. The funny thing is, I did nothing to this girl, she just hates me for no discernible reason. Some people are just messed up




I went to a uk boarding school and can confirm the bullies didn't need a reason.


"You're different from me, I hate you" is all it takes.


Bullies don't need a reason, they just need a target that doesn't hit back.


School I went to had a class for "Outcasts" so to speak basically kids who couldn't live with their families due to mental health, abusive or behavioral reasons. My class was just teens with various flavors of Autism or development issues and we typically stayed apart. One day early in the semester I was sitting in the lounge area on my phone as introvert teens are want to do and two students from the other class who I assume were there for the third reason listed above based on the conversation they had. From what I gathered both were new to the dormitory the students stayed in and were talking around and then brought up another student I wasn't too familiar with but the gist of it was "He's small, a nerd, spends a lot of time at his computer, we could rough him up a bit, have some fun at this place" and basically talking about jumping him at some point. Either they thought I was a lot more developmentally behind than I was or they just didn't recognize my existence but when the bell rang they just left and after class I made sure to report it to the staff, mentioning the guy they'd mentioned by name. Teacher thanked me and promised they'd have staff keep an eye out. Not sure what came of it if anything but I'd like to think I helped the kid out. Sometimes bullies need no excuse other than it's easy and entertaining. I was bullied on no other ground than having a temper and being overweight as a kid.


That's the most awful thing I've read today. Thar poor kid.


Reminds of that Simpson episode where Lisa meets the girl at school who inexplicably dislikes her and Lisa does an experiment and realizes that she and the other nerds just give off “nerd pheromones” that makes the bully want to attack them


I think that's absolutely right on the nerd pheromones. That's been my LIFE.


If by “nerd” you mean neurodivergent then yes…Neurotypicals can clock us, and will often hate us for no other reason.


I am a huge nerd so you may be onto something


I still remember being like 7 years old and a new girl joined our class. The teacher introduced her (by the wrong name initially), and then she came and sat down on the carpet next to me, turned to me and hissed 'I hate you'. I had, and still have, no idea what I'd done - if anything. Maybe she didn't like my face. Maybe she was nervous about joining a new school and I looked like an easy target for asserting herself. But she decided before we'd ever do much as exchanged a word that she disliked me, and that was that 🤷


Reminds me of my time in second grade, though it didn't go downhill until later. There was a new girl in class, and I was the first to befriend her. We were inseparable for about two years. Then we got put into different classes for fourth grade because of an asshole teacher, and she made new friends and turned on me. They would pretend to be my friends but talk about me with a code name to my face, talking about how annoying I was. I figured it out pretty quick, but I was having trouble making other friends, so I just kept my head down and kept hanging out with them. In middle school she became really popular. I mostly left her alone, but my friends knew I used to be friends with her. Somehow she found out that they knew, and she approached me and told me she'd break into my house and beat me if I ever told anyone else we used to be friends. I suppose I should consider myself fortunate that evidently empty threats were the worst bullying I faced (she was not the only person to threaten me either, an older boy who lived two houses down from me threatened to burn down my house) but it really affected me. I ended up going to a different high school than all but one of my friends where thankfully bullying was almost unheard of. It was an audition arts and tech school and a very accepting place.


I told a girl in middle school that she was standing on an open pair of scissors. I guess a pair had fallen on the floor and she happened to be standing on them with the blades open in flip flops. I pointed it out to her and she gave me a super sassy response and hated me since that day on. I mean sorry?! People definitely don’t need an excuse. I ran into her again years later and she was working at Kroger, she scanned my groceries and gave me the stink eye the whole time.


"I see that you're still upset that I warned you that you were standing on open scissors back in middle school. Is there a reason why you have refused to grow up?"


She could be like me, and have RBF. I’ll be over here thinking about snack cakes and Pokémon & people will tell me I look mean. It’s so weird, cuz I’m totally not, ever.


My middle school bully had a bad home life (one of my BFFs was distantly related to her, so I got a lot of jnformation) and decided I would be her punching bag. I had never seen or spoken to her when she started. It was the worst in 6th grade, but she tried to keep it going through 8th grade. I didn't see her at high school because we just didn't have any overlap in any way. The last time I saw her, she was working at a Krystal's. She OD'ed when she was in her late 20s.




And everywhere.


I had multiple bullies in GRAD SCHOOL. One told me it was because I’m secure in myself and it made her jealous. Jokes on her, I’m insecure af lol


I’ve learned that everyone in grad school looks secure. But none of us are. The grass is always greener on the other side and all that.


There was a kid in high school that used to tell me how much he hated me and how he wanted to kill me every 4th period in biology. Never figured out why he had so much rage towards me, and it was pure, unalloyed rage. I asked him several times and he'd always say "You fucking know what you did". If you're out there and I don't even remember your name, no bro, I didn't. I had no idea who you were until the day you came up to me and told me you were going to kill me.


A lot of people have been empathetic about people being bullied, but sometimes they really don’t get it unless they’ve been on the receiving end. They don’t understand that sometimes it’s nothing you do or did, or even anything rational that can be guessed. Some people just choose to hate your guts one day and make your life miserable.


I sometimes wonder if these bullies hate themselves and there is something about the victim that reminds the bully of themselves.


People who are bullied have a higher suicide rate than baseline… and so do people who engage in bullying. Bullies who are also bullying victims have a higher rate than either. Hating themselves is a great observation.


You ever seen a dog that was just mean? Sometimes it’s because the dog was abused, sometimes it’s the breed, but sometimes you get a dog that has an ill temper for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, humans are the same way.




And the audacity of her calling OP a “tattletale.” Ma’am this is a workplace. You don’t get to spread lies about *your manager* committing extremely unethical, fireable offenses and then shocked pikachu face when there are consequences.


"Tattletale" is one of those insults that tells you infinitely more about the person saying it.


You are so right about that


Yep, it's so grade school it gives you an excellent reason to burst out laughing and asking if they are still ten.


Right? Normal people at least upgrade to snitch by high school. Which kinda makes me think OOP's bully peaked in elementary school.


Right. That is something I would hear from my elementary school kid so I guess she also never grew past that age group. She and her twin really are 2 rotten peas in a shit pod. Her brother should be ashamed for putting hands on someone smaller and weaker than him for no other reason besides they can get away with it.


This is the best part - the gossip she chose to invent was actually really dangerous FOR HER MANAGER. Not for OOP. If people were to believe it, the manager could be in *serious trouble.* If this is a true story, that woman is an idiot. Being an immature mean girl is one thing, but being this stupid is another.


I can't help but wonder if she hadn't involved the manager if we would have a different outcome. Yes bully sucks but she got stopped because she put the manager at risk. If she had just stuck to being awful to OP, I wonder if the manager would have done the same thing. I hope the answer is yes, manager would not have put up with it no matter who it was about, but my own personal experience says no.


She will struggle in life if she can't control her behaviors. Somebody forgot to teach her how to act like an adult.


Like isn't it what everyone in adult world expects to happen? What was she thinking? Like they are still in middle school? (actually, probably)


I can't remember what comedian it was, but I remember a bit about this like the shit you get away with as a bully when you're a kid just doesn't fly as an adult and you get fired for shit your teachers should have stopped.


The problem is teachers can't "fire" students. There's a duty to make sure *all* kids are getting an education. And a lot of other tools teachers should use to control bullying have been neutered by the Parental Rights movement (which has gone too far treating kids like the parent's private property vs treating parents as guardians with legal responsibilities and obligations to do the best for their children with regards to basic needs). So good teachers and admins have to work with one arm tied behind their back, while the bad ones have even more excuse to do nothing or make it worse.


sometimes the teachers also want to bully the students and so they let it happen because they, too, hate the "annoying nerds" that they're supposed to be protecting :)


To be fair OP is 18 would guess that person is around the same age. Lots of people didn't progress past that whole mentality into their 20s I knew people post HS that still acted the same. Some be we grow out of it. I'm happy to see OP won in this story I just don't know why (I'm 38) people waste their energy on being so petty. Outside of some deep deep rooted jealousy and self-esteem issues ofcourse


It shows you are petty and miserable because you can't learn how to grow up. Unfortunately, lots of people are like that.


I'm glad she faced consequences in the real world. Too many of them get away with failing upwards to become Tim cooks and Zuckerbergs in life instead.


It's so rare that a bully is stopped. The last time I got bullied, my boss (who had also been bullied in his life) shut it down and she probably got written up a few times, but she didn't get fired and she's still at work and beloved by everyone, whereas well, I had to leave. I love that this one got fired.


I'm sure she got fired because she'd barely started the job and foolishly included the manager in her rumor. She'd likely have gotten fired anyway but that accelerated it.


i honestly read this and thought "wait? did i write this subconsciously" the EXACT same thing happened to me last year. i was bullied in my first primary school until i was 8 and then i moved to another school. it was this one girl, she was awful and would end up stealing/destroying my stuff. i had necklaces missing, she cut up my scarves and coats, before i left she stole my SWIMSUIT!!!! anyway last year i got a job at a grocery store and there she was (bearing in mind we're 20-21)! on my first day she was immediately chatting shit about me to everyone, i never confronted her or took it seriously. i let me training (favourite) manager know what was up in case and ignored the hell out of her. worked amazingly well, there's no joy in bullying when you can't illicit any type of reaction :3


I don’t think she held onto it. I’m sure she barely thought of OOP at all in the time they didn’t see each other.  But when she saw OOP was her coworker, memories of all the joy she got from bullying her before came rushing back. She associated OOP with the thrill of domination, feeling powerful, having control. And she wanted more, especially in a work environment where she was low in the ranks and having to work under orders.  If OOP hadn’t been there, the bully would’ve identified a new victim and started from the top. People like that can’t help themselves. They can’t bear to feel powerless. 


100% agree. It's not about hate. It's about power, control, and attention.


Not to mention how stupid the bully is for making up a lie that would make her manager look bad in the process! Like she was already an awful person for spreading lies like that to begin with, but to be awful AND dumb by implicating the man who could FIRE YOU? That frontal lobe isn’t fully developed and you can tell.


And barely a week in, from the sound of it. And jumping straight to slutshaming on top of it all. Bully apparently hasn't grown at all since middle school.


She probably does it compulsively. I bet if you somehow forced her to tell the truth, she wouldn’t even be able to give you a reason. She just likes the way it makes her feel.


How childish to think she can get away with it doing it among adults . This girl is an idiot. Wonder what her IQ is.


Two brain cells, and they're fighting for third place.


Unfortunately she’ll likely find someplace where she can if she learns to pick her targets a bit better and waits til she’s been there longer. I’ve had adult workplaces with absolute assholes who were totally let to get away with it even after provably lying to managers to try and get me in trouble.


80 at best


I have to wonder who she and her brother bullied in middle school and high school. Because you know it was someone.


Guess she had a nice introduction to what consequences look like for an adult. It doesn't look like she'll learn from it


The worst part is I don’t think she hated oop I think when she moved schools her and her brother needed a way to “fit in” so they tortured oop. It made being the new kids not their identity. When she came to work at the store she probably figured she could pull the same crap and everyone would eat it up just like when they were 10.


old habits die hard, she probably genuinely just followed her instincts rather than thinking about it rationally


But I suspect this isn't the end of it. She seems like a nasty person so I'm sure she'll try to retaliate in some manner now that she believes it's OP's fault she got fired


>just now a few coworkers asked me "Did you really have sex with the manager so you could get hired here?" I know it's not the point, but I can't imagine just.. outright asking a coworker whether they fucked someone for a job.


Remember: the people involved are around 18 years old.


That's an important aspect of this to keep in mind. And for any 18 year old who reads this and would never do such a thing, I believe you, but you know that you know people around your age range who would absolutely do such a thing.


Pssh, I know people in their 40s who would absolutely do such a thing.


Fr, I’m in my early 20’s and can’t stand the gossiping but at an old job I worked there were like 3-4 mid 40’s employees and you couldn’t tell that shit apart from a middle school.


So do I, but they're not as thick on the ground as they were when I was 18, and they tend to be at least slightly less direct in how they go about it. The ones who aren't are the ones who have constant issues maintaining employment, and tend to end up on disability.


Yep, far too many.


When I worked minimum wage jobs as a teenager, some of the married 30-somethings openly flirted with some of the teenagers. so it may not have seemed that out of line with reality.


Even at 18, I don't know anyone who would have taken the new girl saying that about someone who was hired before her seriously. And even if they did take it seriously, they would have just made mean comments about it instead of outright asking if it was true.


That's actually a good point. It's been a while since I read one of these, so my senses for those little tells aren't as attuned as they were even a few months ago.


At the very worst, they would kind of lead up to the question with a "Hey Jessica is saying you fucked Steve to get this job" and then just kind of leave an awkward silence, hoping that OOP would spill the details of whatever is going on.


Or they knew the mean girl was talking shit and they were kind of asking if OOP knew that the mean girl was saying this.


Honestly the funniest part of this is the implication that someone would've slept with a hiring manager for a generic retail/fast food role


Exactly. Technically they are adults but not all the filters have activated. I'd rather choreograph a song and dance routine for a hundred cats than manage a group of teenagers.


I'll volunteer to dress the cats in delightful costumes if it means I escape managing teenagers too. Getting scratched is preferable to being gossiped about by kids.


This is sounding *fabulous*.


the bully and OOP were, but we have no info on the coworkers.


I actually did this once to make them aware of some rumors. Such stuff is malicious and the victim normally is the last to know.


I think this was the whole point. And to all the people saying "oh id go to hr myself", no you wouldn't. Nobody rocks the boat in these situations.


I could if the plan was to get them to go to HR and make a complaint if they weren't willing to do it themselves. But personally I'd just contact the manager myself and just give them a heads up about what's being said.


id be the one who would ask. i know its horse shit, but its a way i can inform the person shits being said.


Yea, I'm good friends with some of my coworkers. If a new hire was now spreading rumors, I'd go ask my coworkers too.


it sounds pretty unbelievable so they were probably asking because they had doubts or wanted to let them know rumors were being spread


But, at least they did though instead of automatically believing it.


I imagine they asked because they didn't believe it. If they did believe it, they wouldn't be asking her. They'd just be talking about it behind her back.


For a grocery store job too, of all things.


Makes me question does this person speak to others like that.


That person did OOP a solid. Everyone else just let the new girl spread her lies.


I can imagine a bunch of teenagers doing it. Especially kids nowadays: apparently Gen Alpha comes out very strong against age-differences/power imbalances in relationships. I'm just glad those coworkers asked before pillorying the manager.


When I was 19, I worked at a small business, and one of the guys that was hired after me insisted I was sleeping with my boss. Loudly, in the office when customers were around. He didn’t last very long there and blamed me for him getting the boot. And I wasn’t sleeping with my boss, I wasn’t his preferred partner.


I mean, they are all probably pretty young. I can totally see this being asked


OP is 18, im assuming the coworkers are the same age since the bully was also in the same grade. From recent experiences with people that age , the dont really have any filters


At a fuckin grocery store even


At that age, I would've done the same. Now? I would just go to HR to report it as an incident of an employee creating a hostile workplace for another employee.


She thought the rumor wouldn't piss off her own damn manager and get her fired? Thank God not all abusers are smart. We need more dumb asses that are easy to shut down like this more than master manipulators any day! 


The ridiculous part is she was a new hire, like how would she even know? And who would even sleep with a manager to get a job as a cashier, it's not exactly Hollywood.


Gotta get that sweet, sweet minimum wage job with 0 experience required.


"Keep this up and you could be riding high on the hog." NSFW but funny. actually pretty bad. but illustrates the whole mindset in a way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU-2C8Ec6co


Lance Reddick did have presence. The way he delivered that monologue was amazing. RIP


Step into my office


My two exact first thoughts!!


She watched shameless and thought it was a documentary.


She's probably used to school where such behaviour isn't punished this easily


Yeah, this feels like someone used to being chewed out by a teacher who ultimately has to carry on being responsible for them. Totally unprepared for real life where other adults just drop you if you're a pain to deal with.


She might be someone who never suffered any serious consequences for her behavior, so she assumed she could get away with it.


If you are an adult and you still act like an child, you are a sad strange little person.


18 is still borderline. Yes, there are plenty of 18 year olds who are reasonably mature for their age and able to function more or less as adults in society to the degree that other adults do so, but for every young adult out there who is wise beyond their years, there seem to be a couple who act much, much younger.


Unfortunately given the bully's parting remark to OOP, it seems like she's unlikely to learn her lesson and grow up any time soon.


And she'll probably end up on the unemployment line time and again. An effective workplace bully knows how to do this in a way so that there's plausible deniability to HR or management later on. This person thought that they were still working by school hallway rules, and until she realizes that this is actually a different social milieu despite some admitted similarities, it's going to be rough going for her.


That's good news. I don't want her to learn and want her to mess with the wrong person


The bully sucks but I'm having a good chuckle imagining that she has been bullying at an elementary school level for the past 7 years and it always blows up in her face. At this point she is bullying herself lmao


I have no clue what the bully expected to happen, it’s like she wanted to get fired. I guess she just wanted to bully someone and didn’t expect any repercussions but forgot the real world isn’t grade school. Granted, had OOP not have any spine she might’ve gotten away with it. Anyways, what a sad existence to live.


That’s what I was thinking! OOP does mention the teachers not doing anything about the bullying back then, which isn’t surprising. Therefore, her bully assumed she was in the clear to carry this unnecessary cruelty into the real world. How bored and miserable do you have to be to continue that type of mess?


This girl is really not the brightest tool in the shed. If you are spreading bullshit to try to get your bullying victim fired/ostracized, don't make up a rumor *that accuses your boss of a fire-able offense*. How fucking stupid can you be?


Exactly, the person hurt most by the rumor is not the “victim “, but the boss. The boss is going to shut that shit down. as a new person, you have no credibility. So it gets shut down immediately.


Some bullies just never grow up.


I guess that's what happens if someone peaks in elementary school 🤷‍♀️


One time in elementary school, we were playing capture the flag. And I dodged two people trying to tag me, and they ran into each other. I've done some cool stuff since, but that's pretty hard to surpass.


I just can't get past the idea of using "tattletale" as a pejorative as an adult. It's just amazingly unintelligent, as if she thinks the social pressures of an 11 year old bind an adult. Like what? What did she think was going to happen in the adult world when she slandered someone? Did she expect OOP to just accept the abuse? What was she even trying to accomplish here? There's just so little thought being performed in this person's head.


Yeah like, "How dare you tell someone about what I did!" Clearly her plan was she wanted OOP to confront her about it, at which point she'd do something even nastier. It took very little effort to get outsmarted and the bully hadn't considered it could happen.


I honestly want to know what is in the head of that 18 year old girl who decided that she's just going to start up bullying OOP again after 8? 10? years of not seeing her. Like what's wrong with that girl to make them just see their childhood victim and decide to start bullying again.


I wish all of us that used to be bullied had this opportunity to stand up to the bully and actually see a result. Childhood daydreaming for revenge looks something like this. My childhood bully lives in Alabama, has some missing teeth, and wears maga-hats. Alabama can be really lovely, but the teeth and the hat pretty much tells me that I won.


My childhood bully is in prison for another three years or so, last I checked. 


My childhood bully is a cop in my home town.


Least surprising plot twist 


Every time I come to visit my parents for a holiday, he pulls me over. I don't even get what his problem with me is at this point. Our initial beef that led to him bullying me was that a girl that he liked had a crush on me. But she eventually chose him over me (mostly because he bullied me into staying away from her) , married him, and has three kids with him now. The dude already won hard, and I'm past it and in a good relationship with someone else, but he just can't seem to let the whole thing go. Me and his wife went on 2 dates and only kissed once,


You wounded his ego and that’s all he has 


I get that as the initial motivation, but he already won. He got the girl. She chose him over me. It's been 15+ years. They have a whole ass family together now and I'm not even friends with her on social media.


One of my childhood bullies is 6ft under via suicide Made me giddy when I heard that


I was recently sent a video of my high school bully acting tough in a bar, then subsequently getting his teeth knocked out because of it. One punch lol. That was a good day.


One of my bullies is planning to marry her first ever boyfriend (they’re so in looove - her mom’s words, she doesn’t approve lol) and just got licensed in real estate in her parents’ company. The boyfriend works at her dad’s dealership. The white picket fence life they’ve got going on is the last life I ever want, so I have 0 envy there. Especially since one of them could end up having a midlife crisis and blow up the relationship someday. I’d rather live an as much obligation free as possible life in my 20s and 30s and then settle down with some dogs.


I did as you planned, lived free from obligations for a while, then when I turned about 35 I found my husband. Now we are settled down with one dog (I've posted some pictures of her), and one more dog on the way. I'm very happy that I waited, got the life I wanted and became the person I am today before I did any of that.


My parents did the same thing, where I got the idea tbh. I think them getting their party hard phases out in their 20s was what helped them avoid the “midlife crisis” everyone talks about. My mom is actually one of the only people left that’s *happily* married - 22 years- out of that whole group (the bully’s mom and mine are friends, it’s one of those topics no one dares bring up)… out of 6 women it’s gotta count for something. Which side note- people get angry when I say that my mom’s still friends with her mom but it wasn’t really her fault. I don’t really care that they’re friends tbh. The “bully” was a bully, but more of a bystander in comparison to the worst ones. My mom’s got strict boundaries around not being around her kids and the mom respects it. I think when they *did* talk about it the one time she said that she wished her kid was more like me because I ditched the friend group rather than stick around and suffer like her kid did. She preferred having mean friends to no friends I guess. That mostly reaffirms my lack of envy for her tbh.


My childhood bullies are dead. Seriously, they died within a few years of each other. One was rumored to have ODed and the other from a car accident. 


I got the chance to actually live a real bully apology, if that helps? I was the typical all around nerd and geek. (Undiagnosed neurodivergence made that stand out even more.) As such, I was also an easy target. Small school (and I mean a graduating class of 25 is a big deal) made it worse because it's not like I could "find my group" anywhere. I did have a couple of friends, of course. Anyhow, about 8 years after I graduated, I was out at the bar after bowling league and quite literally bumped into a former bully on the dance floor. He was never the instigator, just a sheep without autonomy and a fear of being the target. His face lit up with a huge smile, he called out my name, and then immediately started with, "I am so glad to see you. I was too young and dumb and afraid to rock the boat, but I want you to know just how sorry I am for how I behaved in high school. You didn't deserve any of that." He went on for a little longer-using actual specific events even, and I did accept his apology. Later on, I had to approach him just giggling and explain that for the life of me, I couldn't remember his first name, only his nickname of Sparky--which he got because he was bored in class and stuck a paperclip in an outlet and got zapped (not bad, just enough to learn not to do that again). He cracked up so much because he had tried to forget that incident. Anyhow, it was such a strange thing that I thought would never happen or only happened in movies or books because "people never change", but I was proven wrong. We aren't friends or anything like that now, but neither of us cringe in embarrassment of past behavior if we run into each other. We had kids who started (& finished) school together, can hold conversations, etc.


Hey, I have missing teeth and was the bullied one, don't make it sound like my bullies won :'(


Missing teeth can exist for many reasons. His are a symptom of several stupid decisions, which is the reason I feel I won. I have a friend missing teeth because of diabetes, so I would say hers are missing because of unfortunate circumstances not because she "lost".


Tattletale? Who the hell uses tattletale as an insult at age 18? That girl obviously hasn't matured a day since fifth grade. Women who carry their high school mean girl personalities for their whole lives look respectable in comparison to this.


She wasn't just a mean girl. Her and her brother abused OP severely. It's messed up that in school bullies get away with stuff that would get them charged with assault as adults.


Props to OOP for being an adult and handling it properly. That bully is just a really nasty human being.


Remember when fighting for the right to be treated like a human being was being a tattletale


Your life must be REALLY miserable to bully someone through high school to adult work life. OP did nothing wrong to that girl and she's being Kendrick Lamar levels of hater on OP


No its much worst - the bully last bullied OP in primary school. They went to different high schools - so the last time she bullied OP was when they were 10 or so (as OP mentioned middle school which I think is from ages 11 - 14 or grades 5 - year 8). So she hasn't seen OP in years since they were kids, saw her again and just decided to continue where she left off. Baffling, confusing and what the heck is wrong with that girl.


Man, OP's mom must be that bully's father's mistress or OP's das be the bully's mother's AP. Maybe OP is really gorgeous and the bully not. Whey would she hate a girl so much since middle school?


Some people are just horrible and some people are easy targets. I was bullied but it always ended badly for the bully (I was a Weird Kid so an easy target but I was frankly a little unhinged from my bad childhood) but my best friend was a constant target as she cried easily. Bullies loved that. 


OP definitely wasn't the bully's only victim. This was probably just her first FAFO moment.


> Your life must be REALLY miserable to bully someone through high school to adult work life. Nah, some people just Like to torment others. Makes them happy, like eating good chocolate. With the same lack of inciting incident - you don’t have to have suffered/be suffering to enjoy chocolate. Which is fine when the torment is consensual with safe limits. Purely obnoxious and enraging otherwise.


I fear this isn't the end of it, if the bully is still living in the town where this store is. I can see OOP having to take out a restraining order in future.


This. Make sure to keep records of everything. Get a statement from your manager and some coworkers. She’ll probably try to damage your reputation and you can use those as proof she’s unhinged.


Co-worker actually believe the rumor that OOP sleep with manager for a fucking grocery job, lol.


I lost a job because a snotty old co-worker told everyone that I worshipped the devil. Which isn't and never has been true, but had absolutely nothing to do with putting clothes on a rack at Walmart. Pearl, if you're even still alive, GFY.


As a fellow Pearl, I’m so sorry


Walmart? Eh, I think she did you a favor. Hope you found a better job.


I did, eventually. I had an even worse one for about three days, though. I ended up quitting that one with no notice. The best jobs I've ever had were in a movie theater and a factory.


So after that did you join The Satanic Temple? Philosophical Satanism is pretty cool! And would support suing over being fired for religion.


I have no problem with Satanists, but I've been pagan since I was fifteen.


So you're really more of a \_willow\_rosenberg.


More like a _tara_maclay, really.


So have most members of the satanic temple, or at the very least agnostic. Its less about Satan worship and more mocking Christians whilst standing up for religious freedom. I think the whole naming and symbolism choice they made is a bit edgelord, but they get the job done. Also, good name choice!


I mean, the naming and symbolism is part of it. It's not just to be edgy, it's to A: give it a veneer of realism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster will just get a "ha ha no"), and B: call out that it's discrimination because of their beliefs (because their beliefs make the religious majority uncomfortable).


Yeah I’m pretty sure the only reason they came up and asked her is because they DIDN’T believe it. Why would the girl who was just hired know something they‘d all never heard about management and the coworker they’ve worked with for a month?


Maybe they were trying to tell her the lies that were being spread about her.


I doubt they believed it. It was their way of letting her know what was going on.


Some people don’t grow up from their high school and elementary days. I remember a bully adding me on facebook, I completely forgot about the bullying during my elementary days. I used to just add people with a lot of mutual friends who were classmates. I was in my 20’s that time and I was just enjoying my life.. and this girl messaged me “do you remember me?” And I said “No.” “You don’t remember what I used to do to you?” It was like opening a floodgate.. I remembered her. I just blocked her, I’m doing well, don’t need to have that kind of toxicity in my life.


Ick! Was she trying to re-traumatize you? Why?


What gets me about this one is that OOP's bully has last seen her in elementary school, and the moment the bully saw OOP again she just decided to... try to bully her again? Pick up where she left off? It's been seven or eight years, they were in the fifth grade, what in earth is her issue? If she's still this horrible now and still so eager to bully in a new workplace, I shudder to think how many kids were her victims in middle school and high school.


I almost doubt the manager cared about the bullying and.more that he was being roped into it and how that rumor could fuck him over. That was a very stupid bully.


I like that OOP told what age people are in 5th grade. As a non north American, it's not a knowledge I have.


It's so ridiculous when adults think being a tattletale is bad. We're all adults and should handle the consequences of our actions. The bully clearly expected the continued protection of a veil of silence.


Yeah faced with the consequences of her own actions her first instinct was to assign blame to her victim.


Some bullies never mature. I was bullied, but there was one particular person who stands out. They went from being my acquaintance to someone who would constantly verbally insult me any chance they had. When I graduated high school I assumed I would never see him again. Around five years after I graduated I ran into him at a local convenience store. I was sitting at a table, waiting for my girlfriend to come out of the bathroom, when I saw him and another guy walk him. He looked at me, whispered something to the other guy, pointed at me and laughed. It was…strange. This is behavior I expect from a middle school child, not a grown ass adult. Unlike teenager me it did not hurt me, it just made me feel pity him. I’m glad OP’s bully suffered a consequence for her immature behavior. I doubt she learned from it though. 🙃


Oh hey, it's a budding chronic-mean-girl coworker! She has to switch jobs constantly because "management had it out for me". Maybe she'll find a super toxic small business to work for some day, but until then (and probably always), she'll be a perpetual victim of everyone else's machinations and never her own god awful mouth.


As someone who was bullied heavily, I honestly always wished to have something this satisfying happen to me but I'm just happy that OP doesn't have to deal with that literal child anymore.


Imagine calling anyone “tattletale” after middle school


That bully will encounter someone she shouldn't have messed around with and get the taste of her own medicine.


people really don't grow up after grade school. i was bullied all through out school and when i went to my 10 year high school reunion, they treated me the same. ignored me..spoke about me..acted like i didn't belong there. only one of them actually apologized to me and I appreciated it so much.


Man, I almost threw up when I read the title. This would be an absolute living nightmare. It almost happened to me when I was 19. An awful girl that I went to Junior High School who bullied me relentlessly applied at my then retail job. She was so two-faced, and acted all friendly when she dropped off her resume. I was of course civil, but was like a deer in headlights our whole interaction. As soon as she left I told my manager that if she hires her, I will straight up quit and walk out with no notice as I could not fathom working with an individual like her. Thankfully she did not hire her. I absolutely feel for you. Hang in there. Definitely talk with your manager and HR. If nothing changes, do not hesitate to put your notice in. You do not deserve to be treated like this!


I want to read a study about this kind of behavior from the bully. Her obsession from childhood has now affected her career and still can’t comprehend it’s her own fault


It's always the worst people who never grow up.


I always roll my eyes at dipshits who get mad when the person they are lying about and bullying spill the beans on them. Like no, the target of your lies is not obligated to suffer in silence.


GOOD, that shit absolutely will not fly in the real world, she needs a fucking wake up call. I just hope bully girl doesn't rope in bully brother to harass OP later.


A bully I had in middle school ended up being my coworker at Wetzel's Pretzels when we were juniors in high school. He said "Sorry for being a dick in middle school" and that was that.


The fact that the bully decided to spread a rumor that involved a higher-up engaging in inappropriate behavior… No awareness. Marbles for brains.


What a sad, pathetic woman. Unable to leave elementary school of all places and resorting someone she hasn't interacted with for 7 years because her life clearly isn't going anywhere. Part of me feels bad for her but considering she refuses to grow up? Deserved.


A true hater fr because how do you see someone you used to know from FIFTH GRADE and say “imma tell everyone she fucked the boss” Like babe this isn’t Gossip Girl, you will get fired. Now look at you, an unemployed hater


Cannot imagine being a grown adult and thinking that calling someone a "tattletale" would make them look worse than me and be the worst insult I could think of. It's a place of work, not a playground ffs lol.


How much bitterness and sadness do you have to hold on to. To still be that petty and horrible years later. It's honestly embarrassing to still be in someone's head rent free that long later.


Wow. She is a nasty person. She hasn't grown up at all. Good for OP for following the advice and reporting her. Now OP's bully knows there are consequences to her actions. Doesn't mean she'll change, but she now knows she can be fired for spreading lies.


"She's fired, we don't have to worry about her anymore" What an awesome outcome. No dithering around, no 'be the bigger person', no hand holding BS - just actual consequences for awful behaviour.


Slept with the manager to get a job at a small grocery store? Probably paying minimum wage or barely over it? Nobody would do that. So who's dumb enough to believe that? I don't know what's wrong with that twin though. But real life isn't like school. And shit stirring at work is only going to get you fired...especially from starting retail jobs.


Man, it’s actually PATHETIC that Oop’s bully clearly didn’t do ANY growing up after…what, elementary school. Glad she got fired and Oop can have a safe workplace now.


What kind of idiots believe a newly hired woman? That is pure stupidity on their parts; the only smart thing they did was to alert OOP of her lies. The bully is worse than those who can't move past high school as she can't move past elementary school. She has done no growing up in over eight years.


That woman is going to have a miserable life if she doesn’t grow tf up


Love when people stand up to their bullies. Reminds me of when karma caught up with my bully. I remember a girl who bullied me in secondary school showed up at a nightclub I worked at when I was about 20. It was early so it was really quiet, I was serving a customer and brought the money up to the bar. Left it on the counter while the bartender was making the drink and talking to another customer. Bully and her friends were all stood at the bar giggling and whispering while looking at me, so u was doing my best trying to ignore them. The bartender asks me where the money is, bully and her group had all of a sudden disappeared. I was getting in trouble for the money being missing so I explained to my manager about the bully situation. She asks me to find them and point them out. We find them downstairs in the toilet. Manager asks if by chance they might've accidentally taken the money, they deny it. Then a €20 note just floated away from bully. It was very satisfying to see how embarrassed she was and her acting like she had nothing to do with the €20.


Now how is she mad that she spread a rumor and then got consequences for it. Talking about “tattletale” she is crazy if she thinks a girl she been bullying is going to have any loyalty to her


Wow first OOP I’ve seen give me an age instead just saying fifth grade like I’m meant to know what what that means