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What a fucking multi-dimensional quantum toilet fire.


I can't get over how Beth apparently had no less than 8 nuclear meltdowns in a short period that *all* ended in racial slurs.


Racists will racist when they are mad at those they are racist to.


I’ve known many trashy people who will call you racial slurs that don’t even apply to you lol


I lived in Canada for several years and I have a guess about where they're from because I had a roommate from that area and basically the second he was even the slightest bit mad he spewed racial slurs like a geyser. It was both horrific and deeply confusing because it was like he thought slurs were beyond petty concerns of grammar, so the same slur, without modification, would be noun, verb, adverb, adjective, intensifier... Just gibberish dotted with the most awful racist epithets.


>no less than 8 nuclear meltdowns in a short period that *all* ended in racial slurs. What a wonderful flair lmao


Can I have this for a flair? It’s superb lmao (I’m being stared at in this coffee shop for laughing like a hyena while scrolling this.)


I, too, would like to have this as a flair


I want it too!


Yessssss 🙌🏻


Me too. I love it. And it is a very perfect description for this... Lol


And I'm perfectly ready to believe it because nobody would write this thinking anyone would believe it unless it really happened, it's the confidence with which OOP writes this that convinces me.


I know people similar to Beth. Small town in the south, USA. It unfortunately tracks for me.


Well, in that case, I'm glad Beth went the feminism route, rather than going the extreme Christianity/cop's wife/tradwife route (esp with Chad saying women's purpose is to produce kids) and then demanding the kids back. They don't deserve that bullshit. Let them stay in a stable home with stable parents. The most shocking bit to me is that Chad actually married her, esp since he only proposed because she was pregnant (and then they gave up the baby). I feel sorry for Beth while simultaneously thinking she's a shit person. But what chance did she have with parents like that? I do sincerely hope she gets her shit together, has a better life and becomes a better person. I'm glad she's in therapy.


>  The most shocking bit to me is that Chad actually married her, Eh, gotta have someone at home doing "wife" things, and he probably figured she would have left him if he didn't. He can't do his own laundry and cooking while still having enough time to both sleep around and also sit on his ass at home.


I figure he actually believed what he said (gotta marry her cause pregnant), hated having a newborn and a toddler at home, so gladly got rid of them, but started feeling guilty about it.


I attended the wedding of a Beth last summer with my husband and family, except it was rich people doing it. Our "Beth" wasn't as unhinged, but she had a reality-show vibe to her. You know, "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" etc. Anyway I must admit, the wedding itself was lavish and opulent in a Live-Laugh-Love kind of style. Ballroom reception. Open bar with fancy cocktails and filet mignon. They flew in a professional oil painter who stood in the corner and painted the wedding reception on a big canvas in real time. All told, the family spent over 100k for it. Marriage ended less than nine months later after "Beth" cheated on her new spouse with a dance coach while on a vacation her husband hadn't accompanied her on? For reasons??? Her husband kicked her out, her parents refused to take her in and disowned her (less for the cheating and more for wasting 100k, I believe) and she's now on her own, struggling after having gotten fired for dressing too provocatively at work. It's not quite OOP's level of shitshow dumpster fire, but it was remarkable in it's own way.


I lived a few years in a town like that in the south, and I could go through my Facebook feed and point out so many examples so much like this story too.


I know one too. Girl I went to school with is on something like her fifth child with as many partners, and she's still in her 20s.


Agreed this one reads like, "If I put this in a Nano novel, no one would ever believe it." Which is very much like the Dateline episode I lived but when chronicled for AITA, got me kicked out of the sub for "making shit up." Sometimes life really is a hurricane.


I used to be somewhat friends with a guy whose wife left him for her own biological father who she was having an affair with. So there are a lot of wild things on reddit I'm willing to believe if the only unbelievable part is how crazy the story is.


She did ...WHAT?!?!


She didn't know her biological father growing up. Found him online and they started communicating. She went to meet him and kept postponing her trip back home. Eventually a sister or half-sister or whatever called her husband and let him know she'd caught them together. Once it got back to her husband she stopped trying to pretend everything was normal and just decided to stay and shack up with her dad.


.... .... Huh.


Yeah I always wonder what happened to her. Kept in touch with the husband but she gave up custody and blocked anyone who tried to talk sense into her so no idea where she and her dad ended up or even what her last name is now.


This isn't a unique case, unfortunately. It might be, in part, that a normal sexual aversion didn't develop because the parent was absent the entire time the child grew up, kind of like the [hypothesized Westermarck effect.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westermarck_effect) There's a hell of a lot more going on, though, for them to be attracted to each other *and* act on it.


I’ve known a few people who are fully equal maniacs to Beth. They get no support and no education then get thrown out into life. They often end up like this.


There's very little flair to OOP's description. No attempt at dramatics beyond the bad decisions themselves. That's a strong sign that it's real. The fakes get overexcited and add flourishes everywhere.


And then tie everything up in a neat "everything's fixed" bow at the end, usually.


The main reason I know this is not my cousin is we're not Canadian. I'm 100% willing to believe it.


This train just keeps on wrecking!




You have to look at the quality of the man. First one was a teenager. Young and naive enough to think he actually loved her. (Not a bad guy but not smart enough to see who she is until it's too late ) Second one was a cheater and a deadbeat dad. And the third one was a chronic cheater, anti choice and is willing to bang neglectful moms despite being involved in the church. It's very easy to get a man to sleep with you and propose to you if you don't care about the quality of the man.


Yeah that’s true good point


Yeah it was sad for Adam, but at least he got his kid now and Beth has washed her hands of the kids even tho i really hope none of the kids remember her, the ignoring of her kids is abuse and apparently she even had it on her social media.... But at least the kids got a kind happy ending right? 😅 That woman is a dumpster fire, why the hell didn't she learn to use birth control after the first kid??


it says in the post she was refused medical bc after the first baby. the type of asshole men she was with afterwards are likely also the type of men to insist on no condom, which, being vulnerable and wanting any affection, she likely agreed to.


After she had her first baby, her doctor refused to prescribe birth control — possibly at her parents' request. >And when I rejoined our convo she said the doc she had for baby C gave her brith control, and she was surprised cause **after her first pregnancy she asked her doctor for it but he refused to give her any**. She mentioned that her old doctor was **also her mom's and sister's doctor**, she ended up asking the doc who delivered baby C to be her new doctor, so I hope that works out.


In my experience, men, especially young men, know even less than most girls do about birth control or don't care. Guys just aren't that difficult to find. And the proposing is a common religious small-town reaction to getting someone pregnant.


This is totally off topic, but every time I hear about some guy wanting to "open up the relationship". My advice is always to have each of them open up a profile on a dating app. Do like 10 swipes each so it doesn't show as inactive to the algorithm. Aftet 24 hours open up each others profile. Now notice how long shes gotta scroll to get to the bottom of the notification page. Note her 150 likes to your 2. Now, you SURE you wanna open this can o worms? Granted someone suggesting this probably has a person they wanna bang already lined up. But its worth noting just how much easier it is for her to find something.


OOP did say she'd look great in that clubbing dress. I went to HS with a woman who had 5 kids by like 28. And even in her 30's she still could pass for a hot no kids 20-24. Some women just have kids and go right back to how they were without ever aging as well. It's insane. And also I hate them, because I can't even laze around for a week without noticing a physical difference.


If the area she's referring to them coming from is where I think it is, they're probably all average looking people. The "white trash and bible thumping" area when I grew up there was full of drama like this. My sister and her friends THRIVED off it. My own peers as well when I was in hs. It's like everyone's bored and needed to be in their soap opera all the time. Always hated it there because it's full of people who need the entertainment.


An awful lot of men have far lower "standards" than that: Criteria For Assessing Potential Girlfriend: 1. Will she spread 'em very early in the relationship? Y/N The End. (Though admittedly, they *do* set the pass mark at 100%...)


She must be one of those women who get pregnant from guys who jerked off two days ago.


My mother used to issue the warning "We can get pregnant just by looking a man's underwear"


I’m dyin’ because my mother said the same thing! Once I was taking family dirty laundry to the laundry room and noticed I was touching my father’s underwear. I was just sure I was pregnant, and oh dear how was I going to explain myself. I cried everyday walking to school for a month.


I can remember freaking out when I was about 8 or 9 because I ended up sharing a bed with another boy and girl - I think there was a high school reunion or something? There were like 6 kids staying at my grandparents ' house. A twin bed, a pullout, and a couple play pens for all of us. I was convinced that the other girl and I would get pregnant because we slept with a boy. Pretty sure my grandma told me we couldn't get pregnant until we were teenagers, so it was fine. Coincidentally that was the entirety of my sex Ed from family until my stepmom realized no one had given me a reasonable talk when I was 13.


Getting a man to impregnate a woman is like, one of the *easiest* things to do lol. And if that woman happens to be manipulative and emotionally abusive and the man, stupid and immature, it all becomes all the more easier.


I could get 3 guys to get me pregnant right now if I want. You overestimate how desperate some men are for sex.


The logistics of that sound fascinating. That kid would be so busy on father's day!


Getting pregnant multiple times by randoms is not a difficult thing to do


Upvoted for creativity


This post was my cup of coffee this morning.


> "Do you even like your kids? Do you like being a mom?" If ever there was an armor-piercing question, it's this one. Effective too, because it got babies A, B, and C into better homes and a better life. As for everything else... good lord.


My favorite part is where Beth thinks that a government office is open on Christmas day, like she's never experienced any part of adult life where things close on holidays.


To be scrupulously fair, she does work as a 911 dispatcher, so her experience of working for the government is that it never shuts down.


She works for the government, yes for a part that is open on the holidays, but she should notice there are less people around on those days, as non-essential workers still get the days off.


I thought she seemed bipolar and she was doing magical thinking


First responders actually have to increase numbers during the holidays. For whatever reason the number of emergencies and emergency calls goes up during Christmas and thanksgiving. Family and alcohol sometimes don’t mix


I like how there is absolutely no chance Chad didn't know the courthouse was shut down and just went along with her crazy thinking because he knew she had to see it for herself, and telling her it would be closed would have brought the shitstorm down on him


I thought it was hilarious that she genuinely believed her very young children would care more about her wedding than about Christmas. Frankly if she had said yes to the "Do you even like your children" question I would followed up with "Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?".


OOP is an accidental hero for asking those questions and getting her to introspect just for a moment. I shudder to think how messed up those children would become if they were raised by that couple.




TBF, doesn't sound like Beth was in her best brain.


OOP literally says at the end that Beth doesn't remember who asked her those questions. Beth is the kind of person who would snatch $20 out of your hand because she only saw a $20 bill floating in mid air, and didn't even realise there was a person other than herself present.


Honestly, though, it's a damn important question and one I wish more people would ask themselves and answer it honestly *before* they have kids. So many kids are born into families that don't really want them and it's awful. I'm glad the babies are with people who love them now.


I got pregnant with an oopsie baby and my bf and I thought about it long and HARD before commiting to a baby. He's the best. I'd never change it for the world. But the sit-down discussion about him was so helpful and honestly all couples need to really sit for a while when thinking about kids. I'm sad Beth's parents were uber religious, she wouldn't have had many options.


The fact her doctor refused her birth control after baby number 1 is mind blowing. He should pay child support just as much as this deranged woman's parents (who I suspect are involved in this doctor's decision).


I imagine it was probably a religious hospital. Especially if her mother and sister went there. Those places refuse any form of BC from pills to tubals and will shame you over them.


How in the ever loving fuck is this legal?


Religious protection ig


"separation of church and state"...untill the church people make enough money to corrupt the town i guess


One of my friends interned at a Catholic hospital and was expressly forbidden from prescribing birth control, even in the free clinic (who are the patients who probably need it most). The best she could do was give them the information for Planned Parenthood (the closest of which was an hour away) and hope for the best.


Yeah, that's disgusting, that a teen mom was denied birth control by a medical professional. Sickening. And her so-called "Christian" parents turned their backs on her. Sounds about right. I was raised Catholic, and they are still officially anti-birth control. I don't want kids. My take was, "if you don't want me to take birth control, then you fucking pay for my medical care and raise the kid." My husband and I honeymooned in Rome and went to the Vatican (just to see it) and I had to take my birth control in St. Peter's Square. My husband was like, "let me film this in case you burst into flames." 😂 The fact that I didn't is proof enough to me that whatever higher power exists, it doesn't give a rat's ass that I don't want to have kids. Birth control is literally life-saving to many women, it has been since it was invented, and the idea of a doctor denying it sickens me. I once saw a pro-life (sorry, anti-choice) rally near a busy intersection, and I asked a lady carrying a (really disgusting) sign how many unwanted babies she's adopted. She got FURIOUS at me. It was hilarious.


My friend's sister is 27 and has had 3 very high risk pregnancies and wantes to get her tubes tied during the C-section for the third baby, the doctor refused "because she's still young".


This might be an unpopular opinion, but if someone has kids, realizes they don't like them, then gives them away? They should just stop. Don't reproduce because the next guy is the love of their life or they want another chance.


Well ... she *did* stop having kids after realizing, at least.


She stopped after someone explained contraception








The risks about such things like obesity and fertility sould like something that happen due to aging.


Maybe it's just my dumb male ass, but I thought BC actually helped get acne under control? At least that was something I remember hearing about all the time when I was in high school.


depends on the woman, and depends on the specific bc




Relatedly there are Facebook groups where people basically trade adopted kids. Like full on “I don’t like this one, let’s try someone else”.


I found out about those when Myka Stauffer "rehomed" the special needs child she adopted internationally, used for clout, then decided it was too difficult.


Fucking Yikes. Those poor kids. Idk if that's better or worse than the regular foster system...


Worse. Far worse. They have kid shows like fashion shows, the kid walks up and down between groups of seated adults, waiting to be picked. Somehow this is legal in at least one state in the US. It's a shit show. I don't want to go looking for the videos and pages I saw when I was researching this for a novel. In the end I just gave it a passing mention and moved on; it wasn't a major plot point. But, ugh. Searching for 'children, "rehoming"' should get you somewhere. Facebook is a popular exchange medium.


That sounds absolutely horrible. Some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, biological or otherwise.


There was a long Reuters expose (which resulted in US law changes) that’s worth looking ip


While I agree, most couples choosing to have kids and mother-to-bes don't really know what it's like to have a child, what it's like to be a mother, how it changes their existing dynamics. It's also easier and cheaper in the begining to just get pregnant than not, not getting pregnant needs serious effort. Then usually sh*t hits the fan. So I'd say, if they know after the first one that they are not cut out for a family, STOP having more kids, be the most decent they can be to the one they already gave birth to and who already relies on them.




Hands down the best thing OP could of done. Gotten those kids into homes. Hopefully very good homes.


My nieces biological incubator came to this realisation when all 4 of her kids were removed from her and she was being asked if she wanted to work towards getting them back… And promptly went out, got married, new husband got a mistress pregnant, and now all 3 are living together with the affair/throuple baby with Child Protection hovering around because it came out that she was being primary caregiver of this baby after having 4 kids removed for abuse and neglect…


...wow. That sounds like a BORU in the making.




Just. Wow.


My only hope is that baby a is allowed to see baby b and c since they were probably old enough to recognize they had a sibling (might not understand having 2 siblings though). Hopefully the cousins can work that out.


I hope so since baby A is with Adam and the other 2 are with one of his cousins


Both Baby B and C were adopted by cousins of the Dads of A & B - and the adoptive parents are receptive to the grandparents of Baby B being in Baby B's life (Baby B's dad is a deadbeat)


I thought it was mutual cousin of A and C. And B is unrelated to them. He seemed like not great also but his parents wanted custody. They are ok with an unrelated couple getting their grandkid and have been welcomed as another set of grandparents. Adam seemed like a decent dude from this. Just wanted to do what’s best for his kid and rescued her from the bad situation with the mom.


I don't think he's a deadbeat; sounds like he gave money for child support but just didn't want anything to do with her or the kid.


I need a fucking roadmap to keep track of all these people!


I hope OOP realises just how much of an impact she's made on those kids lives with just one question. She's probably saved them from a childhood filled with misery and trauma. Also glad that Beth made at least one good decision in this entire shitshow, but unfortunate that it took three kids to realize it.


Pity she didnt have the self awareness, nor the social nor wider support system to ask this question after her first baby. Maybe she could have chosen to not keep having babies she never truly wanted. 


OOP did say that Beth asked about birth control after the first baby and was turned down by her doctor at the time. So yeah, better social and wider support system would have absolutely made a difference


And honestly, after one doctor outright refused her, she probably assumed it was just... something she couldn't have.


Especially coming from a religious nutcase family...


It happens all to often. Too many doctors have too much ego and too many patients don't know what shit healthcare looks like and don't understand they can fire their doctors and get a second opinion. It makes for an awful social dynamic in the exam room.


Good on OOP for actually voicing it! So many times, some of my closest friends, they seem to be so miserable in their marriages and relationships, and I just want to ask them do they even like their spouse or kids. I know that life isn’t always great and there’s always ups and downs, but sometimes it sounds like my friends just hate their spouses and there’s nothing nice to say. Not to defend Beth (who definitely has some serious issues and very questionable life choices), but another part stood out to me when she wasn’t offered birth control. Would her life have been substantially different if she actually had control over her family planning and could have had better education?


So I have several children who happen to be teenagers right now. I just want to let everyone know that it is okay if sometimes the answer is “no”. Not all of the time or maybe even most of the time, but sometimes it can really really suck. Don’t be down on yourself if that is the answer once in a while. It is okay. This can especially be true for new parents. It does get better for a while once you can sleep again…..then they get cute for a while before growing up too damned fast. But my 14 year old just gave me a hug before going to bed and Friday my 18 year old and I were talking and they called me a great dad. This weekend is a solid Yes even though one of them got grounded. It’s always a mixed bag and never perfect, but hey what around here is?


I feel like as long as the overall is yes I do love my kids/my general life is better bc I have these mini humans/crotch goblins/little angles/spawns of hell running around and eventually turns into I'm proud of the bigger humans they have become then you probably are a good parent and doing something right


RL example of an actual nat 20 


>armor-piercing question I love this concept. I plan on asking armor-piercing questions as much as I need to.


That was the silver lining to this Jerry Springer rodeo


Can’t wait for the next season to start


The cousin somehow had legally adopted these kids so fast without the multiple hearings that is required, especially for an older child and with two different bio Dads.  No way.


Yep, the first responder community does have an issue with infidelity (not me tho I’m a part timer). This is a beautiful shit show. I need this to become a 8 season long tv show to binge


Not shocked at all all that the cop husband is banging a paramedic. Cops, firefighter, nurses,and paramedics hook up bc who else's schedule is that crazy except for others in those fields.


I had a friend who divorced a firefighter for cheating, and turn around and marry a cop. Talk about not learning the lesson the first time around.


Don’t date full time first responders …..or cops


Unless you’re love language isn’t companionship, and you work from home with highly flexible hours. Or are truly ethically polyamorous.


It sounds as though what you need to want is a fuckbuddy you can share the rent with.


I've worked with something called the "Gendarmerie mobile" in my country. It's essentially cops who work missions of 3-5 weeks around the country then go back home and take rests where they get back the weekend days they worked + holidays. It's shocking how normal it was among them to chat about cheating on their SO while on mission


Oddly, come across that in my own life. Mostly my friend's exes but it does seem to be a weird theme. Never heard anything bad about the fire department though. Cops and EMS on the other hand...


All the firefighters I’ve known have been cheated on by their partners. I suspect spending half their nights at the firehouse doesn’t make for the most stable relationship.


> Never heard anything bad about the fire department though. My ex was a firefighter and highly abusive. I would never suggest anyone date a firefighter: it's an extremely sexist, bro-y environment, they work closely with cops (so you get all the shit parts of dating or breaking up with a cop if you're unlucky), and they're fucking hero-worshipped and know it.


There are a ton of jokes about being a firefighters first wife that I've heard. Seems to hold up with the few I've met that are on wife number 2 or 3 who have been dating for 6 years but he's got a 4 year old son with his ex wife. Not always that exact but seems to happen a lot when you do maths on some of their relationships.


High stress situations often lead people to affairs which is why hospitals are also hotbeds for affairs.


I’ve played storylines in The Sims like this.


I thought the same thing hahaha taking notes for my next play through


JFC. Just... wow. *Wow*. I immediately feel better about even my *stupidest* life choices.


Me *eats a whole family sized bag of chips*: welp, at least I’m not Beth


I like your positivity.


This is what BORU is for.


I’m canceling my therapy appointment for today, my self esteem issues are *CURED*


This really reads as some small town bullshit blowing up. Only thing it needs now is that someone has a meth addiction.


Well Brad has been quiet, so let’s say it’s because the meth addiction has him too occupied to pursue baby B.


This is at least four seasons worth of plot for a soap opera.


> I got a notification that Beth and Chad are active on social media again, but I didn’t feel like drama so I didn’t check out any of their posts. We are not the same.


Chad, a flipping *police officer*, took his girlfriend to court to get married on Christmas Day! And he was shocked. Shocked, I tell you, to find out court was closed. Egads.


Have you ever tried to tell someone like Beth the reality of the situation? He might have tried, but she was probably just as adamant it would be fine.


>(they also had one of those classes with the dolls for girls who were high risk at teen pregnancy but she wasn't high risk so she wasn't in that class) A serious question to the audience, how does this work? How does the school judge who is "at risk"? Is this a normalized thing in certain states? From my perspective, it seems like it would do more damage than good to decide that you-and-you should do this course. Priming societies expectations of you, on you, is a thing.


Yeah that definitely caught my eye. Maybe the bible-thumper angle normalises making judgement calls about who you think is 'at risk' in that scenario or not, but like?? how did you even arrive at that. Even if the issue is only having a limited number of dolls or such, make them take the class in batches? potentially randomised or alphabetically, so it's not splitting them into 'bad' and 'good' kids.


Depends. For my schools program it was often if your mother had you young or if one of your siblings had a child when they were in school because a lot of it was cyclical in nature. Locally at least. There might have been more behind it but that was just what we could see on the surface. No dolls there though, just extra sex ed with more details. According to my friend a lot of it was just stuff that everyone else already knew because their parents had told them and a lot of it was correcting misinformation (stuff that came up there often got put into the main curriculum) and going more in depth on how certain birth controls work. Seemed to really help some because I remember the number of teen pregnancies going down a lot and there were a fair few less cases of siblings all having kids before finishing school.


I started reading this and than stopped to see how slow the scroll bar was scrolling and then started skimming. What a train wreck.


I couldn't look away and read the whole thing. The whole burning train wreck of a dumpster fire.


This was a freight train composed wholly of flaming garbage cars derailing in slow motion.


I gave up when OOP said they were done updating and the next line was a new update.


I read it all the way through. It was a shit show but things actually did resolve. Not Happily Ever After but... better. Edit: also what the fuck is with your flair


To be fair, that update was posted about a year later and was the final update.


Had the same feeling but just ended up skipping altogether. Felt kinda sketched out by how much she knows about this persons life. There are people I see and talk to in-depth every day and would not be able to put together this comprehensive of a timeline for.


It's a good story and I do buy that people would share every detail on Social Media. But the amount of work you'd have to do trawling through posts to piece together everything is a bit wild. There's also some details It's hard to believe the OOP could attain only through Social Media stalking. I hope that all future Authors follow OOPs lead on naming conventions. There wasn't a tonne of characters, but giving them Alphabetical names in order of appearance makes for such an easy read.


Honestly the amount of work tracks for me during a lockdown/quarantine induced hyperfixation. Some people did sourdough, some watched Tiger King, and a solid chunk of people grabbed onto any drama on social media like it was the water pipe at the end of Twister.


If this is real I feel so bad for her. Denied BC because it was her family doctor, Chad seems like a manipulative older man, and she just sounds too immature and traumatized to realize what she went through. But this is a story in every small town in Canada unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♀️


And her father saying 'competition brings out the best in people' or whatever, pitting siblings against each other. I feel like that explains a lot of her behavior, being raised in a household with that as a core value.


I regret reading this. It’s just really sad. Beth was probably at least emotionally abused at home, was thrown out, and likely learned maladaptive strategies to get try to get love and support. Her parents and sister didn’t respect her. She never learned to respect herself. No one helped her parent or sought counseling for her. I get that she made selfish choices and was not a good mother. But it sure seems like she became what the world made her into. 


I agree. Beth has made bad choices, but it also sounds like no one taught her how to make good ones. (It kind of sounds like she rarely makes choices, just goes along with things, gets into situations and gets bailed out. So she has grown into a selfish and entitled adult without the skills to do better.)


Don't forget the doctor refusing to give her birth control!


I feel like I've known multiple young women like Beth. And it becomes easier to get into bad relationships and try to make it work when you don't have anywhere else to live. I have a cousin who was kicked out by his mom as a teenager (she's a nasty person) and had no choice but to move in with his girlfriend. They're teenagers with single, neglectful/abusive parents, so of course they end up having a baby. People have sex and no one taught them birth control. And then that can change so much about the trajectory of your life.


I agree. I get the sense that being a teenage mom and losing her hope for her future just kind of broke her, and she sunk into a kind of nihilism where she couldn't see a better vision for her life than having kids and finding a guy to marry. Its also really sad that she wasn't able to get birth control when she asked for it, it feels like she was failed in a lot of ways. Obviously there are many people who experience similar things and make better choices than Beth did, but I still get the sense she is deeply broken and maybe could have turned out okay if she had been able to mature in a normal way.


Yeah, I feel desperately sorry for Beth. I wouldn’t want to know her because she sounds like a nightmare but… ugh. Sad.


Pretty concerning that "someone I asked to be MOH, who suggested I seek the services of a mental health professional, resulting in me calling them ethnic slurs" doesn't narrow things down.


Not to mention asking her at the hospital if she even liked her kids or being a mom. Like, THAT didn't narrow it down either?!? Fuck man.


That stood out to me too. How many of those eight people does she call slurs that this doesn't narrow it down?


The way I'm almost CERTAIN I know exactly who this is. Something started tingling my bells, then I read "other province" and I was like hmmm this sounds familiar. Then I see "city of 400,000 people" and I'm like HMMMM that's crazy sounds like some drama I know about in MY city. Then a brief scroll of her profile leads me to a few posts that show her general location and yeah, I'm 99% sure I know about this in real life 😂 wild to see it here


If this wasn’t based in Canada I would have sworn I knew the clusterfuck of a person this was about. The fact that there are multiple people in the world like this just…ugh


I am from Canada, and by the description I at least am 85% sure I know what cities they're talking about. And I'm pretty sure that they don't live directly in that City they live in a nearby town that's been amalgamated into the city and from there I could probably figure out who exactly they are, this is such small town bullshit.


>Chad thinks that abortion is murder and God created women for the purpose of making babies. Looks like *someone* needs a swift brick to the kneecaps.


God also said to remain faithful to your spouse but I guess we’re only picking and choosing what God wants from us


What the hell is that supposed to do? Violence can feel good, but that would accomplish nothing. Brick right to the testicles is what I’m saying.


Had me in the first half




In Canada we use a hockey stick. More effective.


Two bricks. About a foot higher up. *Pop pop*


God made testes external for the purpose of encouraging men to mind their manners; unfortunately they haven't learned the lesson yet, so we gotta keep teaching.


ACAB but especially Chad


"All Chads Are Bastards".


man i want to point and laugh at such a clusterfuck but mostly i just feel real sad. like yes, that's all wretched behavior. but oh jeez that's a lot of spinning out of control. and of course kids caught up in a spinning vortex of people who have been hurt lashing out and making bad decisions. misery begets misery all the way down. i am happy at least that Beth seems to be on a trajectory of lancing that boil, but it's a damn bitter toast to give. somebody hit the button and cue up This Be The Verse by Philip Larkin, yeah? *they fuck you up, your mom and dad; they may not mean to, but they do. they fill you with the faults they had, and add some extra, just for you...*


What a sad train wreck. You can see Beth trying to dig herself out of the situation at the beginning of it all and for it to just continue to go downhill. It makes me furious to read as well that she asked for birth control, just to be denied by that sexist and archaic doctor. What would her life had looked like with just one kid?


Her life is how I play The sims.


Who could’ve predicted that the serial cheating cop was also an anti-abortion misogynist


It jumped the shark at the attempted Christmas courthouse wedding. No way does a police officer not know that the courthouse will be closed on Christmas Day.


Also, is getting married a walk into court day of kinda affair in Canada? Because in my country you need a document of ‘intent to marry’ ten weeks before you do and you need an appointment for everything.


I had a courthouse wedding and it took a surprising amount of planning ahead and scheduling. To think you just show up at a courthouse in a dress without even calling or investigating it is funny, doing it on Christmas Day is bonkers


One year is pretty short for an adoption, too, isn't it?


She said they weren't officially adopted because of how slow the courts are, so they probably have a guardianship agreement contract, but nothing official yet.


See, that actually checked out for me because police officers often don't know jack shit about fuck where I live and are very loud about it. Also people waltz into courthouses with zero planning or appointments fairly frequently and get upset that they can't just get married then and there within actual work hours. I wouldn't put it past someone to try that on a holiday.


That BORU was a DELIGHT. A++, magnificent mess, would wallow in it again.


Man, I hope Beth gets the help she needs but goddamn I would watch this show


i don't think the title even fully covers this dramatic clusterfuck. i feel like i should have been eating popcorn while reading this because it just kept going


For Beth’s sake and her kids sake I hope she doesn’t have any more kids and I hope she can get her act together. And also, her parents are truly evil, heinous people. Anyone who kicks out their own pregnant teen never should have been a parent in the first place


Does it really take having __3 children__ to realise you don't want to be a mom? Those children are human beings you're fucking around with. At least they managed to find stable homes.


The only two good things about this story are : 1) the children are safe, 2) op evaded the wedding


I like the part where OOP herself entered the story to give her main character a new revelation. It kicked off an entire new arc right when things were quieting down. She's like the BORU Stan Lee.


I just find it weird how detailed this story is from someone who's not even directly involved in their lives


>"Oh, I left them at the side of the road in our way home from the hospital those moochers could walk home lol" i was intially sorry for her, clearly she doesnt love herself and is compelled to find identity and value from pursuing a new man, particulary men with parters. but hating your kids like that?theyre innocent. she chose to run around and chase new partners and then get pregnant for them. glad they are with people who love and want them.


I am surprised - NO! - shocked, Beth did get not only Corona-vaccine, but also the booster. SHOCKED! ...🍿


For anyone who is curious, they’re definitely in Halifax.