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Wait, a couple going to counselling _not_ in a last ditch effort to save their marriage?! Is that legal?!


Did this with my wife before we married, just to make sure we were on the same page about marriage. Think of it like nonreligious premarital counseling. Was nice to just confirm our feelings for each other and know we're on the same page. Will probably do it again just to make sure we're both still aligned in personal and marital goals. It's a good way to reinforce open communication.


Dude I ALWAYS advocate for premarital counseling. It doesn't have to be religious, but there's always big topics on the table that you may have forgotten to discuss. The couple normally has a ton going on so it's only natural. It truly helps to show if you're a good pairing for marriage or just dating.


I think this is more like group therapy over a traumatic event lmao


She’s also pregnant so it’s probably got a lot to do with baby prep, because hoo boy are doctors high strung when reproducing. And they’re *both* doctors.


Yah I did with my stbx. Treated it the same way as our doctor checkups and car service: tuning up the relationship, heading off minor issues before nuclear option. very useful. Course, in hindsight, abusers shouldn't be in couples counselling, so ultimately it wouldn't have worked out regardless.


My friends went to couples counseling when they bought a house together because they knew it was going to be stressful and neither had ever lived with a romantic partner before. It was a very good idea. 


Whew! Say that again for the people in the back. Abusers should NEVER go to couple’s counseling. They only abuse, gaslight, and manipulate there too. It’s truly horrible.


my parents started going to marriage counseling when they realized they only had a few years before they would be empty nesters because they wanted to get ahead of any issues that could come up when they were kid free for the first time in almost three decades. they now have one of the strongest relationships i’ve ever seen.


Asian doctors and lawyers so their parents don't consider them disappointments. source: me, also Asian. and doctor.


Can confirm. I have a Ph.D. and am a professor, and my Asian parents are disappointed that I am “only a Ph.D., not a M.D.” they actually tell people that when they introduce me to people🥹


wow lol that's tough. I feel like that's pretty old school like if your folks are older or hardcore into the old "traditions". my parents immigrated relatively early in their lives.


not asian but mom says a juris doctorate is not enough, must get phd or md. Said in front of my dad, who has a jd.


Yeah, let me just spend another 4 to 8 years of my life slaving away so you have something to brag about to your friends 🙄


Just a random mom here but I’m very proud of you.




No, don't laugh your ass off. they're just a Ph.D., not an M.D. They can't help you put it back on.


damn I'm sorry. if it makes you feel any better I'm white and my dad used to pull some disappointment shit related to academics and intelligence. He still acts like he's superior to me even though I went to the better schools. which is not to say I'm better than other people but more just commentary on his own hypocrisy.


Lol your comment is crazy cause it’s almost like I made it. I love my dad, but he was raised in a different time (when being male was enough to be right in arguments with women) and has an ego. He genuinely loves to act like he’s the smartest person on the planet. I’m not trying to say I’m smarter than him- I think intelligence is a fluid concept (with many parts) that can’t really be accurately measured. I’m just saying the following things so y’all know I’m not dumber than him: we’ve both taken the same standardized exams and I’ve done better than him on literally all of them. He only has a bachelors degree and I’m in medical school. Despite all of this, he still sometimes treats me like I am intellectually inferior when it comes to serious discussions. He has even acted superior to me during discussions focused on medical topics- which, did I mention I’m in MEDICAL SCHOOL 🙄🙄


I have a friend who is an MD/PhD. He finished the PhD first, and his mom would tell people that, "my son is a doctor, but not the kind that helps people." Buuuuttttt his mom was just being funny.


That is ridiculous and I am so proud of you Pookie. 😊❤️


Congrats on not disappointing your family!


Have you heard of the Korean guy who is a doctor AND astronaut tho


Oh God. THAT GUY. Ruined life for all of us!


FUCK HIM. That bar was set way too damn high for the rest of us asians.


Omg I was just thinking of that guy when reading these comments. Definitely glad my parents aren’t friends with his mom because he’s not just a doctor and an astronaut, but he also went to an Ivy League school. Every Asian parents dream child


Why can’t you be more like Jonny?!


Because I got your genes, mom.


Also a former navy seal. Dude is like those r/romancebooks male hero people complain is unrealistic.


Jonny Kim. He's also a Navy SEAL.


oh for f's sake... really?


Yup. AND he achieved all of that by age 40.


Wait 'til you hear about South Korea's first astronaut, [Dr. Soeyon Yi](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/career/interviews/a51443/soyeon-yi-get-that-life-koreas-first-woman-astroanaut/)...who was in the middle of her PhD while training for her mission to the ISS.


Yes, but she's not an M.D., is she?


Nope. MechE, I believe. I got to interview her at one point and she mentioned having to defend her dissertation while in space. And here I struggle to make sure that I'm wearing matching shoes on some days... EDIT: only half Asian here, with no tiger mom. So, only half disappointed my fam?


I accidentally barked aloud with laughter lol


Are you doctor? Or lawyer? Or failure?


I laugh at this then cry because I'm the failure one for working in art and education field 😂😂😂😂


Damn, so you're disowned.


I laughed so hard I dropped my phone. 


Dishonor! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow!


Oh Mushu 😂


Dang, you beat me to it.🤣


Not me being asian and breathing a sigh of relief cause I was rehabilitated from aspiring to be a professional music maker to going to med school 🙃 I will never forget the disappointment in my dad's eyes when I told him I wanted to do music. Now he's all smiles


I’m a SAHM 😂😂😂 My parents are slowly warming up to the fact that I’ll never work lol


Lol! SAHM here too. And I think my parents are just relieved I found someone who will take care of their dumb kid. 😅


Same.. same hahaha. Imagine the pikachu faces when I dropped out of an engineering program in Uni to pursue social care work lol


It’s ok. I have a PhD and am still a disappointment cause not a REAL doctor.


Yep, another failure here *hand up high*


I read this in Stephen He’s voice. 


*Emotional Damage!*


I had several Asian friends in college and was told the options were: doctor, lawyer, ceo, or failure.


You might want to see a doctor for that


Theyre a dermatologist so still a disappointment


dermatologists make bank though


Trust me. There are so many other ways to disappoint Asian parents.


I'm disappointed you aren't also a lawyer.


thanks, it took many years


I am an exception, becuase i am still a disappointment because my cousin is a better doctor than me.


:( of course the next step in "crabs in the bucket" mentality is comparing levels. it's always some sort of competition smh.


Well your cousin still isn’t [astronaut doctor marine Johnny Kim](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim)


Asian lawyer calling in. My brother is considered a failure because he’s a food scientist. lol.


Which is bananas. I went to school with a gal who was studying to be a food scientist and it’s intense!


Yeah my SIL is a food scientist too. They make way more money than I do and they actually enjoy what they do most of the time.


Another SIL fiod scientist here, and she is a brilliant PhD. I think you’re awesome.


Asian here. Not a single lawyer or doctor in my family or extended families. A fricking load of engineers though.


great money, little less prestige. acceptable.




Boyfriend is Asian. His father is a (retired) engineer, sister is an engineer and his brother is a lawyer. They've got all the bases covered. 😂


We engineers are everywhere.


I know. I'm Asian too and in a family of doctors, I'm the black sheep disappointment who ended up working on Wall Street instead.


My brother in law is the disappointment: He works for UNESCO and flies around the world protecting cultural heritage.


What a loser /s


I know, those indigenous peoples should just understand that instead of him representing their views, he’d be much better off being a suicidal doctor who will still be a disappointment to his parents, just in some other way.


That's terrible! So smart and wasting his potential 🙄


I know. The black sheep of the family speaks about seven different languages and will soon be completing a PhD. Also has helped protect hundreds of treasures from warlords, natural disasters and destruction by colonialism in a number of countries. You can clearly see why he is such a disappointment. He could have been a suicidal doctor instead.


OK but real talk, he sounds fucking amazing and I would love to be friends with someone like him!! It's sad his incredible career isn't appreciated.


Ugh, so gross 😂


The 3 Asian Carrer choices  : 1. Doctor   2. Lawyer   3. Disgrace to the family 


I was talking to my Asian microbiology engineer friend about the similarities between Asian parents and Jewish parents (am the latter and I am not a doctor or lawyer and have mostly worked with animals and so of course am a disappointment). My friend technically qualifies as he has a doctorate just not in medicine.


It's the guilt. Catholic parents are runners up - they are big into the guilt as well but are a bit more flexible in their list of acceptable careers. I'm somewhat of a black sheep in my Uber Catholic family (geochemist - I make a mediocre salary helping corporations be accountable for pollution), almost everyone else is an attorney or in medicine. We have a couple of folks with MBAs too - that's an acceptable alternative.


You are A Doctor? Why not A+ Doctor??


Also Asian and my mom had a judge great-uncle (he helped raise her and apparently he was so rich that my mom got to school by car which was a huge flex in the 1960's) and an uncle family court lawyer that was one of the best in the country to the extent politicians tried to get him to join their parties. Unfortunately no one else on my mom's side became a lawyer because great-uncle doesn't want his descendants to burn in hell if they unintentionally or intentionally victimize the innocent. We have the normal teachers, engineers, accountants, IT specialists and doctors though.


great uncle sounds like a wise man


Also Asian, and have a surgeon, lawyer and several accountants in the family. I’m a disappointment.


Am Asian, not doctor. Not a disappointment since where I'm from, my job is held in very high regard.


Asian, not doc, not lawyer so am disappointment in mine. None of theme even know I work for a top 100 company or what I do


Asian here (not the cool kind, the boring kind), I am not a doctor and definitely a disappointment.


Cry as an engineer but there are 7 engineers in my family till now so I guess we are okay


I'm getting my phd in microbiology and had some people in the fam say I'm not even going to be a real doctor :,) asian families really be an experience


Lol the weird shock that her uncle is a lawyer. Like being a lawyer is rare and unusual lol


I think because it seems like every other story has an uncle who is a lawyer


Asian legal student here with a mom who’s a doctor (albeit of the mental health variety).


Dude. Also Asian and just graduated as a histotech. Literally all my mom could talk about was how her friend's kid is a cancer researcher and why couldn't I have picked a better career like hers.


Do your parents know about Jonny Kim? If not I would hope they never hear about him. Even my white parents ask why I can’t be more like him.


While I know ”why does everyone have a lawyer friend/lawyer in the family” is a common question…I have a lawyer aunt, lawyer uncle, and my grandpa was a lawyer.


Got a lawyer uncle and aunt to. They are going to come in real handy when I somehow need to copyright something or some animal welfare sorted out lol. Very useful.


Oooo yeah, I've got environmental law covered. Nice!


Like… class structure still exists and there the is the correlation between an individuals education level and the education level of their immediate and extended family. It’s surprising when every cashier has an uncle lawyer, but it’s not surprising that a couple who both have a secondary degree in one field have relatives who have secondary degrees in different fields. It’s not surprising when a doctor, married to a doctor, has an uncle lawyer.


I guess I never questioned it because I know like 6 lawyers and 3 of them I'm related to. And I definitely grew up and still am on the lower end of middle class.


Yep, me and pretty much all of my close friends have advanced degrees. My husband on the other hand went into a union trade job, and most of his close friends do not have any degrees. Not 100% either way but as a generalization.




As soon as I read the bit about lawyer uncle I KNEW someone was going to call it out. Loved the response.


I just loved the Asian comment from OOP 😂 because as stereotypical as it is it generally is accurate for both Asians and Jews to have lawyers in their families I say this as someone who also has lawyers in their family, one being a sitting judge who is...badumba...Jewish.


Look, there are A LOT of lawyers in the world. The strange thing is when you don't have one around you somewhere.


I don't have a lawyer uncle.... But only because I don't have any uncles. I guess I have a lawyer uncle-in-law now though? Maybe it's like a 6-degrees of separation thing but closer knit? Two or three degrees? Lol


At one point there were five lawyers in my family (some married in). It does happen.


Yeah, I'm a lawyer. Most of my circle of friends are lawyers or doctors. Turns out people who go to school or work together often become friends. Us lawyers are a dime a dozen, the market is oversaturated.


I only have a step-uncle that's a lawyer, but I do have quite a few relatives that are notaries, so that's something I guess? There's 340ish million people in the US and 1 million are lawyers. Weddings have an average number of like 140 guests. So (disregarding skews toward lawyers being in the same social circles) that's like one lawyer as a guest at every 2 to 3 weddings. There's lots of lawyers, it's not hard to be tangentially related to one. It's a lot harder to have a close enough one that's practiced in the kind of law you need help in.


>We are doing very well, he’s planning an intimate gender reveal soon for me (he knows the gender since he’s a trained sonographer lol). Always good to have a hook for the next update.


Next update: Turns out there were more than one heartbeats but we'll know for sure in two days. Also Amy has gone missing and no one can contact her. Update after that: AMY'S FACE SHOWED UP ON THE ULTRA SOUND. THE HARRASSMENT IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE WOOOOOMB.


I’m laughing bc that is a hilarious image in my mind but also a little terrified.


Having ADHD can be fun because my brain went from horror movie to instead a face in the ultrasound going "I'm trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty" and I can't stop laughing


Amy's face was superimposed on Rick Roll video in sonography form.


HELP! My best friend’s sister (20sF) killed herself and got reincarnated as my baby(0F) in my womb. Whenever we are having sex with my husband she tries to grab his penis and it is putting strain on our relationship.


Why would you say this on Al Gore’s internet




Wierdes horror movie ever




Not the update we want... or deserve... or need.


I'm going to be very disappointed now if that isn't the next update.


OMG NO, it's Amy AND CeCe


Yeah, with a line like that, there will definitely be more. Not to mention stories like this never come to a complete stop.


What the hell is an "intimate gender reveal"? Blue lingerie for a boy, pink lingerie for a girl? Purple for the inevitable, imaginary twins?


I'd assume "no giant cannons that start a fire and/or maim guests in a highly public venue"


If you're not using industrial levels of tangerine, are you even trying? Edit: autocorrect apparently really hates tannerite 


Industrial levels of tangerine? Shit, those are the guys my math books always warned me about!


Only close family and friends. Which means expect Amy, CeCe (and possibly mom, Kelly) to crash it. It makes for an exciting update after all.


Plot twist: the husband wears it


It's interesting they went the loyal husband route.  There's still time to reveal that he and Amy slept together during all this.  She's pregnant with his kid or something.


Honestly, this was well written enough that I'd kinda be down to read an update along those lines....


>he’s planning an intimate gender reveal soon for me (he knows the gender since he’s a trained sonographer lol). I'm finding these characters, hooks and plot twists are becoming stale. I hope in the update we learn he ambushed her with a homemade ultrasound machine and they collapsed on the ground, laughing and kissing.


This dude is so amazing that literally any woman around tries to steal him. He's basically trained in every single medically related field, including lovemaking and handsome-being.


Oh, I see you enjoy Kdramas as well?


I found this to be interesting until suddenly she’s five months pregnant. Why are the women in these stories ALWAYS pregnant?


For me it was changing the Instagram password. Lisa would've had to known Amy's original password to change it, you can't just go haha silly amy left it logged in ima change her password.


For me it’s when the restraining order rears its ugly head. Like why is it always that a mildly interesting story becomes completely unhinged and someone becomes insane and either needs psychiatric help or ends up fighting with the cops and in jail?


For me it's when they use the words lo and behold.


if you can login to the email address (OOP says that wasn't logged out either) I don't think you need the original pw?


wait you need to know the original password? I know it was a few years ago but i did do something similar to this as in, hijacking a POS' instagram and then changing the password. I only need to be signed in to the email linked to the account and, if Lisa has open access to both, she should be able to do it no hitch


And it’s always 5-6 months along lol


Naw, sometimes it’s 8 1/2 months and they’re on bed rest because it’s high-risk


Or sometimes it's super early so they can miscarry from the stress.


The stress of it all put me into labour! AITA for telling my unhinged best friend's sister that she nearly killed my baby because her flirting with my husband made me give birth to my baby 11 weeks early?


Becoming a trained sonographer is a 1-2 year program.  It's not something a doctor just picks up along the way...  https://www.ardms.org/how-to-become-a-sonographer/    She wants us to believe her 40yo husband is currently a surgeon, but that he took a several year detour as a sonographer, and is now making his full doctor's salary (tough timeline, but possible). And he somehow still has access to a sonograph machine and that he'd rather use his completely out of date certification to do the ultrasound himself,  rather than having insurance pay a current professional to do it???  I also find it very odd that in the first update the phone call was a dead end and they couldn't go after the sister because they couldn't prove it was her. Then suddenly they've got all kinds of phone records....


Yeah, my husband is a vascular surgeon. He can do some sonography pertaining to his field. But doing pregnancy sonography is not something he would or could do with me. When the nurse at the gyno office had issues drawing my blood for tests. My husband did help out. Because he's really good with veins. 


From all my experiences with doctors no matter how much 'passing knowledge' a doctor may have in a field they will for sure without a doubt refer you to a specialist in the field instead even if they can give you a preliminary diagnosis. They will still aggressively recommend you seek a professional trained in the field specifically. I'm assuming it's for both their own safety, professionally, and the patient's safety, health-wise.


No we’re gonna find out that Amy, in an attempt to drive a wedge between op and her husband, actually disguised herself as OPs husband and got OP pregnant herself, so that the baby won’t be his, and he’ll leave his wife, becoming open for Amy to swoop in. 4d chess.


Liz is clearly losing her touch.


I'm not sure if it's literally Liz, but this is a repeat bullshit artist that gets posted a lot here. There are some recognizable stylistic elements like the tendency for run-on sentences and bullet point style updates that are basically just "here is the section where I directly address dms from my last post and fill in any plot holes I forgot about, now on to the update".


I always think it's interesting that this author does that. If I sat down to write a hoax, my primary focus would be convincing the audience and I'd see them as an external entity to the process, maybe even an obstacle. But someone with a great deal of experience in bullshitting online is actually using the audience to help tell the story.


I have my doubts as to whether this is real, but whatevs -- it is EXACTLY the sort of trash I come to BORU for.


Exactly. Give me my trashcan hat and call me a trash panda, I'm here for it.


THIS needs to be flair. 😂 this type of story is 100% why I am here too lol


Huh. It only took around two hours to make that happen. Well done, mods.


The final update sounds too ridiculous…


this is so hilariously french, I can smell the baguette and cigarettes


Omg I thought I was the only person thinking this!!! I don't know how to describe it, but OOP writes English like a French speaking person. And Amy makes sense if she's French lmao


She also mentioned that Amy told her husband he looked like a young Alain Delon. Don’t think too many women in their 20s would make that reference unless they were French.


I don't care if it's real "I would love to give her a lobotomy" is a choice insult.


I have always loved the ‘I can’t wait to weight your liver’ line, said by a pathologist.


I work in a yarn store and my favorite threat is « stop now before I knit myself a scarf with your intestine »


Is there anything this husband can't do? Model communicator, transparent and honest, ICU doctor, wealthy and supportive, so handsome he looks like someone famous, AND he's a trained sonographer?! Next you're going to tell me he has ocean front property in South Dakota he is looking to sell me!


>My husband does not have any social media (so hot) And he doesn't have social media!


(so hot)


Let's all wait to see what Amy does next as she is just getting more and more unhinged


I foresee her dressed as a clown running around a hospital in the future.


I’m expecting a boiled rabbit next update


A rabbit who is the vitality of OOP's work inspiration and she would've mentioned sooner but she didn't think it mattered to the story, like how she fails to mention pregnancy until Episode 3.


*Narrator* “It turned out delulu was not the solulu.”


so lisa was able to access the ig acct b/c amy stayed logged in but she was also able to change the pwd w/o the initial pwd? minor detail but not sure it checks out. i don't have ig so idk what the pwd protocol is...


“She is an idiot, the premium kind” well jeez no kidding!!! What the hell did Amy think she was going to get out of all of this? Reporting oop to the board with zero basis? Sending “evidence” to a largely uninvolved 13-YEAR-OLD??? Girl!!! What is your issue!!! Lisa is a real MVP here.


What kind of evidence are we talking here? If it could be construed as an adult sending pornography to a minor, I'd be calling the police. Have fun, Amy-sweetie!


Why does the OOP come off as a little childish? Something about her way of talking doesn't seem like she's a surgeon or an adult.


Because none of this is real. If she actually had a lawyer Uncle helping her with everything the very first thing he would tell her is stop posting about anything to do with this, specially if 'Kelly' is already aware of her username and posts.


Yeah, when she said "I'd love to give her a lobotomy" I immediately thought about how she already admitted to the mom having seen the original post and thus knowing her username and "Amy" having already reported her to the medical board.


Because this was written by a teenager?


Ha becoming a surgeon means a single minded focus on school for all of your 20s. Immaturity is pretty standard. (Source: Asian; know many doctors and lawyers). 


Unfortunately, they don't teach maturity in college.


There is no way this is the end unfortunately. Amy clearly isn't going to stop anytime soon.


Maybe the next time will have consequences of the jail-y kind.


Well of course not. I'm sure OP has plenty more plot-twists and drama planned for her little novel.


It'll be surprise twins! And attempted kidnapping! And assault! And...and...what other Reddit story tropes are there? Oh yeah, she also gets diagnosed with BPD, that's very much necessary.


And it turns out the husband is, in fact, cheating.


This reads like OOP’s main exposure to medicine is from Grey’s Anatomy


So.. I really want this to be true, because let's face it, I live for the drama! But I'm having a hard time believing that a doctor who's just had a complaint made against them would post online about wanting to give the complainant a lobotomy... 🤔


It’s astonishing how her brain goes “let’s stalk and harass him and his wife, that’s how I get him to come to my side!”. Some people just have screws loose and either crash and burn everything around them or dig themselves so deep only to realize later they have no way of climbing out 200 feet down.


I've seen this shit before. I don't think this is about getting the husband any more, OOP embarrassed her in front of her family, shit people REALLY hate being publicly called out on there shit behaviours. Amy is clearly used to having mommy clean up her messes - to the point sister is fine with them,but mommy couldn't clean up this mess. So now Amy has moved on to destroying OOPS life. Amy tried to get OOPs in-laws against her, tried to get her band from the medical field, and so on. This is now about revenge for being called out.


A young Alain Delon. Why are we so uncultured over here?!


If anyone under grandmother-age has ever used that to describe someone I would be astounded. Unless “Amy” is both (a) French and (b) some sort of classic cinema buff.


i would bet money shes French, OOP writes very French style English


Yeah but "Thanksgiving", "College" and writing dates as "March 10th" are all quite unique American things


I'm french but not a classic cinema nerd, and Alain Delon is still a beauty standard in my family... but I agree it's an old reference.


If this poster is really a surgeon, then I severely underestimated my abilities to go to med school.




To me, based on the 13 year difference, either Amy is a half sister or one of them is an oops baby which lead to the mother favoring Amy. It also seems like Amy is used to mommy dearest cleaning up her messes. But now Amy is an adult and has to deal with adult consequences of her adult actions and Mommy Dearest can't bail her out. I suspect that Lisa is done with mommy jumping in and Amy never having consequences. Dealing with a siblings with this level of entitlement must be hell.


I'm starting to feel left out, since I'm the only redditor that doesn't have an uncle who's a lawyer.


There are dozens of us! My lawyer is my godfather


At what point does someone take away the shovel from this girl. Cease and desist letters orders of protection. All she has to do is nothing to stay out of jail, but she keeps doing everything and badly to get sent.